This package contains various synchronous induction machine models.
Name | Description |
![]() | Permanent magnet synchronous machine with optional damper cage |
![]() | Electrical excited synchronous machine with optional damper cage |
![]() | Reluctance machine with optional damper cage |
Resistances and stray inductances of the machine refer to an m
phase stator. The symmetry of the stator is assumed. For rotor asymmetries can be taken into account by different resistances and stray inductances in the d- and q-axis. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:
SM_ElectricalExcited, SM_ReluctanceRotor,
Extends from Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).
Name | Description |
m | Number of stator phases |
Jr | Rotor inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
p | Number of pole pairs (Integer) |
fsNominal | Nominal frequency [Hz] |
effectiveStatorTurns | Effective number of stator turns |
VsOpenCircuit | Open circuit RMS voltage per phase @ fsNominal [V] |
Operational temperatures | |
TsOperational | Operational temperature of stator resistance [K] |
TrOperational | Operational temperature of (optional) damper cage [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
ir[2] | Damper cage currents [A] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
TsRef | Reference temperature of stator resistance [K] |
alpha20s | Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
Lszero | Stator zero inductance [H] |
Lmd | Stator main field inductance, d-axis [H] |
Lmq | Stator main field inductance, q-axis [H] |
Damper cage | |
useDamperCage | Enable/disable damper cage |
Lrsigmad | Rotor leakage inductance, d-axis, w.r.t. stator side [H] |
Lrsigmaq | Rotor leakage inductance, q-axis, w.r.t. stator side [H] |
Rrd | Rotor resistance, d-axis, w.r.t. stator side [Ohm] |
Rrq | Rotor resistance , q-axis, w.r.t. stator side [Ohm] |
TrRef | Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis [K] |
alpha20r | Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis [1/K] |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction losses |
statorCoreParameters | Stator core losses; all parameters refer to stator side |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
permanentMagnetLossParameters | Permanent magnet loss losses |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
plug_sp | Positive plug of stator |
plug_sn | Negative plug of stator |
Initialization | |
ir[2] | Damper cage currents [A] |
The symmetry of the stator is assumed. For rotor asymmetries can be taken into account by different resistances and stray inductances in the d- and q-axis. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:
SM_PermanentMagnet, SM_ReluctanceRotor,
Extends from Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).
Name | Description |
m | Number of stator phases |
Jr | Rotor inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
p | Number of pole pairs (Integer) |
fsNominal | Nominal frequency [Hz] |
effectiveStatorTurns | Effective number of stator turns |
Operational temperatures | |
TsOperational | Operational temperature of stator resistance [K] |
TrOperational | Operational temperature of (optional) damper cage [K] |
TeOperational | Operational excitation temperature [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
ir[2] | Damper cage currents [A] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
TsRef | Reference temperature of stator resistance [K] |
alpha20s | Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
Lszero | Stator zero inductance [H] |
Lmd | Stator main field inductance, d-axis [H] |
Lmq | Stator main field inductance, q-axis [H] |
DamperCage | |
useDamperCage | Enable/disable damper cage |
Lrsigmad | Rotor leakage inductance, d-axis, w.r.t. stator side [H] |
Lrsigmaq | Rotor leakage inductance, q-axis, w.r.t. stator side [H] |
Rrd | Rotor resistance, d-axis, w.r.t. stator side [Ohm] |
Rrq | Rotor resistance , q-axis, w.r.t. stator side [Ohm] |
TrRef | Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis [K] |
alpha20r | Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis [1/K] |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction losses |
statorCoreParameters | Stator core losses; all parameters refer to stator side |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
brushParameters | Brush losses |
Excitation | |
VsNominal | Nominal stator voltage [V] |
IeOpenCircuit | Open circuit excitation current @ nominal voltage and frequency [A] |
Re | Warm excitation resistance [Ohm] |
TeRef | Reference temperture of excitation resistance [K] |
alpha20e | Temperature coefficient of excitation resistance [1/K] |
sigmae | Stray fraction of total excitation inductance |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
plug_sp | Positive plug of stator |
plug_sn | Negative plug of stator |
pin_ep | Positive pin of excitation |
pin_en | Negative pin of excitation |
Initialization | |
ir[2] | Damper cage currents [A] |
The symmetry of the stator is assumed. For rotor asymmetries can be taken into account by different resistances and stray inductances in the d- and q-axis. The machine models take the following loss effects into account:
SM_ElectricalExcited, SM_PermanentMagnet,
Extends from Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).
Name | Description |
m | Number of stator phases |
Jr | Rotor inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
p | Number of pole pairs (Integer) |
fsNominal | Nominal frequency [Hz] |
effectiveStatorTurns | Effective number of stator turns |
Operational temperatures | |
TsOperational | Operational temperature of stator resistance [K] |
TrOperational | Operational temperature of (optional) damper cage [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
ir[2] | Damper cage currents [A] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
TsRef | Reference temperature of stator resistance [K] |
alpha20s | Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC [1/K] |
Lszero | Stator zero inductance [H] |
Lmd | Stator main field inductance, d-axis [H] |
Lmq | Stator main field inductance, q-axis [H] |
DamperCage | |
useDamperCage | Enable/disable damper cage |
Lrsigmad | Rotor leakage inductance, d-axis, w.r.t. stator side [H] |
Lrsigmaq | Rotor leakage inductance, q-axis, w.r.t. stator side [H] |
Rrd | Rotor resistance, d-axis, w.r.t. stator side [Ohm] |
Rrq | Rotor resistance , q-axis, w.r.t. stator side [Ohm] |
TrRef | Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis [K] |
alpha20r | Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis [1/K] |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction losses |
statorCoreParameters | Stator core losses; all parameters refer to stator side |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
plug_sp | Positive plug of stator |
plug_sn | Negative plug of stator |
Initialization | |
ir[2] | Damper cage currents [A] |