
Collection of models that validate the models that access files


This package contains models that validate the models that access files. The examples plot various outputs. These model outputs are stored as reference data to allow continuous validation whenever models in the library change.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Utilities.IO.Files.Validation.WeeklyScheduleWindowsLineEndings WeeklyScheduleWindowsLineEndings Weekly schedule example

Buildings.Utilities.IO.Files.Validation.WeeklyScheduleWindowsLineEndings Buildings.Utilities.IO.Files.Validation.WeeklyScheduleWindowsLineEndings

Weekly schedule example



Example for a weekly schedule that reads the schedule data from a file. There are two file readers, one reading a file with Windows line endings and the other with Linux line endings.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Stringdata"double tab1(3,5) #test: mon...Contents of schedule.txt

Modelica definition

model WeeklyScheduleWindowsLineEndings "Weekly schedule example" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter String data = "double tab1(3,5) #test: mon:0:0:10 - 3 1 - tue,thu:20:30:59 123 - 45 - wed 12 1 4 -" "Contents of schedule.txt"; Buildings.Utilities.IO.Files.WeeklySchedule weeSchLin( columns={2,3,4,5}, tableOnFile=true, fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://Buildings/Resources/Data/schedule.txt"), t_offset=1e6) "Weekly schedule example using file data source"; Buildings.Utilities.IO.Files.WeeklySchedule weeSchWin( columns={2,3,4,5}, tableOnFile=true, fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://Buildings/Resources/Data/scheduleWindows.txt"), t_offset=1e6) "Weekly schedule example using parameter data source"; Diagnostics.AssertEquality assEqu[4]( each startTime=-10000, each threShold=Modelica.Constants.small) "Trigger an assertion if the outputs differ"; equation connect(weeSchLin.y, assEqu.u1); connect(weeSchWin.y, assEqu.u2); end WeeklyScheduleWindowsLineEndings;