Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
fixdT | region limits for inverse iteration in region 3 |
dofp13 | density at the boundary between regions 1 and 3 |
dofp23 | density at the boundary between regions 2 and 3 |
dofpt3 | inverse iteration in region 3: (d) = f(p,T) |
dtofph3 | inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,h) |
dtofps3 | inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,s) |
dtofpsdt3 | inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,s) |
pofdt125 | inverse iteration in region 1,2 and 5: p = g(d,T) |
tofph5 | inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,h) |
tofps5 | inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,s) |
tofpst5 | inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,s) |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | din | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | Tin | temperature [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | dout | density [kg/m3] |
Temperature | Tout | temperature [K] |
function fixdT "region limits for inverse iteration in region 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density din "density"; input SI.Temperature Tin "temperature"; output SI.Density dout "density"; output SI.Temperature Tout "temperature"; protected SI.Temperature Tmin "approximation of minimum temperature"; SI.Temperature Tmax "approximation of maximum temperature"; algorithm if (din > 765.0) then dout := 765.0; elseif (din < 110.0) then dout := 110.0; else dout := din; end if; if (dout < 390.0) then Tmax := 554.3557377 + dout*0.809344262; else Tmax := 1116.85 - dout*0.632948717; end if; if (dout < data.DCRIT) then Tmin := data.TCRIT*(1.0 - (dout - data.DCRIT)*(dout - data.DCRIT)/ 1.0e6); else Tmin := data.TCRIT*(1.0 - (dout - data.DCRIT)*(dout - data.DCRIT)/ 1.44e6); end if; if (Tin < Tmin) then Tout := Tmin; elseif (Tin > Tmax) then Tout := Tmax; else Tout := Tin; end if; end fixdT;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
function dofp13 "density at the boundary between regions 1 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Density d "density"; protected Real p2 "auxiliary variable"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm p2 := 7.1 - 6.04960677555959e-8*p; o[1] := p2*p2; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; d := 57.4756752485113/(0.0737412153522555 + p2*(0.00145092247736023 + p2*(0.000102697173772229 + p2*(0.0000114683182476084 + p2*( 1.99080616601101e-6 + o[1]*p2*(1.13217858826367e-8 + o[2]*o[3]*p2*( 1.35549330686006e-17 + o[1]*(-3.11228834832975e-19 + o[1]*o[2]*(-7.02987180039442e-22 + p2*(3.29199117056433e-22 + (-5.17859076694812e-23 + 2.73712834080283e-24*p2)*p2)))))))))); end dofp13;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
function dofp23 "density at the boundary between regions 2 and 3" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Density d "density"; protected SI.Temperature T; Real[13] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; Real taug "auxiliary variable"; Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real gpi23 "derivative of g w.r.t. pi on the boundary between regions 2 and 3"; algorithm pi := p/data.PSTAR2; T := 572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784*(-13.91883977887 + pi)^0.5; o[1] := (-13.91883977887 + pi)^0.5; taug := -0.5 + 540.0/(572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784*o[1]); o[2] := taug*taug; o[3] := o[2]*taug; o[4] := o[2]*o[2]; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := o[5]*o[5]; o[7] := o[4]*o[5]*o[6]*taug; o[8] := o[4]*o[5]*taug; o[9] := o[2]*o[4]*o[5]; o[10] := pi*pi; o[11] := o[10]*o[10]; o[12] := o[4]*o[6]*taug; o[13] := o[6]*o[6]; gpi23 := (1.0 + pi*(-0.0017731742473213 + taug*(-0.017834862292358 + taug*(-0.045996013696365 + (-0.057581259083432 - 0.05032527872793*o[3]) *taug)) + pi*(taug*(-0.000066065283340406 + (-0.0003789797503263 + o[ 2]*(-0.007878555448671 + o[3]*(-0.087594591301146 - 0.000053349095828174*o[7])))*taug) + pi*(6.1445213076927e-8 + ( 1.31612001853305e-6 + o[2]*(-0.00009683303171571 + o[3]*(-0.0045101773626444 - 0.122004760687947*o[7])))*taug + pi*(taug*(-3.15389238237468e-9 + (5.116287140914e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6*taug)*taug) + pi*( 0.0000114610381688305*o[2]*o[4]*taug + pi*(o[3]*(-1.00288598706366e-10 + o[8]*(-0.012702883392813 - 143.374451604624*o[2]*o[6]*taug)) + pi* (-4.1341695026989e-17 + o[2]*o[5]*(-8.8352662293707e-6 - 0.272627897050173*o[9])*taug + pi*(o[5]*(9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.8490727183984*o[4]*o[5]*o[6]) + pi*(1.78287415218792e-7*o[8] + pi* (o[4]*(1.0406965210174e-18 + o[2]*(-1.0234747095929e-12 - 1.0018179379511e-8*o[4])*o[4]) + o[10]*o[11]*((-1.29412653835176e-9 + 1.71088510070544*o[12])*o[7] + o[10]*(-6.05920510335078*o[13]*o[5] *o[6]*taug + o[10]*(o[4]*o[6]*(1.78371690710842e-23 + o[2]*o[4]*o[5]* (6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416*o[8])*taug) + pi*(-1.24017662339842e-24 *o[12] + pi*(0.0000832192847496054*o[13]*o[4]*o[6]*taug + pi*(o[2]*o[ 5]*o[6]*(1.75410265428146e-27 + (1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904*o[2]*o[6])*o[9])*pi - 2.93678005497663e-14*o[13] *o[2]*o[4]*taug)))))))))))))))))/pi; d := p/(data.RH2O*T*pi*gpi23); end dofp23;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Pressure | delp | iteration converged if (p-pre(p) < delp) [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function dofpt3 "inverse iteration in region 3: (d) = f(p,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input SI.Pressure delp "iteration converged if (p-pre(p) < delp)"; output SI.Density d "density"; output Integer error=0 "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected SI.Density dguess "guess density"; Integer i=0 "loop counter"; Real dp "pressure difference"; SI.Density deld "density step"; Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau"; Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_pT nDerivs "derivatives needed in Newton iteration"; Boolean found=false "flag for iteration success"; Boolean supercritical "flag, true for supercritical states"; Boolean liquid "flag, true for liquid states"; SI.Density dmin "lower density limit"; SI.Density dmax "upper density limit"; SI.Temperature Tmax "maximum temperature"; algorithm assert(p >= data.PLIMIT4A, "BaseIF97.dofpt3: function called outside of region 3! p too low\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa < " + String(data.PLIMIT4A) + " Pa"); assert(T >= data.TLIMIT1, "BaseIF97.dofpt3: function called outside of region 3! T too low\n" + "T = " + String(T) + " K < " + String(data.TLIMIT1) + " K"); assert(p >= Regions.boundary23ofT(T), "BaseIF97.dofpt3: function called outside of region 3! T too high\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa, T = " + String(T) + " K"); supercritical := p > data.PCRIT; dmax := dofp13(p); dmin := dofp23(p); Tmax := Regions.boundary23ofp(p); if supercritical then dguess := dmin + (T - data.TLIMIT1)/(data.TLIMIT1 - Tmax)*(dmax - dmin); //this may need improvement!! else liquid := T < Basic.tsat(p); if liquid then dguess := 0.5*(Regions.rhol_p_R4b(p) + dmax); else dguess := 0.5*(Regions.rhov_p_R4b(p) + dmin); end if; end if; while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop d := dguess; f := Basic.f3(d, T); nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_pT(f); dp := nDerivs.p - p; if (abs(dp/p) <= delp) then found := true; end if; deld := dp/nDerivs.pd; d := d - deld; if d > dmin and d < dmax then dguess := d; else if d > dmax then dguess := dmax - sqrt(Modelica.Constants.eps); // put it on the correct spot just inside the boundary here instead else dguess := dmin + sqrt(Modelica.Constants.eps); end if; end if; i := i + 1; end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function dofpt3: iteration failed"); end dofpt3;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
Pressure | delp | iteration accuracy [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | delh | iteration accuracy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function dtofph3 "inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input SI.Pressure delp "iteration accuracy"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy delh "iteration accuracy"; output SI.Density d "density"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected SI.Temperature Tguess "initial temperature"; SI.Density dguess "initial density"; Integer i "iteration counter"; Real dh "Newton-error in h-direction"; Real dp "Newton-error in p-direction"; Real det "determinant of directional derivatives"; Real deld "Newton-step in d-direction"; Real delt "Newton-step in T-direction"; Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau"; Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_ph nDerivs "derivatives needed in Newton iteration"; Boolean found "flag for iteration success"; Integer subregion "1 for subregion 3a, 2 for subregion 3b"; algorithm if p < data.PCRIT then // allow a 10 J margin inside the (well approximated) phase boundary subregion := if h < (Regions.hl_p(p) + 10.0) then 1 else if h > (Regions.hv_p(p) - 10.0) then 2 else 0; assert(subregion <> 0,"inverse iteration of dt from ph called in 2 phase region: this can not work"); else //supercritical subregion := if h < Basic.h3ab_p(p) then 1 else 2; end if; T := if subregion == 1 then Basic.T3a_ph(p,h) else Basic.T3b_ph(p,h); d := if subregion == 1 then 1/Basic.v3a_ph(p,h) else 1/Basic.v3b_ph(p,h); i := 0; error := 0; while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop f := Basic.f3(d, T); nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_ph(f); dh := nDerivs.h - h; dp := nDerivs.p - p; if ((abs(dh/h) <= delh) and (abs(dp/p) <= delp)) then found := true; end if; det := nDerivs.ht*nDerivs.pd - nDerivs.pt*nDerivs.hd; delt := (nDerivs.pd*dh - nDerivs.hd*dp)/det; deld := (nDerivs.ht*dp - nDerivs.pt*dh)/det; T := T - delt; d := d - deld; dguess := d; Tguess := T; i := i + 1; (d,T) := fixdT(dguess, Tguess); end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function dtofph3: iteration failed"); end dtofph3;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] | |
