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Functions used in window radiation model


This package contains functions that are used to compute heat transfer in the window model.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.devAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading devAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading Angular and hemispherical absorptance of a shading device for exterior irradiation with interior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.devAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading devAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading Hemiperical absorptance of a shading device for interior irradiation with interior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.getAngle getAngle Generate incident angles
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.getGlassTR getGlassTR Transmittance and reflectance of glass
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsExteriorIrradiationExteriorShading glassAbsExteriorIrradiationExteriorShading Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with exterior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading glassAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with interior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsExteriorIrradiationNoShading glassAbsExteriorIrradiationNoShading Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading glassAbsInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with exterior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading glassAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with interior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsInteriorIrradiationNoShading glassAbsInteriorIrradiationNoShading Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassProperty glassProperty Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for each glass pane without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassPropertyCoated glassPropertyCoated Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for a coated glass pane without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassPropertyUncoated glassPropertyUncoated Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for a uncoated glass pane without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassTRExteriorIrradiationNoShading glassTRExteriorIrradiationNoShading Transmittance and reflectance of glass panes for exterior irradiation without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassTRInteriorIrradiationNoShading glassTRInteriorIrradiationNoShading Transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.winTExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading winTExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass and shading device) for exterior irradiation with interior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.winTExteriorIrradiatrionExteriorShading winTExteriorIrradiatrionExteriorShading Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass + shading device) for exterior irradiation with exterior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.winTRInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading winTRInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with exterior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.winTRInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading winTRInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with interior shading
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses BaseClasses Package with base classes for Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions


Angular and hemispherical absorptance of a shading device for exterior irradiation with interior shading


This function computes the angular and hemispherical absorptance of a shading device for exterior irradiation with interior shading. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsExtIrrIntShaDev[HEM]Absorptance of a shading device for exterior irradiation with interior shading

Modelica definition

function devAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading 
  "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of a shading device for exterior irradiation with interior shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real absExtIrrIntShaDev[HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Absorptance of a shading device for exterior irradiation with interior shading";

  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    absExtIrrIntShaDev[iD] := traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD]*(1 - traIntShaDev -
      refIntShaDev)/(1 - refIntShaDev*traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]) 
      "Equation (A.4.91)";
  end for;

end devAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading;


Hemiperical absorptance of a shading device for interior irradiation with interior shading


This function computes the hemiperical absorbtance of a shading device for interior irradiation with interior shading.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsIntIrrIntShaDevHemiperical absorbtance of a shading device for interior irradiation with interior shading

Modelica definition

function devAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading 
  "Hemiperical absorptance of a shading device for interior irradiation with interior shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real absIntIrrIntShaDev(min=0, max=1) 
    "Hemiperical absorbtance of a shading device for interior irradiation with interior shading";
  constant Real rRho=traRef[3, N, 1, HEM]*refIntShaDev 
    "Part of equation (A.4.103)";
  constant Real rTau=traRef[3, N, 1, HEM]*traIntShaDev 
    "Part of equation (A.4.103)";
  constant Real c=traIntShaDev*(1 - rRho/(1 - rRho)) "Equation (4.99)";

  absIntIrrIntShaDev := (1 - traIntShaDev - refIntShaDev)*(1 + rTau/(1 - rRho)) 
    "Equation (4.103)";

end devAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading;


Generate incident angles


This function computes discrete incident angles for the window radiation calculation. The range is from 0 to 90 degree.


IntegerNDIR Number of incident angles


Anglepsi[NDIR]Array of incident angles [rad]

Modelica definition

function getAngle "Generate incident angles"
  input Integer NDIR "Number of incident angles";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Angle psi[NDIR] "Array of incident angles";

  constant Real deltaX=0.5*Modelica.Constants.pi/(NDIR - 1);

  for i in 1:NDIR loop
    psi[i] := (i - 1)*deltaX;
  end for;

end getAngle;


Transmittance and reflectance of glass


This function computes the angular variation of the transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane. It accounts for the transmittance and reflectance among different panes. Pane 1 is facing outside and pane N is facing the room. For instance, traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD] means transmittance between layer 1 to N for exterior irradiation and traRef[TRA, N, 1, iD] means the transmittance for interior irradiation.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation (Partial function for glass radiation property).


IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration
Reallayer[3, N, HEM] Property of glass pane


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM]Glass transmittance, front and back reflectance

Modelica definition

function getGlassTR "Transmittance and reflectance of glass"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation;

  input Real layer[3, N, HEM] "Property of glass pane";
  output Real traRef[3, N, N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Glass transmittance, front and back reflectance";

  Real traRefIntIrr[3, N, N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "temporary array for glass transmittance, front and back reflectance for interior irradiation";

  traRef :=
    layer) "property for exterior irradiation";
  traRefIntIrr :=
    layer) "property for interior irradiation";

  // Copy the property for interior irradiation to glass property
  for k in TRA:Rb loop
    for i in 1:N - 1 loop
      for j in i + 1:N loop
        for iD in 1:HEM loop
          traRef[k, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD] := traRefIntIrr[k, N + 1 - i, N
             + 1 - j, iD];
        end for;
      end for;
    end for;
  end for;

end getGlassTR;


Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with exterior shading


This function computes angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with exterior shading. Pane 1 is facing outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealabsExtIrrNoSha[N, HEM] Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading
RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsExtIrrExtSha[N, HEM]Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with exterior shading

Modelica definition

function glassAbsExteriorIrradiationExteriorShading 
  "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with exterior shading"
  input Real absExtIrrNoSha[N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading";
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real absExtIrrExtSha[N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with exterior shading";

  Real c "Intermediate variable";

  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    c := traExtShaDev*(1 + traRef[Ra, 1, N, iD]*refExtShaDev/(1 - traRef[Ra, 1,
      N, HEM]*refExtShaDev));
    for i in 1:N loop
      absExtIrrExtSha[i, iD] := c*absExtIrrNoSha[i, iD];
    end for;
  end for;

end glassAbsExteriorIrradiationExteriorShading;


Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with interior shading


This function computes angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with interior shading. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealabsExtIrrNoSha[N, HEM] Absorptance for exterior irradiation without shading
RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsExtIrrNoShaIntSha[N, HEM]Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with interior shading

Modelica definition

function glassAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading 
  "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with interior shading"
  input Real absExtIrrNoSha[N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Absorptance for exterior irradiation without shading";
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;
  output Real absExtIrrNoShaIntSha[N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation with interior shading";

  Real fac;
  Real absFro "Front (outside-facing) absorptance";
  Real absBac "Back (room-facing) absorptance";
  Integer i "Index of glass pane";

  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    i := 1;
    fac := traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD]*refIntShaDev/(1 - traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]*
      refIntShaDev) "Equation (A.4.90)";
    absBac := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, iD] - traRef[Rb, i, i, iD] 
      "Equation (A.4.81b)";

    if N >= 2 then
      absExtIrrNoShaIntSha[i, iD] := absExtIrrNoSha[i, iD] + fac*traRef[TRA, N,
        i + 1, HEM]*absBac "Equation (A.4.90)";

      for i in 2:N - 1 loop
        fac := traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD]*refIntShaDev/(1 - traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]*
          refIntShaDev) "Equation (A.4.90)";
        absFro := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, iD] - traRef[Ra, i, i, iD] 
          "Equaiton (A.4.81a)";
        absBac := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, iD] - traRef[Rb, i, i, iD] 
          "Equation (A.4.81b)";
        absExtIrrNoShaIntSha[i, iD] := absExtIrrNoSha[i, iD] + fac*(traRef[TRA,
          N, i, HEM]*traRef[Rb, i - 1, 1, HEM]*absFro + traRef[TRA, N, i + 1,
          HEM]*absBac) "Equation (A.4.90)";
      end for;

      i := N;
      fac := traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD]*refIntShaDev/(1 - traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]*
        refIntShaDev) "Equation (A.4.90)";
      absFro := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, iD] - traRef[Ra, i, i, iD] 
        "Equaiton (A.4.81a)";
      absBac := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, iD] - traRef[Rb, i, i, iD] 
        "Equation (A.4.81b)";
      absExtIrrNoShaIntSha[i, iD] := absExtIrrNoSha[i, iD] + fac*(traRef[TRA, N,
        i, HEM]*traRef[Rb, i - 1, 1, HEM]*absFro + absBac) "Equation (A.4.90)";

      absExtIrrNoShaIntSha[i, iD] := absExtIrrNoSha[i, iD] + fac*absBac 
        "Equation (A.4.90)";
    end if;
  end for;

end glassAbsExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading;


Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading


This function computes specular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading. It counts the transmittance and reflectance among different panes. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


Realabs[N, HEM]Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading. Indices: abs[1 to N : ] -> pane 1 to N; abs[ : 1 to HEM] -> angular (1:HEM-1) and hemispherical (HEM)

Modelica definition

function glassAbsExteriorIrradiationNoShading 
  "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowRadiation;
  output Real[N, HEM] abs(each min=0, each max=1) "Angular and hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading. 
     Indices: abs[1 to N : ] -> pane 1 to N; 
     abs[ : 1 to HEM] -> angular (1:HEM-1) and hemispherical (HEM)";

