
Sources to drive 1D rotational mechanical components


This package contains ideal sources to drive 1D mechanical rotational drive trains.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage (Icon for packages containing sources).

Package Content

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Position Position Forced movement of a flange according to a reference angle signal
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Speed Speed Forced movement of a flange according to a reference angular velocity signal
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Accelerate Accelerate Forced movement of a flange according to an acceleration signal
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Move Move Forced movement of a flange according to an angle, speed and angular acceleration signal
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Torque Torque Input signal acting as external torque on a flange
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Torque2 Torque2 Input signal acting as torque on two flanges
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.LinearSpeedDependentTorque LinearSpeedDependentTorque Linear dependency of torque versus speed
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.QuadraticSpeedDependentTorque QuadraticSpeedDependentTorque Quadratic dependency of torque versus speed
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.ConstantTorque ConstantTorque Constant torque, not dependent on speed
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.ConstantSpeed ConstantSpeed Constant speed, not dependent on torque
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.TorqueStep TorqueStep Constant torque, not dependent on speed

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Position Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Position

Forced movement of a flange according to a reference angle signal


The input signal phi_ref defines the reference angle in [rad]. Flange flange is forced to move according to this reference motion relative to flange support. According to parameter exact (default = false), this is done in the following way:

  1. exact=true
    The reference angle is treated exactly. This is only possible, if the input signal is defined by an analytical function which can be differentiated at least twice. If this prerequisite is fulfilled, the Modelica translator will differentiate the input signal twice in order to compute the reference acceleration of the flange.
  2. exact=false
    The reference angle is filtered and the second derivative of the filtered curve is used to compute the reference acceleration of the flange. This second derivative is not computed by numerical differentiation but by an appropriate realization of the filter. For filtering, a second order Bessel filter is used. The critical frequency (also called cut-off frequency) of the filter is defined via parameter f_crit in [Hz]. This value should be selected in such a way that it is higher as the essential low frequencies in the signal.

The input signal can be provided from one of the signal generator blocks of the block library Modelica.Blocks.Sources.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialElementaryOneFlangeAndSupport2 (Partial model for a component with one rotational 1-dim. shaft flange and a support used for textual modeling, i.e., for elementary models).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
exacttrue/false exact treatment/filtering the input signal
f_critif exact=false, critical frequency of filter to filter input signal [Hz]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component
phi_refReference angle of flange with respect to support as input signal [rad]

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Speed Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Speed

Forced movement of a flange according to a reference angular velocity signal


The input signal w_ref defines the reference speed in [rad/s]. Flange flange is forced to move relative to flange support according to this reference motion. According to parameter exact (default = false), this is done in the following way:

  1. exact=true
    The reference speed is treated exactly. This is only possible, if the input signal is defined by an analytical function which can be differentiated at least once. If this prerequisite is fulfilled, the Modelica translator will differentiate the input signal once in order to compute the reference acceleration of the flange.
  2. exact=false
    The reference angle is filtered and the second derivative of the filtered curve is used to compute the reference acceleration of the flange. This second derivative is not computed by numerical differentiation but by an appropriate realization of the filter. For filtering, a first order filter is used. The critical frequency (also called cut-off frequency) of the filter is defined via parameter f_crit in [Hz]. This value should be selected in such a way that it is higher as the essential low frequencies in the signal.

The input signal can be provided from one of the signal generator blocks of the block library Modelica.Blocks.Sources.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialElementaryOneFlangeAndSupport2 (Partial model for a component with one rotational 1-dim. shaft flange and a support used for textual modeling, i.e., for elementary models).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
exacttrue/false exact treatment/filtering the input signal
f_critif exact=false, critical frequency of filter to filter input signal [Hz]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component
w_refReference angular velocity of flange with respect to support as input signal [rad/s]

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Accelerate Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Accelerate

Forced movement of a flange according to an acceleration signal


The input signal a defines an angular acceleration in [rad/s2]. Flange flange is forced to move relative to flange support with this acceleration. The angular velocity w and the rotation angle phi of the flange are automatically determined by integration of the acceleration.

