Package Regions contains a large number of auxiliary functions which are neede to compute the current region of the IAPWS/IF97 for a given pair of input variables as quickly as possible. The focus of this implementation was on computational efficiency, not on compact code. Many of the function values calulated in these functions could be obtained using the fundamental functions of IAPWS/IF97, but with considerable overhead. If the region of IAPWS/IF97 is known in advance, the input variable mode can be set to the region, then the somewhat costly region checks are omitted. The checking for the phase has to be done outside the region functions because many properties are not differentiable at the region boundary. If the input phase is 2, the output region will be set to 4 immediately.
The main 4 functions in this package are the functions returning the appropriate region for two input variables.
In addition, functions of the boiling and condensation curves compute the specific enthalpy, specific entropy, or density on these curves. The functions for the saturation pressure and temperature are included in the package Basic because they are part of the original IAPWS/IF97 standards document. These functions are also aliased to be used directly from package Water.
All other functions are auxiliary functions called from the region functions to check a specific boundary.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | boundary function for region boundary between regions 2 and 3 (input temperature) |
![]() | boundary function for region boundary between regions 2 and 3 (input pressure) |
![]() | explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 5 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 5 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 5 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 5 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 1 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 1 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K) |
![]() | explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 1 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 1 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K) |
![]() | explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 2 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K) |
![]() | explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 2 as function of pressure |
![]() | explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 2 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K) |
![]() | explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 2 as function of pressure |
![]() | density in region 1 as function of p and T |
![]() | density in region 2 as function of p and T |
![]() | density at upper temperature limit of region 1 |
![]() | density at upper pressure limit of region 1 |
![]() | explicit approximation of liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 |
![]() | explicit approximation of vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 |
![]() | explicit approximation of liquid specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 |
![]() | explicit approximation of vapour specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 |
![]() | explicit approximation of liquid density on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 |
![]() | explicit approximation of vapour density on the boundary between regions 4 and 2 |
![]() | properties on the boiling curve |
![]() | properties on the dew curve |
![]() | |
![]() | liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 |
![]() | vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 2 |
![]() | derivative function for the specific enthalpy along the phase boundary |
![]() | |
![]() | density of saturated water |
![]() | density of saturated vapour |
![]() | |
![]() | liquid specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 |
![]() | vapour specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 2 |
![]() | density of saturated water |
![]() | density of saturated vapour |
![]() | return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 for given pressure and specific enthalpy |
![]() | return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 for given pressure and specific entropy |
![]() | return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,5) in IF97, given pressure and temperature |
![]() | return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97, given density and temperature |
![]() | derivative function for the specific enthalpy along the phase boundary |
![]() | derivative of liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 w.r.t. pressure |
![]() | derivative of vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 w.r.t. pressure |
![]() | |
![]() | derivative of density of saturated water w.r.t. pressure |
![]() | derivative of density of saturated steam w.r.t. pressure |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | t | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
function boundary23ofT "boundary function for region boundary between regions 2 and 3 (input temperature)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature t "temperature (K)"; output SI.Pressure p "pressure"; protected constant Real[5] n=data.n; algorithm p := 1.0e6*(n[1] + t*(n[2] + t*n[3])); end boundary23ofT;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | t | temperature (K) [K] |
