
Package with models to simulate windows behaviors in resident buildings


This package contains models to simulate window behaviors in residential buildings.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsEU Nicol2001WindowsEU A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature
Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsPakistan Nicol2001WindowsPakistan A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature
Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsUK Nicol2001WindowsUK A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature
Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Validation Validation Package with examples to validate models in Windows package

Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsEU Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsEU

A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature



Model predicting the state of the window with the outdoor air temperature and occupancy.


When the space is unoccupied, the window is always closed. When the space is occupied, the lower the outdoor temperature is, the lower the chance to open the window.


The model is documented in the paper "Nicol, J.F., 2001, August. Characterising occupant behaviour in buildings: towards a stochastic model of occupant use of windows, lights, blinds, heaters and fans. In Proceedings of the seventh international IBPSA conference, Rio (Vol. 2, pp. 1073-1078)."

The model parameters are regressed from the field study in offices in five European countries - Sweden, UK, France, Portugal and Greece.

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Icons.DiscreteBlock (Graphical layout of discrete block component icon).


RealA0.104Slope of the logistic relation [1/K]
RealB-2.31Intercept of the logistic relation [1]
Integerseed30Seed for the random number generator
TimesamplePeriod120Sample period [s]


input RealInputTOutOutdoor air temperature [K]
input BooleanInputoccIndoor occupancy, true for occupied
output BooleanOutputonState of window

Modelica definition

model Nicol2001WindowsEU "A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.DiscreteBlock; parameter Real A(final unit="1/K") = 0.104 "Slope of the logistic relation"; parameter Real B(final unit="1") = -2.31 "Intercept of the logistic relation"; parameter Integer seed = 30 "Seed for the random number generator"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time samplePeriod=120 "Sample period"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TOut( final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Outdoor air temperature"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput occ "Indoor occupancy, true for occupied"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput on "State of window"; Real p( unit="1", min=0, max=1) "Probability of window opened"; protected parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time t0(final fixed=false) "First sample time instant"; output Boolean sampleTrigger "True, if sample time instant"; Real curSeed "Current value for seed as a real-valued variable"; initial equation t0 = time; curSeed = t0*seed; p = Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B)/(Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B) + 1); on = Buildings.Occupants.BaseClasses.binaryVariableGeneration(p, globalSeed=integer(curSeed)); equation sampleTrigger = sample(t0,samplePeriod); when sampleTrigger then curSeed = seed*time; if occ then p = Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B)/(Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B) + 1); on = Buildings.Occupants.BaseClasses.binaryVariableGeneration(p, globalSeed=integer(curSeed)); else p = 0; on = false; end if; end when; end Nicol2001WindowsEU;

Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsPakistan Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsPakistan

A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature



Model predicting the state of the window with the outdoor air temperature and occupancy.


When the space is unoccupied, the window is always closed. When the space is occupied, the lower the outdoor temperature is, the lower the chance to open the window.


The model is documented in the paper "Nicol, J.F., 2001, August. Characterising occupant behaviour in buildings: towards a stochastic model of occupant use of windows, lights, blinds, heaters and fans. In Proceedings of the seventh international IBPSA conference, Rio (Vol. 2, pp. 1073-1078)."

The model parameters are regressed from the field study in 7000 naturally ventilated buildings in Pakistan.

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Icons.DiscreteBlock (Graphical layout of discrete block component icon).


RealA0.118Slope of the logistic relation [1/K]
RealB-3.73Intercept of the logistic relation [1]
Integerseed5Seed for the random number generator
TimesamplePeriod120Sample period [s]


input RealInputTOutOutdoor air temperature [K]
input BooleanInputoccIndoor occupancy, true for occupied
output BooleanOutputonState of window

Modelica definition

model Nicol2001WindowsPakistan "A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.DiscreteBlock; parameter Real A(final unit="1/K") = 0.118 "Slope of the logistic relation"; parameter Real B(final unit="1") = -3.73 "Intercept of the logistic relation"; parameter Integer seed = 5 "Seed for the random number generator"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time samplePeriod=120 "Sample period"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TOut( final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Outdoor air temperature"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput occ "Indoor occupancy, true for occupied"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput on "State of window"; Real p( unit="1", min=0, max=1) "Probability of window opened"; protected parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time t0(final fixed=false) "First sample time instant"; output Boolean sampleTrigger "True, if sample time instant"; Real curSeed "Current value for seed as a real-valued variable"; initial equation t0 = time; curSeed = t0*seed; p = Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B)/(Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B) + 1); on = Buildings.Occupants.BaseClasses.binaryVariableGeneration(p, globalSeed=integer(curSeed)); equation sampleTrigger = sample(t0,samplePeriod); when sampleTrigger then curSeed = seed*time; if occ then p = Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B)/(Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B) + 1); on = Buildings.Occupants.BaseClasses.binaryVariableGeneration(p, globalSeed=integer(curSeed)); else p = 0; on = false; end if; end when; end Nicol2001WindowsPakistan;

Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsUK Buildings.Occupants.Residential.Windows.Nicol2001WindowsUK

A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature



Model predicting the state of the window with the outdoor air temperature and occupancy.


When the space is unoccupied, the window is always closed. When the space is occupied, the lower the outdoor temperature is, the lower the chance to open the window.


The model is documented in the paper "Nicol, J.F., 2001, August. Characterising occupant behaviour in buildings: towards a stochastic model of occupant use of windows, lights, blinds, heaters and fans. In Proceedings of the seventh international IBPSA conference, Rio (Vol. 2, pp. 1073-1078)."

The model parameters are regressed from the field study in the UK in 1998 from 3600 naturally ventilated buildings.

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Icons.DiscreteBlock (Graphical layout of discrete block component icon).


RealA0.169Slope of the logistic relation [1/K]
RealB-2.65Intercept of the logistic relation [1]
Integerseed30Seed for the random number generator
TimesamplePeriod120Sample period [s]


input RealInputTOutOutdoor air temperature [K]
input BooleanInputoccIndoor occupancy, true for occupied
output BooleanOutputonState of window

Modelica definition

model Nicol2001WindowsUK "A model to predict occupants' window behavior with outdoor temperature" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.DiscreteBlock; parameter Real A(final unit="1/K") = 0.169 "Slope of the logistic relation"; parameter Real B(final unit="1") = -2.65 "Intercept of the logistic relation"; parameter Integer seed = 30 "Seed for the random number generator"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time samplePeriod=120 "Sample period"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TOut( final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Outdoor air temperature"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput occ "Indoor occupancy, true for occupied"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput on "State of window"; Real p( unit="1", min=0, max=1) "Probability of window opened"; protected parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time t0(final fixed=false) "First sample time instant"; output Boolean sampleTrigger "True, if sample time instant"; Real curSeed "Current value for seed as a real-valued variable"; initial equation t0 = time; curSeed = t0*seed; p = Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B)/(Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B) + 1); on = Buildings.Occupants.BaseClasses.binaryVariableGeneration(p=p, globalSeed=integer(curSeed)); equation sampleTrigger = sample(t0,samplePeriod); when sampleTrigger then curSeed = seed*time; if occ then p = Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B)/(Modelica.Math.exp(A*(TOut - 273.15)+B) + 1); on = Buildings.Occupants.BaseClasses.binaryVariableGeneration(p=p, globalSeed=integer(curSeed)); else p = 0; on = false; end if; end when; end Nicol2001WindowsUK;