Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | dynamic viscosity eta(d,T,p), industrial formulation |
![]() | Thermal conductivity lam(d,T,p) (industrial use version) only in one-phase region |
![]() | surface tension in region 4 between steam and water |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Pressure | p | pressure (only needed for region of validity) [Pa] | |
Integer | phase | 0 | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Type | Name | Description |
DynamicViscosity | eta | dynamic viscosity [Pa.s] |
function visc_dTp "dynamic viscosity eta(d,T,p), industrial formulation" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density d "density"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input SI.Pressure p "pressure (only needed for region of validity)"; input Integer phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known"; output SI.DynamicViscosity eta "dynamic viscosity"; protected constant Real n0=1.0 "viscosity coefficient"; constant Real n1=0.978197 "viscosity coefficient"; constant Real n2=0.579829 "viscosity coefficient"; constant Real n3=-0.202354 "viscosity coefficient"; constant Real[42] nn=array(.5132047, 0.3205656, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7782567, 0.1885447, 0.2151778, 0.7317883, 1.241044, 1.476783, 0.0, 0.0, -0.2818107, -1.070786, -1.263184, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1778064, 0.460504, 0.2340379, -0.4924179, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0417661, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1600435, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.01578386, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.003629481, 0.0, 0.0) "viscosity coefficients"; constant SI.Density rhostar=317.763 "scaling density"; constant SI.DynamicViscosity etastar=55.071e-6 "scaling viscosity"; constant SI.Temperature tstar=647.226 "scaling temperature"; Integer i "auxiliary variable"; Integer j "auxiliary variable"; Real delta "dimensionless density"; Real deltam1 "dimensionless density"; Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; Real taum1 "dimensionless temperature"; Real Psi0 "auxiliary variable"; Real Psi1 "auxiliary variable"; Real tfun "auxiliary variable"; Real rhofun "auxiliary variable"; Real Tc=T - 273.15 "Celsius temperature for region check"; // Integer region "region of IF97"; algorithm // if phase == 0 then // region := BaseIF97.Regions.region_dT(d,T,0); // end if; // if phase == 2 then // region := 4; // end if; // assert(phase <> 2, "viscosity can not be computed for two-phase states"); delta := d/rhostar; assert(d > triple.dvtriple, "IF97 medium function visc_dTp for viscosity called with too low density\n" + "d = " + String(d) + " <= " + String(triple.dvtriple) + " (triple point density)"); assert((p <= 500e6 and (Tc >= 0.0 and Tc <= 150)) or (p <= 350e6 and ( Tc > 150.0 and Tc <= 600)) or (p <= 300e6 and (Tc > 600.0 and Tc <= 900)), "IF97 medium function visc_dTp: viscosity computed outside the range\n" + "of validity of the IF97 formulation: p = " + String(p) + " Pa, Tc = " + String(Tc) + " K"); deltam1 := delta - 1.0; tau := tstar/T; taum1 := tau - 1.0; Psi0 := 1/(n0 + (n1 + (n2 + n3*tau)*tau)*tau)/(tau^0.5); Psi1 := 0.0; tfun := 1.0; for i in 1:6 loop if (i <> 1) then tfun := tfun*taum1; end if; rhofun := 1.; for j in 0:6 loop if (j <> 0) then rhofun := rhofun*deltam1; end if; Psi1 := Psi1 + nn[i + j*6]*tfun*rhofun; end for; end for; eta := etastar*Psi0*Modelica.Math.exp(delta*Psi1); end visc_dTp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Integer | phase | 0 | 2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known |
