This package contains quasistationary models of DC machines; these models are fully compatible with the transient machine models of DC machines; the only difference is that electrical transients are neglected.
Quasistationary DC machine models are basically different from quasistationary induction machine models:
Quasistaionary DC machine models neglect electrical transients, i.e., setting der(i) = 0
whereas quasistationary induction machine models are based on time phasor theory,
see QuasiStationary Library,
where e.g., L*der(i)
is replaced by j*omega*L*(I_re+j*I_im)
Name | Description |
![]() | Quasistationary permanent magnet DC machine |
![]() | Quasistationary electrical shunt/separate excited linear DC machine |
![]() | Quasistationary series excited linear DC machine |
Name | Description |
Jr | Rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Operational temperatures | |
TaOperational | Operational armature temperature [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
ia | Armature current [A] |
Nominal parameters | |
VaNominal | Nominal armature voltage [V] |
IaNominal | Nominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A] |
wNominal | Nominal speed [rad/s] |
TaNominal | Nominal armature temperature [K] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
Ra | Armature resistance at TRef [Ohm] |
TaRef | Reference temperature of armature resistance [K] |
alpha20a | Temperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K] |
La | Armature inductance [H] |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction losses |
coreParameters | Armature core losses |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
brushParameters | Brush losses |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
pin_ap | Positive armature pin |
pin_an | Negative armature pin |
Name | Description |
Jr | Rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Operational temperatures | |
TaOperational | Operational armature temperature [K] |
TeOperational | Operational (shunt) excitation temperature [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
ia | Armature current [A] |
ie | Field excitation current [A] |
Nominal parameters | |
VaNominal | Nominal armature voltage [V] |
IaNominal | Nominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A] |
wNominal | Nominal speed [rad/s] |
TaNominal | Nominal armature temperature [K] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
Ra | Armature resistance at TRef [Ohm] |
TaRef | Reference temperature of armature resistance [K] |
alpha20a | Temperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K] |
La | Armature inductance [H] |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction losses |
coreParameters | Armature core losses |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
brushParameters | Brush losses |
Excitation | |
IeNominal | Nominal excitation current [A] |
Re | Field excitation resistance at TRef [Ohm] |
TeRef | Reference temperature of excitation resistance [K] |
alpha20e | Temperature coefficient of excitation resistance [1/K] |
Le | Total field excitation inductance [H] |
sigmae | Stray fraction of total excitation inductance |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
pin_ap | Positive armature pin |
pin_an | Negative armature pin |
pin_ep | Positive excitation pin |
pin_en | Negative excitation pin |
Name | Description |
Jr | Rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useSupport | Enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Js | Stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
useThermalPort | Enable / disable (=fixed temperatures) thermal port |
Operational temperatures | |
TaOperational | Operational armature temperature [K] |
TeOperational | Operational series excitation temperature [K] |
Initialization | |
phiMechanical | Mechanical angle of rotor against stator [rad] |
wMechanical | Mechanical angular velocity of rotor against stator [rad/s] |
ia | Armature current [A] |
Nominal parameters | |
VaNominal | Nominal armature voltage [V] |
IaNominal | Nominal armature current (>0..Motor, <0..Generator) [A] |
wNominal | Nominal speed [rad/s] |
TaNominal | Nominal armature temperature [K] |
TeNominal | Nominal series excitation temperature [K] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |
Ra | Armature resistance at TRef [Ohm] |
TaRef | Reference temperature of armature resistance [K] |
alpha20a | Temperature coefficient of armature resistance [1/K] |
La | Armature inductance [H] |
Losses | |
frictionParameters | Friction losses |
coreParameters | Armature core losses |
strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses |
brushParameters | Brush losses |
Excitation | |
Re | Series excitation resistance at TRef [Ohm] |
TeRef | Reference temperature of excitation resistance [K] |
alpha20e | Temperature coefficient of excitation resistance [1/K] |
Le | Total field excitation inductance [H] |
sigmae | Stray fraction of total excitation inductance |
Name | Description |
flange | Shaft |
support | Support at which the reaction torque is acting |
pin_ap | Positive armature pin |
pin_an | Negative armature pin |
pin_ep | Positive series excitation pin |
pin_en | Negative series excitation pin |