  Real af "Front (outside-facing side) absorptance of a pane";
  Real ab "Back (room-facing side) absorptance of a pane";
  Real deno1 "Denominantor";
  Real deno2 "Denominantor";
  Integer j;
  constant Real SMALL=Modelica.Constants.small "Small value";

  if N == 1 then
    j := 1;
    for iD in 1:HEM loop
      abs[j, iD] := 1 - traRef[TRA, j, j, iD] - traRef[Ra, j, j, iD] 
        "Equation (A.4.79)";
    end for;
    for iD in 1:HEM loop
      j := 1;
      af := 1 - traRef[TRA, j, j, iD] - traRef[Ra, j, j, iD] 
        "Equation (A.4.81a)";
      ab := 1 - traRef[TRA, j, j, iD] - traRef[Rb, j, j, iD] 
        "Equation (A.4.81b)";
      deno2 := 1 - traRef[Rb, j, 1, iD]*traRef[Ra, j + 1, N, iD];
      if deno2 < SMALL then
        abs[j, iD] := 0;
        abs[j, iD] := af + ab*traRef[TRA, 1, j, iD]*traRef[Ra, j + 1, N, iD]/
          deno2 "Equation (A.4.82) and (A.4.83b)";
      end if;

      for j in 2:N - 1 loop
        af := 1 - traRef[TRA, j, j, iD] - traRef[Ra, j, j, iD] 
          "Equation (A.4.81a)";
        ab := 1 - traRef[TRA, j, j, iD] - traRef[Rb, j, j, iD] 
          "Equation (A.4.81b)";
        deno1 := 1 - traRef[Ra, j, N, iD]*traRef[Rb, j - 1, 1, iD];
        deno2 := 1 - traRef[Rb, j, 1, iD]*traRef[Ra, j + 1, N, iD];
        if deno1 < SMALL or deno2 < SMALL then
          abs[j, iD] := 0;
          abs[j, iD] := af*traRef[TRA, 1, j - 1, iD]/deno1 + ab*traRef[TRA, 1,
            j, iD]*traRef[Ra, j + 1, N, iD]/deno2 "Equation (A.4.83b)";
        end if;
      end for;

      j := N;
      af := 1 - traRef[TRA, j, j, iD] - traRef[Ra, j, j, iD] 
        "Equation (A.4.81a)";
      deno1 := 1 - traRef[Ra, j, N, iD]*traRef[Rb, j - 1, 1, iD];
      if deno1 < SMALL then
        abs[j, iD] := 0;
        abs[j, iD] := af*traRef[TRA, 1, j - 1, iD]/deno1;
      end if;
    end for;
  end if;

end glassAbsExteriorIrradiationNoShading;


Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with exterior shading


This function computes the hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with exterior shading. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealabsIntIrrNoSha[N] Absorptance for interior irradiation without shading
RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsIntIrrExtSha[N]Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with exterior shading

Modelica definition

function glassAbsInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading 
  "Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with exterior shading"
  input Real absIntIrrNoSha[N] 
    "Absorptance for interior irradiation without shading";
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real absIntIrrExtSha[N](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with exterior shading";

  Real fac;
  Real absFro "Front absorptance";
  Real absBac "Back absorptance";
  Integer i "Pane index";

  fac := traRef[TRA, N, 1, HEM]*refExtShaDev/(1 - traRef[Ra, 1, N, HEM]*

  i := 1;
  absFro := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, HEM] - traRef[Ra, i, i, HEM] 
    "Equaiton (A.4.81a)";
  absBac := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, HEM] - traRef[Rb, i, i, HEM] 
    "Equation (A.4.81b)";

  if N >= 2 then
    absIntIrrExtSha[i] := absIntIrrNoSha[i] + fac*absFro + fac*traRef[TRA, 1, i,
      HEM]*traRef[Ra, i + 1, N, HEM]*absBac "Equation (A.4.94)";

    for i in 2:N - 1 loop
      absFro := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, HEM] - traRef[Ra, i, i, HEM] 
        "Equaiton (A.4.81a)";
      absBac := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, HEM] - traRef[Rb, i, i, HEM] 
        "Equation (A.4.81b)";
      absIntIrrExtSha[i] := absIntIrrNoSha[i] + fac*traRef[TRA, 1, i - 1, HEM]*
        absFro + fac*traRef[TRA, 1, i, HEM]*traRef[Ra, i + 1, N, HEM]*absBac 
        "Equation (A.4.94)";
    end for;

    i := N;
    absFro := 1 - traRef[TRA, i, i, HEM] - traRef[Ra, i, i, HEM] 
      "Equaiton (A.4.81a)";
    absIntIrrExtSha[i] := absIntIrrNoSha[i] + fac*traRef[TRA, 1, i - 1, HEM]*
      absFro "Equation (A.4.94)";
    absIntIrrExtSha[i] := absIntIrrNoSha[i] + fac*absFro "Equation (A.4.94)";
  end if;
end glassAbsInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading;


Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with interior shading


This function computes the hemispherical absorbtance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with interior shading. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealabsIntIrrNoSha[N] Hemispherical absorptance wfor interior irradiation without interior shading
RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsIntIrrIntSha[N]Hemispherical absorbtance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with interior shading