The input signal can be provided from one of the signal generator blocks of the block library Modelica.Blocks.Sources.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialElementaryOneFlangeAndSupport2 (Partial model for a component with one rotational 1-dim. shaft flange and a support used for textual modeling, i.e., for elementary models).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component
a_refAbsolute angular acceleration of flange with respect to support as input signal [rad/s2]

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Move Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Move

Forced movement of a flange according to an angle, speed and angular acceleration signal


Flange flange is forced to move relative to flange support with a predefined motion according to the input signals:

    u[1]: angle of flange
    u[2]: angular velocity of flange
    u[3]: angular acceleration of flange

The user has to guarantee that the input signals are consistent to each other, i.e., that u[2] is the derivative of u[1] and that u[3] is the derivative of u[2]. There are, however, also applications where by purpose these conditions do not hold. For example, if only the position dependent terms of a mechanical system shall be calculated, one may provide angle = angle(t) and set the angular velocity and the angular acceleration to zero.

The input signals can be provided from one of the signal generator blocks of the block library Modelica.Blocks.Sources.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialElementaryOneFlangeAndSupport2 (Partial model for a component with one rotational 1-dim. shaft flange and a support used for textual modeling, i.e., for elementary models).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component
u[3]Angle, angular velocity and angular acceleration of flange with respect to support as input signals

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Torque Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Torque

Input signal acting as external torque on a flange


The input signal tau defines an external torque in [Nm] which acts (with negative sign) at a flange connector, i.e., the component connected to this flange is driven by torque tau.

The input signal can be provided from one of the signal generator blocks of Modelica.Blocks.Sources.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialElementaryOneFlangeAndSupport2 (Partial model for a component with one rotational 1-dim. shaft flange and a support used for textual modeling, i.e., for elementary models).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component
tauAccelerating torque acting at flange (= -flange.tau) [N.m]

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Torque2 Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.Torque2

Input signal acting as torque on two flanges


The input signal tau defines an external torque in [Nm] which acts at both flange connectors, i.e., the components connected to these flanges are driven by torque tau.

The input signal can be provided from one of the signal generator blocks of Modelica.Blocks.Sources.

Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTwoFlanges (Partial model for a component with two rotational 1-dim. shaft flanges).


flange_aFlange of left shaft
flange_bFlange of right shaft
tauTorque driving the two flanges (a positive value accelerates the flange) [N.m]

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.LinearSpeedDependentTorque Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.LinearSpeedDependentTorque

Linear dependency of torque versus speed


Model of torque, linearly dependent on angular velocity of flange.
Parameter TorqueDirection chooses whether direction of torque is the same in both directions of rotation or not.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTorque (Partial model of a torque acting at the flange (accelerates the flange)).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
tau_nominalNominal torque (if negative, torque is acting as load) [N.m]
TorqueDirectionSame direction of torque in both directions of rotation
w_nominalNominal speed [rad/s]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.QuadraticSpeedDependentTorque Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.QuadraticSpeedDependentTorque

Quadratic dependency of torque versus speed


Model of torque, quadratic dependent on angular velocity of flange.
Parameter TorqueDirection chooses whether direction of torque is the same in both directions of rotation or not.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTorque (Partial model of a torque acting at the flange (accelerates the flange)).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
tau_nominalNominal torque (if negative, torque is acting as load) [N.m]
TorqueDirectionSame direction of torque in both directions of rotation
w_nominalNominal speed [rad/s]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.ConstantTorque Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.ConstantTorque

Constant torque, not dependent on speed


Model of constant torque, not dependent on angular velocity of flange.
Positive torque acts accelerating.

Extends from Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTorque (Partial model of a torque acting at the flange (accelerates the flange)).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
tau_constantConstant torque (if negative, torque is acting as load) [N.m]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.ConstantSpeed Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.ConstantSpeed

Constant speed, not dependent on torque


Model of fixed angular velocity of flange, not dependent on torque.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTorque (Partial model of a torque acting at the flange (accelerates the flange)).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
w_fixedFixed speed [rad/s]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component

Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.TorqueStep Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Sources.TorqueStep

Constant torque, not dependent on speed


Model of a torque step at time .
Positive torque acts accelerating.

Extends from Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTorque (Partial model of a torque acting at the flange (accelerates the flange)).


useSupport= true, if support flange enabled, otherwise implicitly grounded
stepTorqueHeight of torque step (if negative, torque is acting as load) [N.m]
offsetTorqueOffset of torque [N.m]
startTimeTorque = offset for time < startTime [s]


flangeFlange of shaft
supportSupport/housing of component

Automatically generated Mon Sep 23 17:20:43 2013.