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Package with models for electrical storage with a AC three-phase balanced connector


This package contains models for storage elements with an AC three-phase balanced connector.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Storage.Battery Battery Simple model of a battery
Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Storage.Examples Examples Package with example models

Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Storage.Battery Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Storage.Battery

Simple model of a battery



Simple model of a battery.

This model takes as an input the power to be stored in the battery (if P > 0) or to be extracted from the battery. This model takes into account the efficiency of the conversion between DC and AC ηDCAC.

The output connector SOC is the state of charge of the battery. This model does not enforce that the state of charge is between zero and one. However, each time the state of charge crosses zero or one, a warning will be written to the simulation log file. The model also does not limit the current through the battery. The user should provide a control so that only a reasonable amount of power is exchanged, and that the state of charge remains between zero and one.

Extends from Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Storage.Battery (Simple model of a battery).


replaceable package PhaseSystemOnePhasePhase system
RealetaCha0.9Efficiency during charging [1]
RealetaDis0.9Efficiency during discharging [1]
RealSOC_start Initial charge
EnergyEMax Maximum available charge [J]
BooleanlinearizedfalseIf =true introduce a linearization in the load
Realpf0.9Power factor
Realeta_DCAC0.9Efficiency of DC/AC conversion
InitModeinitModeBuildings.Electrical.Types.I...Initialization mode for homotopy operator


input RealInputPPower stored in battery (if positive), or extracted from battery (if negative) [W]
output RealOutputSOCState of charge

Modelica definition

model Battery "Simple model of a battery" extends Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Storage.Battery(redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal, V_nominal(start=480), redeclare Buildings.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Resistive bat); end Battery;

Automatically generated Mon Jul 13 14:22:49 2015.