
Registers with N-bit input data and output data


Registers is a collection of flipflops and latches. In the opposite to the Examples.Utilities models the Register models are a series of assignments in the algorithm part of the model. The model text is taken nearly identical from the standard logic text.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFR DFFR Edge triggered register bank with reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREG DFFREG Edge triggered register bank with high active reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGL DFFREGL Edge triggered register bank with low active reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFSR DFFSR Edge triggered register bank with set and reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRH DFFREGSRH Edge triggered register bank with high active set and reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRL DFFREGSRL Edge triggered register bank with low active set and reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATR DLATR Level sensitive register bank with reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREG DLATREG Level sensitive register bank with reset active high
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGL DLATREGL Level sensitive register bank with reset active low
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATSR DLATSR Level sensitive register bank with set and reset
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRH DLATREGSRH Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active high
Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRL DLATREGSRL Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active low

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFR Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFR

Edge triggered register bank with reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table for high active reset:

DataIn Clock Reset DataOut Map
* * U U 1
* * 1 0 2
* 0-Trns 0 NC 3
* 1-Trns 0 DataIn 3
* X-Trns 0 X or U or NC 3
* * X X or U or 0 or NC 4

Truth Table for low active reset:

DataIn Clock Reset DataOut Map
* * U U 1
* * 0 0 2
* 0-Trns 1 NC 3
* 1-Trns 1 DataIn 3
* X-Trns 1 X or U or NC 3
* * X X or U or 0 or NC 4
  *  = don't care
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1


IntegerResetMap[9]{1,4,3,2,4,4,3,2,4}function selection, defaults for high active reset
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputclock 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DFFR "Edge triggered register bank with reset"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Integer ResetMap[9] = {1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4} 
    "function selection, defaults for high active reset";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput clock;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];
          Integer clock_flag(start=0);
            // 0: 0-Transition
            // 1: rising edge
            // 2: X-Transition

           Integer reset_flag(start=1);
            // 1: output := U
            // 2: output := 0
            // 3: output := -dataInUX
            // 4: output := U-0X
          D.Interfaces.Logic nextstate[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));
          D.Interfaces.Logic next_assign_val[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));

if change(clock) or change(reset) then

  if change(clock) then
    if initial() then
      clock_flag := T.ClockMap[L.'U',clock];
      clock_flag := T.ClockMap[pre(clock),clock];
    end if;
  end if;

  reset_flag :=  ResetMap[reset];
  for i in 1:n loop
    if reset_flag == 1 then
      nextstate[i] := L.'U';
    elseif reset_flag == 2 then
      nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
    elseif reset_flag == 3 then
      if clock_flag == 0 then
      elseif clock_flag == 1 then
        nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i], strength];
        if (next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i], strength])
          or (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U') then
        elseif dataIn[i] == L.'U' then
            nextstate[i] := L.'U';
            nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
        end if;
      end if;
    elseif reset_flag == 4 then
      if (next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength])
        and (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L' or clock_flag == 0) then
      elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L') and (clock_flag == 1) then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
      elseif ((next_assign_val[i] == L.'U') and not (clock_flag == 1))
        or ((dataIn[i] == L.'U') and not (clock_flag == 0)) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
        nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    end if;
  end for;
end if;
next_assign_val := nextstate;
dataOut := nextstate;
end DFFR;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREG Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREG

Edge triggered register bank with high active reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Clock Reset DataOut
* * U U
* * 1 0
* 0-Trns 0 NC
* 1-Trns 0 DataIn
* X-Trns 0 X or U or NC
* * X X or U or 0 or NC
  *  = don't care
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputclock 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DFFREG "Edge triggered register bank with high active reset"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tHL=0 "High->Low delay";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tLH=0 "Low->High delay";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";
  constant Integer ResetMap[9] = {1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4};
      // Function selection by [reset] reading
      // 1: output := U
      // 2: output := 0
      // 3: output := -dataInUX
      // 4: output := U-0X

  Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Delay.InertialDelaySensitiveVector delay(
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput clock;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];