Boolean | industrialMethod | true | if true, the industrial method is used, otherwise the scientific one |
Type | Name | Description |
ThermalConductivity | lambda | thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] |
function cond_dTp "Thermal conductivity lam(d,T,p) (industrial use version) only in one-phase region" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density d "density"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input Integer phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known"; input Boolean industrialMethod=true "if true, the industrial method is used, otherwise the scientific one"; output SI.ThermalConductivity lambda "thermal conductivity"; protected Integer region(min=1, max=5) "IF97 region, valid values:1,2,3, and 5"; constant Real n0=1.0 "conductivity coefficient"; constant Real n1=6.978267 "conductivity coefficient"; constant Real n2=2.599096 "conductivity coefficient"; constant Real n3=-0.998254 "conductivity coefficient"; constant Real[30] nn=array(1.3293046, 1.7018363, 5.2246158, 8.7127675, -1.8525999, -0.40452437, -2.2156845, -10.124111, -9.5000611, 0.9340469, 0.2440949, 1.6511057, 4.9874687, 4.3786606, 0.0, 0.018660751, -0.76736002, -0.27297694, -0.91783782, 0.0, -0.12961068, 0.37283344, -0.43083393, 0.0, 0.0, 0.044809953, -0.1120316, 0.13333849, 0.0, 0.0) "conductivity coefficient"; constant SI.ThermalConductivity lamstar=0.4945 "scaling conductivity"; constant SI.Density rhostar=317.763 "scaling density"; constant SI.Temperature tstar=647.226 "scaling temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar=22.115e6 "scaling pressure"; constant SI.DynamicViscosity etastar=55.071e-6 "scaling viscosity"; Integer i "auxiliary variable"; Integer j "auxiliary variable"; Real delta "dimensionless density"; Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; Real deltam1 "dimensionless density"; Real taum1 "dimensionless temperature"; Real Lam0 "part of thermal conductivity"; Real Lam1 "part of thermal conductivity"; Real Lam2 "part of thermal conductivity"; Real tfun "auxiliary variable"; Real rhofun "auxiliary variable"; Real dpitau "auxiliary variable"; Real ddelpi "auxiliary variable"; Real d2 "auxiliary variable"; Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau"; Real Tc=T - 273.15 "Celsius temperature for region check"; Real Chi "symmetrized compressibility"; // slightly different variables for industrial use constant SI.Density rhostar2=317.7 "Reference density"; constant SI.Temperature Tstar2=647.25 "Reference temperature"; constant SI.ThermalConductivity lambdastar=1 "Reference thermal conductivity"; parameter Real TREL=T/Tstar2 "Relative temperature"; parameter Real rhoREL=d/rhostar2 "Relative density"; Real lambdaREL "Relative thermal conductivity"; Real deltaTREL "Relative temperature increment"; constant Real[:] C={0.642857,-4.11717,-6.17937,0.00308976,0.0822994, 10.0932}; constant Real[:] dpar={0.0701309,0.0118520,0.00169937,-1.0200}; constant Real[:] b={-0.397070,0.400302,1.060000}; constant Real[:] B={-0.171587,2.392190}; constant Real[:] a={0.0102811,0.0299621,0.0156146,-0.00422464}; Real Q; Real S; Real lambdaREL2 "function, part of the interpolating equation of the thermal conductivity"; Real lambdaREL1 "function, part of the interpolating equation of the thermal conductivity"; Real lambdaREL0 "function, part of the interpolating equation of the thermal conductivity"; algorithm // region := BaseIF97.Regions.region_dT(d,T,phase); // simplified region check, assuming that calling arguments