Name | Description |
![]() | Thermal ambient for DC machine with permanent magnets |
![]() | Thermal ambient for DC machine with electrical excitation |
![]() | Thermal ambient for DC machine with series excitation |
![]() | Thermal ambient for DC machine with compound excitation |
Name | Description |
useTemperatureInputs | If true, temperature inputs are used; else, temperatures are constant |
Ta | Temperature of armature [K] |
Tpm | Temperature of permanent magnet [K] |
Name | Description |
TArmature | Temperature of armature |
TPermanentMagnet | Temperature of permanent magnet |
Name | Description |
useTemperatureInputs | If true, temperature inputs are used; else, temperatures are constant |
Ta | Temperature of armature [K] |
Te | Temperature of (shunt) excitation [K] |
Name | Description |
TArmature | Temperature of armature |
TExcitation | Temperature of (shunt) excitation |
Name | Description |
useTemperatureInputs | If true, temperature inputs are used; else, temperatures are constant |
Ta | Temperature of armature [K] |
Tse | Temperature of series excitation [K] |
Name | Description |
TArmature | Temperature of armature |
T_se | Temperature of series excitation |
Name | Description |
useTemperatureInputs | If true, temperature inputs are used; else, temperatures are constant |
Ta | Temperature of armature [K] |
Te | Temperature of (shunt) excitation [K] |
Tse | Temperature of series excitation [K] |
Name | Description |
TArmature | Temperature of armature |
T_e | Temperature of (shunt) excitation |
T_se | Temperature of series excitation |