
Partial wall friction characteristic (base package of all wall friction characteristics)


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

use_mu=true= true, if mu_a/mu_b are used in function, otherwise value is not used
use_roughness=true= true, if roughness is used in function, otherwise value is not used
use_dp_small=true= true, if dp_small is used in function, otherwise value is not used
use_m_flow_small=true= true, if m_flow_small is used in function, otherwise value is not used
dp_is_zero=false= true, if no wall friction is present, i.e., dp = 0 (function massFlowRate_dp() cannot be used)
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.massFlowRate_dp massFlowRate_dp Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.massFlowRate_dp_staticHead massFlowRate_dp_staticHead Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction and static head
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.pressureLoss_m_flow pressureLoss_m_flow Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction
Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction and static head

Types and constants

  constant Boolean use_mu = true 
  "= true, if mu_a/mu_b are used in function, otherwise value is not used";

  constant Boolean use_roughness = true 
  "= true, if roughness is used in function, otherwise value is not used";

  constant Boolean use_dp_small = true 
  "= true, if dp_small is used in function, otherwise value is not used";

  constant Boolean use_m_flow_small = true 
  "= true, if m_flow_small is used in function, otherwise value is not used";

  constant Boolean dp_is_zero = false 
  "= true, if no wall friction is present, i.e., dp = 0 (function massFlowRate_dp() cannot be used)";

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.massFlowRate_dp Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.massFlowRate_dp

Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Pressuredp Pressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p) [Pa]
Densityrho_a Density at port_a [kg/m3]
Densityrho_b Density at port_b [kg/m3]
DynamicViscositymu_a Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
DynamicViscositymu_b Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
Lengthlength Length of pipe [m]
Diameterdiameter Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe [m]
Lengthroughness2.5e-5Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false) [m]
AbsolutePressuredp_small1Turbulent flow if |dp| >= dp_small (dummy if use_dp_small = false) [Pa]


MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate from port_a to port_b [kg/s]

Modelica definition

replaceable partial function massFlowRate_dp 
  "Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

  input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)";
  input SI.Density rho_a "Density at port_a";
  input SI.Density rho_b "Density at port_b";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_a 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_b 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.Length length "Length of pipe";
  input SI.Diameter diameter "Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe";
  input SI.Length roughness(min=0) = 2.5e-5 
    "Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)";
  input SI.AbsolutePressure dp_small = 1 
    "Turbulent flow if |dp| >= dp_small (dummy if use_dp_small = false)";

  output SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate from port_a to port_b";
end massFlowRate_dp;

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.massFlowRate_dp_staticHead Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.massFlowRate_dp_staticHead

Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction and static head


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


Pressuredp Pressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p) [Pa]
Densityrho_a Density at port_a [kg/m3]
Densityrho_b Density at port_b [kg/m3]
DynamicViscositymu_a Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
DynamicViscositymu_b Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
Lengthlength Length of pipe [m]
Diameterdiameter Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe [m]
Realg_times_height_ab Gravity times (Height(port_b) - Height(port_a))
Lengthroughness2.5e-5Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false) [m]
AbsolutePressuredp_small1Turbulent flow if |dp| >= dp_small (dummy if use_dp_small = false) [Pa]


MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate from port_a to port_b [kg/s]

Modelica definition

replaceable partial function massFlowRate_dp_staticHead 
  "Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction and static head"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

  input SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)";
  input SI.Density rho_a "Density at port_a";
  input SI.Density rho_b "Density at port_b";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_a 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_b 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.Length length "Length of pipe";
  input SI.Diameter diameter "Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe";
  input Real g_times_height_ab 
    "Gravity times (Height(port_b) - Height(port_a))";
  input SI.Length roughness(min=0) = 2.5e-5 
    "Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)";
  input SI.AbsolutePressure dp_small=1 
    "Turbulent flow if |dp| >= dp_small (dummy if use_dp_small = false)";

  output SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate from port_a to port_b";
end massFlowRate_dp_staticHead;

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.pressureLoss_m_flow Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.pressureLoss_m_flow

Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


MassFlowRatem_flow Mass flow rate from port_a to port_b [kg/s]
Densityrho_a Density at port_a [kg/m3]
Densityrho_b Density at port_b [kg/m3]
DynamicViscositymu_a Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
DynamicViscositymu_b Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
Lengthlength Length of pipe [m]
Diameterdiameter Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe [m]
Lengthroughness2.5e-5Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false) [m]
MassFlowRatem_flow_small0.01Turbulent flow if |m_flow| >= m_flow_small (dummy if use_m_flow_small = false) [kg/s]


PressuredpPressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p) [Pa]

Modelica definition

replaceable partial function pressureLoss_m_flow 
  "Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate from port_a to port_b";
  input SI.Density rho_a "Density at port_a";
  input SI.Density rho_b "Density at port_b";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_a 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_b 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.Length length "Length of pipe";
  input SI.Diameter diameter "Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe";
  input SI.Length roughness(min=0) = 2.5e-5 
    "Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)";
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_small = 0.01 
    "Turbulent flow if |m_flow| >= m_flow_small (dummy if use_m_flow_small = false)";
  output SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)";

end pressureLoss_m_flow;

Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.PartialWallFriction.pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead

Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction and static head


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).


MassFlowRatem_flow Mass flow rate from port_a to port_b [kg/s]
Densityrho_a Density at port_a [kg/m3]
Densityrho_b Density at port_b [kg/m3]
DynamicViscositymu_a Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
DynamicViscositymu_b Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false) [Pa.s]
Lengthlength Length of pipe [m]
Diameterdiameter Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe [m]
Realg_times_height_ab Gravity times (Height(port_b) - Height(port_a))
Lengthroughness2.5e-5Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false) [m]
MassFlowRatem_flow_small0.01Turbulent flow if |m_flow| >= m_flow_small (dummy if use_m_flow_small = false) [kg/s]


PressuredpPressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p) [Pa]

Modelica definition

replaceable partial function pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead 
  "Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction and static head"
          extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate from port_a to port_b";
  input SI.Density rho_a "Density at port_a";
  input SI.Density rho_b "Density at port_b";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_a 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_b 
    "Dynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)";
  input SI.Length length "Length of pipe";
  input SI.Diameter diameter "Inner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe";
  input Real g_times_height_ab 
    "Gravity times (Height(port_b) - Height(port_a))";
  input SI.Length roughness(min=0) = 2.5e-5 
    "Absolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)";
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_small = 0.01 
    "Turbulent flow if |m_flow| >= m_flow_small (dummy if use_m_flow_small = false)";
  output SI.Pressure dp "Pressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)";

end pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:31:14 2010.