Package BaseIF97/Basic computes the the fundamental functions for the 5 regions of the steam tables as described in the standards document IF97.pdf. The code of these functions has been generated using Mathematica and the add-on packages "Format" and "Optimize" to generate highly efficient, expression-optimized C-code from a symbolic representation of the thermodynamic functions. The C-code has than been transformed into Modelica code. An important feature of this optimization was to simultaneously optimize the functions and the directional derivatives because they share many common subexpressions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | Gibbs function for region 1: g(p,T) |
![]() | Gibbs function for region 2: g(p,T) |
![]() | Gibbs function for metastable part of region 2: g(p,T) |
![]() | Helmholtz function for region 3: f(d,T) |
![]() | base function for region 5: g(p,T) |
![]() | Gibbs function for region 1, 2 or 5: g(p,T,region) |
![]() | derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau |
![]() | derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau |
![]() | derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau |
![]() | 1st derivatives of f w.r.t. delta and tau |
![]() | inverse function for region 1: T(p,h) |
![]() | inverse function for region 1: T(p,s) |
![]() | reverse function for region 2: T(p,h) |
![]() | reverse function for region 2a: T(p,s) |
![]() | reverse function for region 2b: T(p,s) |
![]() | reverse function for region 2c: T(p,s) |
![]() | reverse function for region 2: T(p,s) |
![]() | region 4 saturation temperature as a function of pressure |
![]() | derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure |
![]() | derivative function for tsat |
![]() | region 4 saturation pressure as a functionx of temperature |
![]() | derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature along the saturation pressure curve |
![]() | derivative function for psat |
![]() | pressure as a function of ehtnalpy and entropy in region 1 |
![]() | boundary between regions 2a and 2b |
![]() | pressure as a function of enthalpy and entropy in subregion 2a |
![]() | pressure as a function of enthalpy and entropy in subregion 2a |
![]() | pressure as a function of enthalpy and entropy in subregion 2c |
![]() | ergion 3 a b boundary for pressure/enthalpy |
![]() | Region 3 a: inverse function T(p,h) |
![]() | Region 3 b: inverse function T(p,h) |
![]() | Region 3 a: inverse function v(p,h) |
![]() | Region 3 b: inverse function v(p,h) |
![]() | Region 3 a: inverse function T(p,s) |
![]() | Region 3 b: inverse function T(p,s) |
![]() | Region 3 a: inverse function v(p,s) |
![]() | Region 3 b: inverse function v(p,s) |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
GibbsDerivs | g | dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau |
function g1 "Gibbs function for region 1: g(p,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; protected Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real tau1 "dimensionless temperature"; Real[45] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; Real pl "auxiliary variable"; algorithm pl := min(p, data.PCRIT - 1); assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g1: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa"); assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g1: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!"); g.p := p; g.T := T; g.R := data.RH2O; g.pi := p/data.PSTAR1; g.tau := data.TSTAR1/T; pi1 := 7.1000000000000 - g.pi; tau1 := -1.22200000000000 + g.tau; o[1] := tau1*tau1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*tau1; o[5] := 1/o[4]; o[6] := o[1]*o[2]; o[7] := o[1]*tau1; o[8] := 1/o[7]; o[9] := o[1]*o[2]*o[3]; o[10] := 1/o[2]; o[11] := o[2]*tau1; o[12] := 1/o[11]; o[13] := o[2]*o[3]; o[14] := 1/o[3]; o[15] := pi1*pi1; o[16] := o[15]*pi1; o[17] := o[15]*o[15]; o[18] := o[17]*o[17]; o[19] := o[17]*o[18]*pi1; o[20] := o[15]*o[17]; o[21] := o[3]*o[3]; o[22] := o[21]*o[21]; o[23] := o[22]*o[3]*tau1; o[24] := 1/o[23]; o[25] := o[22]*o[3]; o[26] := 1/o[25]; o[27] := o[1]*o[2]*o[22]*tau1; o[28] := 1/o[27]; o[29] := o[1]*o[2]*o[22]; o[30] := 1/o[29]; o[31] := o[1]*o[2]*o[21]*o[3]*tau1; o[32] := 1/o[31]; o[33] := o[2]*o[21]*o[3]*tau1; o[34] := 1/o[33]; o[35] := o[1]*o[3]*tau1; o[36] := 1/o[35]; o[37] := o[1]*o[3]; o[38] := 1/o[37]; o[39] := 1/o[6]; o[40] := o[1]*o[22]*o[3]; o[41] := 1/o[40]; o[42] := 1/o[22]; o[43] := o[1]*o[2]*o[21]*o[3]; o[44] := 1/o[43]; o[45] := 1/o[13]; g.g := pi1*(pi1*(pi1*(o[10]*(-0.000031679644845054 + o[2]*(-2.82707979853120e-6 - 8.5205128120103e-10*o[6])) + pi1*(o[12]*(-2.24252819080000e-6 + (-6.5171222895601e-7 - 1.43417299379240e-13*o[13])*o[7]) + pi1*(-4.0516996860117e-7*o[14] + o[16]*((-1.27343017416410e-9 - 1.74248712306340e-10*o[11])*o[36] + o[19]*(-6.8762131295531e-19*o[34] + o[15]*(1.44783078285210e-20*o[ 32] + o[20]*(2.63357816627950e-23*o[30] + pi1*(-1.19476226400710e-23* o[28] + pi1*(1.82280945814040e-24*o[26] - 9.3537087292458e-26*o[24]* pi1))))))))) + o[8]*(-0.00047184321073267 + o[7]*(-0.000300017807930260 + (0.000047661393906987 + o[1]*(-4.4141845330846e-6 - 7.2694996297594e-16*o[9]))*tau1))) + o[5]*(0.000283190801238040 + o[1] *(-0.00060706301565874 + o[6]*(-0.0189900682184190 + tau1*(-0.032529748770505 + (-0.0218417171754140 - 0.000052838357969930*o[1])*tau1))))) + ( 0.146329712131670 + tau1*(-0.84548187169114 + tau1*(-3.7563603672040 + tau1*(3.3855169168385 + tau1*(-0.95791963387872 + tau1*( 0.157720385132280 + (-0.0166164171995010 + 0.00081214629983568*tau1)* tau1))))))/o[1]; g.gpi := pi1*(pi1*(o[10]*(0.000095038934535162 + o[2]*( 8.4812393955936e-6 + 2.55615384360309e-9*o[6])) + pi1*(o[12]*( 8.9701127632000e-6 + (2.60684891582404e-6 + 5.7366919751696e-13*o[13]) *o[7]) + pi1*(2.02584984300585e-6*o[14] + o[16]*((1.01874413933128e-8 + 1.39398969845072e-9*o[11])*o[36] + o[19]*(1.44400475720615e-17*o[ 34] + o[15]*(-3.3300108005598e-19*o[32] + o[20]*(-7.6373766822106e-22 *o[30] + pi1*(3.5842867920213e-22*o[28] + pi1*(-5.6507093202352e-23*o[ 26] + 2.99318679335866e-24*o[24]*pi1))))))))) + o[8]*( 0.00094368642146534 + o[7]*(0.00060003561586052 + (-0.000095322787813974 + o[1]*(8.8283690661692e-6 + 1.45389992595188e-15*o[9]))*tau1))) + o[ 5]*(-0.000283190801238040 + o[1]*(0.00060706301565874 + o[6]*( 0.0189900682184190 + tau1*(0.032529748770505 + (0.0218417171754140 + 0.000052838357969930*o[1])*tau1)))); g.gpipi := pi1*(o[10]*(-0.000190077869070324 + o[2]*(-0.0000169624787911872 - 5.1123076872062e-9*o[6])) + pi1*(o[12]*(-0.0000269103382896000 + ( -7.8205467474721e-6 - 1.72100759255088e-12*o[13])*o[7]) + pi1*(-8.1033993720234e-6 *o[14] + o[16]*((-7.1312089753190e-8 - 9.7579278891550e-9*o[11])*o[36] + o[19]*(-2.88800951441230e-16*o[34] + o[15]*(7.3260237612316e-18*o[ 32] + o[20]*(2.13846547101895e-20*o[30] + pi1*(-1.03944316968618e-20* o[28] + pi1*(1.69521279607057e-21*o[26] - 9.2788790594118e-23*o[24]* pi1))))))))) + o[8]*(-0.00094368642146534 + o[7]*(-0.00060003561586052 + (0.000095322787813974 + o[1]*(-8.8283690661692e-6 - 1.45389992595188e-15*o[9]))*tau1)); g.gtau := pi1*(o[38]*(-0.00254871721114236 + o[1]*(0.0042494411096112 + (0.0189900682184190 + (-0.0218417171754140 - 0.000158515073909790* o[1])*o[1])*o[6])) + pi1*(o[10]*(0.00141552963219801 + o[2]*( 0.000047661393906987 + o[1]*(-0.0000132425535992538 - 1.23581493705910e-14*o[9]))) + pi1*(o[12]*(0.000126718579380216 - 5.1123076872062e-9*o[37]) + pi1*(o[39]*(0.0000112126409540000 + ( 1.30342445791202e-6 - 1.43417299379240e-12*o[13])*o[7]) + pi1*( 3.2413597488094e-6*o[5] + o[16]*((1.40077319158051e-8 + 1.04549227383804e-9*o[11])*o[45] + o[19]*(1.99410180757040e-17*o[44] + o[15]*(-4.4882754268415e-19*o[42] + o[20]*(-1.00075970318621e-21*o[ 28] + pi1*(4.6595728296277e-22*o[26] + pi1*(-7.2912378325616e-23*o[24] + 3.8350205789908e-24*o[41]*pi1))))))))))) + o[8]*(-0.292659424263340 + tau1*(0.84548187169114 + o[1]*(3.3855169168385 + tau1*(-1.91583926775744 + tau1*(0.47316115539684 + (-0.066465668798004 + 0.0040607314991784* tau1)*tau1))))); g.gtautau := pi1*(o[36]*(0.0254871721114236 + o[1]*(-0.033995528876889 + (-0.037980136436838 - 0.00031703014781958*o[2])*o[6])) + pi1*(o[12] *(-0.0056621185287920 + o[6]*(-0.0000264851071985076 - 1.97730389929456e-13*o[9])) + pi1*((-0.00063359289690108 - 2.55615384360309e-8*o[37])*o[39] + pi1*(pi1*(-0.0000291722377392842*o[ 38] + o[16]*(o[19]*(-5.9823054227112e-16*o[32] + o[15]*(o[20]*( 3.9029628424262e-20*o[26] + pi1*(-1.86382913185108e-20*o[24] + pi1*( 2.98940751135026e-21*o[41] - (1.61070864317613e-22*pi1)/(o[1]*o[22]*o[ 3]*tau1)))) + 1.43624813658928e-17/(o[22]*tau1))) + (-1.68092782989661e-7 - 7.3184459168663e-9*o[11])/(o[2]*o[3]*tau1))) + (-0.000067275845724000 + (-3.9102733737361e-6 - 1.29075569441316e-11*o[13])*o[7])/(o[1]*o[2] *tau1))))) + o[10]*(0.87797827279002 + tau1*(-1.69096374338228 + o[7] *(-1.91583926775744 + tau1*(0.94632231079368 + (-0.199397006394012 + 0.0162429259967136*tau1)*tau1)))); g.gtaupi := o[38]*(0.00254871721114236 + o[1]*(-0.0042494411096112 + (-0.0189900682184190 + (0.0218417171754140 + 0.000158515073909790*o[1])*o[1])*o[6])) + pi1*(o[10]*(-0.00283105926439602 + o[2]*(-0.000095322787813974 + o[1] *(0.0000264851071985076 + 2.47162987411820e-14*o[9]))) + pi1*(o[12]*( -0.00038015573814065 + 1.53369230616185e-8*o[37]) + pi1*(o[39]*(-0.000044850563816000 + (-5.2136978316481e-6 + 5.7366919751696e-12*o[13])*o[7]) + pi1*(-0.0000162067987440468 *o[5] + o[16]*((-1.12061855326441e-7 - 8.3639381907043e-9*o[11])*o[45] + o[19]*(-4.1876137958978e-16*o[44] + o[15]*(1.03230334817355e-17*o[ 42] + o[20]*(2.90220313924001e-20*o[28] + pi1*(-1.39787184888831e-20* o[26] + pi1*(2.26028372809410e-21*o[24] - 1.22720658527705e-22*o[41]* pi1)))))))))); end g1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
GibbsDerivs | g | dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau |
