This package contains performance curves for the cooling capacity and the EIR of DX cooling coils. For performance data of specific DX cooling coils, see the packages Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.SingleSpeed and Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.DoubleSpeed.
The data are described in Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.BaseClasses.DXCoil.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage (Icon for packages containing base classes).
Name | Description |
![]() | Generic data record for a stage of a DX coil |
![]() | Data record of nominal values |
![]() | Data record for a performance curve |
![]() | Converts the nominal values to a string representation |
This is the base record for DX cooling coil model at a compressor speed. See the information section of Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.Generic.DXCoil for a description of the data.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
AngularVelocity | spe | Rotational speed [rad/s] | |
NominalValues | nomVal | Nominal values | |
PerformanceCurve | perCur | Performance curves for this stage |
record Stage "Generic data record for a stage of a DX coil" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; parameter Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity spe(displayUnit="1/min") "Rotational speed";parameter Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.Generic.BaseClasses.NominalValues nomVal "Nominal values"; parameter Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.Generic.BaseClasses.PerformanceCurve perCur "Performance curves for this stage"; end Stage;
This is the base record of nominal values for DX cooling coil models.
See the information section of Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.Generic.DXCoil for a description of the data.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Nominal condition | |||
HeatFlowRate | Q_flow_nominal | Nominal cooling capacity (negative number) [W] | |
Real | COP_nominal | Nominal coefficient of performance | |
Real | SHR_nominal | Nominal sensible heat ratio | |
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | Nominal air mass flow rate [kg/s] | |
Temperature | TEvaIn_nominal | 273.15 + 19.4 | Evaporator entering air dry-bulb temperature at rating condition [K] |
Temperature | TConIn_nominal | 308.15 | Condenser entering air temperature at rating condition (wet bulb for evaporative cooled coils, dry bulb otherwise) [K] |
Pressure | p_nominal | 101325 | Atmospheric pressure [Pa] |
Nominal | |||
Real | phiIn_nominal | 0.5 | Relative humidity of entering air at nominal condition |
Re-evaporation data | |||
Time | tWet | 1400 | Time until moisture drips from coil when a dry coil is switched on [s] |
Real | gamma | 1.5 | Ratio of evaporation heat transfer divided by latent heat transfer at nominal conditions |
record NominalValues "Data record of nominal values" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; //-----------------------------Nominal conditions-----------------------------// parameter Modelica.SIunits.HeatFlowRate Q_flow_nominal(max=0) "Nominal cooling capacity (negative number)"; parameter Real COP_nominal "Nominal coefficient of performance"; parameter Real SHR_nominal "Nominal sensible heat ratio"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate m_flow_nominal "Nominal air mass flow rate"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TEvaIn_nominal=273.15+19.4 "Evaporator entering air dry-bulb temperature at rating condition"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TConIn_nominal=308.15 "Condenser entering air temperature at rating condition (wet bulb for evaporative cooled coils, dry bulb otherwise)"; parameter Real phiIn_nominal=0.5 "Relative humidity of entering air at nominal condition"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p_nominal=101325 "Atmospheric pressure"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tWet = 1400 "Time until moisture drips from coil when a dry coil is switched on"; parameter Real gamma(min=0) = 1.5 "Ratio of evaporation heat transfer divided by latent heat transfer at nominal conditions";end NominalValues;
This record declares the data used to specify performance curves for DX coils.
See the information section of Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.Generic.DXCoil for a description of the data.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Performance curves | |||
Real | capFunT[6] | Biquadratic coefficients for cooling capacity function of temperature | |
Real | capFunFF[:] | Polynomial coefficients for cooling capacity function of flow fration | |
Real | EIRFunT[6] | Biquadratic coefficients for EIR function of temperature | |
Real | EIRFunFF[:] | Polynomial coefficients for EIR function of flow fration | |
Minimum and maximum values | |||
Temperature | TConInMin | Minimum condenser inlet temperature for cooling capacity function [K] | |
Temperature | TConInMax | Maximum condenser inlet temperature for cooling capacity function [K] | |
Temperature | TEvaInMin | Minimum evaporator inlet temperature for cooling capacity function [K] | |
Temperature | TEvaInMax | Maximum evaporator inlet temperature for cooling capacity function [K] | |
Real | ffMin | Minimum flow fraction for which performance data are valid | |
Real | ffMax | Maximum flow fraction for which performance data are valid |
record PerformanceCurve "Data record for a performance curve" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; //-----------------------------Performance curves-----------------------------// parameter Real capFunT[6] "Biquadratic coefficients for cooling capacity function of temperature"; parameter Real capFunFF[:] "Polynomial coefficients for cooling capacity function of flow fration"; parameter Real EIRFunT[6] "Biquadratic coefficients for EIR function of temperature"; parameter Real EIRFunFF[:] "Polynomial coefficients for EIR function of flow fration"; //------------------------Range for performance curves------------------------// parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TConInMin "Minimum condenser inlet temperature for cooling capacity function"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TConInMax "Maximum condenser inlet temperature for cooling capacity function"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TEvaInMin "Minimum evaporator inlet temperature for cooling capacity function"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TEvaInMax "Maximum evaporator inlet temperature for cooling capacity function"; parameter Real ffMin "Minimum flow fraction for which performance data are valid"; parameter Real ffMax "Maximum flow fraction for which performance data are valid";end PerformanceCurve;
Returns a string representation of the nominal values.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
NominalValues | nomVal | Nominal values |
Type | Name | Description |
String | s | A string representation of the nominal values |
function nominalValuesToString "Converts the nominal values to a string representation" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DXCoils.Data.Generic.BaseClasses.NominalValues nomVal "Nominal values"; output String s "A string representation of the nominal values"; algorithm s :="Nominal values: Q_flow_nominal = " + String(nomVal.Q_flow_nominal) + " COP_nominal = " + String(nomVal.COP_nominal) + " m_flow_nominal = " + String(nomVal.m_flow_nominal) + " TEvaIn_nominal = " + String(nomVal.TEvaIn_nominal) + " (= " + String(nomVal.TEvaIn_nominal-273.15) + " degC) TConIn_nominal = " + String(nomVal.TConIn_nominal) + " (= " + String(nomVal.TConIn_nominal-273.15) + " degC) phiIn_nominal = " + String(nomVal.phiIn_nominal) + " tWet = " + String(nomVal.tWet) + " gamma = " + String(nomVal.gamma) + " p_nominal = " + String(nomVal.p_nominal) + " ";end nominalValuesToString;