
Air: Simple dry air model (0..100 degC)



Simple Ideal gas air model for low temperatures

This model demonstrats how to use the PartialSimpleIdealGas base class to build a simple ideal gas model with a limited temperature validity range.

This partial package is identical to Modelica.Media.Air.SimpleAir but it fixes two bugs in the original implementation. The bugs are fixed by using a new base class Buildings.Media.Interfaces.PartialSimpleIdealGasMedium (that fixes the bugs) instead of Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialSimpleIdealGasMedium.

With the original implementation, initial states of fluid volumes can be far away from the steady-state value because of an inconsistent implementation of the the enthalpy and internal energy. When the Buildings library is upgraded to to Modelica 3.0.0, it should be safe to remove this package as the bug is fixed since Modelica 3.0.0 (but not in Modelica 2.2.2).

Package Content

fluidConstants=FluidConstants(iupacName={"simple air"}, casRegistryNumber={"not a real substance"}, chemicalFormula={"N2, O2"}, structureFormula={"N2, O2"}, molarMass=Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.SingleGasesData.N2.MM)constant data for the fluid

Types and constants

  constant FluidConstants[nS] fluidConstants=
    FluidConstants(iupacName={"simple air"},
                   casRegistryNumber={"not a real substance"},
                   chemicalFormula={"N2, O2"},
                   structureFormula={"N2, O2"},
  "constant data for the fluid";

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