function g2 "Gibbs function for region 2: g(p,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; protected Real tau2 "dimensionless temperature"; Real[55] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm g.p := p; g.T := T; g.R := data.RH2O; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g2: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa"); assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g2: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!"); assert(T <= 1073.15, "IF97 medium function g2: the input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than the limit of 1073.15 K"); g.pi := p/data.PSTAR2; g.tau := data.TSTAR2/T; tau2 := -0.5 + g.tau; o[1] := tau2*tau2; o[2] := o[1]*tau2; o[3] := -0.050325278727930*o[2]; o[4] := -0.057581259083432 + o[3]; o[5] := o[4]*tau2; o[6] := -0.045996013696365 + o[5]; o[7] := o[6]*tau2; o[8] := -0.0178348622923580 + o[7]; o[9] := o[8]*tau2; o[10] := o[1]*o[1]; o[11] := o[10]*o[10]; o[12] := o[11]*o[11]; o[13] := o[10]*o[11]*o[12]*tau2; o[14] := o[1]*o[10]*tau2; o[15] := o[10]*o[11]*tau2; o[16] := o[1]*o[12]*tau2; o[17] := o[1]*o[11]*tau2; o[18] := o[1]*o[10]*o[11]; o[19] := o[10]*o[11]*o[12]; o[20] := o[1]*o[10]; o[21] := g.pi*g.pi; o[22] := o[21]*o[21]; o[23] := o[21]*o[22]; o[24] := o[10]*o[12]*tau2; o[25] := o[12]*o[12]; o[26] := o[11]*o[12]*o[25]*tau2; o[27] := o[10]*o[12]; o[28] := o[1]*o[10]*o[11]*tau2; o[29] := o[10]*o[12]*o[25]*tau2; o[30] := o[1]*o[10]*o[25]*tau2; o[31] := o[1]*o[11]*o[12]; o[32] := o[1]*o[12]; o[33] := g.tau*g.tau; o[34] := o[33]*o[33]; o[35] := -0.000053349095828174*o[13]; o[36] := -0.087594591301146 + o[35]; o[37] := o[2]*o[36]; o[38] := -0.0078785554486710 + o[37]; o[39] := o[1]*o[38]; o[40] := -0.00037897975032630 + o[39]; o[41] := o[40]*tau2; o[42] := -0.000066065283340406 + o[41]; o[43] := o[42]*tau2; o[44] := 5.7870447262208e-6*tau2; o[45] := -0.301951672367580*o[2]; o[46] := -0.172743777250296 + o[45]; o[47] := o[46]*tau2; o[48] := -0.091992027392730 + o[47]; o[49] := o[48]*tau2; o[50] := o[1]*o[11]; o[51] := o[10]*o[11]; o[52] := o[11]*o[12]*o[25]; o[53] := o[10]*o[12]*o[25]; o[54] := o[1]*o[10]*o[25]; o[55] := o[11]*o[12]*tau2; g.g := g.pi*(-0.00177317424732130 + o[9] + g.pi*(tau2*(-0.000033032641670203 + (-0.000189489875163150 + o[1]*(-0.0039392777243355 + (-0.043797295650573 - 0.0000266745479140870*o[13])*o[2]))*tau2) + g.pi*( 2.04817376923090e-8 + (4.3870667284435e-7 + o[1]*(-0.000032277677238570 + (-0.00150339245421480 - 0.040668253562649*o[13])*o[2]))*tau2 + g. pi*(g.pi*(2.29220763376610e-6*o[14] + g.pi*((-1.67147664510610e-11 + o[15]*(-0.00211714723213550 - 23.8957419341040*o[16]))*o[2] + g.pi*(-5.9059564324270e-18 + o[17]*(-1.26218088991010e-6 - 0.038946842435739*o[18]) + g.pi*(o[ 11]*(1.12562113604590e-11 - 8.2311340897998*o[19]) + g.pi*( 1.98097128020880e-8*o[15] + g.pi*(o[10]*(1.04069652101740e-19 + (-1.02347470959290e-13 - 1.00181793795110e-9*o[10])*o[20]) + o[23]*(o[13]*(-8.0882908646985e-11 + 0.106930318794090*o[24]) + o[21]*(-0.33662250574171*o[26] + o[21]* (o[27]*(8.9185845355421e-25 + (3.06293168762320e-13 - 4.2002467698208e-6*o[15])*o[28]) + g.pi*(-5.9056029685639e-26*o[24] + g.pi*(3.7826947613457e-6*o[29] + g.pi*(-1.27686089346810e-15*o[30] + o[31]*(7.3087610595061e-29 + o[18]*(5.5414715350778e-17 - 9.4369707241210e-7*o[32]))*g.pi)))))))))))) + tau2*(-7.8847309559367e-10 + (1.27907178522850e-8 + 4.8225372718507e-7*tau2)*tau2))))) + (-0.0056087911830200 + g.tau*(0.071452738814550 + g.tau*(-0.40710498239280 + g.tau*( 1.42408197144400 + g.tau*(-4.3839511194500 + g.tau*(-9.6927686002170 + g.tau*(10.0866556801800 + (-0.284086326077200 + 0.0212684635330700 *g.tau)*g.tau) + Modelica.Math.log(g.pi)))))))/(o[34]*g.tau); g.gpi := (1.00000000000000 + g.pi*(-0.00177317424732130 + o[9] + g.pi*( o[43] + g.pi*(6.1445213076927e-8 + (1.31612001853305e-6 + o[1]*(-0.000096833031715710 + (-0.0045101773626444 - 0.122004760687947*o[13])*o[2]))*tau2 + g.pi *(g.pi*(0.0000114610381688305*o[14] + g.pi*((-1.00288598706366e-10 + o[15]*(-0.0127028833928130 - 143.374451604624*o[16]))*o[2] + g.pi*(-4.1341695026989e-17 + o[17]*(-8.8352662293707e-6 - 0.272627897050173*o[18]) + g.pi*(o[11] *(9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.849072718398*o[19]) + g.pi*( 1.78287415218792e-7*o[15] + g.pi*(o[10]*(1.04069652101740e-18 + (-1.02347470959290e-12 - 1.00181793795110e-8*o[10])*o[20]) + o[23]*(o[13]*(-1.29412653835176e-9 + 1.71088510070544*o[24]) + o[21]*(-6.0592051033508*o[26] + o[21]*(o[ 27]*(1.78371690710842e-23 + (6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416*o[15])*o[28]) + g.pi*(-1.24017662339842e-24*o[24] + g.pi*(0.000083219284749605*o[29] + g.pi*(-2.93678005497663e-14*o[ 30] + o[31]*(1.75410265428146e-27 + o[18]*(1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904*o[32]))*g.pi)))))))))))) + tau2*(-3.15389238237468e-9 + (5.1162871409140e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6*tau2)*tau2))))))/g.pi; g.gpipi := (-1.00000000000000 + o[21]*(o[43] + g.pi*( 1.22890426153854e-7 + (2.63224003706610e-6 + o[1]*(-0.000193666063431420 + (-0.0090203547252888 - 0.244009521375894*o[13])*o[2]))*tau2 + g.pi *(g.pi*(0.000045844152675322*o[14] + g.pi*((-5.0144299353183e-10 + o[ 15]*(-0.063514416964065 - 716.87225802312*o[16]))*o[2] + g.pi*(-2.48050170161934e-16 + o[17]*(-0.000053011597376224 - 1.63576738230104*o[18]) + g.pi*(o[ 11]*(6.3034783618570e-10 - 460.94350902879*o[19]) + g.pi*( 1.42629932175034e-6*o[15] + g.pi*(o[10]*(9.3662686891566e-18 + (-9.2112723863361e-12 - 9.0163614415599e-8*o[10])*o[20]) + o[23]*(o[13]*(-1.94118980752764e-8 + 25.6632765105816*o[24]) + o[21]*(-103.006486756963*o[26] + o[21]*( o[27]*(3.3890621235060e-22 + (1.16391404129682e-10 - 0.00159609377253190*o[15])*o[28]) + g.pi*(-2.48035324679684e-23*o[24] + g.pi*(0.00174760497974171*o[29] + g.pi*(-6.4609161209486e-13*o[30] + o[31]*(4.0344361048474e-26 + o[18]*(3.05889228736295e-14 - 0.00052092078397148*o[32]))*g.pi)))))))))))) + tau2*(-9.4616771471240e-9 + (1.53488614227420e-7 + o[44])*tau2)))))/o[21]; g.gtau := (0.0280439559151000 + g.tau*(-0.285810955258200 + g.tau*( 1.22131494717840 + g.tau*(-2.84816394288800 + g.tau*(4.3839511194500 + o[33]*(10.0866556801800 + (-0.56817265215440 + 0.063805390599210*g. tau)*g.tau))))))/(o[33]*o[34]) + g.pi*(-0.0178348622923580 + o[49] + g.pi*(-0.000033032641670203 + (-0.00037897975032630 + o[1]*(-0.0157571108973420 + (-0.306581069554011 - 0.00096028372490713*o[13])*o[2]))*tau2 + g. pi*(4.3870667284435e-7 + o[1]*(-0.000096833031715710 + (-0.0090203547252888 - 1.42338887469272*o[13])*o[2]) + g.pi*(-7.8847309559367e-10 + g.pi* (0.0000160454534363627*o[20] + g.pi*(o[1]*(-5.0144299353183e-11 + o[ 15]*(-0.033874355714168 - 836.35096769364*o[16])) + g.pi*((-0.0000138839897890111 - 0.97367106089347*o[18])*o[50] + g.pi*(o[14]*(9.0049690883672e-11 - 296.320827232793*o[19]) + g.pi*(2.57526266427144e-7*o[51] + g.pi*( o[2]*(4.1627860840696e-19 + (-1.02347470959290e-12 - 1.40254511313154e-8*o[10])*o[20]) + o[23]*(o[19]*(-2.34560435076256e-9 + 5.3465159397045*o[24]) + o[21]*(-19.1874828272775*o[52] + o[21]*(o[ 16]*(1.78371690710842e-23 + (1.07202609066812e-11 - 0.000201611844951398*o[15])*o[28]) + g.pi*(-1.24017662339842e-24*o[27] + g.pi*(0.000200482822351322*o[53] + g.pi*(-4.9797574845256e-14*o[54] + (1.90027787547159e-27 + o[18]*(2.21658861403112e-15 - 0.000054734430199902*o[32]))*o[55]*g.pi)))))))))))) + ( 2.55814357045700e-8 + 1.44676118155521e-6*tau2)*tau2)))); g.gtautau := (-0.168263735490600 + g.tau*(1.42905477629100 + g.tau*(-4.8852597887136 + g.tau*(8.5444918286640 + g.tau*(-8.7679022389000 + o[33]*(-0.56817265215440 + 0.127610781198420*g.tau)*g.tau)))))/(o[33]*o[34]*g.tau) + g.pi*(-0.091992027392730 + (-0.34548755450059 - 1.50975836183790*o[2])*tau2 + g.pi*(-0.00037897975032630 + o[1]*(-0.047271332692026 + (-1.83948641732407 - 0.033609930371750* o[13])*o[2]) + g.pi*((-0.000193666063431420 + (-0.045101773626444 - 48.395221739552*o[13])*o[2])*tau2 + g.pi*(2.55814357045700e-8 + 2.89352236311042e-6*tau2 + g.pi*(0.000096272720618176*o[10]*tau2 + g. pi*((-1.00288598706366e-10 + o[15]*(-0.50811533571252 - 28435.9329015838*o[16]))*tau2 + g.pi*(o[11]*(-0.000138839897890111 - 23.3681054614434*o[18])*tau2 + g.pi*((6.3034783618570e-10 - 10371.2289531477*o[19])*o[20] + g.pi*(3.09031519712573e-6*o[17] + g. pi*(o[1]*(1.24883582522088e-18 + (-9.2112723863361e-12 - 1.82330864707100e-7*o[10])*o[20]) + o[23]*(o[1]*o[11]*o[12]*(-6.5676921821352e-8 + 261.979281045521*o[24])*tau2 + o[21]*(-1074.49903832754*o[1]*o[10] *o[12]*o[25]*tau2 + o[21]*((3.3890621235060e-22 + ( 3.6448887082716e-10 - 0.0094757567127157*o[15])*o[28])*o[32] + g.pi*( -2.48035324679684e-23*o[16] + g.pi*(0.0104251067622687*o[1]*o[12]*o[ 25]*tau2 + g.pi*(o[11]*o[12]*(4.7506946886790e-26 + o[18]*( 8.6446955947214e-14 - 0.00311986252139440*o[32]))*g.pi - 1.89230784411972e-12*o[10]*o[25]*tau2)))))))))))))))); g.gtaupi := -0.0178348622923580 + o[49] + g.pi*(-0.000066065283340406 + (-0.00075795950065260 + o[1]*(-0.0315142217946840 + (-0.61316213910802 - 0.00192056744981426*o[13])*o[2]))*tau2 + g.pi*(1.31612001853305e-6 + o[1]*(-0.000290499095147130 + (-0.0270610641758664 - 4.2701666240781*o[13])*o[2]) + g.pi*(-3.15389238237468e-9 + g.pi*( 0.000080227267181813*o[20] + g.pi*(o[1]*(-3.00865796119098e-10 + o[15] *(-0.203246134285008 - 5018.1058061618*o[16])) + g.pi*((-0.000097187928523078 - 6.8156974262543*o[18])*o[50] + g.pi*(o[14]*(7.2039752706938e-10 - 2370.56661786234*o[19]) + g.pi*(2.31773639784430e-6*o[51] + g.pi*(o[2] *(4.1627860840696e-18 + (-1.02347470959290e-11 - 1.40254511313154e-7* o[10])*o[20]) + o[23]*(o[19]*(-3.7529669612201e-8 + 85.544255035272*o[ 24]) + o[21]*(-345.37469089099*o[52] + o[21]*(o[16]*( 3.5674338142168e-22 + (2.14405218133624e-10 - 0.0040322368990280*o[15]) *o[28]) + g.pi*(-2.60437090913668e-23*o[27] + g.pi*( 0.0044106220917291*o[53] + g.pi*(-1.14534422144089e-12*o[54] + ( 4.5606669011318e-26 + o[18]*(5.3198126736747e-14 - 0.00131362632479764*o[32]))*o[55]*g.pi)))))))))))) + ( 1.02325742818280e-7 + o[44])*tau2))); end g2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
GibbsDerivs | g | dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau |
function g2metastable "Gibbs function for metastable part of region 2: g(p,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; Real tau2 "dimensionless temperature"; Real[27] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g2metastable called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g2metastable: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa"); assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g2metastable: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!"); assert(T <= 1073.15, "IF97 medium function g2metastable: the input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than the limit of 1073.15 K"); g.p := p; g.T := T; g.R := data.RH2O; g.pi := p/data.PSTAR2; g.tau := data.TSTAR2/T; tau2 := -0.5 + g.tau; o[1] := tau2*tau2; o[2] := o[1]*tau2; o[3] := o[1]*o[1]; o[4] := o[1]*o[3]; o[5] := -0.0040813178534455*o[4]; o[6] := -0.072334555213245 + o[5]; o[7] := o[2]*o[6]; o[8] := -0.088223831943146 + o[7]; o[9] := o[1]*o[8]; o[10] := o[3]*o[3]; o[11] := o[10]*tau2; o[12] := o[10]*o[3]; o[13] := o[1]*o[3]*tau2; o[14] := g.tau*g.tau; o[15] := o[14]*o[14]; o[16] := -0.015238081817394*o[11]; o[17] := -0.106091843797284 + o[16]; o[18] := o[17]*o[4]; o[19] := 0.0040195606760414 + o[18]; o[20] := o[19]*tau2; o[21] := g.pi*g.pi; o[22] := -0.0448944963879005*o[4]; o[23] := -0.361672776066225 + o[22]; o[24] := o[2]*o[23]; o[25] := -0.176447663886292 + o[24]; o[26] := o[25]*tau2; o[27] := o[3]*tau2; g.g := g.pi*(-0.0073362260186506 + o[9] + g.pi*(g.pi*((-0.0063498037657313 - 0.086043093028588*o[12])*o[3] + g.pi*(o[13]*(0.007532158152277 - 0.0079238375446139*o[2]) + o[11]*g.pi*(-0.00022888160778447 - 0.002645650148281*tau2))) + (0.0020097803380207 + (-0.053045921898642 - 0.007619040908697*o[11])*o[4])*tau2)) + (-0.00560879118302 + g.tau *(0.07145273881455 + g.tau*(-0.4071049823928 + g.tau*(1.424081971444 + g.tau*(-4.38395111945 + g.tau*(-9.6937268393049 + g.tau*( 10.087275970006 + (-0.2840863260772 + 0.02126846353307*g.tau)*g.tau) + Modelica.Math.log(g.pi)))))))/(o[15]*g.tau); g.gpi := (1.0 + g.pi*(-0.0073362260186506 + o[9] + g.pi*(o[20] + g.pi*( (-0.0190494112971939 - 0.258129279085764*o[12])*o[3] + g.pi*(o[13]*( 0.030128632609108 - 0.0316953501784556*o[2]) + o[11]*g.pi*(-0.00114440803892235 - 0.013228250741405*tau2))))))/g.pi; g.gpipi := (-1. + o[21]*(o[20] + g.pi*((-0.0380988225943878 - 0.516258558171528*o[12])*o[3] + g.pi*(o[13]*(0.090385897827324 - 0.0950860505353668*o[2]) + o[11]*g.pi*(-0.0045776321556894 - 0.05291300296562*tau2)))))/o[21]; g.gtau := (0.0280439559151 + g.tau*(-0.2858109552582 + g.tau*( 1.2213149471784 + g.tau*(-2.848163942888 + g.tau*(4.38395111945 + o[ 14]*(10.087275970006 + (-0.5681726521544 + 0.06380539059921*g.tau)*g. tau))))))/(o[14]*o[15]) + g.pi*(o[26] + g.pi*(0.0020097803380207 + (-0.371321453290494 - 0.121904654539152*o[11])*o[4] + g.pi*((-0.0253992150629252 - 1.37668948845741*o[12])*o[2] + g.pi*((0.052725107065939 - 0.079238375446139*o[2])*o[4] + o[10]*g.pi*(-0.00205993447006023 - 0.02645650148281*tau2))))); g.gtautau := (-0.1682637354906 + g.tau*(1.429054776291 + g.tau*(-4.8852597887136 + g.tau*(8.544491828664 + g.tau*(-8.7679022389 + o[14]*(-0.5681726521544 + 0.12761078119842*g.tau)*g.tau)))))/(o[14]*o[15]*g.tau) + g.pi*(-0.176447663886292 + o[2]*(-1.4466911042649 - 0.448944963879005*o[4]) + g.pi*((-2.22792871974296 - 1.82856981808728*o[11])*o[27] + g.pi*(o[1]*(-0.0761976451887756 - 20.6503423268611*o[12]) + g.pi*((0.316350642395634 - 0.713145379015251*o[2])*o[27] + o[13]*g.pi*(-0.0164794757604818 - 0.23810851334529*tau2))))); g.gtaupi := o[26] + g.pi*(0.0040195606760414 + (-0.742642906580988 - 0.243809309078304*o[11])*o[4] + g.pi*((-0.0761976451887756 - 4.13006846537222*o[12])*o[2] + g.pi*((0.210900428263756 - 0.316953501784556*o[2])*o[4] + o[10]*g.pi*(-0.0102996723503012 - 0.13228250741405*tau2)))); end g2metastable;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
HelmholtzDerivs | f | dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau |
function f3 "Helmholtz function for region 3: f(d,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density d "density"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "dimensionless Helmholtz function and dervatives w.r.t. delta and tau"; protected Real[40] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm f.T := T; f.d := d; f.R := data.RH2O; f.tau := data.TCRIT/T; := if (d == data.DCRIT and T == data.TCRIT) then 1 - Modelica. Constants.eps else abs(d/data.DCRIT); o[1] := f.tau*f.tau; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*f.tau; o[4] := o[1]*f.tau; o[5] := o[2]*o[2]; o[6] := o[1]*o[5]*f.tau; o[7] := o[5]*f.tau; o[8] := -0.64207765181607*o[1]; o[9] := 0.88521043984318 + o[8]; o[10] := o[7]*o[9]; o[11] := -1.15244078066810 + o[10]; o[12] := o[11]*o[2]; o[13] := -1.26543154777140 + o[12]; o[14] := o[1]*o[13]; o[15] := o[1]*o[2]*o[5]*f.tau; o[16] := o[2]*o[5]; o[17] := o[1]*o[5]; o[18] := o[5]*o[5]; o[19] := o[1]*o[18]*o[2]; o[20] := o[1]*o[18]*o[2]*f.tau; o[21] := o[18]*o[5]; o[22] := o[1]*o[18]*o[5]; o[23] := 0.251168168486160*o[2]; o[24] := 0.078841073758308 + o[23]; o[25] := o[15]*o[24]; o[26] := -6.1005234513930 + o[25]; o[27] := o[26]*f.tau; o[28] := 9.7944563083754 + o[27]; o[29] := o[2]*o[28]; o[30] := -1.70429417648412 + o[29]; o[31] := o[1]*o[30]; o[32] :=*; o[33] := -10.9153200808732*o[1]; o[34] := 13.2781565976477 + o[33]; o[35] := o[34]*o[7]; o[36] := -6.9146446840086 + o[35]; o[37] := o[2]*o[36]; o[38] := -2.53086309554280 + o[37]; o[39] := o[38]*f.tau; o[40] := o[18]*o[5]*f.tau; f.f := -15.7328452902390 + f.tau*(20.9443969743070 + (-7.6867707878716 + o[3]*(2.61859477879540 + o[4]*(-2.80807811486200 + o[1]*( 1.20533696965170 - 0.0084566812812502*o[6]))))*f.tau) +*(o[14] +*(0.38493460186671 + o[1]*(-0.85214708824206 + o[2]*( 4.8972281541877 + (-3.05026172569650 + o[15]*(0.039420536879154 + 0.125584084243080*o[2]))*f.tau)) +*(-0.279993296987100 + o[1] *(1.38997995694600 + o[1]*(-2.01899150235700 + o[16]*(-0.0082147637173963 - 0.47596035734923*o[17]))) +*(0.043984074473500 + o[1]*(-0.44476435428739 + o[1]*(0.90572070719733 + 0.70522450087967*o[19])) +*(f. delta*(-0.0221754008730960 + o[1]*(0.094260751665092 + 0.164362784479610*o[21]) +*(-0.0135033722413480*o[1] + f. delta*(-0.0148343453524720*o[22] +*(o[1]*(0.00057922953628084 + 0.0032308904703711*o[21]) +*(0.000080964802996215 - 0.000044923899061815**o[22] - 0.000165576797950370*f.tau))))) + (0.107705126263320 + o[1]*(-0.32913623258954 - 0.50871062041158*o[ 20]))*f.tau))))) + 1.06580700285130*Modelica.Math.log(; f.fdelta := (1.06580700285130 +*(o[14] +*( 0.76986920373342 + o[31] +*(-0.83997989096130 + o[1]*( 4.1699398708380 + o[1]*(-6.0569745070710 + o[16]*(-0.0246442911521889 - 1.42788107204769*o[17]))) +*(0.175936297894000 + o[1]*(-1.77905741714956 + o[1]*(3.6228828287893 + 2.82089800351868*o[19])) +*(f. delta*(-0.133052405238576 + o[1]*(0.56556450999055 + 0.98617670687766 *o[21]) +*(-0.094523605689436*o[1] +*(-0.118674762819776 *o[22] +*(o[1]*(0.0052130658265276 + 0.0290780142333399*o[21]) +*(0.00080964802996215 - 0.00049416288967996**o[22] - 0.00165576797950370*f.tau))))) + (0.53852563131660 + o[1]*(-1.64568116294770 - 2.54355310205790*o[20]))*f.tau))))))/; f.fdeltadelta := (-1.06580700285130 + o[32]*(0.76986920373342 + o[31] +*(-1.67995978192260 + o[1]*(8.3398797416760 + o[1]*(-12.1139490141420 + o[16]*(-0.049288582304378 - 2.85576214409538*o[17]))) +*( 0.52780889368200 + o[1]*(-5.3371722514487 + o[1]*(10.8686484863680 + 8.4626940105560*o[19])) +*(*(-0.66526202619288 + o[1]* (2.82782254995276 + 4.9308835343883*o[21]) +*(-0.56714163413662 *o[1] +*(-0.83072333973843*o[22] +*(o[1]*( 0.041704526612220 + 0.232624113866719*o[21]) +*( 0.0072868322696594 - 0.0049416288967996**o[22] - 0.0149019118155333*f.tau))))) + (2.15410252526640 + o[1]*(-6.5827246517908 - 10.1742124082316*o[20]))*f.tau)))))/o[32]; f.ftau := 20.9443969743070 + (-15.3735415757432 + o[3]*( 18.3301634515678 + o[4]*(-28.0807811486200 + o[1]*(14.4640436358204 - 0.194503669468755*o[6]))))*f.tau +*(o[39] +*(f.tau *(-1.70429417648412 + o[2]*(29.3833689251262 + (-21.3518320798755 + o[ 15]*(0.86725181134139 + 3.2651861903201*o[2]))*f.tau)) +*(( 2.77995991389200 + o[1]*(-8.0759660094280 + o[16]*(-0.131436219478341 - 12.3749692910800*o[17])))*f.tau +*((-0.88952870857478 + o[ 1]*(3.6228828287893 + 18.3358370228714*o[19]))*f.tau +*( 0.107705126263320 + o[1]*(-0.98740869776862 - 13.2264761307011*o[20]) +*((0.188521503330184 + 4.2734323964699*o[21])*f.tau + f. delta*(-0.0270067444826960*f.tau +*(-0.38569297916427*o[40] +*(*(-0.000165576797950370 - 0.00116802137560719*f. delta*o[40]) + (0.00115845907256168 + 0.084003152229649*o[21])*f.tau))))))))); f.ftautau := -15.3735415757432 + o[3]*(109.980980709407 + o[4]*(-252.727030337580 + o[1]*(159.104479994024 - 4.2790807283126*o[6]))) +*(-2.53086309554280 + o[2]*(-34.573223420043 + (185.894192367068 - 174.645121293971*o[1]) *o[7]) +*(-1.70429417648412 + o[2]*(146.916844625631 + (-128.110992479253 + o[15]*(18.2122880381691 + 81.629654758002*o[2]))*f.tau) +* (2.77995991389200 + o[1]*(-24.2278980282840 + o[16]*(-1.97154329217511 - 309.374232277000*o[17])) +*(-0.88952870857478 + o[1]*( 10.8686484863680 + 458.39592557179*o[19]) +*(*( 0.188521503330184 + 106.835809911747*o[21] +*(-0.0270067444826960 +*(-9.6423244791068*o[21] +*(0.00115845907256168 + 2.10007880574121*o[21] - 0.0292005343901797*o[21]*o[32])))) + (-1.97481739553724 - 330.66190326753*o[20])*f.tau))))); f.fdeltatau := o[39] +*(f.tau*(-3.4085883529682 + o[2]*( 58.766737850252 + (-42.703664159751 + o[15]*(1.73450362268278 + 6.5303723806402*o[2]))*f.tau)) +*((8.3398797416760 + o[1]*(-24.2278980282840 + o[16]*(-0.39430865843502 - 37.124907873240*o[17])))*f.tau + f. delta*((-3.5581148342991 + o[1]*(14.4915313151573 + 73.343348091486*o[ 19]))*f.tau +*(0.53852563131660 + o[1]*(-4.9370434888431 - 66.132380653505*o[20]) +*((1.13112901998110 + 25.6405943788192*o[21])*f.tau +*(-0.189047211378872*f.tau + f. delta*(-3.08554383331418*o[40] +*(*(-0.00165576797950370 - 0.0128482351316791**o[40]) + (0.0104261316530551 + 0.75602837006684*o[21])*f.tau)))))))); end f3;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
GibbsDerivs | g | dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau |
function g5 "base function for region 5: g(p,T)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; protected Real[11] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= data.PLIMIT5, "IF97 medium function g5: input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 10 Mpa in region 5"); assert(T <= 2273.15, "IF97 medium function g5: input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than limit of 2273.15K in region 5"); g.p := p; g.T := T; g.R := data.RH2O; g.pi := p/data.PSTAR5; g.tau := data.TSTAR5/T; o[1] := g.tau*g.tau; o[2] := -0.0045942820899910*o[1]; o[3] := 0.00217746787145710 + o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*g.tau; o[5] := o[1]*g.tau; o[6] := o[1]*o[1]; o[7] := o[6]*o[6]; o[8] := o[7]*g.tau; o[9] := -7.9449656719138e-6*o[8]; o[10] := g.pi*g.pi; o[11] := -0.0137828462699730*o[1]; g.g := g.pi*(-0.000125631835895920 + o[4] + g.pi*(-3.9724828359569e-6*o[ 8] + 1.29192282897840e-7*o[5]*g.pi)) + (-0.0248051489334660 + g.tau*( 0.36901534980333 + g.tau*(-3.11613182139250 + g.tau*(-13.1799836742010 + (6.8540841634434 - 0.32961626538917*g.tau)*g.tau + Modelica.Math.log(g.pi)))))/o[5]; g.gpi := (1.0 + g.pi*(-0.000125631835895920 + o[4] + g.pi*(o[9] + 3.8757684869352e-7*o[5]*g.pi)))/g.pi; g.gpipi := (-1.00000000000000 + o[10]*(o[9] + 7.7515369738704e-7*o[5]*g. pi))/o[10]; g.gtau := g.pi*(0.00217746787145710 + o[11] + g.pi*(-0.000035752345523612 *o[7] + 3.8757684869352e-7*o[1]*g.pi)) + (0.074415446800398 + g.tau*( -0.73803069960666 + (3.11613182139250 + o[1]*(6.8540841634434 - 0.65923253077834*g.tau))*g.tau))/o[6]; g.gtautau := (-0.297661787201592 + g.tau*(2.21409209881998 + (-6.2322636427850 - 0.65923253077834*o[5])*g.tau))/(o[6]*g.tau) + g.pi*(-0.0275656925399460 *g.tau + g.pi*(-0.000286018764188897*o[1]*o[6]*g.tau + 7.7515369738704e-7*g.pi*g.tau)); g.gtaupi := 0.00217746787145710 + o[11] + g.pi*(-0.000071504691047224*o[ 7] + 1.16273054608056e-6*o[1]*g.pi); end g5;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Integer | region | IF97 region, 1, 2 or 5 |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | g | dimensionless Gibbs funcion |