function boundary23ofp "boundary function for region boundary between regions 2 and 3 (input pressure)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Temperature t "temperature (K)"; protected constant Real[5] n=data.n; Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; algorithm pi := p/1.0e6; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function boundary23ofp called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); t := n[4] + ((pi - n[5])/n[3])^0.5; end boundary23ofp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hlowerofp5 "explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 5 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR5; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hlowerofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); h := 461526.*(9.01505286876203 + pi*(-0.00979043490246092 + (-0.0000203245575263501 + 3.36540214679088e-7*pi)*pi)); end hlowerofp5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hupperofp5 "explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 5 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR5; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hupperofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); h := 461526.*(15.9838891400332 + pi*(-0.000489898813722568 + (-5.01510211858761e-8 + 7.5006972718273e-8*pi)*pi)); end hupperofp5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function slowerofp5 "explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 5 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR5; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function slowerofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); s := 461.526*(18.4296209980112 + pi*(-0.00730911805860036 + (-0.0000168348072093888 + 2.09066899426354e-7*pi)*pi) - Modelica.Math.log(pi)); end slowerofp5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function supperofp5 "explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 5 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR5; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function supperofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); s := 461.526*(22.7281531474243 + pi*(-0.000656650220627603 + (-1.96109739782049e-8 + 2.19979537113031e-8*pi)*pi) - Modelica.Math.log(pi)); end supperofp5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hlowerofp1 "explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 1 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi1 := 7.1 - p/data.PSTAR1; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hlowerofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); o[1] := pi1*pi1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; h := 639675.036*(0.173379420894777 + pi1*(-0.022914084306349 + pi1*(-0.00017146768241932 + pi1*(-4.18695814670391e-6 + pi1*(-2.41630417490008e-7 + pi1*( 1.73545618580828e-11 + o[1]*pi1*(8.43755552264362e-14 + o[2]*o[3]*pi1 *(5.35429206228374e-35 + o[1]*(-8.12140581014818e-38 + o[1]*o[2]*(-1.43870236842915e-44 + pi1*(1.73894459122923e-45 + (-7.06381628462585e-47 + 9.64504638626269e-49*pi1)*pi1))))))))))); end hlowerofp1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hupperofp1 "explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 1 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi1 := 7.1 - p/data.PSTAR1; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hupperofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); o[1] := pi1*pi1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; h := 639675.036*(2.42896927729349 + pi1*(-0.00141131225285294 + pi1*( 0.00143759406818289 + pi1*(0.000125338925082983 + pi1*( 0.0000123617764767172 + pi1*(3.17834967400818e-6 + o[1]*pi1*( 1.46754947271665e-8 + o[2]*o[3]*pi1*(1.86779322717506e-17 + o[1]*(-4.18568363667416e-19 + o[1]*o[2]*(-9.19148577641497e-22 + pi1*(4.27026404402408e-22 + (-6.66749357417962e-23 + 3.49930466305574e-24*pi1)*pi1))))))))))); end hupperofp1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function slowerofp1 "explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 1 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi1 := 7.1 - p/data.PSTAR1; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function slowerofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); o[1] := pi1*pi1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; s := 461.526*(-0.0268080988194267 + pi1*(0.00834795890110168 + pi1*(-0.000486470924668433 + pi1*(-0.0000154902045012264 + pi1*(-1.07631751351358e-6 + pi1*( 9.64159058957115e-11 + o[1]*pi1*(4.81921078863103e-13 + o[2]*o[3]*pi1 *(2.7879623870968e-34 + o[1]*(-4.22182957646226e-37 + o[1]*o[2]*(-7.44601427465175e-44 + pi1*(8.99540001407168e-45 + (-3.65230274480299e-46 + 4.98464639687285e-48*pi1)*pi1))))))))))); end slowerofp1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function supperofp1 "explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 1 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi1 := 7.1 - p/data.PSTAR1; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function supperofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); o[1] := pi1*pi1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; s := 461.526*(7.28316418503422 + pi1*(0.070602197808399 + pi1*( 0.0039229343647356 + pi1*(0.000313009170788845 + pi1*( 0.0000303619398631619 + pi1*(7.46739440045781e-6 + o[1]*pi1*( 3.40562176858676e-8 + o[2]*o[3]*pi1*(4.21886233340801e-17 + o[1]*(-9.44504571473549e-19 + o[1]*o[2]*(-2.06859611434475e-21 + pi1*(9.60758422254987e-22 + (-1.49967810652241e-22 + 7.86863124555783e-24*pi1)*pi1))))))))))); end supperofp1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hlowerofp2 "explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 2 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real q1 "auxiliary variable"; Real q2 "auxiliary variable"; Real[18] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR2; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hlowerofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); q1 := 572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784*(-13.91883977887 + pi)^0.5; q2 := -0.5 + 540./q1; o[1] := q1*q1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := pi*pi; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := q2*q2; o[7] := o[6]*o[6]; o[8] := o[6]*o[7]; o[9] := o[5]*o[5]; o[10] := o[7]*o[7]; o[11] := o[9]*o[9]; o[12] := o[10]*o[10]; o[13] := o[12]*o[12]; o[14] := o[7]*q2; o[15] := o[6]*q2; o[16] := o[10]*o[6]; o[17] := o[13]*o[6]; o[18] := o[13]*o[6]*q2; h := (4.63697573303507e9 + 3.74686560065793*o[2] + 3.57966647812489e-6* o[1]*o[2] + 2.81881548488163e-13*o[3] - 7.64652332452145e7*q1 - 0.00450789338787835*o[2]*q1 - 1.55131504410292e-9*o[1]*o[2]*q1 + o[1] *(2.51383707870341e6 - 4.78198198764471e6*o[10]*o[11]*o[12]*o[13]*o[4] + 49.9651389369988*o[11]*o[12]*o[13]*o[4]*o[5]*o[7] + o[15]*o[4]*( 1.03746636552761e-13 - 0.00349547959376899*o[16] - 2.55074501962569e-7*o[8])*o[9] + (-242662.235426958*o[10]*o[12] - 