
Package with clustering functions


This package contains utility models for performing clustering operations.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Utilities.Clustering.KMeans KMeans k-means clustering algorithm
Buildings.Utilities.Clustering.Validation Validation Validation models for clustering functions.

Buildings.Utilities.Clustering.KMeans Buildings.Utilities.Clustering.KMeans

k-means clustering algorithm


This function applies k-means clustering to n-dimentional data and returns the centroid of the clusters, the cluster labels for each sample, and the size of each cluster.

The returned length of the cluster_size vector is max(n_clusters, n_cluster_size).


The seed for random number generation is constant. It can be changed by modifying the constant seed.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Realdata[n_samples, n_features] Data to be clustered
Integern_clusters Number of clusters to be generated
Integern_samples Number of samples
Integern_features Number of features
RealrelTol1e-5Relative tolerance on cluster positions
Integermax_iter500Maximum number of k-means iterations
Integern_init10Number of runs with randomized centroid seeds
Integern_cluster_size0Length of the cluster_size output vector


Realcentroids[n_clusters, n_features]Centroids of the clusters
Integerlabels[n_samples]Cluster label associated with each data point
Integercluster_size[max(n_clusters, n_cluster_size)]Size of the clusters

Modelica definition

impure function KMeans "k-means clustering algorithm" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real data[n_samples,n_features] "Data to be clustered"; input Integer n_clusters "Number of clusters to be generated"; input Integer n_samples "Number of samples"; input Integer n_features "Number of features"; input Real relTol=1e-5 "Relative tolerance on cluster positions"; input Integer max_iter=500 "Maximum number of k-means iterations"; input Integer n_init=10 "Number of runs with randomized centroid seeds"; input Integer n_cluster_size=0 "Length of the cluster_size output vector"; output Real centroids[n_clusters,n_features] "Centroids of the clusters"; output Integer labels[n_samples] "Cluster label associated with each data point"; output Integer cluster_size[max(n_clusters, n_cluster_size)] "Size of the clusters"; protected Real old_centroids[n_clusters,n_features] "Previous iteration centroids"; Real new_centroids[n_clusters,n_features] "Next iteration centroids"; Real delta_centroids "Maximum relative displacement of cluster centroids between two k-means iterations"; Integer new_labels[n_samples] "Next iteration cluster labels"; Real new_inertia "Inertia of the samples during the current run"; Real inertia "Minimum inertia of the samples since first run"; Integer id "Id of the random integer generator"; Integer k_iter "Index of k-means iteration"; Real min_dis "Minimum distance between a sample (or a centroid) and a cluster centroid"; Real dis "Distance between a sample (or a centroid) and a cluster centroid"; Integer n "Random integer"; constant Integer seed = 2 "Arbitrary seed value"; algorithm id := Modelica.Math.Random.Utilities.initializeImpureRandom(seed); // ---- Perform n_init successive runs of the k-means algorithm for run in 1:n_init loop // ---- Select initial centroids at random // Select 3 non-repeated data points in the data set n := Modelica.Math.Random.Utilities.impureRandomInteger(id,1,n_samples); old_centroids[1,:] := data[n,:]; for i in 2:n_clusters loop n := Modelica.Math.Random.Utilities.impureRandomInteger(id,1,n_samples); old_centroids[i,:] := data[n,:]; min_dis := Modelica.Math.Vectors.norm(old_centroids[i,:]-old_centroids[1,:], p=2)^2; while min_dis < Modelica.Constants.eps loop n := Modelica.Math.Random.Utilities.impureRandomInteger(id,1,n_samples); old_centroids[i,:] := data[n,:]; min_dis := Modelica.Math.Vectors.norm(old_centroids[i,:]-old_centroids[1,:], p=2)^2; for j in 1:i-1 loop dis := Modelica.Math.Vectors.norm(old_centroids[j,:]-old_centroids[i,:], p=2)^2; min_dis := min(dis, min_dis); end for; end while; end for; // ---- k-means iterations k_iter := 0; delta_centroids := 2*relTol; while k_iter < max_iter and delta_centroids > relTol loop k_iter := k_iter + 1; // Find centroid closest to each data point for i in 1:n_samples loop new_labels[i] := 1; min_dis := Modelica.Math.Vectors.norm(data[i,:]-old_centroids[1,:], p=2)^2; for j in 1:n_clusters loop dis := Modelica.Math.Vectors.norm(data[i,:]-old_centroids[j,:], p=2)^2; if dis < min_dis then min_dis := min(dis, min_dis); new_labels[i] := j; end if; end for; end for; // Re-evaluate position of the centroids delta_centroids := 0; for j in 1:n_clusters loop n := sum(if new_labels[i]==j then 1 else 0 for i in 1:n_samples); new_centroids[j,:] := zeros(n_features); if n>0 then for i in 1:n_samples loop if new_labels[i]==j then new_centroids[j,:] := new_centroids[j,:] + data[i,:]/n; end if; end for; else new_centroids[j,:] := old_centroids[j,:]; end if; delta_centroids := max(delta_centroids, sum((new_centroids[j,:] - old_centroids[j,:])./old_centroids[j,:])); end for; old_centroids := new_centroids; end while; // Evaluate inertia new_inertia := 0; for i in 1:n_samples loop dis := Modelica.Math.Vectors.norm(data[i,:]-centroids[new_labels[i],:], p=2)^2; new_inertia := inertia + dis; end for; // Keep run results if inertia is minimum if new_inertia < inertia or run == 1 then centroids := new_centroids; inertia := new_inertia; labels := new_labels; end if; end for; // Evaluate cluster sizes for j in 1:max(n_clusters, n_cluster_size) loop cluster_size[j] := sum(if labels[i]==j then 1 else 0 for i in 1:n_samples); end for; end KMeans;