function gibbs "Gibbs function for region 1, 2 or 5: g(p,T,region)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input Integer region "IF97 region, 1, 2 or 5"; output Real g "dimensionless Gibbs funcion"; protected Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs gibbs "dimensionless Gibbs funcion and dervatives w.r.t. pi and tau"; algorithm assert(region == 1 or region == 2 or region == 5, "IF97 medium function gibbs called with wrong region (= " + String(region) + ").\n" + "Only regions 1, 2 or 5 are possible"); if region == 1 then gibbs := g1(p,T); elseif region == 2 then gibbs := g2(p,T); else gibbs := g5(p,T); end if; g := gibbs.g; end gibbs;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | pi | dimensionless pressure |
Real | tau | dimensionless temperature |
Real | gpi | dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. pi |
Real | gtau | dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. tau |
function g1pitau "derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; output Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; output Real gpi "dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. pi"; output Real gtau "dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. tau"; protected Real pi1 "dimensionless pressure"; Real tau1 "dimensionless temperature"; Real[28] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g1pitau called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g1pitau: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa"); assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g1pitau: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!"); pi := p/data.PSTAR1; tau := data.TSTAR1/T; pi1 := 7.1 - pi; tau1 := -1.222 + tau; o[1] := tau1*tau1; o[2] := o[1]*tau1; o[3] := 1/o[2]; o[4] := o[1]*o[1]; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := o[1]*o[5]; o[7] := o[1]*o[4]; o[8] := 1/o[4]; o[9] := o[1]*o[4]*o[5]; o[10] := o[4]*tau1; o[11] := 1/o[10]; o[12] := o[4]*o[5]; o[13] := o[5]*tau1; o[14] := 1/o[13]; o[15] := pi1*pi1; o[16] := o[15]*pi1; o[17] := o[15]*o[15]; o[18] := o[17]*o[17]; o[19] := o[17]*o[18]*pi1; o[20] := o[15]*o[17]; o[21] := o[5]*o[5]; o[22] := o[21]*o[21]; o[23] := o[22]*o[5]*tau1; o[24] := 1/o[23]; o[25] := o[22]*o[5]; o[26] := 1/o[25]; o[27] := o[1]*o[22]*o[4]*tau1; o[28] := 1/o[27]; gtau := pi1*((-0.00254871721114236 + o[1]*(0.00424944110961118 + ( 0.018990068218419 + (-0.021841717175414 - 0.00015851507390979*o[1])*o[ 1])*o[7]))/o[6] + pi1*(o[8]*(0.00141552963219801 + o[4]*( 0.000047661393906987 + o[1]*(-0.0000132425535992538 - 1.2358149370591e-14*o[9]))) + pi1*(o[11]*(0.000126718579380216 - 5.11230768720618e-9*o[6]) + pi1*((0.000011212640954 + ( 1.30342445791202e-6 - 1.4341729937924e-12*o[12])*o[2])/o[7] + pi1*( 3.24135974880936e-6*o[14] + o[16]*((1.40077319158051e-8 + 1.04549227383804e-9*o[10])/o[12] + o[19]*(1.9941018075704e-17/(o[1]*o[ 21]*o[4]*o[5]) + o[15]*(-4.48827542684151e-19/o[22] + o[20]*(-1.00075970318621e-21 *o[28] + pi1*(4.65957282962769e-22*o[26] + pi1*(-7.2912378325616e-23* o[24] + (3.83502057899078e-24*pi1)/(o[1]*o[22]*o[5])))))))))))) + o[3] *(-0.29265942426334 + tau1*(0.84548187169114 + o[1]*(3.3855169168385 + tau1*(-1.91583926775744 + tau1*(0.47316115539684 + (-0.066465668798004 + 0.0040607314991784*tau1)*tau1))))); gpi := pi1*(pi1*((0.000095038934535162 + o[4]*(8.4812393955936e-6 + 2.55615384360309e-9*o[7]))*o[8] + pi1*(o[11]*(8.9701127632e-6 + ( 2.60684891582404e-6 + 5.7366919751696e-13*o[12])*o[2]) + pi1*( 2.02584984300585e-6/o[5] + o[16]*(o[19]*(o[15]*(o[20]*(-7.63737668221055e-22 /(o[1]*o[22]*o[4]) + pi1*(3.5842867920213e-22*o[28] + pi1*(-5.65070932023524e-23 *o[26] + 2.99318679335866e-24*o[24]*pi1))) - 3.33001080055983e-19/(o[ 1]*o[21]*o[4]*o[5]*tau1)) + 1.44400475720615e-17/(o[21]*o[4]*o[5]* tau1)) + (1.01874413933128e-8 + 1.39398969845072e-9*o[10])/(o[1]*o[5] *tau1))))) + o[3]*(0.00094368642146534 + o[2]*(0.00060003561586052 + (-0.000095322787813974 + o[1]*(8.8283690661692e-6 + 1.45389992595188e-15*o[9]))*tau1))) + o[14]*(-0.00028319080123804 + o[ 1]*(0.00060706301565874 + o[7]*(0.018990068218419 + tau1*( 0.032529748770505 + (0.021841717175414 + 0.00005283835796993*o[1])* tau1)))); end g1pitau;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | pi | dimensionless pressure |
Real | tau | dimensionless temperature |
Real | gpi | dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. pi |
Real | gtau | dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. tau |
function g2pitau "derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; output Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; output Real gpi "dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. pi"; output Real gtau "dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. tau"; protected Real tau2 "dimensionless temperature"; Real[22] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g2pitau called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g2pitau: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa"); assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g2pitau: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!"); assert(T <= 1073.15, "IF97 medium function g2pitau: the input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than the limit of 1073.15 K"); pi := p/data.PSTAR2; tau := data.TSTAR2/T; tau2 := -0.5 + tau; o[1] := tau*tau; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := tau2*tau2; o[4] := o[3]*tau2; o[5] := o[3]*o[3]; o[6] := o[5]*o[5]; o[7] := o[6]*o[6]; o[8] := o[5]*o[6]*o[7]*tau2; o[9] := o[3]*o[5]; o[10] := o[5]*o[6]*tau2; o[11] := o[3]*o[7]*tau2; o[12] := o[3]*o[5]*o[6]; o[13] := o[3]*o[5]*tau2; o[14] := o[5]*o[6]*o[7]; o[15] := pi*pi; o[16] := o[15]*o[15]; o[17] := o[15]*o[16]; o[18] := o[5]*o[7]*tau2; o[19] := o[7]*o[7]; o[20] := o[3]*o[5]*o[6]*tau2; o[21] := o[5]*o[7]; o[22] := o[3]*o[7]; gtau := (0.0280439559151 + tau*(-0.2858109552582 + tau*(1.2213149471784 + tau*(-2.848163942888 + tau*(4.38395111945 + o[1]*(10.08665568018 + (-0.5681726521544 + 0.06380539059921*tau)*tau))))))/(o[1]*o[2]) + pi*(-0.017834862292358 + tau2*(-0.09199202739273 + (-0.172743777250296 - 0.30195167236758*o[4])*tau2) + pi*(-0.000033032641670203 + (-0.0003789797503263 + o[3]*(-0.015757110897342 + o[4]*(-0.306581069554011 - 0.000960283724907132*o[8])))*tau2 + pi*(4.3870667284435e-7 + o[3]*(-0.00009683303171571 + o[4]*(-0.0090203547252888 - 1.42338887469272*o[8])) + pi*(-7.8847309559367e-10 + (2.558143570457e-8 + 1.44676118155521e-6*tau2)*tau2 + pi*( 0.0000160454534363627*o[9] + pi*((-5.0144299353183e-11 + o[10]*(-0.033874355714168 - 836.35096769364*o[11]))*o[3] + pi*((-0.0000138839897890111 - 0.973671060893475*o[12])*o[3]*o[6] + pi*(o[13]*(9.0049690883672e-11 - 296.320827232793*o[14]) + pi*(2.57526266427144e-7*o[5]*o[6] + pi*( o[4]*(4.1627860840696e-19 + (-1.0234747095929e-12 - 1.40254511313154e-8*o[5])*o[9]) + o[17]*(o[14]*(-2.34560435076256e-9 + 5.3465159397045*o[18]) + o[15]*(-19.1874828272775*o[19]*o[6]*o[7] + o[15]*(o[11]*(1.78371690710842e-23 + (1.07202609066812e-11 - 0.000201611844951398*o[10])*o[20]) + pi*(-1.24017662339842e-24*o[21] + pi*(0.000200482822351322*o[19]*o[5]*o[7] + pi*(-4.97975748452559e-14 *o[19]*o[3]*o[5] + (1.90027787547159e-27 + o[12]*( 2.21658861403112e-15 - 0.0000547344301999018*o[22]))*o[6]*o[7]*pi* tau2)))))))))))))))); gpi := (1. + pi*(-0.0017731742473213 + tau2*(-0.017834862292358 + tau2* (-0.045996013696365 + (-0.057581259083432 - 0.05032527872793*o[4])* tau2)) + pi*(tau2*(-0.000066065283340406 + (-0.0003789797503263 + o[3] *(-0.007878555448671 + o[4]*(-0.087594591301146 - 0.000053349095828174*o[8])))*tau2) + pi*(6.1445213076927e-8 + ( 1.31612001853305e-6 + o[3]*(-0.00009683303171571 + o[4]*(-0.0045101773626444 - 0.122004760687947*o[8])))*tau2 + pi*(tau2*(-3.15389238237468e-9 + (5.116287140914e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6*tau2)*tau2) + pi*( 0.0000114610381688305*o[13] + pi*((-1.00288598706366e-10 + o[10]*(-0.012702883392813 - 143.374451604624*o[11]))*o[4] + pi*(-4.1341695026989e-17 + (-8.8352662293707e-6 - 0.272627897050173*o[12])*o[3]*o[6]*tau2 + pi*((9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.8490727183984*o[14])*o[6] + pi*(1.78287415218792e-7*o[10] + pi* (o[5]*(1.0406965210174e-18 + (-1.0234747095929e-12 - 1.0018179379511e-8*o[5])*o[9]) + o[17]*((-1.29412653835176e-9 + 1.71088510070544*o[18])*o[8] + o[15]*(-6.05920510335078*o[19]*o[6]*o[ 7]*tau2 + o[15]*((1.78371690710842e-23 + (6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416*o[10])*o[20])*o[21] + pi*(-1.24017662339842e-24* o[18] + pi*(0.0000832192847496054*o[19]*o[5]*o[7]*tau2 + pi*(( 1.75410265428146e-27 + o[12]*(1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904*o[22]))*o[3]*o[6]*o[7]*pi - 2.93678005497663e-14*o[19]*o[3]*o[5]*tau2)))))))))))))))))/pi; end g2pitau;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | pi | dimensionless pressure |
Real | tau | dimensionless temperature |
Real | gpi | dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. pi |
Real | gtau | dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. tau |
function g5pitau "derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; output Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; output Real gpi "dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. pi"; output Real gtau "dimensionless dervative of Gibbs function w.r.t. tau"; protected Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g5pitau called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); assert(p <= data.PLIMIT5, "IF97 medium function g5pitau: input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 10 Mpa in region 5"); assert(T <= 2273.15, "IF97 medium function g5pitau: input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than limit of 2273.15 K in region 5"); pi := p/data.PSTAR5; tau := data.TSTAR5/T; o[1] := tau*tau; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; gtau := pi*(0.0021774678714571 - 0.013782846269973*o[1] + pi*(-0.0000357523455236121 *o[3] + 3.8757684869352e-7*o[1]*pi)) + (0.074415446800398 + tau*(-0.73803069960666 + (3.1161318213925 + o[1]*(6.8540841634434 - 0.65923253077834*tau))* tau))/o[2]; gpi := (1.0 + pi*(-0.00012563183589592 + (0.0021774678714571 - 0.004594282089991*o[1])*tau + pi*(-7.9449656719138e-6*o[3]*tau + 3.8757684869352e-7*o[1]*pi*tau)))/pi; end g5pitau;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Density | d | density [kg/m3] | |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | delta | dimensionless density |