Modelica definition

function glassAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading 
  "Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with interior shading"
  input Real absIntIrrNoSha[N](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Hemispherical absorptance wfor interior irradiation without interior shading";
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real absIntIrrIntSha[N](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Hemispherical absorbtance of each glass pane for interior irradiation with interior shading";

  constant Real rRho=traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]*refIntShaDev 
    "Part of Equation (4.99)";
  constant Real c=traIntShaDev*(1 + rRho/(1 - rRho)) "Equation (4.99)";

  for i in 1:N loop
    absIntIrrIntSha[i] := c*absIntIrrNoSha[i] "Equation (A4.100a)";
  end for;

end glassAbsInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading;


Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading


This function computes the hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without no shading. The angular irradiation is not considered since the interior irradiation (from the room) is assumed to be diffusive. It is a reverse of the function Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassAbsInterirorIrradiationNoShading.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealabsIntIrrNoSha[N]Hemispherical absorptance of each glass layer for interior irradiation without shading

Modelica definition

function glassAbsInteriorIrradiationNoShading 
  "Hemispherical absorptance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading"

  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowRadiation;

  output Real[N] absIntIrrNoSha(each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Hemispherical absorptance of each glass layer for interior irradiation without shading";

  Real dTraRef[3, N, N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Dummy transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation without shading";
  Real dAbs[N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Dummy absorptance with exterior irradiation and no shading";

  // Reverse the data srtucture for exterior irradiation and no shading
  for i in 1:N loop
    for j in 1:N loop
      for iD in 1:HEM loop
        dTraRef[TRA, i, j, iD] := traRef[TRA, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD];
        dTraRef[Ra, i, j, iD] := traRef[Rb, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD];
        dTraRef[Rb, i, j, iD] := traRef[Ra, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD];
      end for;
    end for;
  end for;

  dAbs :=
    HEM) "Dummmy absorptance with exterior irradiation";

  // Only output hemispherical absorptance. Need to change order for interior irradiation.
  for i in 1:N loop
    absIntIrrNoSha[i] := dAbs[N + 1 - i, HEM];
  end for;

end glassAbsInteriorIrradiationNoShading;


Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for each glass pane without shading


This function computes the angular variation and the hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for each glass pane. There are two schemes for the calculation. One is for coated glass and the other is for uncoated glass. The function checks the difference between front and back reflectances. If the difference is less than the tolerance (0.005), it uses the formula for uncoated glass. Otherwise, the formula for coated glass will be used.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation (Partial function for glass radiation property).


IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration
Realglass[3, N] Propertry of each glass pane
RealxGla[N] Thickness of each glass pane
Anglepsi[HEM - 1] Incident angles [rad]


Reallayer[3, N, HEM]Transmittance, front and back reflectance

Modelica definition

function glassProperty 
  "Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for each glass pane without shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation;
  input Real glass[3, N] "Propertry of each glass pane";
  input Real xGla[N] "Thickness of each glass pane";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Angle psi[HEM - 1] "Incident angles";

  output Real layer[3, N, HEM] "Transmittance, front and back reflectance";

  parameter Real tol=0.005 
    "Tolerance for difference between front and back reflectance to decide a glass is uncoated or coated";
  Real oneLay[3, HEM] "Temporary storage for glass property of one pane";
  Real oneGla[3];

  // Compute specular value for angle 0 to 90 degree (psi[1] to psi[N]) and panes from 1 to N
  for i in 1:N loop
    // Copy data to temporary place
    for j in 1:3 loop
      oneGla[j] := glass[j, i];
    end for;

    //uncoated galss
    if (abs(glass[Ra, i] - glass[Rb, i]) < tol) then
      oneLay := Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassPropertyUncoated(

      //coated glass
      oneLay := Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassPropertyCoated(
    end if;

    for j in 1:3 loop
      for k in 1:HEM loop
        layer[j, i, k] := oneLay[j, k];
      end for;
    end for;
  end for;
end glassProperty;


Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for a coated glass pane without shading


This function computes the angular variation and the hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for one coated glass pane.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialSingleGlassRadiation (Partial function for single glass radiation property).


IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration
Realglass[3] Propertry of one glass pane
Anglepsi[HEM - 1] Incident angles [rad]


Reallayer[3, HEM]Transmittance, front and back reflectance

Modelica definition

function glassPropertyCoated 
  "Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for a coated glass pane without shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialSingleGlassRadiation;
  input Real glass[3] "Propertry of one glass pane";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Angle psi[HEM - 1] "Incident angles";

  output Real layer[3, HEM] "Transmittance, front and back reflectance";

  Integer NDIR=HEM - 1 "Number of incident angles";

  Real psi_c "cos(psi), psi is incident angle";
  Real psi_cs "cos(psi)*sin(psi)";
  Real angT "Angular variation of transmittance";
  Real angR "Angular variation of reflectance";
  Real f[3, NDIR] 
    "Temporary variables for integration in hemispherical transmittance and reflectance";
  constant Real deltaX=0.5*Modelica.Constants.pi/(NDIR - 1);
  constant Real a[4, 5]={{-0.0015,3.355,-3.840,1.460,0.0288},{0.999,-0.563,
      6.513,-7.862,3.225}} "Coeffcients in Table A.2";
  Integer id1 "Index of coefficients for transmittance";
  Integer id2 "Index of coefficients for reflectance";

