
Time-dependend digital signal sources


The sources are not taken from Standard Logic. They were added since they turned out to be quite useful, since such sources are often needed. For a better optical overview the colour green was chosen for the sources.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage (Icon for packages containing sources).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Set Set Digital Set Source
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Step Step Digital Step Source
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Table Table Digital Tabular Source
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Pulse Pulse Digital Pulse Source
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Clock Clock Digital Clock Source

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Set Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Set

Digital Set Source



Sets a nine valued digital signal, which is specified by the setval parameter.

To specify setval, the integer code has to be used.

Code Table

Logic value Integer code Meaning
'U' 1 Uninitialized
'X' 2 Forcing Unknown
'0' 3 Forcing 0
'1' 4 Forcing 1
'Z' 5 High Impedance
'W' 6 Weak Unknown
'L' 7 Weak 0
'H' 8 Weak 1
'-' 9 Don't care

If the logic values are imported by
import L = Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
they can be used to specify the parameter, e.g., L.'0' for forcing 0.


Logicx Logic value to be set


output DigitalOutputy 

Modelica definition

block Set "Digital Set Source"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic x(start=L.'1') "Logic value to be set";
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput y;
  y := x;
end Set;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Step Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Step

Digital Step Source



The step source output signal steps from the value before to the value after at the time stepTime.

To specify the logic value parameters, the integer code has to be used.

Code Table

Logic value Integer code Meaning
'U' 1 Uninitialized
'X' 2 Forcing Unknown
'0' 3 Forcing 0
'1' 4 Forcing 1
'Z' 5 High Impedance
'W' 6 Weak Unknown
'L' 7 Weak 0
'H' 8 Weak 1
'-' 9 Don't care

If the logic values are imported by
import L = Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
they can be used to specify the parameter, e.g., L.'0' for forcing 0.


Logicbefore Logic value before step
Logicafter Logic value after step
RealstepTime step time


output DigitalOutputy 

Modelica definition

block Step "Digital Step Source"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic before(start=L.'0') "Logic value before step";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic after(start=L.'1') "Logic value after step";
  parameter Real stepTime(start=1) "step time";
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput y;
  // assert(before >= L.min and before <= L.max, "Parameter is no logic value");
  // assert(after >= L.min and after <= L.max, "Parameter is no logic value");
  when initial() then
    y := before;
  end when;
  if time >= stepTime then
    y := after;
    y := before;
  end if;
end Step;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Table Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Table

Digital Tabular Source



The table source output signal y steps to the values of the x table at the corresponding timepoints in the t table.
The initial value is specified by y0.

To specify the logic value parameters, the integer code has to be used.

Code Table

Logic value Integer code Meaning
'U' 1 Uninitialized
'X' 2 Forcing Unknown
'0' 3 Forcing 0
'1' 4 Forcing 1
'Z' 5 High Impedance
'W' 6 Weak Unknown
'L' 7 Weak 0
'H' 8 Weak 1
'-' 9 Don't care

If the logic values are imported by
import L = Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
they can be used to specify the parameter, e.g., L.'0' for forcing 0.


Logicx[:]{1}vector of values
Realt[size(x, 1)]{1}vector of corresponding time points
Logicy0L.'U'initial output value


output DigitalOutputy 

Modelica definition

block Table "Digital Tabular Source"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic x[:]={1} "vector of values";
  parameter Real t[size(x, 1)]={1} "vector of corresponding time points";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic y0=L.'U' "initial output value";
  final parameter Integer n=size(x, 1) "table size";
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput y;
  if initial() then
    // assert(y0 >= L.min and y0 <= L.max, "Parameter y0 is not of type Logic");
    assert(n > 0, "Invalid size of table (n < 1)");
    for i in 1:n loop
      // assert(x[i] >= L.min and x[i] <= L.max, "Table element is not of type Logic");
    end for;
  end if;
  y := y0;
  for i in 1:n loop
    if time >= t[i] then
      y := x[i];
    end if;
  end for;
end Table;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Pulse Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Pulse

Digital Pulse Source



The pulse source forms pulses between the quiet value and the pulse value. The pulse length width is specified in percent of the period length period. The number of periods is specified by nperiod. If nperiod is less than zero, the number of periods is unlimited.

To specify the logic value parameters, the integer code has to be used.

Code Table

Logic value Integer code Meaning
'U' 1 Uninitialized
'X' 2 Forcing Unknown
'0' 3 Forcing 0
'1' 4 Forcing 1
'Z' 5 High Impedance
'W' 6 Weak Unknown
'L' 7 Weak 0
'H' 8 Weak 1
'-' 9 Don't care

If the logic values are imported by
import L = Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
they can be used to specify the parameter, e.g., L.'0' for forcing 0.


Realwidth Widths of pulses in % of periods
Timeperiod Time for one period [s]
TimestartTime Output = quiet for time < startTime [s]
Logicpulse pulsed value
Logicquiet quiet value
Integernperiod Number of periods (< 0 means infinite number of periods)


output DigitalOutputy 

Modelica definition

model Pulse "Digital Pulse Source"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  parameter Real width(
    final min=Modelica.Constants.small,
    final max=100, start=50) "Widths of pulses in % of periods";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time period(final min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=1) 
    "Time for one period";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time startTime(start=0) 
    "Output = quiet for time < startTime";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic pulse(start=L.'0') "pulsed value";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Logic quiet(start=L.'1') "quiet value";
  Modelica.SIunits.Time T0(final start=startTime) 
    "Start time of current period";
  parameter Integer nperiod(start=-1) 
    "Number of periods (< 0 means infinite number of periods)";
  Integer np(start=0, fixed=true);
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput y;
  Boolean sampling;

  sampling = nperiod <> 0 and (nperiod >= pre(np) or nperiod < 0);

  when sampling and sample(startTime, period) then
     T0 = time;
     np = if nperiod > 0 then pre(np) + 1 else pre(np);
  end when;

  if sampling then
     y = if time < startTime or time >= T0 + ((width*period)/100) then quiet else pulse;
     y = quiet;
  end if;
end Pulse;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Clock Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Clock

Digital Clock Source



The clock source forms pulses between the '0' value (forcing 0) and the '1' value (forcing 1). The pulse length width is specified in percent of the period length period. The number of periods is unlimited. The first pulse starts at startTime.

The clock source is a special but often used variant of the pulse source.


TimestartTime Output = offset for time < startTime [s]
Timeperiod Time for one period [s]
Realwidth Width of pulses in % of period


output DigitalOutputyConnector of Digital output signal

Modelica definition

model Clock "Digital Clock Source"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time startTime(start=0) 
    "Output = offset for time < startTime";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time period(
    final min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=1) "Time for one period";
  parameter Real width(
    final min=Modelica.Constants.small,
    final max=100, start=50) "Width of pulses in % of period";
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput y "Connector of Digital output signal";
  Modelica.SIunits.Time t_i(final start=startTime) 
    "Start time of current period";
  Modelica.SIunits.Time t_width=period*width/100;
  when sample(startTime, period) then
    t_i := time;
  end when;
  y := if (not time>=startTime) or time >= t_i + t_width then L.'0' else L.'1';
end Clock;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:28:29 2010.