Basic contains the basic gates according to standard logic. The components of Basic calculate their results using the corresponding truth tables. They do not contain any delay components.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).Name | Description |
![]() | Not logic component without delay |
![]() | And logic component with multiple input and one output |
![]() | Nand logic component with multiple input and one output |
![]() | Or logic component with multiple input and one output |
![]() | Nor logic component with multiple input and one output |
![]() | Xor logic component with multiple input and one output |
![]() | Xnor logic component with multiple input and one output |
Not component with 1 input value, without delay.
According to the standard logic not table (Tables.NotTable) the output value is calculated.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.SISO (Single input, single output).
Name | Description |
x | Connector of Digital input signal |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |
And component with multiple input values and one output.
According to the standard logic and table (Tables.AndTable) the output value is calculated.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.MISO (Multiple input - single output).
Name | Description |
n | Number of inputs |
Name | Description |
x[n] | Connector of Digital input signal vector |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |
Nand component with multiple input values and one output.
According to the standard logic and table (Tables.AndTable) an intermediate value is calculated, to which the not table (Tables.NotTable) is applied.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.MISO (Multiple input - single output).
Name | Description |
n | Number of inputs |
Name | Description |
x[n] | Connector of Digital input signal vector |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |
Or component with multiple input values and one output.
According to the standard logic or table (Tables.OrTable) the output value is calculated.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.MISO (Multiple input - single output).
Name | Description |
n | Number of inputs |
Name | Description |
x[n] | Connector of Digital input signal vector |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |
Nor component with multiple input values and one output.
According to the standard logic or table (Tables.OrTable) an intermediate value is calculated, to which the not table (Tables.NotTable) is applied.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.MISO (Multiple input - single output).
Name | Description |
n | Number of inputs |
Name | Description |
x[n] | Connector of Digital input signal vector |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |
Xor component with multiple input values and one output.
According to the standard logic xor table (Tables.XorTable) the output value is calculated.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.MISO (Multiple input - single output).
Name | Description |
n | Number of inputs |
Name | Description |
x[n] | Connector of Digital input signal vector |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |
Xnor component with multiple input values and one output.
According to the standard logic xor table (Tables.XorTable)an intermediate value is calculated, to which the not table (Tables.NotTable) is applied.
To avoid loops in the numerical treatment, the pre operator is applied to the output.
Extends from D.Interfaces.MISO (Multiple input - single output).
Name | Description |
n | Number of inputs |
Name | Description |
x[n] | Connector of Digital input signal vector |
y | Connector of Digital output signal |