  // Compute specular value for angle 0 to 90 degree (psi[1] to psi[N])
    for k in TRA:Rb loop
      layer[k, 1] := glass[k] "Copy the data at 0 degree (normal incidence)";
    end for;

    for j in 2:NDIR - 1 loop
      psi_c := Modelica.Math.cos(psi[j]);
       if layer[TRA, 1] > 0.645 then
        id1 := 1;
        id2 := 2;
        id1 := 3;
        id2 := 4;
      end if;
      angT := a[id1, 1] + psi_c*(a[id1, 2] + psi_c*(a[id1, 3] + psi_c*(a[id1, 4]
         + psi_c*a[id1, 5]))) "Equation (A.4.68a)";
      angR := a[id2, 1] + psi_c*(a[id2, 2] + psi_c*(a[id2, 3] + psi_c*(a[id2, 4]
         + psi_c*a[id2, 5]))) - angT "Equation (A.4.68b)";
      layer[TRA, j] := layer[TRA, 1]*angT "Equation (A4.69a)";
      layer[Ra, j] := layer[Ra, 1]*(1 - angR) + angR "Equation (A4.69b)";
      layer[Rb, j] := layer[Rb, 1]*(1 - angR) + angR "Equation (A4.69b)";

    end for;

    layer[TRA, NDIR] := 0;
    layer[Ra, NDIR] := 1.0;
    layer[Rb, NDIR] := 1.0;

  // Computer hemispherical value: HEM.
    for j in 1:NDIR loop
      psi_cs := Modelica.Math.cos(psi[j])*Modelica.Math.sin(psi[j]);
      for k in TRA:Rb loop
        f[k, j] := 2*layer[k, j]*psi_cs;
      end for;
    end for;

    for k in TRA:Rb loop
      layer[k, HEM] :=
        f[k, :],
        deltaX) "Equation (A.4.70a) and (A.4.70b)";
    end for;

end glassPropertyCoated;


Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for a uncoated glass pane without shading


This function computes the angular variation and the hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for one uncoated glass pane. The equations are mainly based on Finlayson et al. (1990) and Fuler et al. (1991) with some modifications.


Step 1: Compute the reflectivity at normal incidence

ρ(0) = {β − sqrt[β2 − 4(2 − R(0))R(0)]} ⁄ [2(2−R(0))],


β = T(0)2 − R(0)2 + 2R(0) + 1.


Step 2: Compute the spectral absorption coefficient α and spectral index of refraction n

α = 4 π κλ ⁄ λ = - ln[(R(0) − ρ(0)) ⁄ (ρ(0)T(0))] ⁄ d,


n = (1 + sqrt(ρ(0)) ⁄ (1 − sqrt(ρ(0))).


Step 3: For each angle of incidence measured in air φ (0 < φ < 90)

a. Compute the angle of incidence measured in glass φ'

φ' = asin(sinφ ⁄ n).

b. Compute spectral reflectivities at surface

ρ1(φ)=[(n cosφ − cosφ') ⁄ (n cosφ + cosφ')] 2,


ρ2(φ)=[(n cosφ' − cosφ) ⁄ (n cosφ' + cosφ)] 2.

c. Compute spectral tansmissivities at surface

τ1(φ)= 1 − ρ1(φ),


τ2(φ)= 1 − ρ2(φ).

d. Compute spectral tansmittance of the glass

T1(φ)= τ1(φ)2 exp(-α d/cosφ') ⁄ (1 − ρ1(φ)2 exp(-2α d/cosφ')),


T2(φ)= τ2(φ)2 exp(-α d/cosφ') ⁄ (1 − ρ2(φ)2 exp(-2α d/cosφ')),


T(φ)= (T1(φ) + T2(φ)) / 2.

e. Compute spectral reflectance of the glass

R1(φ)= ρ1(φ)(1+ T1(φ)exp(-α d/cosφ')),


R2(φ)= ρ2(φ)(1+ T2(φ)exp(-α d/cosφ')),


R(φ)= (R1(φ) + R2(φ)) / 2.


Step 4: T(90)=0, R(90)=1. (16)


WINDOW program calculates the angular property for each wave length based on the spectral data. It uses different Rλ(0) and Tλ(0) for each wave length. Then it integrates the properties over the wave length to get averaged property of R(0) and T(0).

The current window model in the Buildings library uses averaged R(0) and T(0) directly. It can generate the same results as WINDOW for a single pane window and multi-pane window with the same glass. However, the results may be slightly different for multi-pane window with different glasses. The reason is that different glasses may have different angular properties for the same wave length. To precisely calculate the angular properties of the entire window system, one has to calculate the property for each wave length and integrate them as WINDOW does. For more details, see the paper of Nouidui et al. (2012).


