Package with records for solid materials. The material is characterized by its thermal conductivity, mass density and specific heat capacity.
These properties are used to compute heat conduction in circular coordinates. Hence, as opposed to Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids, they do not include the material thickness and the generation of the spatial grid.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).
Name | Description |
![]() | Thermal properties of solids with heat storage |
![]() | Granite (k=1.9) |
![]() | Concrete (k=3.1) |
![]() | Basalt (k=2.3) |
![]() | Marble (k=2.7) |
![]() | Sandstone (k=2.8) |
Generic record for solid materials used as soil. The material is characterized by its thermal conductivity, mass density and specific heat capacity.
Extends from Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.BaseClasses.ThermalProperties (Thermal properties of materials with storage).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ThermalConductivity | k | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] | |
SpecificHeatCapacity | c | Specific heat capacity [J/(kg.K)] | |
Density | d | Mass density [kg/m3] | |
Boolean | steadyState | (c == 0 or d == 0) | Flag, if true, then material is computed using steady-state heat conduction |
record Generic "Thermal properties of solids with heat storage" extends Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.BaseClasses.ThermalProperties;end Generic;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ThermalConductivity | k | 1.9 | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
SpecificHeatCapacity | c | 790 | Specific heat capacity [J/(kg.K)] |
Density | d | 1920 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
Boolean | steadyState | (c == 0 or d == 0) | Flag, if true, then material is computed using steady-state heat conduction |
record Granite = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Soil.Generic ( k=1.9, d=1920, c=790) "Granite (k=1.9)";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ThermalConductivity | k | 3.1 | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
SpecificHeatCapacity | c | 840 | Specific heat capacity [J/(kg.K)] |
Density | d | 2000 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
Boolean | steadyState | (c == 0 or d == 0) | Flag, if true, then material is computed using steady-state heat conduction |
record Concrete = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Soil.Generic ( k=3.1, d=2000, c=840) "Concrete (k=3.1)";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ThermalConductivity | k | 2.3 | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
SpecificHeatCapacity | c | 1200 | Specific heat capacity [J/(kg.K)] |
Density | d | 1140 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
Boolean | steadyState | (c == 0 or d == 0) | Flag, if true, then material is computed using steady-state heat conduction |
record Basalt = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Soil.Generic ( k=2.3, d=1140, c=1200) "Basalt (k=2.3)";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ThermalConductivity | k | 2.7 | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
SpecificHeatCapacity | c | 1090 | Specific heat capacity [J/(kg.K)] |
Density | d | 2500 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
Boolean | steadyState | (c == 0 or d == 0) | Flag, if true, then material is computed using steady-state heat conduction |
record Marble = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Soil.Generic ( k=2.7, d=2500, c=1090) "Marble (k=2.7)";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ThermalConductivity | k | 2.8 | Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
SpecificHeatCapacity | c | 1210 | Specific heat capacity [J/(kg.K)] |
Density | d | 540 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
Boolean | steadyState | (c == 0 or d == 0) | Flag, if true, then material is computed using steady-state heat conduction |
record Sandstone = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Soil.Generic ( k=2.8, d=540, c=1210) "Sandstone (k=2.8)";