Package with records for fuel properties.
Note that the heating value and the mass density can vary for individual fuels.
The parameter mCO2
are the CO2 emission in kilograms
that are released per kilogram fuel that is burnt.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).
Name | Description |
![]() | Natural gas, lower heating value |
![]() | Natural gas, higher heating value |
![]() | Heating oil, lower heating value |
![]() | Heating oil, higher heating value |
![]() | Wood, air-dried, lower heating value |
![]() | Generic record of fuel properties |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | 50E6 | Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel) [J/kg] |
Density | d | 0.84 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
MassFraction | mCO2 | 2.23 | CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel [1] |
record NaturalGasLowerHeatingValue = Buildings.Fluid.Data.Fuels.Generic ( h=50E6, d=0.84, mCO2=2.23) "Natural gas, lower heating value";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | 55.5E6 | Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel) [J/kg] |
Density | d | 0.84 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
MassFraction | mCO2 | 2.23 | CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel [1] |
record NaturalGasHigherHeatingValue = NaturalGasLowerHeatingValue ( h=55.5E6) "Natural gas, higher heating value";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | 42.6E6 | Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel) [J/kg] |
Density | d | 845 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
MassFraction | mCO2 | 3.136 | CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel [1] |
record HeatingOilLowerHeatingValue = Buildings.Fluid.Data.Fuels.Generic ( h=42.6E6, d=845, mCO2=3.136) "Heating oil, lower heating value";
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | 45.4E6 | Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel) [J/kg] |
Density | d | 845 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
MassFraction | mCO2 | 3.136 | CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel [1] |
record HeatingOilHigherHeatingValue = HeatingOilLowerHeatingValue ( h=45.4E6) "Heating oil, higher heating value";
The lower heating value is based on Recknagel 2005, Tafel 1.3.6-1.
Hermann Recknagel, Eberhard Sprenger and Ernst-Rudolf Schramek. Taschenbuch fuer Heizung und Klimatechnik.72. Auflage. Oldenbourg Industrieverlage Muenchen. ISBN 3-486-26560-1. 2005.
Extends from Buildings.Fluid.Data.Fuels.Generic (Generic record of fuel properties).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | 14.6E6 | Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel) [J/kg] |
Density | d | 700 | Mass density [kg/m3] |
MassFraction | mCO2 | 0 | CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel [1] |
record WoodAirDriedLowerHeatingValue = Buildings.Fluid.Data.Fuels.Generic ( h=14.6E6, d=700, mCO2=0) "Wood, air-dried, lower heating value";
This is a generic record where the fuel properties need to be specified by the user.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel) [J/kg] | |
Density | d | Mass density [kg/m3] | |
MassFraction | mCO2 | CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel [1] |
record Generic "Generic record of fuel properties" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h "Heating value (lower or upper, depending on fuel)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Density d "Mass density"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction mCO2 "CO2 emission at combustion, in kg/kg fuel";end Generic;