Finlayson, E. U., D. K. Arasteh, C. Huizenga, M.D. Rubin, M.S. Reily. 1993. WINDOW 4.0: Documentation of Calcualtion Precedures. Technical Report LBL-33943. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Fuler, Reto A., Angular dependence of optical properties of homogeneous glasses, ASHRAE Transaction, V.97 Part 2, 1991.

Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Michael Wetter, and Wangda Zuo. Validation of the window model of the Modelica Buildings library. Proc. of the 5th SimBuild Conference, Madison, WI, USA, August 2012.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialSingleGlassRadiation (Partial function for single glass radiation property).


IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration
Realglass[3] Propertry of one glass pane
Lengthx Thickness [m]
Anglepsi[HEM - 1] Incident angles [rad]


Reallayer[3, HEM]Transmittance, front and back reflectance

Modelica definition

function glassPropertyUncoated 
  "Compute angular variation and hemispherical integration of the transmittance and reflectance for a uncoated glass pane without shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialSingleGlassRadiation;

  input Real glass[3] "Propertry of one glass pane";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Length x "Thickness";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Angle psi[HEM - 1] "Incident angles";
  output Real layer[3, HEM] "Transmittance, front and back reflectance";

  Integer NDIR=HEM - 1 "Number of incident angles";
  Real psi_c "cos(psi), psi is incident angle in air";
  Real psi1_c "cos(psi1), psi1 is incident angle in glass";
  Real angT "Angular variation of transmittance";
  Real angR "Angular variation of reflectance";
  Real f[3, NDIR] 
    "Temporary variables for integration in hemispherical transmittance and reflectance";
  Real beta "Temporary coefficient defined in (7.2.1i)";
  Real rho0 
    "Spectral reflectivity at incident angle of 0 degree at the interface";
  Real rho "Spectral reflectivity at the interface";
  Real rho1;
  Real rho2;
  Real tau "Spectral transmissivity at the interface";
  Real tau1;
  Real tau2;
  Real angT1;
  Real angT2;
  Real angR1;
  Real angR2;
  Real tmp;
  Real alpha "Spectral absorption coefficient defined in (7.2.1e)";
  Real n 
    "Ratio of spectral index of refraction of glass to the index of refraction of air";
  Real psi1 "The angle od incident angle in glass";
  constant Real deltaX=0.5*Modelica.Constants.pi/(NDIR - 1);

  // Check the data
  assert(glass[TRA] >= 0,
    "Glass property is not correct with solar transmittance less than 0");
  assert(glass[Ra] >= 0,
    "Glass property is not correct with solar reflectance less than 0");
  assert(glass[TRA] + glass[Ra] <= 1,
    "Glass property is not correct since the summation of solar reflectance and transmittance is larger than 1");

  // Compute specular value for angle 0 to 90 degree (psi[1] to psi[N])
  for k in TRA:Rb loop
    layer[k, 1] := glass[k] "Copy the data at 0 degree (normal incidence)";
  end for;

  beta := glass[TRA]^2 - glass[Ra]^2 + 2*glass[Ra] + 1 "(2)";

  tmp := beta^2 - 4*(2 - glass[Ra])*glass[Ra] "part of (1)";
  assert(tmp >= 0,
    "Glass property is not correct and not possible to calculate spectral reflectivity at 0 degree for uncoated glass");

  rho0 := 0.5*(beta - sqrt(tmp))/(2 - glass[Ra]) "(1)";
  assert(rho0 >= 0,
    "Glass property is not correct so that the spectral reflectivity at 0 degree for uncoated glass is less than zero");

  tmp := (glass[Ra] - rho0)/(rho0*glass[TRA]) "part of (3)";
  assert(tmp > 0,
    "Glass property is not correct and not possible to calculate spectral extinction coefficient for uncoated glass");

  alpha := -log(tmp)/x "(3)";
  tmp := sqrt(rho0);
  assert(tmp <> 1,
    "Glass property is not correct and not possible to calculate spectral index of refraction for uncoated glass");
  n := (1 + tmp)/(1 - tmp) "(4)";

  for j in 2:NDIR - 1 loop
    psi1 := asin(sin(psi[j])/n) "(5)";
    psi_c := cos(psi[j]);
    psi1_c := cos(psi1);

    rho1 := ((n*psi_c - psi1_c)/(n*psi_c + psi1_c))^2 "(6)";
    rho2 := ((n*psi1_c - psi_c)/(n*psi1_c + psi_c))^2 "(7)";

    tau1 := 1 - rho1 "(8)";
    tau2 := 1 - rho2 "(9)";

    tmp := exp(-alpha*x/psi1_c);

    angT1 := tau1^2*tmp/(1 - rho1^2*tmp^2) "(10)";
    angR1 := rho1*(1 + angT1*tmp) "(13)";
    angT2 := tau2^2*tmp/(1 - rho2^2*tmp^2) "(11)";
    angR2 := rho2*(1 + angT2*tmp) "(14)";

    layer[TRA, j] := 0.5*(angT1 + angT2) "Tansmittance in (12)";
    layer[Ra, j] := 0.5*(angR1 + angR2) "Front reflectance (15)";
    layer[Rb, j] := layer[Ra, j] "Back reflectance in (15)";
  end for;

