
Package with type definitions


This package contains type definitions.

Package Content

EfficiencyCurves Enumeration to define the efficiency curves
CvTypes Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient

Types and constants

  type EfficiencyCurves = enumeration(
    Constant "constant",
    Polynomial "Polynomial",
    QuadraticLinear "quadratic in x1, linear in x2") 
  "Enumeration to define the efficiency curves";

  type CvTypes = enumeration(
    OpPoint "flow coefficient defined by m0_flow/sqrt(dp0)",
    Kv "Kv (metric) flow coefficient",
    Cv "Cv (US) flow coefficient",
    Av "Av (metric) flow coefficient") 
  "Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient";

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