Name | Description |
![]() | Model for an opaque construction that has one window embedded in the construction |
![]() | Model for an opaque construction that has no window |
![]() | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |
![]() | Package with base classes for Buildings.Rooms.Constructions |
The model consists of the following two main submodels:
, which uses the model
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Conduction.MultiLayer to compute
the heat transfer through the opaque part of the construction.
This model uses the record layers
to access the material properties
of the opaque construction.
, which uses the model
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Window to compute
the heat transfer through the glazing system.
This model uses the record glaSys
to access the material properties
of the glazing system.
The parameter A
is the area of the opaque construction plus the window.
The parameter AWin
is the area of the glazing system, including the frame.
The area of the opaque construction is assigned internally as AOpa=A-AWin
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Area | A | Heat transfer area [m2] | |
Angle | til | Surface tilt [rad] | |
Opaque construction | |||
Area | AOpa | A - AWin | Heat transfer area of opaque construction [m2] |
Generic | layers | redeclare parameter Building... | Material properties of opaque construction |
Initialization | |||
Boolean | steadyStateInitial | false | =true initializes dT(0)/dt=0, false initializes T(0) at fixed temperature using T_a_start and T_b_start |
Temperature | T_a_start | 293.15 | Initial temperature at port_a, used if steadyStateInitial = false [K] |
Temperature | T_b_start | 293.15 | Initial temperature at port_b, used if steadyStateInitial = false [K] |
Glazing system | |||
Area | AWin | Heat transfer area of window [m2] | |
Real | fFra | 0.1 | Fraction of window frame divided by total window area |
Boolean | linearizeRadiation | true | Set to true to linearize emissive power |
Generic | glaSys | redeclare parameter HeatTran... | Material properties of glazing system |
Type | Name | Description |
HeatPort_a | opa_a | Heat port at surface a of opaque construction |
HeatPort_b | opa_b | Heat port at surface b of opaque construction |
output RadiosityOutflow | JOutUns_a | Outgoing radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at exterior side [W] |
input RadiosityInflow | JInUns_a | Incoming radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at exterior side [W] |
output RadiosityOutflow | JOutSha_a | Outgoing radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at exterior side [W] |
input RadiosityInflow | JInSha_a | Incoming radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at exterior side [W] |
HeatPort_a | glaUns_a | Heat port at unshaded glass of exterior-facing surface |
HeatPort_a | glaSha_a | Heat port at shaded glass of exterior-facing surface |
HeatPort_a | fra_a | Heat port at frame of exterior-facing surface |
input RealInput | uSha | Control signal for the shading device, 0: unshaded; 1: fully shaded (removed if no shade is present) |
output RadiosityOutflow | JOutUns_b | Outgoing radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at room-side [W] |
input RadiosityInflow | JInUns_b | Incoming radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at room-side [W] |
output RadiosityOutflow | JOutSha_b | Outgoing radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at room-side [W] |
input RadiosityInflow | JInSha_b | Incoming radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at room-side [W] |
HeatPort_b | glaUns_b | Heat port at unshaded glass of room-facing surface |
HeatPort_b | glaSha_b | Heat port at shaded glass of room-facing surface |
HeatPort_b | fra_b | Heat port at frame of room-facing surface |
input RealInput | QAbsUns_flow[glaSys.nLay] | Solar radiation absorbed by unshaded part of glass [W] |
input RealInput | QAbsSha_flow[glaSys.nLay] | Solar radiation absorbed by shaded part of glass [W] |
model ConstructionWithWindow "Model for an opaque construction that has one window embedded in the construction" extends Buildings.Rooms.Constructions.BaseClasses.PartialConstruction( final AOpa=A-AWin); parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area AWin "Heat transfer area of window"; parameter Real fFra( min=0, max=1) = 0.1 "Fraction of window frame divided by total window area"; final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area AFra = fFra*AWin "Frame area"; final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area AGla=AWin - AFra "Glass area"; parameter Boolean linearizeRadiation = true "Set to true to linearize emissive power";replaceable parameter HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.Generic glaSys "Material properties