  // When incident angle is equal to 90 degree
  layer[TRA, NDIR] := 0 "(16)";
  layer[Ra, NDIR] := 1.0 "(16)";
  layer[Rb, NDIR] := 1.0 "(16)";

  // Computer hemispherical value: HEM.
  for j in 1:NDIR loop
    for k in TRA:Rb loop
      f[k, j] := 2*layer[k, j]*Modelica.Math.cos(psi[j])*Modelica.Math.sin(psi[
    end for;
  end for;

  for k in TRA:Rb loop
    layer[k, HEM] := Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.trapezoidalIntegration(
      f[k, :],
      "Equation (A.4.70a) and (A.4.70b) in M. Wetter 's Thesis or (7.3) in Finlayson 1993.";
  end for;

end glassPropertyUncoated;


Transmittance and reflectance of glass panes for exterior irradiation without shading


This function computes the angular variation of the transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for exteior irradiation without shading. It accounts for the transmittance and reflectance among different panes. Pane 1 is facing outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation (Partial function for glass radiation property).


IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration
Reallayer[3, N, HEM] Angular data of glass pane


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM]Transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading

Modelica definition

function glassTRExteriorIrradiationNoShading 
  "Transmittance and reflectance of glass panes for exterior irradiation without shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation;
  input Real layer[3, N, HEM] "Angular data of glass pane";
  output Real traRef[3, N, N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for exterior irradiation without shading";

  Real aij "Temporary variable";
  constant Real SMALL=Modelica.Constants.small "Small value";

  // Property for single pane of glass or the first pane of multiple panes glass
  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    for k in TRA:Rb loop
      traRef[k, 1, 1, iD] := layer[k, 1, iD] "Equation (A.4.71)";
    end for;
  end for;

  // Property for multiple panes glass
  if N > 1 then
    for iD in 1:HEM loop
      for i in 1:N - 1 loop
        for j in i + 1:N loop
          for k in TRA:Rb loop
            traRef[k, j, j, iD] := layer[k, j, iD];
          end for;

          aij := 1 - traRef[Ra, j, j, iD]*traRef[Rb, j - 1, i, iD] 
            "Equation (A.4.77)";
          assert(aij > -SMALL,
            "Glass transmittance and reflectance data was not correct.\n");
          if aij < SMALL then
            traRef[TRA, i, j, iD] := 0;
            traRef[Ra, i, j, iD] := 1;
            traRef[Rb, j, i, iD] := 1;
            aij := 1/aij;
            traRef[TRA, i, j, iD] := aij*traRef[TRA, i, j - 1, iD]*traRef[TRA,
              j, j, iD] "Equation (A.4.78a)";
            traRef[Ra, i, j, iD] := traRef[Ra, i, j - 1, iD] + aij*traRef[TRA,
              i, j - 1, iD]*traRef[TRA, i, j - 1, iD]*traRef[Ra, j, j, iD] 
              "Equation (A.4.78b)";
            traRef[Rb, j, i, iD] := traRef[Rb, j, j, iD] + aij*traRef[TRA, j, j,
              iD]*traRef[TRA, j, j, iD]*traRef[Rb, j - 1, i, iD] 
              "Equation (A.4.78c)";
          end if;
        end for;
      end for;
    end for;
  end if;

end glassTRExteriorIrradiationNoShading;


Transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading


This function computes the angular variation of the transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading. It accounts for the transmittance and reflectance among different panes. Pane 1 is facing outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation (Partial function for glass radiation property).


IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration
Reallayer[3, N, HEM] Angular data of glass pane


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM]Glass transmittance, front and back reflectance

Modelica definition

function glassTRInteriorIrradiationNoShading 
  "Transmittance and reflectance of each glass pane for interior irradiation without shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialGlassRadiation;
  input Real layer[3, N, HEM] "Angular data of glass pane";
  output Real traRef[3, N, N, HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Glass transmittance, front and back reflectance";

  Real dLayer[3, N, HEM] 
    "Dummy glass property with Pane 1 facing inside and Pane N facing outside";
  Real dTraRef[3, N, N, HEM] 
    "Dummy transmittance and reflectance for exterior irradiation";

  // Copy the dummy glass property
  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    for j in 1:N loop
      dLayer[TRA, j, iD] := layer[TRA, N + 1 - j, iD];
      dLayer[Ra, j, iD] := layer[Rb, N + 1 - j, iD] 
        "swap the front and back reflectance";
      dLayer[Rb, j, iD] := layer[Ra, N + 1 - j, iD] 
        "swap the front and back reflectance";
    end for;
  end for;

  // Calculate transmittance and reflectance of dummy glass for exterior irradiation without shading
  dTraRef :=

