This package contains data describing window constructions commonly found in FLEXLAB test cells.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).Name | Description |
![]() | XGL-1 window constuction used in cells 3A, 3B and RA. ASHRAE 90.1 minimally compliant |
This is a model of a window construction used in FLEXLAB test cells. It is minimally compliant per the ASHRAE 90.1 specification.
Note: This model is not yet completed, and is currently a placeholder. See Buildings.Rooms.FLEXLAB.UsersGuide for more information.
Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.Generic (Thermal properties of glazing systems).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Integer | nLay | 2 | Number of glass layers |
Boolean | haveExteriorShade | false | Set to true if window has an exterior shade (at surface a) |
Boolean | haveInteriorShade | false | Set to true if window has an interior shade (at surface b) |
Generic | glass[nLay] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of glass layers, starting from outside to room-side |
Generic | gas[nLay - 1] | {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data... | Layer by layer declaration of glass layers, starting from outside to room-side |
Generic | shade | Shade | |
CoefficientOfHeatTransfer | UFra | 1.4 | U-value of frame [W/(m2.K)] |
Emissivity | absIRFra | 0.8 | Infrared absorptivity of window frame [1] |
Emissivity | absSolFra | 0.5 | Solar absorptivity of window frame [1] |
record ASHRAE901Gla = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.Generic ( final glass={Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Glasses.ID101(), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Glasses.ID101()}, final gas = {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Gases.Air(x=0.0127)}, UFra=1.4, final nLay=2) "XGL-1 window constuction used in cells 3A, 3B and RA. ASHRAE 90.1 minimally compliant";