of glazing system"; HeatTransfer.Windows.Window win( final glaSys=glaSys, final A=AWin, final fFra=fFra, final linearize = linearizeRadiation, final til=til) "Window model"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityOutflow JOutUns_a "Outgoing radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at exterior side"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityInflow JInUns_a "Incoming radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at exterior side"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityOutflow JOutSha_a if haveShade "Outgoing radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at exterior side"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityInflow JInSha_a if haveShade "Incoming radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at exterior side"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a glaUns_a "Heat port at unshaded glass of exterior-facing surface"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a glaSha_a if haveShade "Heat port at shaded glass of exterior-facing surface"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a fra_a "Heat port at frame of exterior-facing surface"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput uSha(min=0, max=1) if haveShade "Control signal for the shading device, 0: unshaded; 1: fully shaded (removed if no shade is present)"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityOutflow JOutUns_b "Outgoing radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at room-side"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityInflow JInUns_b "Incoming radiosity that connects to unshaded part of glass at room-side"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityOutflow JOutSha_b if haveShade "Outgoing radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at room-side"; HeatTransfer.Interfaces.RadiosityInflow JInSha_b if haveShade "Incoming radiosity that connects to shaded part of glass at room-side"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b glaUns_b "Heat port at unshaded glass of room-facing surface"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b glaSha_b if haveShade "Heat port at shaded glass of room-facing surface"; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b fra_b "Heat port at frame of room-facing surface"; protected final parameter Boolean haveShade = glaSys.haveExteriorShade or glaSys.haveInteriorShade "Parameter, equal to true if the window has a shade";public Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput QAbsUns_flow[glaSys.nLay](each unit="W", each quantity="Power") "Solar radiation absorbed by unshaded part of glass"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput QAbsSha_flow[glaSys.nLay](each unit="W", each quantity="Power") if haveShade "Solar radiation absorbed by shaded part of glass"; equationconnect(win.uSha, uSha); connect(JInUns_a, win.JInUns_a); connect(JOutUns_a, win.JOutUns_a); connect(win.glaUns_a, glaUns_a); connect(win.glaSha_a, glaSha_a); connect(win.JInSha_a, JInSha_a); connect(win.JOutSha_a, JOutSha_a); connect(win.fra_a, fra_a); connect(win.JOutUns_b, JOutUns_b); connect(win.JInUns_b, JInUns_b); connect(win.glaUns_b, glaUns_b); connect(win.glaSha_b, glaSha_b); connect(win.JOutSha_b, JOutSha_b); connect(win.JInSha_b, JInSha_b); connect(win.fra_b, fra_b); connect(opa.port_a, opa_a); connect(opa.port_b, opa_b); connect(win.QAbsUns_flow, QAbsUns_flow); connect(win.QAbsSha_flow, QAbsSha_flow); end ConstructionWithWindow;
to access the material properties
of the opaque construction. The heat transfer is computed in the instance
, which uses the model
Extends from Buildings.Rooms.Constructions.BaseClasses.PartialConstruction (Partial model for exterior construction that has no window).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Area | A | Heat transfer area [m2] | |
Angle | til | Surface tilt [rad] | |
Opaque construction | |||
Area | AOpa | A | Heat transfer area of opaque construction [m2] |
Generic | layers | redeclare parameter Building... | Material properties of opaque construction |
Initialization | |||
Boolean | steadyStateInitial | false | =true initializes dT(0)/dt=0, false initializes T(0) at fixed temperature using T_a_start and T_b_start |
Temperature | T_a_start | 293.15 | Initial temperature at port_a, used if steadyStateInitial = false [K] |
Temperature | T_b_start | 293.15 | Initial temperature at port_b, used if steadyStateInitial = false [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
HeatPort_a | opa_a | Heat port at surface a of opaque construction |
HeatPort_b | opa_b | Heat port at surface b of opaque construction |
model Construction "Model for an opaque construction that has no window" extends Buildings.Rooms.Constructions.BaseClasses.PartialConstruction( final AOpa=A);end Construction;