  // Convert the dummy data to real glass
  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    for i in 1:N - 1 loop
      for j in i + 1:N loop
        traRef[TRA, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD] := dTraRef[TRA, i, j, iD];
        traRef[Ra, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD] := dTraRef[Rb, i, j, iD] 
          "swap the front and back reflectance";
        traRef[Rb, N + 1 - i, N + 1 - j, iD] := dTraRef[Ra, i, j, iD] 
          "swap the front and back reflectance";
      end for;
    end for;
  end for;

end glassTRInteriorIrradiationNoShading;


Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass and shading device) for exterior irradiation with interior shading


This function computes the angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass and shading device) for exterior irradiation with interior shading. Pane 1 is facing outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealtraExtIrrIntSha[HEM]Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass and shading device) forh exterior irradiation with interior shading

Modelica definition

function winTExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading 
  "Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass and shading device) for exterior irradiation with interior shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real traExtIrrIntSha[HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass and shading device) forh exterior irradiation with interior shading";

  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    traExtIrrIntSha[iD] := traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD]*traIntShaDev/(1 - refIntShaDev
      *traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]) "Equation (A.4.92)";
  end for;

end winTExteriorIrradiationInteriorShading;


Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass + shading device) for exterior irradiation with exterior shading


This function computes the angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass + shading device) for exterior irradiation with exterior shading. Pane 1 is facing outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealtraExtIrrExtSha[HEM]Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass + shading device) for exterior irradiation with exterior shading

Modelica definition

function winTExteriorIrradiatrionExteriorShading 
  "Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass + shading device) for exterior irradiation with exterior shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;
  output Real traExtIrrExtSha[HEM](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Angular and hemispherical transmittance of a window system (glass + shading device) for exterior irradiation with exterior shading";

  Real c;

  for iD in 1:HEM loop
    c := traExtShaDev*(1 + traRef[Ra, 1, N, iD]*refExtShaDev/(1 - traRef[Ra, 1,
      N, HEM]*refExtShaDev)) "Equation (A.4.88a)";
    traExtIrrExtSha[iD] := c*traRef[TRA, 1, N, iD] "Equation (A.4.88c)";
  end for;

end winTExteriorIrradiatrionExteriorShading;


Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with exterior shading


This function computes hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window for interior irradiation with exterior shading. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room. The variables are
traRefIntIrrExtSha[1]: Transmittance;
traRefIntIrrExtSha[2]: Back reflectance; 
traRefIntIrrExtSha[3]: Dummy value

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealtraRefIntIrrExtSha[3]Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with exterior shading

Modelica definition

function winTRInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading 
  "Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with exterior shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;
  output Real traRefIntIrrExtSha[3](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with exterior shading";
  traRefIntIrrExtSha[TRA] := traRef[TRA, N, 1, HEM]*traExtShaDev/(1 -
    refExtShaDev*traRef[Ra, 1, N, HEM]) "Equation (A.4.95)";
  traRefIntIrrExtSha[Rb] := traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM] + traRef[TRA, N, 1, HEM]*
    refExtShaDev*traRef[1, 1, N, HEM]/(1 - traRef[Ra, 1, N, HEM]*refExtShaDev) 
    "Equation (A.4.97)";
  traRefIntIrrExtSha[Ra] := 0 "Dummy value";
end winTRInteriorIrradiationExteriorShading;


Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with interior shading


This function computes the hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with interior shading. Pane 1 is facing the outside and pane N is facing the room.

Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation (Partial function for window radiation property with shading device).


RealtraRef[3, N, N, HEM] Transmittance and reflectance with exterior irradiation and no shading
RealtraRefShaDev[2, 2] Transmittance and reflectance of shading device
IntegerN Number of glass layers
IntegerHEM Index of hemispherical integration


RealtraRefIntIrrIntSha[3]Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with interior shading

Modelica definition

function winTRInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading 
  "Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with interior shading"
  extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.BaseClasses.partialWindowShadingRadiation;

  output Real traRefIntIrrIntSha[3](each min=0, each max=1) 
    "Hemispherical transmittance and back reflectance of a window system (glass and shading device) for interior irradiation with interior shading";

  constant Real rRho=traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]*refIntShaDev 
    "Part of Equation (A.4.99)";
  constant Real rTau=traRef[Rb, N, 1, HEM]*traIntShaDev 
    "Part of Equation (A.4.105)";
  constant Real c=traIntShaDev*(1 + rRho/(1 - rRho)) "Equation (A.4.99)";

  traRefIntIrrIntSha[TRA] := c*traRef[TRA, N, 1, HEM] "Equation (A.4.100b)";
  traRefIntIrrIntSha[Rb] := refIntShaDev + c*rTau "Equation (A.4.105)";
  traRefIntIrrIntSha[Ra] := 0 "Dummy value";

end winTRInteriorIrradiationInteriorShading;

Automatically generated Wed Feb 12 08:17:49 2014.