Real | tau | dimensionless temperature |
Real | fdelta | dimensionless dervative of Helmholtz function w.r.t. delta |
Real | ftau | dimensionless dervative of Helmholtz function w.r.t. tau |
function f3deltatau "1st derivatives of f w.r.t. delta and tau" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Density d "density"; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Real delta "dimensionless density"; output Real tau "dimensionless temperature"; output Real fdelta "dimensionless dervative of Helmholtz function w.r.t. delta"; output Real ftau "dimensionless dervative of Helmholtz function w.r.t. tau"; protected Real[13] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm tau := data.TCRIT/T; delta := if (d == data.DCRIT and T == data.TCRIT) then 1 + Modelica. Constants.eps else d/data.DCRIT; o[1] := tau*tau; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*tau; o[5] := o[1]*o[2]*o[3]*tau; o[6] := o[2]*o[3]; o[7] := o[1]*o[3]; o[8] := o[3]*o[3]; o[9] := o[1]*o[2]*o[8]; o[10] := o[1]*o[2]*o[8]*tau; o[11] := o[3]*o[8]; o[12] := o[1]*o[3]*o[8]; o[13] := o[3]*o[8]*tau; fdelta := (1.0658070028513 + delta*(o[1]*(-1.2654315477714 + o[2]*(-1.1524407806681 + (0.88521043984318 - 0.64207765181607*o[1])*o[4])) + delta*( 0.76986920373342 + o[1]*(-1.70429417648412 + o[2]*(9.7944563083754 + (-6.100523451393 + (0.078841073758308 + 0.25116816848616*o[2])*o[5])* tau)) + delta*(-0.8399798909613 + o[1]*(4.169939870838 + o[1]*(-6.056974507071 + o[6]*(-0.0246442911521889 - 1.42788107204769*o[7]))) + delta*( 0.175936297894 + o[1]*(-1.77905741714956 + o[1]*(3.62288282878932 + 2.82089800351868*o[9])) + delta*(delta*(-0.133052405238576 + o[1]*( 0.565564509990552 + 0.98617670687766*o[11]) + delta*(-0.094523605689436 *o[1] + delta*(-0.118674762819776*o[12] + delta*(o[1]*( 0.00521306582652756 + 0.0290780142333399*o[11]) + delta*( 0.00080964802996215 - 0.000494162889679965*delta*o[12] - 0.0016557679795037*tau))))) + (0.5385256313166 + o[1]*(-1.6456811629477 - 2.5435531020579*o[10]))*tau))))))/delta; ftau := 20.944396974307 + tau*(-15.3735415757432 + o[2]*tau*( 18.3301634515678 + o[1]*tau*(-28.08078114862 + o[1]*(14.4640436358204 - 0.194503669468755*o[1]*o[3]*tau)))) + delta*((-2.5308630955428 + o[ 2]*(-6.9146446840086 + (13.2781565976477 - 10.9153200808732*o[1])*o[4])) *tau + delta*(tau*(-1.70429417648412 + o[2]*(29.3833689251262 + (-21.3518320798755 + (0.867251811341388 + 3.26518619032008*o[2])*o[5])*tau)) + delta*(( 2.779959913892 + o[1]*(-8.075966009428 + o[6]*(-0.131436219478341 - 12.37496929108*o[7])))*tau + delta*((-0.88952870857478 + o[1]*( 3.62288282878932 + 18.3358370228714*o[9]))*tau + delta*( 0.10770512626332 + o[1]*(-0.98740869776862 - 13.2264761307011*o[10]) + delta*((0.188521503330184 + 4.27343239646986*o[11])*tau + delta*(-0.027006744482696 *tau + delta*(-0.385692979164272*o[13] + delta*(delta*(-0.00016557679795037 - 0.00116802137560719*delta*o[13]) + (0.00115845907256168 + 0.0840031522296486*o[11])*tau))))))))); end f3deltatau;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tph1 "inverse function for region 1: T(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real eta1 "dimensionless specific enthalpy"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function tph1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); pi := p/data.PSTAR2; eta1 := h/data.HSTAR1 + 1.0; o[1] := eta1*eta1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; T := -238.724899245210 - 13.3917448726020*pi + eta1*(404.21188637945 + 43.211039183559*pi + eta1*(113.497468817180 - 54.010067170506*pi + eta1*(30.5358922039160*pi + eta1*(-6.5964749423638*pi + o[1]*(-5.8457616048039 + o[2]*(pi*(0.0093965400878363 + (-0.0000258586412820730 + 6.6456186191635e-8*pi)*pi) + o[2]*o[3]*(-0.000152854824131400 + o[1]* o[3]*(-1.08667076953770e-6 + pi*(1.15736475053400e-7 + pi*(-4.0644363084799e-9 + pi*(8.0670734103027e-11 + pi*(-9.3477771213947e-13 + ( 5.8265442020601e-15 - 1.50201859535030e-17*pi)*pi)))))))))))); end tph1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tps1 "inverse function for region 1: T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected constant SI.Pressure pstar=1.0e6; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar=1.0e3; Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real sigma1 "dimensionless specific entropy"; Real[6] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p/pstar; assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function tps1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); sigma1 := s/sstar + 2.0; o[1] := sigma1*sigma1; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := o[1]*o[2]*o[4]; T := 174.782680583070 + sigma1*(34.806930892873 + sigma1*( 6.5292584978455 + (0.33039981775489 + o[3]*(-1.92813829231960e-7 - 2.49091972445730e-23*o[2]*o[4]))*sigma1)) + pi*(-0.261076364893320 + pi*(0.00056608900654837 + pi*(o[1]*o[3]*(2.64004413606890e-13 + 7.8124600459723e-29*o[6]) - 3.07321999036680e-31*o[5]*pi) + sigma1*(-0.00032635483139717 + sigma1*(0.000044778286690632 + o[1]*o[2]*(-5.1322156908507e-10 - 4.2522657042207e-26*o[6])*sigma1))) + sigma1*(0.225929659815860 + sigma1*(-0.064256463395226 + sigma1*(0.0078876289270526 + o[3]*sigma1 *(3.5672110607366e-10 + 1.73324969948950e-24*o[1]*o[4]*sigma1))))); end tps1;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tph2 "reverse function for region 2: T(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real pi2b "dimensionless pressure"; Real pi2c "dimensionless pressure"; Real eta "dimensionless specific enthalpy"; Real etabc "dimensionless specific enthalpy"; Real eta2a "dimensionless specific enthalpy"; Real eta2b "dimensionless specific enthalpy"; Real eta2c "dimensionless specific enthalpy"; Real[8] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p*data.IPSTAR; eta := h*data.IHSTAR; etabc := h*1.0e-3; if (pi < 4.0) then eta2a := eta - 2.1; o[1] := eta2a*eta2a; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := pi*pi; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; o[5] := o[3]*pi; T := 1089.89523182880 + (1.84457493557900 - 0.0061707422868339*pi)*pi + eta2a*(849.51654495535 - 4.1792700549624*pi + eta2a*(-107.817480918260 + (6.2478196935812 - 0.310780466295830*pi)*pi + eta2a*( 33.153654801263 - 17.3445631081140*pi + o[2]*(-7.4232016790248 + pi *(-200.581768620960 + 11.6708730771070*pi) + o[1]*(271.960654737960 *pi + o[1]*(-455.11318285818*pi + eta2a*(1.38657242832260*o[4] + o[ 1]*o[2]*(3091.96886047550*pi + o[1]*(11.7650487243560 + o[2]*(-13551.3342407750 *o[5] + o[2]*(-62.459855192507*o[3]*o[4]*pi + o[2]*(o[4]*( 235988.325565140 + 7399.9835474766*pi) + o[1]*(19127.7292396600*o[3] *o[4] + o[1]*(o[3]*(1.28127984040460e8 - 551966.97030060*o[5]) + o[ 1]*(-9.8554909623276e8*o[3] + o[1]*(2.82245469730020e9*o[3] + o[1]* (o[3]*(-3.5948971410703e9 + 3.7154085996233e6*o[5]) + o[1]*pi*( 252266.403578720 + pi*(1.72273499131970e9 + pi*(1.28487346646500e7 + (-1.31052365450540e7 - 415351.64835634*o[3])*pi)))))))))))))))))))); elseif (pi < (0.12809002730136e-03*etabc - 0.67955786399241)*etabc + 0.90584278514723e3) then eta2b := eta - 2.6; pi2b := pi - 2.0; o[1] := pi2b*pi2b; o[2] := o[1]*pi2b; o[3] := o[1]*o[1]; o[4] := eta2b*eta2b; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := o[4]*o[5]; o[7] := o[5]*o[5]; T := 1489.50410795160 + 0.93747147377932*pi2b + eta2b*( 743.07798314034 + o[2]*(0.000110328317899990 - 1.75652339694070e-18 *o[1]*o[3]) + eta2b*(-97.708318797837 + pi2b*(3.3593118604916 + pi2b*(-0.0218107553247610 + pi2b*(0.000189552483879020 + ( 2.86402374774560e-7 - 8.1456365207833e-14*o[2])*pi2b))) + o[5]*( 3.3809355601454*pi2b + o[4]*(-0.108297844036770*o[1] + o[5]*( 2.47424647056740 + (0.168445396719040 + o[1]*(0.00308915411605370 - 0.0000107798573575120*pi2b))*pi2b + o[6]*(-0.63281320016026 + pi2b*(0.73875745236695 + (-0.046333324635812 + o[1]*(-0.000076462712454814 + 2.82172816350400e-7*pi2b))*pi2b) + o[6]*(1.13859521296580 + pi2b *(-0.47128737436186 + o[1]*(0.00135555045549490 + ( 0.0000140523928183160 + 1.27049022719450e-6*pi2b)*pi2b)) + o[5]*(-0.47811863648625 + (0.150202731397070 + o[2]*(-0.0000310838143314340 + o[1]*(-1.10301392389090e-8 - 2.51805456829620e-11*pi2b)))*pi2b + o[5]*o[7]*( 0.0085208123431544 + pi2b*(-0.00217641142197500 + pi2b*( 0.000071280351959551 + o[1]*(-1.03027382121030e-6 + ( 7.3803353468292e-8 + 8.6934156344163e-15*o[3])*pi2b)))))))))))); else eta2c := eta - 1.8; pi2c := pi + 25.0; o[1] := pi2c*pi2c; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := o[1]*o[2]*pi2c; o[4] := 1/o[3]; o[5] := o[1]*o[2]; o[6] := eta2c*eta2c; o[7] := o[2]*o[2]; o[8] := o[6]*o[6]; T := eta2c*((859777.22535580 + o[1]*(482.19755109255 + 1.12615974072300e-12*o[5]))/o[1] + eta2c*((-5.8340131851590e11 + ( 2.08255445631710e10 + 31081.0884227140*o[2])*pi2c)/o[5] + o[6]*(o[8] *(o[6]*(1.23245796908320e-7*o[5] + o[6]*(-1.16069211309840e-6*o[5] + o[8]*(0.0000278463670885540*o[5] + (-0.00059270038474176*o[5] + 0.00129185829918780*o[5]*o[6])*o[8]))) - 10.8429848800770*pi2c) + o[ 4]*(7.3263350902181e12 + o[7]*(3.7966001272486 + (-0.045364172676660 - 1.78049822406860e-11*o[2])*pi2c))))) + o[4]*(-3.2368398555242e12 + pi2c*(3.5825089945447e11 + pi2c*(-1.07830682174700e10 + o[1]* pi2c*(610747.83564516 + pi2c*(-25745.7236041700 + (1208.23158659360 + 1.45591156586980e-13*o[5])*pi2c))))); end if; end tph2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tps2a "reverse function for region 2a: T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected Real[12] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; constant Real IPSTAR=1.0e-6 "scaling variable"; constant Real ISSTAR2A=1/2000.0 "scaling variable"; Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real sigma2a "dimensionless specific entropy"; algorithm pi := p*IPSTAR; sigma2a := s*ISSTAR2A - 2.0; o[1] := pi^0.5; o[2] := sigma2a*sigma2a; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := pi^0.25; o[7] := o[2]*o[4]*o[5]; o[8] := 1/o[7]; o[9] := o[3]*sigma2a; o[10] := o[2]*o[3]*sigma2a; o[11] := o[3]*o[4]*sigma2a; o[12] := o[2]*sigma2a; T := ((-392359.83861984 + (515265.73827270 + o[3]*(40482.443161048 + o[ 2]*o[3]*(-321.93790923902 + o[2]*(96.961424218694 - 22.8678463717730* sigma2a))))*sigma2a)/(o[4]*o[5]) + o[6]*((-449429.14124357 + o[3]*(-5011.8336020166 + 0.35684463560015*o[4]*sigma2a))/(o[2]*o[5]*sigma2a) + o[6]*(o[8]*( 44235.335848190 + o[9]*(-13673.3888117080 + o[3]*(421632.60207864 + ( 22516.9258374750 + o[10]*(474.42144865646 - 149.311307976470*sigma2a)) *sigma2a))) + o[6]*((-197811.263204520 - 23554.3994707600*sigma2a)/(o[ 2]*o[3]*o[4]*sigma2a) + o[6]*((-19070.6163020760 + o[11]*( 55375.669883164 + (3829.3691437363 - 603.91860580567*o[2])*o[3]))*o[8] + o[6]*((1936.31026203310 + o[2]*(4266.0643698610 + o[2]*o[3]*o[4]*( -5978.0638872718 - 704.01463926862*o[9])))/(o[2]*o[4]*o[5]*sigma2a) + o[1]*((338.36784107553 + o[12]*(20.8627866351870 + ( 0.033834172656196 - 0.000043124428414893*o[12])*o[3]))*sigma2a + o[6] *(166.537913564120 + sigma2a*(-139.862920558980 + o[3]*(-0.78849547999872 + (0.072132411753872 + o[3]*(-0.0059754839398283 + (-0.0000121413589539040 + 2.32270967338710e-7*o[2])*o[3]))*sigma2a)) + o[6]*(-10.5384635661940 + o[3]*(2.07189254965020 + (-0.072193155260427 + 2.07498870811200e-7 *o[4])*o[9]) + o[6]*(o[6]*(o[12]*(0.210375278936190 + 0.000256812397299990*o[3]*o[4]) + (-0.0127990029337810 - 8.2198102652018e-6*o[11])*o[6]*o[9]) + o[10]*(-0.0183406579113790 + 2.90362723486960e-7*o[2]*o[4]*sigma2a)))))))))))/(o[1]*pi); end tps2a;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tps2b "reverse function for region 2b: T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected Real[8] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; constant Real IPSTAR=1.0e-6 "scaling variable"; constant Real ISSTAR2B=1/785.3 "scaling variable"; Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real sigma2b "dimensionless specific entropy"; algorithm pi := p*IPSTAR; sigma2b := 10.0 - s*ISSTAR2B; o[1] := pi*pi; o[2] := o[1]*o[1]; o[3] := sigma2b*sigma2b; o[4] := o[3]*o[3]; o[5] := o[4]*o[4]; o[6] := o[3]*o[5]*sigma2b; o[7] := o[3]*o[5]; o[8] := o[3]*sigma2b; T := (316876.65083497 + 20.8641758818580*o[6] + pi*(-398593.99803599 - 21.8160585188770*o[6] + pi*(223697.851942420 + (-2784.17034458170 + 9.9207436071480*o[7])*sigma2b + pi*(-75197.512299157 + ( 2970.86059511580 + o[7]*(-3.4406878548526 + 0.38815564249115*sigma2b)) *sigma2b + pi*(17511.2950857500 + sigma2b*(-1423.71128544490 + ( 1.09438033641670 + 0.89971619308495*o[4])*o[4]*sigma2b) + pi*(-3375.9740098958 + (471.62885818355 + o[4]*(-1.91882419936790 + o[8]*( 0.41078580492196 - 0.33465378172097*sigma2b)))*sigma2b + pi*( 1387.00347775050 + sigma2b*(-406.63326195838 + sigma2b*( 41.727347159610 + o[3]*(2.19325494345320 + sigma2b*(-1.03200500090770 + (0.35882943516703 + 0.0052511453726066*o[8])*sigma2b)))) + pi*( 12.8389164507050 + sigma2b*(-2.86424372193810 + sigma2b*( 0.56912683664855 + (-0.099962954584931 + o[4]*(-0.0032632037778459 + 0.000233209225767230*sigma2b))*sigma2b)) + pi*(-0.153348098574500 + ( 0.0290722882399020 + 0.00037534702741167*o[4])*sigma2b + pi*( 0.00172966917024110 + (-0.00038556050844504 - 0.000035017712292608*o[ 3])*sigma2b + pi*(-0.0000145663936314920 + 5.6420857267269e-6*sigma2b + pi*(4.1286150074605e-8 + (-2.06846711188240e-8 + 1.64093936747250e-9*sigma2b)*sigma2b))))))))))))/(o[1]*o[2]); end tps2b;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tps2c "reverse function for region 2c: T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected constant Real IPSTAR=1.0e-6 "scaling variable"; constant Real ISSTAR2C=1/2925.1 "scaling variable"; Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real sigma2c "dimensionless specific entropy"; Real[3] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := p*IPSTAR; sigma2c := 2.0 - s*ISSTAR2C; o[1] := pi*pi; o[2] := sigma2c*sigma2c; o[3] := o[2]*o[2]; T := (909.68501005365 + 2404.56670884200*sigma2c + pi*(-591.62326387130 + pi*(541.45404128074 + sigma2c*(-270.983084111920 + ( 979.76525097926 - 469.66772959435*sigma2c)*sigma2c) + pi*( 14.3992746047230 + (-19.1042042304290 + o[2]*(5.3299167111971 - 21.2529753759340*sigma2c))*sigma2c + pi*(-0.311473344137600 + ( 0.60334840894623 - 0.042764839702509*sigma2c)*sigma2c + pi*( 0.0058185597255259 + (-0.0145970082847530 + 0.0056631175631027*o[3])* sigma2c + pi*(-0.000076155864584577 + sigma2c*(0.000224403429193320 - 0.0000125610950134130*o[2]*sigma2c) + pi*(6.3323132660934e-7 + (-2.05419896753750e-6 + 3.6405370390082e-8*sigma2c)*sigma2c + pi*(-2.97598977892150e-9 + 1.01366185297630e-8*sigma2c + pi*(5.9925719692351e-12 + sigma2c*(-2.06778701051640e-11 + o[2]*(-2.08742781818860e-11 + (1.01621668250890e-10 - 1.64298282813470e-10*sigma2c)*sigma2c))))))))))))/o[1]; end tps2c;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
function tps2 "reverse function for region 2: T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy SLIMIT=5.85e3 "subregion boundary specific entropy between regions 2a and 2b"; algorithm if p < 4.0e6 then T := tps2a(p, s); elseif s > SLIMIT then T := tps2b(p, s); else T := tps2c(p, s); end if; end tps2;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temperature | t_sat | temperature [K] |
function tsat "region 4 saturation temperature as a function of pressure" annotation(derivative=tsat_der); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output SI.Temperature t_sat "temperature"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real[20] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function tsat called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)"); // assert(p <= data.PCRIT, // "tsat: input pressure is higher than the critical point pressure"); pi := min(p,data.PCRIT)*data.IPSTAR; o[1] := pi^0.25; o[2] := -3.2325550322333e6*o[1]; o[3] := pi^0.5; o[4] := -724213.16703206*o[3]; o[5] := 405113.40542057 + o[2] + o[4]; o[6] := -17.0738469400920*o[1]; o[7] := 14.9151086135300 + o[3] + o[6]; o[8] := -4.0*o[5]*o[7]; o[9] := 12020.8247024700*o[1]; o[10] := 1167.05214527670*o[3]; o[11] := -4823.2657361591 + o[10] + o[9]; o[12] := o[11]*o[11]; o[13] := o[12] + o[8]; o[14] := o[13]^0.5; o[15] := -o[14]; o[16] := -12020.8247024700*o[1]; o[17] := -1167.05214527670*o[3]; o[18] := 4823.2657361591 + o[15] + o[16] + o[17]; o[19] := 1/o[18]; o[20] := 2.0*o[19]*o[5]; t_sat := 0.5*(650.17534844798 + o[20] - (-4.0*(-0.238555575678490 + 1300.35069689596*o[19]*o[5]) + (650.17534844798 + o[20])^2.0)^0.5);end tsat;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dtsat | derivative of T w.r.t. p [K/Pa] |
function dtsatofp "derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; output Real dtsat(unit="K/Pa") "derivative of T w.r.t. p"; protected Real pi "dimensionless pressure"; Real[49] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; algorithm pi := max(Modelica.Constants.small,p*data.IPSTAR); o[1] := pi^0.75; o[2] := 1/o[1]; o[3] := -4.268461735023*o[2]; o[4] := sqrt(pi); o[5] := 1/o[4]; o[6] := 0.5*o[5]; o[7] := o[3] + o[6]; o[8] := pi^0.25; o[9] := -3.2325550322333e6*o[8]; o[10] := -724213.16703206*o[4]; o[11] := 405113.40542057 + o[10] + o[9]; o[12] := -4*o[11]*o[7]; o[13] := -808138.758058325*o[2]; o[14] := -362106.58351603*o[5]; o[15] := o[13] + o[14]; o[16] := -17.073846940092*o[8]; o[17] := 14.91510861353 + o[16] + o[4]; o[18] := -4*o[15]*o[17]; o[19] := 3005.2061756175*o[2]; o[20] := 583.52607263835*o[5]; o[21] := o[19] + o[20]; o[22] := 12020.82470247*o[8]; o[23] := 1167.0521452767*o[4]; o[24] := -4823.2657361591 + o[22] + o[23]; o[25] := 2.0*o[21]*o[24]; o[26] := o[12] + o[18] + o[25]; o[27] := -4.0*o[11]*o[17]; o[28] := o[24]*o[24]; o[29] := o[27] + o[28]; o[30] := sqrt(o[29]); o[31] := 1/o[30]; o[32] := (-o[30]); o[33] := -12020.82470247*o[8]; o[34] := -1167.0521452767*o[4]; o[35] := 4823.2657361591 + o[32] + o[33] + o[34]; o[36] := o[30]; o[37] := -4823.2657361591 + o[22] + o[23] + o[36]; o[38] := o[37]*o[37]; o[39] := 1/o[38]; o[40] := -1.72207339365771*o[30]; o[41] := 21592.2055343628*o[8]; o[42] := o[30]*o[8]; o[43] := -8192.87114842946*o[4]; o[44] := -0.510632954559659*o[30]*o[4]; o[45] := -3100.02526152368*o[1]; o[46] := pi; o[47] := 1295.95640782102*o[46]; o[48] := 2862.09212505088 + o[40] + o[41] + o[42] + o[43] + o[44] + o[ 45] + o[47]; o[49] := 1/(o[35]*o[35]); dtsat := data.IPSTAR*0.5*((2.0*o[15])/o[35] - 2.*o[11]*(-3005.2061756175 *o[2] - 0.5*o[26]*o[31] - 583.52607263835*o[5])*o[49] - ( 20953.46356643991*(o[39]*(1295.95640782102 + 5398.05138359071*o[2] + 0.25*o[2]*o[30] - 0.861036696828853*o[26]*o[31] - 0.255316477279829*o[ 26]*o[31]*o[4] - 4096.43557421473*o[5] - 0.255316477279829*o[30]*o[5] - 2325.01894614276/o[8] + 0.5*o[26]*o[31]*o[8]) - 2.0*(o[19] + o[20] + 0.5*o[26]*o[31])*o[48]*o[37]^(-3)))/sqrt(o[39]*o[48])); end dtsatofp;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | pressure [Pa] | |
Real | der_p | pressure derivatrive [Pa/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_tsat | temperature derivative [K/s] |
function tsat_der "derivative function for tsat" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "pressure"; input Real der_p(unit="Pa/s") "pressure derivatrive"; output Real der_tsat(unit="K/s") "temperature derivative"; protected Real dtp; algorithm dtp := dtsatofp(p); der_tsat := dtp*der_p; end tsat_der;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p_sat | pressure [Pa] |
function psat "region 4 saturation pressure as a functionx of temperature" annotation(derivative=psat_der); extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output SI.Pressure p_sat "pressure"; protected Real[8] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; Real Tlim=min(T, data.TCRIT); algorithm assert(T >= 273.16, "IF97 medium function psat: input temperature (= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " K).\n" + "lower than the triple point temperature 273.16 K"); o[1] := -650.17534844798 + Tlim; o[2] := 1/o[1]; o[3] := -0.238555575678490*o[2]; o[4] := o[3] + Tlim; o[5] := -4823.2657361591*o[4]; o[6] := o[4]*o[4]; o[7] := 14.9151086135300*o[6]; o[8] := 405113.40542057 + o[5] + o[7]; p_sat := 16.0e6*o[8]*o[8]*o[8]*o[8]*1/(3.2325550322333e6 - 12020.8247024700*o[4] + 17.0738469400920*o[6] + (-4.0*(-724213.16703206 + 1167.05214527670*o[4] + o[6])*o[8] + (-3.2325550322333e6 + 12020.8247024700*o[4] - 17.0738469400920*o[6])^2.0)^0.5)^4.0;end psat;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | dpt | temperature derivative of pressure [Pa/K] |
function dptofT "derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature along the saturation pressure curve" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; output Real dpt(unit = "Pa/K") "temperature derivative of pressure"; protected Real[31] o "vector of auxiliary variables"; Real Tlim "temeprature limited to TCRIT"; algorithm Tlim := min(T, data.TCRIT); o[1] := -650.17534844798 + Tlim; o[2] := 1/o[1]; o[3] := -0.238555575678490*o[2]; o[4] := o[3] + Tlim; o[5] := -4823.2657361591*o[4]; o[6] := o[4]*o[4]; o[7] := 14.9151086135300*o[6]; o[8] := 405113.40542057 + o[5] + o[7]; o[9] := o[8]*o[8]; o[10] := o[9]*o[9]; o[11] := o[1]*o[1]; o[12] := 1/o[11]; o[13] := 0.238555575678490*o[12]; o[14] := 1.00000000000000 + o[13]; o[15] := 12020.8247024700*o[4]; o[16] := -17.0738469400920*o[6]; o[17] := -3.2325550322333e6 + o[15] + o[16]; o[18] := -4823.2657361591*o[14]; o[19] := 29.8302172270600*o[14]*o[4]; o[20] := o[18] + o[19]; o[21] := 1167.05214527670*o[4]; o[22] := -724213.16703206 + o[21] + o[6]; o[23] := o[17]*o[17]; o[24] := -4.0000000000000*o[22]*o[8]; o[25] := o[23] + o[24]; o[26] := sqrt(o[25]); o[27] := -12020.8247024700*o[4]; o[28] := 17.0738469400920*o[6]; o[29] := 3.2325550322333e6 + o[26] + o[27] + o[28]; o[30] := o[29]*o[29]; o[31] := o[30]*o[30]; dpt := 1e6*((-64.0*o[10]*(-12020.8247024700*o[14] + 34.147693880184*o[ 14]*o[4] + (0.5*(-4.0*o[20]*o[22] + 2.00000000000000*o[17]*( 12020.8247024700*o[14] - 34.147693880184*o[14]*o[4]) - 4.0*( 1167.05214527670*o[14] + 2.0*o[14]*o[4])*o[8]))/o[26]))/(o[29]*o[31]) + (64.*o[20]*o[8]*o[9])/o[31]); end dptofT;
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temperature | T | temperature (K) [K] | |
Real | der_T | temperature derivative [K/s] |
Type | Name | Description |
Real | der_psat | pressure [Pa/s] |
function psat_der "derivative function for psat" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Temperature T "temperature (K)"; input Real der_T(unit = "K/s") "temperature derivative"; output Real der_psat(unit = "Pa/s") "pressure"; protected Real dpt; algorithm dpt := dptofT(T); der_psat := dpt*der_T; end psat_der;
Equation number 1 from:
The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
September 2001
Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a
Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial
Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] |
function p1_hs "pressure as a function of ehtnalpy and entropy in region 1" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; constant Real[:] n= {-0.691997014660582,-0.183612548787560e2,-0.928332409297335e1,0.659639569909906e2, -0.162060388912024e2,0.450620017338667e3,0.854680678224170e3,0.607523214001162e4,0.326487682621856e2, -0.269408844582931e2,-0.319947848334300e3,-0.928354307043320e3,0.303634537455249e2,-0.650540422444146e2, -0.430991316516130e4,-0.747512324096068e3,0.730000345529245e3,0.114284032569021e4,-0.436407041874559e3}; constant Real[:] I = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,4,5}; constant Real[:] J = {0,1,2,4,5,6,8,14,0,1,4,6,0,1,10,4,1,4,0}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 3400e3 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 7.6e3 "normalization entropy"; protected Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm p := sum(n[i]*(eta + 0.05)^I[i]*(sigma + 0.05)^J[i] for i in 1:19)*pstar;end p1_hs;
Equation number 2 from:
The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
September 2001
Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a
Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial
Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEntropy | s | Entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Enthalpy [J/kg] |
function h2ab_s "boundary between regions 2a and 2b" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Entropy"; protected constant Real[:] n = {-0.349898083432139e4,0.257560716905876e4,-0.421073558227969e3,0.276349063799944e2}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 1e3 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 1e3 "normalization entropy"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm h := (n[1] + n[2]*sigma + n[3]*sigma^2 + n[4]*sigma^3)*hstar;end h2ab_s;
Equation number 3 from:
The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
September 2001
Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a
Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial
Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] |
function p2a_hs "pressure as a function of enthalpy and entropy in subregion 2a" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; constant Real[:] n= {-0.182575361923032e-1,-0.125229548799536,0.592290437320145,0.604769706185122e1, 0.238624965444474e3,-0.298639090222922e3,0.512250813040750e-1,-0.437266515606486,0.413336902999504, -0.516468254574773e1,-0.557014838445711e1,0.128555037824478e2,0.114144108953290e2,-0.119504225652714e3, -0.284777985961560e4,0.431757846408006e4,0.112894040802650e1,0.197409186206319e4,0.151612444706087e4, 0.141324451421235e-1,0.585501282219601,-0.297258075863012e1,0.594567314847319e1,-0.623656565798905e4, 0.965986235133332e4,0.681500934948134e1,-0.633207286824489e4,-0.558919224465760e1,0.400645798472063e-1}; constant Real[:] I = {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,5,5,6,7}; constant Real[:] J = {1,3,6,16,20,22,0,1,2,3,5,6,10,16,20,22,3,16,20,0,2,3,6,16,16,3,16,3,1}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 4200e3 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 4e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 12e3 "normalization entropy"; protected Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm p := sum(n[i]*(eta - 0.5)^I[i]*(sigma - 1.2)^J[i] for i in 1:29)^4*pstar;end p2a_hs;
Equation number 4 from:
The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
September 2001
Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a
Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial
Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] |
function p2b_hs "pressure as a function of enthalpy and entropy in subregion 2a" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; constant Real[:] n= {0.801496989929495e-1,-0.543862807146111,0.337455597421283,0.890555451157450e1, 0.313840736431485e3,0.797367065977789,-0.121616973556240e1,0.872803386937477e1,-0.169769781757602e2, -0.186552827328416e3,0.951159274344237e5,-0.189168510120494e2,-0.433407037194840e4,0.543212633012715e9, 0.144793408386013,0.128024559637516e3,-0.672309534071268e5,0.336972380095287e8,-0.586634196762720e3, -0.221403224769889e11,0.171606668708389e4,-0.570817595806302e9,-0.312109693178482e4,-0.207841384633010e7, 0.305605946157786e13,0.322157004314333e4,0.326810259797295e12,-0.144104158934487e4,0.410694867802691e3, 0.109077066873024e12,-0.247964654258893e14,0.188801906865134e10,-0.123651009018773e15}; constant Real[:] I = {0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,8,12,14}; constant Real[:] J = {0,1,2,4,8,0,1,2,3,5,12,1,6,18,0,1,7,12,1,16,1,12,1,8,18,1,16,1,3,14,18,10,16}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 4100e3 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 7.9e3 "normalization entropy"; protected Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm p := sum(n[i]*(eta - 0.6)^I[i]*(sigma - 1.01)^J[i] for i in 1:33)^4*pstar;end p2b_hs;
Equation number 5 from:
The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
September 2001
Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a
Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial
Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] |
function p2c_hs "pressure as a function of enthalpy and entropy in subregion 2c" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; constant Real[:] n= {0.112225607199012,-0.339005953606712e1,-0.320503911730094e2,-0.197597305104900e3, -0.407693861553446e3,0.132943775222331e5,0.170846839774007e1,0.373694198142245e2,0.358144365815434e4, 0.423014446424664e6,-0.751071025760063e9,0.523446127607898e2,-0.228351290812417e3,-0.960652417056937e6, -0.807059292526074e8,0.162698017225669e13,0.772465073604171,0.463929973837746e5,-0.137317885134128e8, 0.170470392630512e13,-0.251104628187308e14,0.317748830835520e14,0.538685623675312e2,-0.553089094625169e5, -0.102861522421405e7,0.204249418756234e13,0.273918446626977e9,-0.263963146312685e16,-0.107890854108088e10, -0.296492620980124e11,-0.111754907323424e16}; constant Real[:] I = {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,10,12,16}; constant Real[:] J = {0,1,2,3,4,8,0,2,5,8,14,2,3,7,10,18,0,5,8,16,18,18,1,4,6,14,8,18,7,7,10}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 3500e3 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 5.9e3 "normalization entropy"; protected Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm p := sum(n[i]*(eta - 0.7)^I[i]*(sigma - 1.1)^J[i] for i in 1:31)^4*pstar;end p2c_hs;
Equation number 1 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | Enthalpy [J/kg] |
function h3ab_p "ergion 3 a b boundary for pressure/enthalpy" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy"; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; protected constant Real[:] n = {0.201464004206875e4,0.374696550136983e1,-0.219921901054187e-1,0.875131686009950e-4}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 1000 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 1e6 "normalization pressure"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; algorithm h := (n[1] + n[2]*pi + n[3]*pi^2 + n[4]*pi^3)*hstar;end h3ab_p;
Equation number 2 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | T | Temperature [K] |
function T3a_ph "Region 3 a: inverse function T(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature"; protected constant Real[:] n= {-0.133645667811215e-6,0.455912656802978e-5,-0.146294640700979e-4, 0.639341312970080e-2,0.372783927268847e3, -0.718654377460447e4,0.573494752103400e6,-0.267569329111439e7,-0.334066283302614e-4,-0.245479214069597e-1, 0.478087847764996e2,0.764664131818904e-5,0.128350627676972e-2,0.171219081377331e-1,-0.851007304583213e1, -0.136513461629781e-1,-0.384460997596657e-5,0.337423807911655e-2,-0.551624873066791,0.729202277107470, -0.992522757376041e-2,-0.119308831407288,0.793929190615421,0.454270731799386,0.209998591259910, -0.642109823904738e-2,-0.235155868604540e-1,0.252233108341612e-2,-0.764885133368119e-2,0.136176427574291e-1, -0.133027883575669e-1}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-10,-10, -10,-8,-8,-8,-8,-5,-3,-2,-2,-2,-1,-1,0,0,1,3,3,4,4,10,12}; constant Real[:] J = { 0,1,2,6,14,16,20,22,1,5,12,0,2,4,10,2,0,1,3,4,0,2,0,1,1,0,1,0,3,4,5}; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2300e3 "normalization enthalpy"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 760 "normalization temperature"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; algorithm T := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.240)^I[i]*(eta - 0.615)^J[i] for i in 1:31)*Tstar;end T3a_ph;
Equation number 3 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | T | Temperature [K] |