3.46022402653609*o[16])*o[4]*o[5]*pi + o[4]*(0.109336249381227 - 2248.08924686956*o[14] - 354742.725841972*o[17] - 24.1331193696374*o[ 6])*pi - 3.09081828396912e-19*o[11]*o[12]*o[5]*o[7]*pi - 1.24107527851371e-8*o[11]*o[13]*o[4]*o[5]*o[6]*o[7]*pi + 3.99891272904219*o[5]*o[8]*pi + 0.0641817365250892*o[10]*o[7]*o[9]*pi + pi*(-4444.87643334512 - 75253.6156722047*o[14] - 43051.9020511789* o[6] - 22926.6247146068*q2) + o[4]*(-8.23252840892034 - 3927.0508365636*o[15] - 239.325789467604*o[18] - 76407.3727417716*o[8] - 94.4508644545118*q2) + 0.360567666582363*o[5]*(-0.0161221195808321 + q2)*(0.0338039844460968 + q2) + o[11]*(-0.000584580992538624*o[10] *o[12]*o[7] + 1.33248030241755e6*o[12]*o[13]*q2) + o[9]*(-7.38502736990986e7 *o[18] + 0.0000224425477627799*o[6]*o[7]*q2) + o[4]*o[5]*(-2.08438767026518e8 *o[17] - 0.0000124971648677697*o[6] - 8442.30378348203*o[10]*o[6]*o[7] *q2) + o[11]*o[9]*(4.73594929247646e-22*o[10]*o[12]*q2 - 13.6411358215175*o[10]*o[12]*o[13]*q2 + 5.52427169406836e-10*o[13]*o[ 6]*o[7]*q2) + o[11]*o[5]*(2.67174673301715e-6*o[17] + 4.44545133805865e-18*o[12]*o[6]*q2 - 50.2465185106411*o[10]*o[13]*o[6] *o[7]*q2)))/o[1]; end hlowerofp2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hupperofp2 "explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 2 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real[2] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR2; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hupperofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); o[1] := pi*pi; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]*o[1]; h := 4.16066337647071e6 + pi*(-4518.48617188327 + pi*(-8.53409968320258 + pi*(0.109090430596056 + pi*(-0.000172486052272327 + pi*( 4.2261295097284e-15 + pi*(-1.27295130636232e-10 + pi*(-3.79407294691742e-25 + pi*(7.56960433802525e-23 + pi*(7.16825117265975e-32 + pi*( 3.37267475986401e-21 + (-7.5656940729795e-74 + o[1]*(-8.00969737237617e-134 + (1.6746290980312e-65 + pi*(-3.71600586812966e-69 + pi*( 8.06630589170884e-129 + (-1.76117969553159e-103 + 1.88543121025106e-84*pi)*pi)))*o[1]))*o[2])))))))))); end hupperofp2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function slowerofp2 "explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 2 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real q1 "auxiliary variable"; Real q2 "auxiliary variable"; Real[40] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR2; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function slowerofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); q1 := 572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784*(-13.91883977887 + pi)^0.5; q2 := -0.5 + 540.0/q1; o[1] := pi*pi; o[2] := o[1]*pi; o[3] := o[1]*o[1]; o[4] := o[1]*o[3]*pi; o[5] := q1*q1; o[6] := o[5]*q1; o[7] := 1/o[5]; o[8] := 1/q1; o[9] := o[5]*o[5]; o[10] := o[9]*q1; o[11] := q2*q2; o[12] := o[11]*q2; o[13] := o[1]*o[3]; o[14] := o[11]*o[11]; o[15] := o[3]*o[3]; o[16] := o[1]*o[15]; o[17] := o[11]*o[14]; o[18] := o[11]*o[14]*q2; o[19] := o[3]*pi; o[20] := o[14]*o[14]; o[21] := o[11]*o[20]; o[22] := o[15]*pi; o[23] := o[14]*o[20]*q2; o[24] := o[20]*o[20]; o[25] := o[15]*o[15]; o[26] := o[25]*o[3]; o[27] := o[14]*o[24]; o[28] := o[25]*o[3]*pi; o[29] := o[20]*o[24]*q2; o[30] := o[15]*o[25]; o[31] := o[24]*o[24]; o[32] := o[11]*o[31]*q2; o[33] := o[14]*o[31]; o[34] := o[1]*o[25]*o[3]*pi; o[35] := o[11]*o[14]*o[31]*q2; o[36] := o[1]*o[25]*o[3]; o[37] := o[1]*o[25]; o[38] := o[20]*o[24]*o[31]*q2; o[39] := o[14]*q2; o[40] := o[11]*o[31]; s := 461.526*(9.692768600217 + 1.22151969114703e-16*o[10] + 0.00018948987516315*o[1]*o[11] + 1.6714766451061e-11*o[12]*o[13] + 0.0039392777243355*o[1]*o[14] - 1.0406965210174e-19*o[14]*o[16] + 0.043797295650573*o[1]*o[18] - 2.2922076337661e-6*o[18]*o[19] - 2.0481737692309e-8*o[2] + 0.00003227767723857*o[12]*o[2] + 0.0015033924542148*o[17]*o[2] - 1.1256211360459e-11*o[15]*o[20] + 1.0018179379511e-9*o[11]*o[14]*o[16]*o[20] + 1.0234747095929e-13*o[16] *o[21] - 1.9809712802088e-8*o[22]*o[23] + 0.0021171472321355*o[13]*o[ 24] - 8.9185845355421e-25*o[26]*o[27] - 1.2790717852285e-8*o[11]*o[3] - 4.8225372718507e-7*o[12]*o[3] - 7.3087610595061e-29*o[11]*o[20]*o[ 24]*o[30] - 0.10693031879409*o[11]*o[24]*o[25]*o[31] + 4.2002467698208e-6*o[24]*o[26]*o[31] - 5.5414715350778e-17*o[20]*o[30] *o[31] + 9.436970724121e-7*o[11]*o[20]*o[24]*o[30]*o[31] + 23.895741934104*o[13]*o[32] + 0.040668253562649*o[2]*o[32] - 3.0629316876232e-13*o[26]*o[32] + 0.000026674547914087*o[1]*o[33] + 8.2311340897998*o[15]*o[33] + 1.2768608934681e-15*o[34]*o[35] + 0.33662250574171*o[37]*o[38] + 5.905956432427e-18*o[4] + 0.038946842435739*o[29]*o[4] - 4.88368302964335e-6*o[5] - 3.34901734177133e6/o[6] + 2.58538448402683e-9*o[6] + 82839.5726841115 *o[7] - 5446.7940672972*o[8] - 8.40318337484194e-13*o[9] + 0.0017731742473213*pi + 0.045996013696365*o[11]*pi + 0.057581259083432*o[12]*pi + 0.05032527872793*o[17]*pi + o[8]*pi*( 9.63082563787332 - 0.008917431146179*q1) + 0.00811842799898148*q1 + 0.000033032641670203*o[1]*q2 - 4.3870667284435e-7*o[2]*q2 + 8.0882908646985e-11*o[14]*o[20]*o[24]*o[25]*q2 + 5.9056029685639e-26* o[14]*o[24]*o[28]*q2 + 7.8847309559367e-10*o[3]*q2 - 3.7826947613457e-6*o[14]*o[24]*o[31]*o[36]*q2 + 1.2621808899101e-6*o[ 11]*o[20]*o[4]*q2 + 540.*o[8]*(10.08665568018 - 0.000033032641670203* o[1] - 6.2245802776607e-15*o[10] - 0.015757110897342*o[1]*o[12] - 5.0144299353183e-11*o[11]*o[13] + 4.1627860840696e-19*o[12]*o[16] - 0.306581069554011*o[1]*o[17] + 9.0049690883672e-11*o[15]*o[18] + 0.0000160454534363627*o[17]*o[19] + 4.3870667284435e-7*o[2] - 0.00009683303171571*o[11]*o[2] + 2.57526266427144e-7*o[14]*o[20]*o[22] - 1.40254511313154e-8*o[16]*o[23] - 2.34560435076256e-9*o[14]*o[20]* o[24]*o[25] - 1.24017662339842e-24*o[27]*o[28] - 7.8847309559367e-10* o[3] + 1.44676118155521e-6*o[11]*o[3] + 1.90027787547159e-27*o[29]*o[ 30] - 0.000960283724907132*o[1]*o[32] - 296.320827232793*o[15]*o[32] - 4.97975748452559e-14*o[11]*o[14]*o[31]*o[34] + 2.21658861403112e-15*o[30]*o[35] + 0.000200482822351322*o[14]*o[24]*o[ 31]*o[36] - 19.1874828272775*o[20]*o[24]*o[31]*o[37] - 0.0000547344301999018*o[30]*o[38] - 0.0090203547252888*o[2]*o[39] - 0.0000138839897890111*o[21]*o[4] - 0.973671060893475*o[20]*o[24]*o[4] - 836.35096769364*o[13]*o[40] - 1.42338887469272*o[2]*o[40] + 1.07202609066812e-11*o[26]*o[40] + 0.0000150341259240398*o[5] - 1.8087714924605e-8*o[6] + 18605.6518987296*o[7] - 306.813232163376*o[ 8] + 1.43632471334824e-11*o[9] + 1.13103675106207e-18*o[5]*o[9] - 0.017834862292358*pi - 0.172743777250296*o[11]*pi - 0.30195167236758* o[39]*pi + o[8]*pi*(-49.6756947920742 + 0.045996013696365*q1) - 0.0003789797503263*o[1]*q2 - 0.033874355714168*o[11]*o[13]*o[14]*o[20] *q2 - 1.0234747095929e-12*o[16]*o[20]*q2 + 1.78371690710842e-23*o[11] *o[24]*o[26]*q2 + 2.558143570457e-8*o[3]*q2 + 5.3465159397045*o[24]*o[ 25]*o[31]*q2 - 0.000201611844951398*o[11]*o[14]*o[20]*o[26]*o[31]*q2) - Modelica.Math.log(pi)); end slowerofp2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function supperofp2 "explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 2 as function of pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real[2] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR2; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function supperofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); o[1] := pi*pi; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]*o[1]; s := 8505.73409708683 - 461.526*Modelica.Math.log(pi) + pi*(-3.36563543302584 + pi*(-0.00790283552165338 + pi*(0.0000915558349202221 + pi*(-1.59634706513e-7 + pi*(3.93449217595397e-18 + pi*(-1.18367426347994e-13 + pi*( 2.72575244843195e-15 + pi*(7.04803892603536e-26 + pi*( 6.67637687381772e-35 + pi*(3.1377970315132e-24 + (-7.04844558482265e-77 + o[1]*(-7.46289531275314e-137 + (1.55998511254305e-68 + pi*(-3.46166288915497e-72 + pi*(7.51557618628583e-132 + (-1.64086406733212e-106 + 1.75648443097063e-87*pi)*pi)))*o[1]))*o[2]*o[2])))))))))); end supperofp2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
function d1n "density in region 1 as function of p and T" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output SI.Density d "density"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; Real tau1 "dimensionless temperature"; Real gpi "dimensionless Gibbs-derivative w.r.t. pi"; Real[11] o "auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR1; tau := data.TSTAR1/T; pi1 := 7.1 - pi; tau1 := tau - 1.222; o[1] := tau1*tau1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[1]*o[2]; o[5] := o[1]*tau1; o[6] := o[2]*tau1; o[7] := pi1*pi1; o[8] := o[7]*o[7]; o[9] := o[8]*o[8]; o[10] := o[3]*o[3]; o[11] := o[10]*o[10]; gpi := pi1*(pi1*((0.000095038934535162 + o[2]*(8.4812393955936e-6 + 2.55615384360309e-9*o[4]))/o[2] + pi1*((8.9701127632e-6 + ( 2.60684891582404e-6 + 5.7366919751696e-13*o[2]*o[3])*o[5])/o[6] + pi1 *(2.02584984300585e-6/o[3] + o[7]*pi1*(o[8]*o[9]*pi1*(o[7]*(o[7]*o[8] *(-7.63737668221055e-22/(o[1]*o[11]*o[2]) + pi1*(pi1*(-5.65070932023524e-23 /(o[11]*o[3]) + (2.99318679335866e-24*pi1)/(o[11]*o[3]*tau1)) + 3.5842867920213e-22/(o[1]*o[11]*o[2]*tau1))) - 3.33001080055983e-19/( o[1]*o[10]*o[2]*o[3]*tau1)) + 1.44400475720615e-17/(o[10]*o[2]*o[3]* tau1)) + (1.01874413933128e-8 + 1.39398969845072e-9*o[6])/(o[1]*o[3]* tau1))))) + (0.00094368642146534 + o[5]*(0.00060003561586052 + (-0.000095322787813974 + o[1]*(8.8283690661692e-6 + 1.45389992595188e-15*o[1]*o[2]*o[3]))* tau1))/o[5]) + (-0.00028319080123804 + o[1]*(0.00060706301565874 + o[ 4]*(0.018990068218419 + tau1*(0.032529748770505 + (0.021841717175414 + 0.00005283835796993*o[1])*tau1))))/(o[3]*tau1); d := p/(data.RH2O*T*pi*gpi); end d1n;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
function d2n "density in region 2 as function of p and T" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output SI.Density d "density"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; Real tau2 "dimensionless temperature"; Real gpi "dimensionless Gibbs-derivative w.r.t. pi"; Real[12] o "auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR2; tau := data.TSTAR2/T; tau2 := tau - 0.5; o[1] := tau2*tau2; o[2] := o[1]*tau2; o[3] := o[1]*o[1]; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := o[3]*o[4]*o[5]*tau2; o[7] := o[3]*o[4]*tau2; o[8] := o[1]*o[3]*o[4]; o[9] := pi*pi; o[10] := o[9]*o[9]; o[11] := o[3]*o[5]*tau2; o[12] := o[5]*o[5]; gpi := (1. + pi*(-0.0017731742473213 + tau2*(-0.017834862292358 + tau2* (-0.045996013696365 + (-0.057581259083432 - 0.05032527872793*o[2])* tau2)) + pi*(tau2*(-0.000066065283340406 + (-0.0003789797503263 + o[1] *(-0.007878555448671 + o[2]*(-0.087594591301146 - 0.000053349095828174*o[6])))*tau2) + pi*(6.1445213076927e-8 + ( 1.31612001853305e-6 + o[1]*(-0.00009683303171571 + o[2]*(-0.0045101773626444 - 0.122004760687947*o[6])))*tau2 + pi*(tau2*(-3.15389238237468e-9 + (5.116287140914e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6*tau2)*tau2) + pi*( 0.0000114610381688305*o[1]*o[3]*tau2 + pi*(o[2]*(-1.00288598706366e-10 + o[7]*(-0.012702883392813 - 143.374451604624*o[1]*o[5]*tau2)) + pi* (-4.1341695026989e-17 + o[1]*o[4]*(-8.8352662293707e-6 - 0.272627897050173*o[8])*tau2 + pi*(o[4]*(9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.8490727183984*o[3]*o[4]*o[5]) + pi*(1.78287415218792e-7*o[7] + pi* (o[3]*(1.0406965210174e-18 + o[1]*(-1.0234747095929e-12 - 1.0018179379511e-8*o[3])*o[3]) + o[10]*o[9]*((-1.29412653835176e-9 + 1.71088510070544*o[11])*o[6] + o[9]*(-6.05920510335078*o[12]*o[4]*o[5] *tau2 + o[9]*(o[3]*o[5]*(1.78371690710842e-23 + o[1]*o[3]*o[4]*( 6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416*o[7])*tau2) + pi*(-1.24017662339842e-24 *o[11] + pi*(0.0000832192847496054*o[12]*o[3]*o[5]*tau2 + pi*(o[1]*o[ 4]*o[5]*(1.75410265428146e-27 + (1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904*o[1]*o[5])*o[8])*pi - 2.93678005497663e-14*o[1] *o[12]*o[3]*tau2)))))))))))))))))/pi; d := p/(data.RH2O*T*pi*gpi); end d2n;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
function dhot1ofp "density at upper temperature limit of region 1" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Density d "density"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real[4] o "auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR1; pi1 := 7.1 - pi; o[1] := pi1*pi1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; d := 57.4756752485113/(0.0737412153522555 + 0.000102697173772229*o[1] + 1.99080616601101e-6*o[2] + 1.35549330686006e-17*o[2]*o[4] - 3.11228834832975e-19*o[1]*o[2]*o[4] - 7.02987180039442e-22*o[2]*o[3]* o[4] - 5.17859076694812e-23*o[1]*o[2]*o[3]*o[4] + 0.00145092247736023 *pi1 + 0.0000114683182476084*o[1]*pi1 + 1.13217858826367e-8*o[1]*o[2] *pi1 + 3.29199117056433e-22*o[2]*o[3]*o[4]*pi1 + 2.73712834080283e-24 *o[1]*o[2]*o[3]*o[4]*pi1); end dhot1ofp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
function dupper1ofT "density at upper pressure limit of region 1" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output SI.Density d "density"; protected Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; Real[4] o "auxiliary variables"; algorithm tau := 1386.0/T; o[1] := tau*tau; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; d := 57.4756752485113/(2.24144616859917 + 40.9288231166229*o[1] + 106.47246463213*o[2] + 88.4481480270751*o[1]*o[2] + 31.3207272417546* o[3] + 5.47811738891798*o[1]*o[3] + 0.515626225030717*o[2]*o[3] + 0.0274905057899089*o[1]*o[2]*o[3] + 0.000853742979250503*o[4] + 0.0000155932210492199*o[1]*o[4] + 1.6621051480279e-7*o[2]*o[4] + 1.00606771839976e-9*o[1]*o[2]*o[4] + 3.27598951831994e-12*o[3]*o[4] + 5.20162317530099e-15*o[1]*o[3]*o[4] + 3.33501889800275e-18*o[2]*o[ 3]*o[4] + 5.50656040141221e-22*o[1]*o[2]*o[3]*o[4] - 13.5354267762204 *tau - 78.3629702507642*o[1]*tau - 109.374479648652*o[2]*tau - 57.9035658513312*o[1]*o[2]*tau - 14.215347150565*o[3]*tau - 1.80906759985501*o[1]*o[3]*tau - 0.127542214693871*o[2]*o[3]*tau - 0.0051779458313163*o[1]*o[2]*o[3]*tau - 0.000123304142684848*o[4]*tau - 1.72405791469972e-6*o[1]*o[4]*tau - 1.39155695911655e-8*o[2]*o[4]* tau - 6.23333356847138e-11*o[1]*o[2]*o[4]*tau - 1.44056015732082e-13* o[3]*o[4]*tau - 1.50201626932938e-16*o[1]*o[3]*o[4]*tau - 5.34588682252967e-20*o[2]*o[3]*o[4]*tau - 2.73712834080283e-24*o[1]*o[ 2]*o[3]*o[4]*tau); end dupper1ofT;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hl_p_R4b "explicit approximation of liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real x "auxiliary variable"; algorithm // documentation of accuray in notebook ~hubertus/props/IAPWS/R3Approx.nb // boundary between region IVa and III x := Modelica.Math.acos(p/data.PCRIT); h := (1 + x*(-0.4945586958175176 + x*(1.346800016564904 + x*(-3.889388153209752 + x*(6.679385472887931 + x*(-6.75820241066552 + x*(3.558919744656498 + (-0.7179818554978939 - 0.0001152032945617821*x)*x)))))))*data. HCRIT; end hl_p_R4b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hv_p_R4b "explicit approximation of vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; protected Real x "auxiliary variable"; algorithm // boundary between region IVa and III x := Modelica.Math.acos(p/data.PCRIT); h := (1 + x*(0.4880153718655694 + x*(0.2079670746250689 + x*(-6.084122698421623 + x*(25.08887602293532 + x*(-48.38215180269516 + x*( 45.66489164833212 + (-16.98555442961553 + 0.0006616936460057691*x)*x))))))) *data.HCRIT; end hv_p_R4b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function sl_p_R4b "explicit approximation of liquid specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected Real x "auxiliary variable"; algorithm // boundary between region IVa and III x := Modelica.Math.acos(p/data.PCRIT); s := (1 + x*(-0.36160692245648063 + x*(0.9962778630486647 + x*(-2.8595548144171103 + x*(4.906301159555333 + x*(-4.974092309614206 + x*( 2.6249651699204457 + (-0.5319954375299023 - 0.00008064497431880644*x) *x)))))))*data.SCRIT; end sl_p_R4b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | [J/(kg.K)] |
function sv_p_R4b "explicit approximation of vapour specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s; protected Real x "auxiliary variable"; algorithm // documentation of accuray in notebook ~hubertus/props/IAPWS/R3Approx.nb // boundary between region IVa and III x := Modelica.Math.acos(p/data.PCRIT); s := (1 + x*(0.35682641826674344 + x*(0.1642457027815487 + x*(-4.425350377422446 + x*(18.324477859983133 + x*(-35.338631625948665 + x*( 33.36181025816282 + (-12.408711490585757 + 0.0004810049834109226*x)*x))))))) *data.SCRIT; end sv_p_R4b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | dl | liquid density [kg/m3] |
function rhol_p_R4b "explicit approximation of liquid density on the boundary between regions 4 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Density dl "liquid density"; protected Real x "auxiliary variable"; algorithm if (p < data.PCRIT) then x := Modelica.Math.acos(p/data.PCRIT); dl := (1 + x*(1.903224079094824 + x*(-2.5314861802401123 + x*(-8.191449323843552 + x*(94.34196116778385 + x*(-369.3676833623383 + x*( 796.6627910598293 + x*(-994.5385383600702 + x*(673.2581177021598 + (-191.43077336405156 + 0.00052536560808895*x)*x)))))))))*data.DCRIT; else dl := data.DCRIT; end if; end rhol_p_R4b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | dv | vapour density [kg/m3] |
function rhov_p_R4b "explicit approximation of vapour density on the boundary between regions 4 and 2" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Density dv "vapour density"; protected Real x "auxiliary variable"; algorithm if (p < data.PCRIT) then x := Modelica.Math.acos(p/data.PCRIT); dv := (1 + x*(-1.8463850803362596 + x*(-1.1447872718878493 + x*( 59.18702203076563 + x*(-403.5391431811611 + x*(1437.2007245332388 + x*(-3015.853540307519 + x*(3740.5790348670057 + x*(-2537.375817253895 + (725.8761975803782 - 0.0011151111658332337*x)*x)))))))))*data. DCRIT; else dv := data.DCRIT; end if; end rhov_p_R4b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record |
