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Functions for convective heat transfer


This package contains functions that are used in the package Buildings.HeatTransfer.

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Convection.Functions.HeatFlux HeatFlux Correlations for convective heat flux
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Convection.Functions.windDirectionModifier windDirectionModifier Wind direction modifier that is used to compute the wind-driven convective heat transfer coefficient


Wind direction modifier that is used to compute the wind-driven convective heat transfer coefficient


Function that outputs 1 if the incidence angle is below 100 degrees, and 0.5 otherwise. The implementation is once continuously differentiable in its input arguments.

See Buildings.HeatTransfer.Examples.ExteriorConvection for an example that uses this function.


Angleazi Surface azimuth [rad]
Angledir Wind direction (0=wind from North) [rad]


RealWWind direction modifier

Modelica definition

function windDirectionModifier "Wind direction modifier that is used to compute the wind-driven convective heat transfer coefficient" input Modelica.SIunits.Angle azi "Surface azimuth"; input Modelica.SIunits.Angle dir(min=0, max=2*Modelica.Constants.pi) "Wind direction (0=wind from North)"; output Real W "Wind direction modifier"; protected constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle lee = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.from_deg(100); constant Real cosLee = Modelica.Math.cos(lee); algorithm // The wind direction is defined in TMY3 as dir=0 if from North, and 0 <= dir < 2*pi // Hence, we subtract pi to redefine dir=0 as wind coming from the south. // This simplifies the implementation since a surface azimuth is defined as azi=0 // if the surface is south-facing W:=Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.spliceFunction( pos=0.5, neg=1, x=cosLee-Modelica.Math.cos(azi+Modelica.Constants.pi-dir), deltax=0.05); end windDirectionModifier;

Automatically generated Thu Jun 19 10:57:30 2014.