Pressure | delp | iteration accuracy [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | dels | iteration accuracy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function dtofps3 "inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; input SI.Pressure delp "iteration accuracy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy dels "iteration accuracy"; output SI.Density d "density"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected SI.Temperature Tguess "initial temperature"; SI.Density dguess "initial density"; Integer i "iteration counter"; Real ds "Newton-error in s-direction"; Real dp "Newton-error in p-direction"; Real det "determinant of directional derivatives"; Real deld "Newton-step in d-direction"; Real delt "Newton-step in T-direction"; Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau"; Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_ps nDerivs "derivatives needed in Newton iteration"; Boolean found "flag for iteration success"; Integer subregion "1 for subregion 3a, 2 for subregion 3b"; algorithm i := 0; error := 0; found := false; if p < data.PCRIT then // allow a 1 J/K margin inside the (well approximated) phase boundary subregion := if s < (Regions.sl_p(p) + 10.0) then 1 else if s > (Regions.sv_p(p) - 10.0) then 2 else 0; assert(subregion <> 0,"inverse iteration of dt from ps called in 2 phase region: this is illegal!"); else subregion := if s < data.SCRIT then 1 else 2; end if; T := if subregion == 1 then Basic.T3a_ps(p,s) else Basic.T3b_ps(p,s); d := if subregion == 1 then 1/Basic.v3a_ps(p,s) else 1/Basic.v3b_ps(p,s); while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop f := Basic.f3(d, T); nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_ps(f); ds := nDerivs.s - s; dp := nDerivs.p - p; if ((abs(ds/s) <= dels) and (abs(dp/p) <= delp)) then found := true; end if; det := nDerivs.st*nDerivs.pd - nDerivs.pt*nDerivs.sd; delt := (nDerivs.pd*ds - nDerivs.sd*dp)/det; deld := (nDerivs.st*dp - nDerivs.pt*ds)/det; T := T - delt; d := d - deld; dguess := d; Tguess := T; i := i + 1; (d,T) := fixdT(dguess, Tguess); end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function dtofps3: iteration failed"); end dtofps3;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] | |
Density | dguess | guess density, e.g., from adjacent volume [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | Tguess | guess temperature, e.g., from adjacent volume [K] | |
Pressure | delp | iteration accuracy [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | dels | iteration accuracy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function dtofpsdt3 "inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; input SI.Density dguess "guess density, e.g., from adjacent volume"; input SI.Temperature Tguess "guess temperature, e.g., from adjacent volume"; input SI.Pressure delp "iteration accuracy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy dels "iteration accuracy"; output SI.Density d "density"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected Integer i "iteration counter"; Real ds "Newton-error in s-direction"; Real dp "Newton-error in p-direction"; Real det "determinant of directional derivatives"; Real deld "Newton-step in d-direction"; Real delt "Newton-step in T-direction"; Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau"; Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_ps nDerivs "derivatives needed in Newton iteration"; Boolean found "flag for iteration success"; SI.Density diter "density"; SI.Temperature Titer "temperature (K)"; algorithm i := 0; error := 0; found := false; (diter,Titer) := fixdT(dguess, Tguess); while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop (d,T) := fixdT(diter, Titer); f := Basic.f3(d, T); nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_ps(f); ds := nDerivs.s - s; dp := nDerivs.p - p; if ((abs(ds/s) <= dels) and (abs(dp/p) <= delp)) then found := true; end if; det := nDerivs.st*nDerivs.pd - nDerivs.pt*nDerivs.sd; delt := (nDerivs.pd*ds - nDerivs.sd*dp)/det; deld := (nDerivs.st*dp - nDerivs.pt*ds)/det; T := T - delt; d := d - deld; diter := d; Titer := T; i := i + 1; end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function dtofpsdt3: iteration failed"); end dtofpsdt3;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Pressure | reldd | relative iteration accuracy of density [Pa] | |
Integer | region | region in IAPWS/IF97 in which inverse should be calculated |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function pofdt125 "inverse iteration in region 1,2 and 5: p = g(d,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density d "density"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input SI.Pressure reldd "relative iteration accuracy of density"; input Integer region "region in IAPWS/IF97 in which inverse should be calculated"; output SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected Integer i "counter for while-loop"; Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; Boolean found "flag if iteration has been successful"; Real dd "difference between density for guessed p and the current density"; Real delp "step in p in Newton-iteration"; Real relerr "relative error in d"; SI.Pressure pguess1=1.0e6 "initial pressure guess in region 1"; SI.Pressure pguess2 "initial pressure guess in region 2"; constant SI.Pressure pguess5=0.5e6 "initial pressure guess in region 5"; algorithm i := 0; error := 0; pguess2 := 42800*d; found := false; if region == 1 then p := pguess1; elseif region == 2 then p := pguess2; else p := pguess5; end if; while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop if region == 1 then g := Basic.g1(p, T); elseif region == 2 then g := Basic.g2(p, T); else g := Basic.g5(p, T); end if; dd := p/(data.RH2O*T*g.pi*g.gpi) - d; relerr := dd/d; if (abs(relerr) < reldd) then found := true; end if; delp := dd*(-p*p/(d*d*data.RH2O*T*g.pi*g.pi*g.gpipi)); p := p - delp; i := i + 1; if not found then if p < triple.ptriple then p := 2.0*triple.ptriple; end if; if p > data.PLIMIT1 then p := 0.95*data.PLIMIT1; end if; end if; end while; // print("i = " + i2s(i) + ", p = " + r2s(p/1.0e5) + ", delp = " + r2s(delp*1.0e-5) + "\n"); if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function pofdt125: iteration failed"); end pofdt125;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | reldh | iteration accuracy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function tofph5 "inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy reldh "iteration accuracy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; SI.SpecificEnthalpy proh "h for current guess in T"; constant SI.Temperature Tguess=1500 "initial temperature"; Integer i "iteration counter"; Real relerr "relative error in h"; Real dh "Newton-error in h-direction"; Real dT "Newton-step in T-direction"; Boolean found "flag for iteration success"; algorithm i := 0; error := 0; T := Tguess; found := false; while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop g := Basic.g5(p, T); proh := data.RH2O*T*g.tau*g.gtau; dh := proh - h; relerr := dh/h; if (abs(relerr) < reldh) then found := true; end if; dT := dh/(-data.RH2O*g.tau*g.tau*g.gtautau); T := T - dT; i := i + 1; end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function tofph5: iteration failed"); end tofph5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | relds | iteration accuracy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function tofps5 "inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy relds "iteration accuracy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; SI.SpecificEntropy pros "s for current guess in T"; parameter SI.Temperature Tguess=1500 "initial temperature"; Integer i "iteration counter"; Real relerr "relative error in s"; Real ds "Newton-error in s-direction"; Real dT "Newton-step in T-direction"; Boolean found "flag for iteration success"; algorithm i := 0; error := 0; T := Tguess; found := false; while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop g := Basic.g5(p, T); pros := data.RH2O*(g.tau*g.gtau - g.g); ds := pros - s; relerr := ds/s; if (abs(relerr) < relds) then found := true; end if; dT := ds*T/(-data.RH2O*g.tau*g.tau*g.gtautau); T := T - dT; i := i + 1; end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function tofps5: iteration failed"); end tofps5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] | |
Temperature | Tguess | guess temperature, e.g., from adjacent volume [K] | |
SpecificEntropy | relds | iteration accuracy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Integer | error | error flag: iteration failed if different from 0 |
function tofpst5 "inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; input SI.Temperature Tguess "guess temperature, e.g., from adjacent volume"; input SI.SpecificEntropy relds "iteration accuracy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Integer error "error flag: iteration failed if different from 0"; protected Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; SI.SpecificEntropy pros "s for current guess in T"; Integer i "iteration counter"; Real relerr "relative error in s"; Real ds "Newton-error in s-direction"; Real dT "Newton-step in T-direction"; Boolean found "flag for iteration success"; algorithm i := 0; error := 0; T := Tguess; found := false; while ((i < IterationData.IMAX) and not found) loop g := Basic.g5(p, T); pros := data.RH2O*(g.tau*g.gtau - g.g); ds := pros - s; relerr := ds/s; if (abs(relerr) < relds) then found := true; end if; dT := ds*T/(-data.RH2O*g.tau*g.tau*g.gtautau); T := T - dT; i := i + 1; end while; if not found then error := 1; end if; assert(error <> 1, "error in inverse function tofpst5: iteration failed"); end tofpst5;