function boilingcurve_p "properties on the boiling curve" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; protected Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives"; Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives"; SI.Pressure plim=min(p, data.PCRIT-1e-7) "pressure limited to critical pressure - epsilon"; algorithm bpro.R := data.RH2O; bpro.T := Basic.tsat(plim); bpro.dpT := Basic.dptofT(bpro.T); bpro.region3boundary := bpro.T > data.TLIMIT1; if not bpro.region3boundary then g := Basic.g1(p, bpro.T); bpro.d := p/(bpro.R*bpro.T*g.pi*g.gpi); bpro.h := if p > plim then data.HCRIT else bpro.R*bpro.T*g.tau*g.gtau; bpro.s := g.R*(g.tau*g.gtau - g.g); bpro.cp := -bpro.R*g.tau*g.tau*g.gtautau; bpro.vt := bpro.R/p*(g.pi*g.gpi - g.tau*g.pi*g.gtaupi); bpro.vp := bpro.R*bpro.T/(p*p)*g.pi*g.pi*g.gpipi; := -p/bpro.T*(g.gpi - g.tau*g.gtaupi)/(g.gpipi*g.pi); bpro.pd := -bpro.R*bpro.T*g.gpi*g.gpi/(g.gpipi); else bpro.d := rhol_p_R4b(plim); f := Basic.f3(bpro.d, bpro.T); bpro.h := hl_p_R4b(plim); // bpro.R*bpro.T*(f.tau*f.ftau +*f.fdelta); bpro.s := f.R*(f.tau*f.ftau - f.f); := bpro.R*(-f.tau*f.tau*f.ftautau); := bpro.R*bpro.d**(f.fdelta - f.tau*f.fdeltatau); bpro.pd := bpro.R*bpro.T**(2.0*f.fdelta +*f.fdeltadelta); end if; end boilingcurve_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record |
function dewcurve_p "properties on the dew curve" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; protected Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives"; Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives"; SI.Pressure plim=min(p, data.PCRIT-1e-7) "pressure limited to critical pressure - epsilon"; algorithm bpro.R := data.RH2O; bpro.T := Basic.tsat(plim); bpro.dpT := Basic.dptofT(bpro.T); bpro.region3boundary := bpro.T > data.TLIMIT1; if not bpro.region3boundary then g := Basic.g2(p, bpro.T); bpro.d := p/(bpro.R*bpro.T*g.pi*g.gpi); bpro.h := if p > plim then data.HCRIT else bpro.R*bpro.T*g.tau*g.gtau; bpro.s := g.R*(g.tau*g.gtau - g.g); bpro.cp := -bpro.R*g.tau*g.tau*g.gtautau; bpro.vt := bpro.R/p*(g.pi*g.gpi - g.tau*g.pi*g.gtaupi); bpro.vp := bpro.R*bpro.T/(p*p)*g.pi*g.pi*g.gpipi; := -p/bpro.T*(g.gpi - g.tau*g.gtaupi)/(g.gpipi*g.pi); bpro.pd := -bpro.R*bpro.T*g.gpi*g.gpi/(g.gpipi); else bpro.d := rhov_p_R4b(plim); f := Basic.f3(bpro.d, bpro.T); bpro.h := hv_p_R4b(plim); // bpro.R*bpro.T*(f.tau*f.ftau +*f.fdelta); bpro.s := f.R*(f.tau*f.ftau - f.f); := bpro.R*(-f.tau*f.tau*f.ftautau); := bpro.R*bpro.d**(f.fdelta - f.tau*f.fdeltatau); bpro.pd := bpro.R*bpro.T**(2.0*f.fdelta +*f.fdeltadelta); end if; end dewcurve_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hvl_p annotation(derivative=hvl_p_der); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; algorithm h := bpro.h;end hvl_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hl_p "liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; algorithm h := hvl_p(p, boilingcurve_p(p)); end hl_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
function hv_p "vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 2" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; algorithm h := hvl_p(p, dewcurve_p(p)); end hv_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record | |
Real | p_der | derivative of pressure |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | h_der | time derivative of specific enthalpy along the phase boundary |
function hvl_p_der "derivative function for the specific enthalpy along the phase boundary" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; input Real p_der "derivative of pressure"; output Real h_der "time derivative of specific enthalpy along the phase boundary"; algorithm if bpro.region3boundary then h_der := ((bpro.d*bpro.pd - bpro.T**p_der + (bpro.T** + bpro.d*bpro.d*bpro.pd**p_der)/(bpro.pd* bpro.d*bpro.d); else h_der := (1/bpro.d - bpro.T*bpro.vt)*p_der + bpro.cp/bpro.dpT*p_der; end if; end hvl_p_der;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | rho | density [kg/m3] |
function rhovl_p annotation(derivative=rhovl_p_der); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; output SI.Density rho "density"; algorithm rho := bpro.d;end rhovl_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | saturation pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | rho | density of steam at the condensation point [kg/m3] |
function rhol_p "density of saturated water" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; output SI.Density rho "density of steam at the condensation point"; algorithm rho := rhovl_p(p, boilingcurve_p(p)); end rhol_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | saturation pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | rho | density of steam at the condensation point [kg/m3] |
function rhov_p "density of saturated vapour" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; output SI.Density rho "density of steam at the condensation point"; algorithm rho := rhovl_p(p, dewcurve_p(p)); end rhov_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | saturation pressure [Pa] | |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record | |
Real | p_der | derivative of pressure |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | d_der | time derivative of density along the phase boundary |
function rhovl_p_der extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; input Real p_der "derivative of pressure"; output Real d_der "time derivative of density along the phase boundary"; algorithm d_der := if bpro.region3boundary then (p_der -*p_der/bpro.dpT)/ bpro.pd else -bpro.d*bpro.d*(bpro.vp + bpro.vt/bpro.dpT)*p_der; end rhovl_p_der;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function sl_p "liquid specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected SI.Temperature Tsat "saturation temperature"; SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; algorithm if (p < data.PLIMIT4A) then Tsat := Basic.tsat(p); (h,s) := Isentropic.handsofpT1(p, Tsat); elseif (p < data.PCRIT) then s := sl_p_R4b(p); else s := data.SCRIT; end if; end sl_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
function sv_p "vapour specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 2" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; protected SI.Temperature Tsat "saturation temperature"; SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; algorithm if (p < data.PLIMIT4A) then Tsat := Basic.tsat(p); (h,s) := Isentropic.handsofpT2(p, Tsat); elseif (p < data.PCRIT) then s := sv_p_R4b(p); else s := data.SCRIT; end if; end sv_p;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density of water at the boiling point [kg/m3] |
