
Functions for fan or pump characteristics


This package implements performance curves for fans and pumps.

The following performance curves are implemented:

 dp =f(V_flow, r_N, {V_flow_nominal, dp_nominal})
 P  =f(V_flow, r_N, {V_flow_nominal, dp_nominal})
 eta=f(r_V,         {r_V_nominal, eta_nominal})
where dp is the pressure raise, P is the power consumption, eta is the efficiency, V_flow is the volume flow rate, r_N=N/N_nominal is the normalized revolution and the quantities in curly brackets are points used to parameterize the curves. Each curve can be a constant, a linear function, a quadratic function or a polynomial of arbitrary order.

The package is similar to Modelica.Fluid.Machines.BaseClasses.PumpCharacteristics, with the following exceptions: