
Axiliary functions for electric machines


This package contains auxiliary functions for electric machine models.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.BasicMachines.Functions.symmetricOrientation symmetricOrientation Orientations of the resulting fundamental wave field phasors


Orientations of the resulting fundamental wave field phasors


This function determines the orientation of the symmetrical winding with phases. For an odd number of phases the difference of the windings angles of two adjacent phases is . In case of an even number of phases the aligned orientation of winding is not modeled since they do not add any information. Instead the windings are divided into two different groups. The first group refers to the indices . The second group covers the indices . The difference of the windings angles of two adjacent phases - of both the first and the second group, respectively - is . The phase shift of the two groups .


Integerm Number of phases


Angleorientation[m]Orientation of the resulting fundamental wave field phasors [rad]

Modelica definition

function symmetricOrientation 
  "Orientations of the resulting fundamental wave field phasors"

  import Modelica.Constants.pi;

  input Integer m "Number of phases";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Angle orientation[m] 
    "Orientation of the resulting fundamental wave field phasors";

  if mod(m,2) == 0 then
    // Even number of phases
    for k in 1:integer(m/2) loop
      orientation[k] :=(k - 1)*4*pi/m;
      orientation[k+integer(m/2)] := orientation[k] + 2*pi/m;
    end for;
    // Odd number of phases
    orientation :={(k - 1)*2*pi/m for k in 1:m};
  end if;
end symmetricOrientation;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:30:02 2010.