
Package Content

Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_ph water_ph calculate the property record for dynamic simulation properties using p,h as states
Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_dT water_dT calculate property record for dynamic simulation properties using d and T as dynamic states
Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_pT water_pT calculate property record for dynamic simulation properties using p and T as dynamic states

Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_ph Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_ph

calculate the property record for dynamic simulation properties using p,h as states


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Pressurep pressure [Pa]
SpecificEnthalpyh specific enthalpy [J/kg]
Integerphase0phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown


ThermoProperties_phproproperty record for dynamic simulation

Modelica definition

function water_ph 
  "calculate the property record for dynamic simulation properties using p,h as states"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input SI.Pressure p "pressure";
  input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
  input Integer phase= 0 
    "phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
  output Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.ThermoProperties_ph pro 
    "property record for dynamic simulation";
  Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g 
    "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
  Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f 
    "dimensionless Helmholtz funcion and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
  Integer region(min=1, max=5) "IF97 region";
  Integer error "error flag";
  SI.Temperature T "temperature";
  SI.Density d "density";
  region := BaseIF97.Regions.region_ph(p, h, phase);
  if (region == 1) then
    T := BaseIF97.Basic.tph1(p, h);
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_ph(g);
  elseif (region == 2) then
    T := BaseIF97.Basic.tph2(p, h);
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_ph(g);
  elseif (region == 3) then
    (d,T,error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.dtofph3(p=p,h= h,delp= 1.0e-7,delh=
    f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.helmholtzToProps_ph(f);
  elseif (region == 4) then
    pro := BaseIF97.TwoPhase.waterR4_ph(p=p,h= h);
  elseif (region == 5) then
    (T,error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.tofph5(p=p,h= h,reldh= 1.0e-7);
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g5(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_ph(g);
  end if;
end water_ph;

Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_dT Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_dT

calculate property record for dynamic simulation properties using d and T as dynamic states


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Densityd density [kg/m3]
TemperatureT temperature [K]
Integerphase0phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown


ThermoProperties_dTproproperty record for dynamic simulation

Modelica definition

function water_dT 
  "calculate property record for dynamic simulation properties using d and T as dynamic states"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input SI.Density d "density";
  input SI.Temperature T "temperature";
  input Integer phase= 0 
    "phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
  output Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.ThermoProperties_dT pro 
    "property record for dynamic simulation";
  SI.Pressure p "pressure";
  Integer region(min=1, max=5) "IF97 region";
  Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g 
    "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
  Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f 
    "dimensionless Helmholtz funcion and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
  Integer error "error flag";
  region := BaseIF97.Regions.region_dT(d, T, phase);
  if (region == 1) then
    (p,error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.pofdt125(d=d,T= T,reldd= iter.DELD,region=
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_dT(g);
  elseif (region == 2) then
    (p,error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.pofdt125(d=d,T= T,reldd= iter.DELD,region=
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_dT(g);
  elseif (region == 3) then
    f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.helmholtzToProps_dT(f);
  elseif (region == 4) then
    pro := BaseIF97.TwoPhase.waterR4_dT(d=d,T= T);
  elseif (region == 5) then
    (p,error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.pofdt125(d=d,T= T,reldd= iter.DELD,region=
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g5(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_dT(g);
  end if;
end water_dT;

Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_pT Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.ThermoFluidSpecial.water_pT

calculate property record for dynamic simulation properties using p and T as dynamic states


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Pressurep pressure [Pa]
TemperatureT temperature [K]


ThermoProperties_pTproproperty record for dynamic simulation

Modelica definition

function water_pT 
  "calculate property record for dynamic simulation properties using p and T as dynamic states"

  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input SI.Pressure p "pressure";
  input SI.Temperature T "temperature";
  output Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.ThermoProperties_pT pro 
    "property record for dynamic simulation";
  SI.Density d "density";
  Integer region(min=1, max=5) "IF97 region";
  Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g 
    "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
  Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f 
    "dimensionless Helmholtz funcion and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
  Integer error "error flag";
  region := BaseIF97.Regions.region_pT(p, T);
  if (region == 1) then
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_pT(g);
  elseif (region == 2) then
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_pT(g);
  elseif (region == 3) then
    (d,error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.dofpt3(p=p,T= T,delp= iter.DELP);
    f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.helmholtzToProps_pT(f);
  elseif (region == 5) then
    g := BaseIF97.Basic.g5(p, T);
    pro := Modelica.Media.Common.ThermoFluidSpecial.gibbsToProps_pT(g);
  end if;
end water_pT;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:31:41 2010.