Anton Haumer
Technical Consulting & Electrical Engineering
A-3423 St.Andrae-Woerdern, Austria
Dr. Christian Kral
Austrian Institute of Technology, AIT
Giefinggasse 2
A-1210 Vienna, Austria
Copyright © 1998-2010, Modelica Association, Anton Haumer and Austrian Institute of Technology, AIT.
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2 or visit
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | Pipe without heat exchange |
![]() | Pipe with heat exchange |
![]() | Simple valve |
Extends from Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort (Partial model of two port), Interfaces.Partials.SimpleFriction (Simple friction model).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium in the component |
Mass | m | Mass of medium [kg] | |
Temperature | T0 | Initial temperature of medium [K] | |
Real | tapT | 1 | Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
Length | h_g | Geodetic height (heigth difference from flowPort_a to flowPort_b) [m] | |
Simple Friction | |||
VolumeFlowRate | V_flowLaminar | Laminar volume flow [m3/s] | |
Pressure | dpLaminar | Laminar pressure drop [Pa] | |
VolumeFlowRate | V_flowNominal | Nominal volume flow [m3/s] | |
Pressure | dpNominal | Nominal pressure drop [Pa] | |
Real | frictionLoss | 0 | Part of friction losses fed to medium |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort_a | |
FlowPort_b | flowPort_b |
model IsolatedPipe "Pipe without heat exchange" extends Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort(final tapT=1); extends Interfaces.Partials.SimpleFriction; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length h_g(start=0) "Geodetic height (heigth difference from flowPort_a to flowPort_b)"; equation // coupling with FrictionModel volumeFlow = V_flow; dp = pressureDrop + medium.rho*Modelica.Constants.g_n*h_g; // no energy exchange with medium Q_flow = Q_friction;end IsolatedPipe;
Extends from Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort (Partial model of two port), Interfaces.Partials.SimpleFriction (Simple friction model).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium in the component |
Mass | m | Mass of medium [kg] | |
Temperature | T0 | Initial temperature of medium [K] | |
Real | tapT | 1 | Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
Length | h_g | Geodetic height (heigth difference from flowPort_a to flowPort_b) [m] | |
Simple Friction | |||
VolumeFlowRate | V_flowLaminar | Laminar volume flow [m3/s] | |
Pressure | dpLaminar | Laminar pressure drop [Pa] | |
VolumeFlowRate | V_flowNominal | Nominal volume flow [m3/s] | |
Pressure | dpNominal | Nominal pressure drop [Pa] | |
Real | frictionLoss | 0 | Part of friction losses fed to medium |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort_a | |
FlowPort_b | flowPort_b | |
HeatPort_a | heatPort |
model HeatedPipe "Pipe with heat exchange" extends Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort; extends Interfaces.Partials.SimpleFriction; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length h_g(start=0) "Geodetic height (heigth difference from flowPort_a to flowPort_b)";Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort; equation // coupling with FrictionModel volumeFlow = V_flow; dp = pressureDrop + medium.rho*Modelica.Constants.g_n*h_g; // energy exchange with medium Q_flow = heatPort.Q_flow + Q_friction; // defines heatPort's temperature heatPort.T = T_q;end HeatedPipe;
- either linear : Kv/Kv1 = Kv0/Kv1 + (1-Kv0/Kv1) * y/Y1
- or exponential: Kv/Kv1 = Kv0/Kv1 * exp[log(Kv1/Kv0) * y/Y1]
- Kv0 ... min. flow @ y = 0
- Y1 .... max. valve opening
- Kv1 ... max. flow @ y = Y1
Flow resistance under real conditions is calculated byV_flow**2 * rho / dp = Kv(y)**2 * rho0 / dp0
Extends from Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort (Partial model of two port).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium in the component |
Temperature | T0 | Initial temperature of medium [K] | |
Real | tapT | 1 | Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
Real | frictionLoss | Part of friction losses fed to medium | |
Standard characteristic | |||
Boolean | LinearCharacteristic | Type of characteristic | |
Real | y1 | Max. valve opening | |
VolumeFlowRate | Kv1 | Max. flow @ y = y1 [m3/s] | |
Real | kv0 | Leakage flow / max.flow @ y = 0 | |
Pressure | dp0 | Standard pressure drop [Pa] | |
Density | rho0 | Standard medium's density [kg/m3] |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort_a | |
FlowPort_b | flowPort_b | |
input RealInput | y |
model Valve "Simple valve" extends Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort(m(start=0), final tapT=1); parameter Boolean LinearCharacteristic(start=true) "Type of characteristic"; parameter Real y1(min=small, start=1) "Max. valve opening"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate Kv1(min=small, start=1) "Max. flow @ y = y1"; parameter Real kv0(min=small,max=1-small, start=0.01) "Leakage flow / max.flow @ y = 0"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure dp0(start=1) "Standard pressure drop"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Density rho0(start=10) "Standard medium's density"; parameter Real frictionLoss(min=0, max=1, start=0) "Part of friction losses fed to medium"; protected constant Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate unitVolumeFlowRate = 1; constant Real small = Modelica.Constants.small; constant Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate smallVolumeFlowRate = eps*unitVolumeFlowRate; constant Real eps = Modelica.Constants.eps; Real yLim = max(min(y,y1),0) "Limited valve opening"; Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate Kv "Standard flow rate";public Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y; initial algorithm assert(y1>small, "Valve characteristic: y1 has to be > 0 !"); assert(Kv1>smallVolumeFlowRate, "Valve characteristic: Kv1 has to be > 0 !"); assert(kv0>small, "Valve characteristic: kv0 has to be > 0 !"); assert(kv0<1-eps, "Valve characteristic: kv0 has to be < 1 !"); equation // evaluate standard characteristic Kv/Kv1 = if LinearCharacteristic then (kv0 + (1-kv0)*yLim/y1) else kv0*exp(Modelica.Math.log(1/kv0)*yLim/y1); // pressure drop under real conditions dp/dp0 = medium.rho/rho0*(V_flow/Kv)*abs(V_flow/Kv); // no energy exchange with medium Q_flow = frictionLoss*V_flow*dp;end Valve;