function rhol_T "density of saturated water" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature"; output SI.Density d "density of water at the boiling point"; protected SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; algorithm p := Basic.psat(T); if T < data.TLIMIT1 then d := d1n(p, T); elseif T < data.TCRIT then d := rhol_p_R4b(p); else d := data.DCRIT; end if; end rhol_T;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density of steam at the condensation point [kg/m3] |
function rhov_T "density of saturated vapour" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature"; output SI.Density d "density of steam at the condensation point"; protected SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; algorithm // assert(T <= data.TCRIT,"input temperature has to be below the critical temperature"); p := Basic.psat(T); if T < data.TLIMIT1 then d := d2n(p, T); elseif T < data.TCRIT then d := rhov_p_R4b(p); else d := data.DCRIT; end if; end rhov_T;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
Integer | phase | 0 | phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if not known |
Integer | mode | 0 | mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | region | region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 |
function region_ph "return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 for given pressure and specific enthalpy" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input Integer phase=0 "phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if not known"; input Integer mode=0 "mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode"; output Integer region "region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97"; // If mode is different from 0, no checking for the region is done and // the mode is assumed to be the correct region. This can be used to // implement e.g., water-only steamtables when mode == 1 protected Boolean hsubcrit; SI.Temperature Ttest; constant Real[5] n=data.n; SI.SpecificEnthalpy hl "bubble enthalpy"; SI.SpecificEnthalpy hv "dew enthalpy"; algorithm if (mode <> 0) then region := mode; else // check for regions 1, 2, 3 and 4 hl := hl_p(p); hv := hv_p(p); if (phase == 2) then region := 4; else // phase == 1 or 0, now check if we are in the legal area if (p < triple.ptriple) or (p > data.PLIMIT1) or (h < hlowerofp1(p)) or ((p < 10.0e6) and (h > hupperofp5(p))) or ((p >= 10.0e6) and (h > hupperofp2(p))) then // outside of valid range region := -1; else //region 5 and -1 check complete hsubcrit := (h < data.HCRIT); // simple precheck: very simple if pressure < PLIMIT4A if (p < data.PLIMIT4A) then // we can never be in region 3, so test for others if hsubcrit then if (phase == 1) then region := 1; else if (h < Isentropic.hofpT1(p,Basic.tsat(p))) then region := 1; else region := 4; end if; end if; // external or internal phase check else if (h > hlowerofp5(p)) then // check for region 5 if ((p < data.PLIMIT5) and (h < hupperofp5(p))) then region := 5; else region := -2; // pressure and specific enthalpy too high, but this should end if; // never happen else if (phase == 1) then region := 2; else if (h > Isentropic.hofpT2(p,Basic.tsat(p))) then region := 2; else region := 4; end if; end if; // external or internal phase check end if; // tests for region 2 or 5 end if; // tests for sub or supercritical else // the pressure is over data.PLIMIT4A if hsubcrit then // region 1 or 3 or 4 if h < hupperofp1(p) then region := 1; else if h < hl or p > data.PCRIT then region := 3; else region :=4; end if; end if; // enf of test for region 1, 3 or 4 else // region 2, 3 or 4 if (h > hlowerofp2(p)) then region := 2; else if h > hv or p > data.PCRIT then region := 3; else region := 4; end if; end if; // test for 2 and 3 end if; // tests above PLIMIT4A end if; // above or below PLIMIT4A end if; // check for grand limits of p and h end if; // all tests with phase == 1 end if; // mode was == 0 // assert(region > 0,"IF97 function called outside the valid range!"); end region_ph;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] | |
Integer | phase | 0 | phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown |
Integer | mode | 0 | mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | region | region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 |
function region_ps "return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 for given pressure and specific entropy" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; input Integer phase= 0 "phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown"; input Integer mode= 0 "mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode"; output Integer region "region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97"; // If mode is different from 0, no checking for the region is done and // the mode is assumed to be the correct region. This can be used to // implement e.g., water-only steamtables when mode == 1 protected Boolean ssubcrit; SI.Temperature Ttest; constant Real[5] n=data.n; SI.SpecificEntropy sl "bubble entropy"; SI.SpecificEntropy sv "dew entropy"; algorithm if (mode <> 0) then region := mode; else // check for regions 1, 2, 3, and 4 sl := sl_p(p); sv := sv_p(p); // check all cases two-phase if (phase == 2) or (phase == 0 and s > sl and s < sv and p < data.PCRIT) then region := 4; else // phase == 1 region := 0; if (p < triple.ptriple) then region := -2; end if; if (p > data.PLIMIT1) then region := -3; end if; if ((p < 10.0e6) and (s > supperofp5(p))) then region := -5; end if; if ((p >= 10.0e6) and (s > supperofp2(p))) then region := -6; end if; if region < 0 then assert(false, "region computation from p and s failed: function called outside the legal region"); else ssubcrit := (s < data.SCRIT); // simple precheck: very simple if pressure < PLIMIT4A if (p < data.PLIMIT4A) then // we can never be in region 3, so test for 1 and 2 if ssubcrit then region := 1; else if (s > slowerofp5(p)) then // check for region 5 if ((p < data.PLIMIT5) and (s < supperofp5(p))) then region := 5; else region := -1; // pressure and specific entropy too high, should never happen! end if; else region := 2; end if; // tests for region 2 or 5 end if; // tests for sub or supercritical else // the pressure is over data.PLIMIT4A if ssubcrit then // region 1 or 3 if s < supperofp1(p) then region := 1; else if s < sl or p > data.PCRIT then region := 3; else region := 4; end if; end if; // test for region 1, 3 or 4 else // region 2, 3 or 4 if (s > slowerofp2(p)) then region := 2; else if s > sv or p > data.PCRIT then region := 3; else region := 4; end if; end if; // test for 2,3 and 4 end if; // tests above PLIMIT4A end if; // above or below PLIMIT4A end if; // grand test for limits of p and s end if; // all tests with phase == 1 end if; // mode was == 0 end region_ps;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Integer | mode | 0 | mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | region | region (valid values: 1,2,3,5) in IF97, region 4 is impossible! |