are legal // assert(phase <> 2, // "thermalConductivity can not be called with 2-phase inputs!"); assert(d > triple.dvtriple, "IF97 medium function cond_dTp called with too low density\n" + "d = " + String(d) + " <= " + String(triple.dvtriple) + " (triple point density)"); assert((p <= 100e6 and (Tc >= 0.0 and Tc <= 500)) or (p <= 70e6 and (Tc > 500.0 and Tc <= 650)) or (p <= 40e6 and (Tc > 650.0 and Tc <= 800)), "IF97 medium function cond_dTp: thermal conductivity computed outside the range\n" + "of validity of the IF97 formulation: p = " + String(p) + " Pa, Tc = " + String(Tc) + " K"); if industrialMethod == true then deltaTREL := abs(TREL - 1) + C[4]; Q := 2 + C[5]/deltaTREL^(3/5); if TREL >= 1 then S := 1/deltaTREL; else S := C[6]/deltaTREL^(3/5); end if; lambdaREL2 := (dpar[1]/TREL^10 + dpar[2])*rhoREL^(9/5)*Modelica.Math.exp(C[1]*(1 - rhoREL^(14 /5))) + dpar[3]*S*rhoREL^Q*Modelica.Math.exp((Q/(1 + Q))*(1 - rhoREL^(1 + Q))) + dpar[4]*Modelica.Math.exp(C[2]*TREL^(3/2) + C[3] /rhoREL^5); lambdaREL1 := b[1] + b[2]*rhoREL + b[3]*Modelica.Math.exp(B[1]*( rhoREL + B[2])^2); lambdaREL0 := TREL^(1/2)*sum(a[i]*TREL^(i - 1) for i in 1:4); lambdaREL := lambdaREL0 + lambdaREL1 + lambdaREL2; lambda := lambdaREL*lambdastar; else if p < data.PLIMIT4A then //regions are 1 or 2, if d > data.DCRIT then region := 1; else region := 2; end if; else //region is 3, or illegal assert(false, "the scientific method works only for temperature up to 623.15 K"); end if; tau := tstar/T; delta := d/rhostar; deltam1 := delta - 1.0; taum1 := tau - 1.0; Lam0 := 1/(n0 + (n1 + (n2 + n3*tau)*tau)*tau)/(tau^0.5); Lam1 := 0.0; tfun := 1.0; for i in 1:5 loop if (i <> 1) then tfun := tfun*taum1; end if; rhofun := 1.0; for j in 0:5 loop if (j <> 0) then rhofun := rhofun*deltam1; end if; Lam1 := Lam1 + nn[i + j*5]*tfun*rhofun; end for; end for; if (region == 1) then g := Basic.g1(p, T); // dp/dT @ cont d = -g.p/g.T*(g.gpi - g.tau*g.gtaupi)/(g.gpipi*g.pi); dpitau := -tstar/pstar*(data.PSTAR1*(g.gpi - data.TSTAR1/T*g.gtaupi) /g.gpipi/T); ddelpi := -pstar/rhostar*data.RH2O/data.PSTAR1/data.PSTAR1*T*d*d*g. gpipi; Chi := delta*ddelpi; elseif (region == 2) then g := Basic.g2(p, T); dpitau := -tstar/pstar*(data.PSTAR2*(g.gpi - data.TSTAR2/T*g.gtaupi) /g.gpipi/T); ddelpi := -pstar/rhostar*data.RH2O/data.PSTAR2/data.PSTAR2*T*d*d*g. gpipi; Chi := delta*ddelpi; // elseif (region == 3) then // f := Basic.f3(T, d); // dpitau := tstar/pstar*(f.R*f.d*f.delta*(f.fdelta - f.tau*f.fdeltatau)); // ddelpi := pstar*d*d/(rhostar*p*p)/(f.R*f.T*f.delta*(2.0*f.fdelta + f.delta*f.fdeltadelta)); // Chi := delta*ddelpi; else assert(false, "thermal conductivity can only be called in the one-phase regions below 623.15 K\n" + "(p = " + String(p) + " Pa, T = " + String(T) + " K, region = " + String(region) + ")"); end if; taum1 := 1/tau - 1; d2 := deltam1*deltam1; Lam2 := 0.0013848*etastar/visc_dTp(d, T, p)/(tau*tau*delta*delta)* dpitau*dpitau*max(Chi, Modelica.Constants.small)^0.4678*(delta)^0.5 *Modelica.Math.exp(-18.66*taum1*taum1 - d2*d2); lambda := lamstar*(Lam0*Modelica.Math.exp(delta*Lam1) + Lam2); end if; end cond_dTp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
SurfaceTension | sigma | surface tension in SI units [N/m] |
function surfaceTension "surface tension in region 4 between steam and water" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output SI.SurfaceTension sigma "surface tension in SI units"; protected Real Theta "dimensionless temperature"; algorithm Theta := min(1.0,T/data.TCRIT); sigma := 235.8e-3*(1 - Theta)^1.256*(1 - 0.625*(1 - Theta)); end surfaceTension;