function T3b_ph "Region 3 b: inverse function T(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature"; protected constant Real[:] n= {0.323254573644920e-4,-0.127575556587181e-3,-0.475851877356068e-3,0.156183014181602e-2, 0.105724860113781,-0.858514221132534e2,0.724140095480911e3,0.296475810273257e-2,-0.592721983365988e-2, -0.126305422818666e-1,-0.115716196364853,0.849000969739595e2,-0.108602260086615e-1,0.154304475328851e-1, 0.750455441524466e-1,0.252520973612982e-1,-0.602507901232996e-1,-0.307622221350501e1,-0.574011959864879e-1, 0.503471360939849e1,-0.925081888584834,0.391733882917546e1,-0.773146007130190e2,0.949308762098587e4, -0.141043719679409e7,0.849166230819026e7,0.861095729446704,0.323346442811720,0.873281936020439, -0.436653048526683,0.286596714529479,-0.131778331276228,0.676682064330275e-2}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-8,-8,-8,-8, -8,-6,-6,-6,-4,-4,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,1,3,5,6,8}; constant Real[:] J = {0,1,0,1,5,10,12,0,1,2,4,10,0,1,2,0,1,5,0,4,2,4,6,10,14,16,0,2,1,1,1,1,1}; constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 860 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2800e3 "normalization enthalpy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; algorithm T := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.298)^I[i]*(eta - 0.720)^J[i] for i in 1:33)*Tstar;end T3b_ph;
Equation number 4 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificVolume | v | specific volume [m3/kg] |
function v3a_ph "Region 3 a: inverse function v(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; output SI.SpecificVolume v "specific volume"; protected constant Real[:] n= { 0.529944062966028e-2,-0.170099690234461,0.111323814312927e2,-0.217898123145125e4, -0.506061827980875e-3,0.556495239685324,-0.943672726094016e1,-0.297856807561527,0.939353943717186e2, 0.192944939465981e-1,0.421740664704763,-0.368914126282330e7,-0.737566847600639e-2,-0.354753242424366, -0.199768169338727e1,0.115456297059049e1,0.568366875815960e4,0.808169540124668e-2,0.172416341519307, 0.104270175292927e1,-0.297691372792847,0.560394465163593,0.275234661176914,-0.148347894866012, -0.651142513478515e-1,-0.292468715386302e1,0.664876096952665e-1,0.352335014263844e1,-0.146340792313332e-1, -0.224503486668184e1,0.110533464706142e1,-0.408757344495612e-1}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-12,-12,-10,-10,-10,-8,-8,-6, -6,-6,-4,-4,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,8}; constant Real[:] J = {6,8,12,18,4,7,10,5,12,3,4,22,2,3,7,3,16,0,1,2,3,0,1,0,1,2,0,2,0,2,2,2}; constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0028 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2100e3 "normalization enthalpy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; algorithm v := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.128)^I[i]*(eta - 0.727)^J[i] for i in 1:32)*vstar;end v3a_ph;
Equation number 5 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEnthalpy | h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificVolume | v | specific volume [m3/kg] |
function v3b_ph "Region 3 b: inverse function v(p,h)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy"; output SI.SpecificVolume v "specific volume"; protected constant Real[:] n= { -0.225196934336318e-8,0.140674363313486e-7,0.233784085280560e-5,-0.331833715229001e-4, 0.107956778514318e-2,-0.271382067378863,0.107202262490333e1,-0.853821329075382,-0.215214194340526e-4, 0.769656088222730e-3,-0.431136580433864e-2,0.453342167309331,-0.507749535873652,-0.100475154528389e3, -0.219201924648793,-0.321087965668917e1,0.607567815637771e3,0.557686450685932e-3,0.187499040029550, 0.905368030448107e-2,0.285417173048685,0.329924030996098e-1,0.239897419685483,0.482754995951394e1, -0.118035753702231e2,0.169490044091791,-0.179967222507787e-1,0.371810116332674e-1,-0.536288335065096e-1, 0.160697101092520e1}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-6,-6, -6,-6,-6,-6,-4,-4,-4,-3,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,2,2}; constant Real[:] J = {0,1,0,1,3,6,7,8,0,1,2,5,6,10,3,6,10,0,2,1,2,0,1,4,5,0,0,1,2,6}; constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0088 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2800e3 "normalization enthalpy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real eta = h/hstar "normalized specific enthalpy"; algorithm v := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.0661)^I[i]*(eta - 0.720)^J[i] for i in 1:30)*vstar;end v3b_ph;
Equation number 6 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | T | Temperature [K] |
function T3a_ps "Region 3 a: inverse function T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature"; protected constant Real[:] n= {0.150042008263875e10,-0.159397258480424e12,0.502181140217975e-3,-0.672057767855466e2, 0.145058545404456e4,-0.823889534888890e4,-0.154852214233853,0.112305046746695e2,-0.297000213482822e2, 0.438565132635495e11,0.137837838635464e-2,-0.297478527157462e1,0.971777947349413e13,-0.571527767052398e-4, 0.288307949778420e5,-0.744428289262703e14,0.128017324848921e2,-0.368275545889071e3,0.664768904779177e16, 0.449359251958880e-1,-0.422897836099655e1,-0.240614376434179,-0.474341365254924e1,0.724093999126110, 0.923874349695897,0.399043655281015e1,0.384066651868009e-1,-0.359344365571848e-2,-0.735196448821653, 0.188367048396131,0.141064266818704e-3,-0.257418501496337e-2,0.123220024851555e-2}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-10,-10,-10,-10,-8,-8, -8,-8,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-2,-2,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,2,2,3,8,8,10}; constant Real[:] J = {28,32,4,10,12,14,5,7,8,28,2,6,32,0,14,32,6,10,36,1,4,1,6,0,1,4,0,0,3,2,0,1,2}; constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 760 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 4.4e3 "normalization entropy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm T := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.240)^I[i]*(sigma - 0.703)^J[i] for i in 1:33)*Tstar;end T3a_ps;
Equation number 7 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | T | Temperature [K] |
function T3b_ps "Region 3 b: inverse function T(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature"; protected constant Real[:] n= {0.527111701601660,-0.401317830052742e2,0.153020073134484e3,-0.224799398218827e4, -0.193993484669048,-0.140467557893768e1,0.426799878114024e2,0.752810643416743,0.226657238616417e2, -0.622873556909932e3,-0.660823667935396,0.841267087271658,-0.253717501764397e2,0.485708963532948e3, 0.880531517490555e3,0.265015592794626e7,-0.359287150025783,-0.656991567673753e3,0.241768149185367e1, 0.856873461222588,0.655143675313458,-0.213535213206406,0.562974957606348e-2,-0.316955725450471e15, -0.699997000152457e-3,0.119845803210767e-1,0.193848122022095e-4,-0.215095749182309e-4}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-12,-12,-8,-8,-8,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-4,-3,-3,-2,0,2,3,4,5,6,8,12,14}; constant Real[:] J = {1,3,4,7,0,1,3,0,2,4,0,1,2,4,6,12,1,6,2,0,1,1,0,24,0,3,1,2}; constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 860 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 5.3e3 "normalization entropy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm T := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.760)^I[i]*(sigma - 0.818)^J[i] for i in 1:28)*Tstar;end T3b_ps;
Equation number 8 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificVolume | v | specific volume [m3/kg] |
function v3a_ps "Region 3 a: inverse function v(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.SpecificVolume v "specific volume"; protected constant Real[:] n= {0.795544074093975e2,-0.238261242984590e4,0.176813100617787e5,-0.110524727080379e-2, -0.153213833655326e2,0.297544599376982e3,-0.350315206871242e8,0.277513761062119,-0.523964271036888, -0.148011182995403e6,0.160014899374266e7,0.170802322663427e13,0.246866996006494e-3,0.165326084797980e1, -0.118008384666987,0.253798642355900e1,0.965127704669424,-0.282172420532826e2,0.203224612353823, 0.110648186063513e1,0.526127948451280,0.277000018736321,0.108153340501132e1,-0.744127885357893e-1, 0.164094443541384e-1,-0.680468275301065e-1,0.257988576101640e-1,-0.145749861944416e-3}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-12,-10,-10,-10,-10,-8,-8,-8,-8,-6,-5,-4,-3,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,2,4,5,6}; constant Real[:] J = {10,12,14,4,8,10,20,5,6,14,16,28,1,5,2,4,3,8,1,2,0,1,3,0,0,2,2,0}; constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0028 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 4.4e3 "normalization entropy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm v := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.187)^I[i]*(sigma - 0.755)^J[i] for i in 1:28)*vstar;end v3a_ps;
Equation number 9 from:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Pressure | p | Pressure [Pa] | |
SpecificEntropy | s | specific entropy [J/(kg.K)] |
Type | Name | Description |
SpecificVolume | v | specific volume [m3/kg] |
function v3b_ps "Region 3 b: inverse function v(p,s)" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Pressure p "Pressure"; input SI.SpecificEntropy s "specific entropy"; output SI.SpecificVolume v "specific volume"; protected constant Real[:] n= {0.591599780322238e-4,-0.185465997137856e-2,0.104190510480013e-1,0.598647302038590e-2, -0.771391189901699,0.172549765557036e1,-0.467076079846526e-3,0.134533823384439e-1,-0.808094336805495e-1, 0.508139374365767,0.128584643361683e-2,-0.163899353915435e1,0.586938199318063e1,-0.292466667918613e1, -0.614076301499537e-2,0.576199014049172e1,-0.121613320606788e2,0.167637540957944e1,-0.744135838773463e1, 0.378168091437659e-1,0.401432203027688e1,0.160279837479185e2,0.317848779347728e1,-0.358362310304853e1, -0.115995260446827e7,0.199256573577909,-0.122270624794624,-0.191449143716586e2,-0.150448002905284e-1, 0.146407900162154e2,-0.327477787188230e1}; constant Real[:] I = {-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-10,-10, -10,-10,-8,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-4,-3,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,0,0,0,1,1,2}; constant Real[:] J = {0,1,2,3,5,6,0,1,2,4,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,1,0,1,2,3,4,12,0,1,2,0,2,2}; constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0088 "normalization temperature"; constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "normalization pressure"; constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 5.3e3 "normalization entropy"; Real pi = p/pstar "normalized specific pressure"; Real sigma = s/sstar "normalized specific entropy"; algorithm v := sum(n[i]*(pi + 0.298)^I[i]*(sigma - 0.816)^J[i] for i in 1:31)*vstar;end v3b_ps;