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Package to call Python functions


This package contains blocks and functions that embed Python 2.7 in Modelica. Data can be sent to Python functions and received from Python functions. This allows for example data analysis in Python as part of a Modelica model, or data exchange as part of a hardware-in-the-loop simulation in which Python is used to communicate with hardware.

See Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.UsersGuide for instruction.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Content

Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.UsersGuide UsersGuide User's Guide
Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.Real_Real Real_Real Block that exchanges a vector of real values with a Python function
Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.Functions Functions Package with functions that call Python
Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.Examples Examples Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models

Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.Real_Real Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.Real_Real

Block that exchanges a vector of real values with a Python function



Block that exchanges data with a Python function.

For each element in the input vector uR[nDblWri], the value of the flag flaDblWri[nDblWri] determines whether the current value, the average over the sampling interval or the integral over the sampling interval is sent to Python. The following three options are allowed:

flaDblWri[i] Value sent to Python
0 Current value of uR[i]
1 Average value of uR[i] over the sampling interval
2 Integral of uR[i] over the sampling interval

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.DiscreteBlock (Base class of discrete control blocks).


TimesamplePeriod Sample period of component [s]
TimestartTime0First sample time instant [s]
StringmoduleName Name of the python module that contains the function
StringfunctionNamemoduleNameName of the python function
IntegernDblWri Number of double values to write to Python
IntegernDblRea Number of double values to be read from the Python
IntegerflaDblWri[nDblWri]zeros(nDblWri)Flag for double values (0: use current value, 1: use average over interval, 2: use integral over interval)


input RealInputuR[nDblWri]Real inputs to be sent to Python
output RealOutputyR[nDblRea]Real outputs received from Python

Modelica definition

model Real_Real 
  "Block that exchanges a vector of real values with a Python function"
  extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.DiscreteBlock(startTime=0);

  parameter String moduleName 
    "Name of the python module that contains the function";
  parameter String functionName=moduleName "Name of the python function";

  parameter Integer nDblWri(min=1) "Number of double values to write to Python";
  parameter Integer nDblRea(min=1) 
    "Number of double values to be read from the Python";
  parameter Integer flaDblWri[nDblWri] = zeros(nDblWri) 
    "Flag for double values (0: use current value, 1: use average over interval, 2: use integral over interval)";

  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput uR[nDblWri] 
    "Real inputs to be sent to Python";
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput yR[nDblRea] 
    "Real outputs received from Python";

  Real uRInt[nDblWri] "Value of integral";
  Real uRIntPre[nDblWri] "Value of integral at previous sampling instance";
  Real uRWri[nDblWri] "Value to be sent to Python";
initial algorithm 
   uRInt    := zeros(nDblWri);
   uRIntPre := zeros(nDblWri);
   for i in 1:nDblWri loop
     assert(flaDblWri[i]>=0 and flaDblWri[i]<=2,
        "Parameter flaDblWri out of range for " + String(i) + "-th component.");
   end for;
   for i in 1:nDblWri loop
      der(uRInt[i]) = if (flaDblWri[i] > 0) then uR[i] else 0;
   end for;
  when {sampleTrigger} then
     // Compute value that will be sent to Python
     for i in 1:nDblWri loop
       if (flaDblWri[i] == 0) then
         uRWri[i] :=pre(uR[i]);                 // Send the current value.
         uRWri[i] :=uRInt[i] - uRIntPre[i];     // Integral over the sampling interval
         if (flaDblWri[i] == 1) then
            uRWri[i] := uRWri[i]/samplePeriod;  // Average value over the sampling interval
         end if;
       end if;
      end for;

    // Exchange data

    // Store current value of integral
  end when;

end Real_Real;

Automatically generated Fri Dec 13 11:39:43 2013.