function region_pT "return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,5) in IF97, given pressure and temperature" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input Integer mode=0 "mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode"; output Integer region "region (valid values: 1,2,3,5) in IF97, region 4 is impossible!"; algorithm if (mode <> 0) then region := mode; else if p < data.PLIMIT4A then //test for regions 1,2,5 if T > data.TLIMIT2 then region := 5; elseif T > Basic.tsat(p) then region := 2; else region := 1; end if; else //test for regions 1,2,3 if T < data.TLIMIT1 then region := 1; elseif T < boundary23ofp(p) then region := 3; else region := 2; end if; end if; end if; // mode was == 0 end region_pT;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Integer | phase | 0 | phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if not known |
Integer | mode | 0 | mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | region | (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 |
function region_dT "return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97, given density and temperature" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density d "density"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input Integer phase= 0 "phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if not known"; input Integer mode= 0 "mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode"; output Integer region "(valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97"; protected Boolean Tovercrit "flag if overcritical temperature"; SI.Pressure p23 "pressure needed to know if region 2 or 3"; algorithm Tovercrit := T > data.TCRIT; if (mode <> 0) then region := mode; else p23 := boundary23ofT(T); if T > data.TLIMIT2 then if d < 20.5655874106483 then // check for the density in the upper corner of validity! region := 5; else assert(false,"out of valid region for IF97, pressure above region 5!"); end if; elseif Tovercrit then //check for regions 1, 2 or 3 if d > d2n(p23, T) and T > data.TLIMIT1 then region := 3; elseif T < data.TLIMIT1 then region := 1; else // d < d2n(p23, T) and T > data.TLIMIT1 region := 2; end if; // below critical, check for regions 1, 2, 3 or 4 elseif (d > rhol_T(T)) then // either 1 or 3 if T < data.TLIMIT1 then region := 1; else region := 3; end if; elseif (d < rhov_T(T)) then // not liquid, not 2-phase, and not region 5, so either 2 or 3 or illegal if (d > d2n(p23, T) and T > data.TLIMIT1) then region := 3; else region := 2; end if; else region := 4; end if; end if; end region_dT;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dh_dp | derivative of specific enthalpy along the phase boundary |
function hvl_dp "derivative function for the specific enthalpy along the phase boundary" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; output Real dh_dp "derivative of specific enthalpy along the phase boundary"; algorithm if bpro.region3boundary then dh_dp := ((bpro.d*bpro.pd - bpro.T* + (bpro.T** + bpro.d*bpro.d*bpro.pd** bpro.d*bpro.d); else dh_dp := (1/bpro.d - bpro.T*bpro.vt) + bpro.cp/bpro.dpT; end if; end hvl_dp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
DerEnthalpyByPressure | dh_dp | specific enthalpy derivative w.r.t. pressure [J.m.s2/kg2] |
function dhl_dp "derivative of liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 w.r.t. pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure dh_dp "specific enthalpy derivative w.r.t. pressure"; algorithm dh_dp := hvl_dp(p, boilingcurve_p(p)); end dhl_dp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
DerEnthalpyByPressure | dh_dp | specific enthalpy derivative w.r.t. pressure [J.m.s2/kg2] |
function dhv_dp "derivative of vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 w.r.t. pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure dh_dp "specific enthalpy derivative w.r.t. pressure"; algorithm dh_dp := hvl_dp(p, dewcurve_p(p)); end dhv_dp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | saturation pressure [Pa] | |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | bpro | property record |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dd_dp | derivative of density along the phase boundary [kg/(m3.Pa)] |
function drhovl_dp extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "property record"; output Real dd_dp(unit="kg/(m3.Pa)") "derivative of density along the phase boundary"; algorithm dd_dp := if bpro.region3boundary then (1.0 - bpro.pd else -bpro.d*bpro.d*(bpro.vp + bpro.vt/bpro.dpT); end drhovl_dp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | saturation pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByPressure | dd_dp | derivative of density of water at the boiling point [s2/m2] |
function drhol_dp "derivative of density of saturated water w.r.t. pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; output SI.DerDensityByPressure dd_dp "derivative of density of water at the boiling point"; algorithm dd_dp := drhovl_dp(p, boilingcurve_p(p)); end drhol_dp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | saturation pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
DerDensityByPressure | dd_dp | derivative of density of water at the boiling point [s2/m2] |
function drhov_dp "derivative of density of saturated steam w.r.t. pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "saturation pressure"; output SI.DerDensityByPressure dd_dp "derivative of density of water at the boiling point"; algorithm dd_dp := drhovl_dp(p, dewcurve_p(p)); end drhov_dp;