  D.Registers.DFFR dFFR(n=n,
  connect(dataOut, dataOut);
  connect(delay.y, dataOut);
  connect(dataIn, dFFR.dataIn);
  connect(dFFR.dataOut, delay.x);
  connect(clock, dFFR.clock);
  connect(reset, dFFR.reset);

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGL Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGL

Edge triggered register bank with low active reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Clock Reset DataOut
* * U U
* * 0 0
* 0-Trns 1 NC
* 1-Trns 1 DataIn
* X-Trns 1 X or U or NC
* * X X or U or 0 or NC
  *  = don't care
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1

Extends from DFFREG (Edge triggered register bank with high active reset).


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputclock 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DFFREGL "Edge triggered register bank with low active reset"
  extends DFFREG(final ResetMap = {1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4});
      // Function selection by [reset] reading
      // 1: output := U
      // 2: output := 0
      // 3: output := -dataInUX
      // 4: output := U-0X;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFSR Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFSR

Edge triggered register bank with set and reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table for high active set and reset

DataIn Clock Reset Set DataOut Map
* * * U U 1
* * U * U 1
* * * 1 1 2
* * 1 0 0 3
* * 1 X X 6
* * X X X or U 4
* * 0 X X or U or 1 or NC 5
* * X 0 X or U or 0 or NC 7
* X-Trns 0 0 X or U or NC 8
* 1-Trns 0 0 DataIn 8
* 0-Trns 0 0 NC 8

Truth Table for low active set and reset

DataIn Clock Reset Set DataOut Map
* * * U U 1
* * U * U 1
* * * 0 1 2
* * 0 1 0 3
* * 0 X X 6
* * X X X or U 4
* * 1 X X or U or 1 or NC 5
* * X 1 X or U or 0 or NC 7
* X-Trns 1 1 X or U or NC 8
* 1-Trns 1 1 DataIn 8
* 0-Trns 1 1 NC 8
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1


IntegerResetSetMap[9, 9][1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; ...function selection by [reset, set] reading
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputset 
input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputclock 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DFFSR "Edge triggered register bank with set and reset"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Integer ResetSetMap[9, 9]=[
             1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4] 
    "function selection by [reset, set] reading";
    /* Defaults for set and reset are active high */
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput set;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput clock;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];

          Integer clock_flag(start=0);
            // 0: 0-Transition
            // 1: rising edge
            // 2: X-Transition

          Integer reset_set_flag(start=1);
            // 1: output := U
            // 2: output := 1
            // 3: output := 0
            // 4: output := UX
            // 5: output := -1UX
            // 6: output := X
            // 7: output := -0UX
            // 8: output := -dataInUX

          D.Interfaces.Logic nextstate[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));
          D.Interfaces.Logic next_assign_val[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));

if change(clock) or change(reset) or change(set) then

  if change(clock) then
    if initial() then
      clock_flag := T.ClockMap[L.'U',clock];
      clock_flag := T.ClockMap[pre(clock),clock];
    end if;
  end if;

  reset_set_flag := ResetSetMap[reset, set];
  for i in 1:n loop
    if reset_set_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
    elseif reset_set_flag == 2 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'1', strength];
    elseif reset_set_flag == 3 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
    elseif reset_set_flag == 4 then
      if (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and clock_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and clock_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    elseif reset_set_flag == 5 then
      if next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[L.'1', strength]
        and (dataIn[i] == L.'1' or dataIn[i] == L.'H' or clock_flag == 0) then
      elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'1' or dataIn[i] == L.'H')  and clock_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'1', strength];
      elseif (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and clock_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and clock_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    elseif reset_set_flag == 6 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
    elseif reset_set_flag == 7 then
      if next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength]
        and (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L' or clock_flag == 0) then
      elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L') and clock_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] :=  T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
      elseif (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and clock_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and clock_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    elseif reset_set_flag == 8 then
      if clock_flag == 0 then
      elseif clock_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i], strength];
        if next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i],strength]
        or next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' then
        elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'U') then
            nextstate[i] := L.'U';
            nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
        end if;
       end if;
      end if;
    end for;
  end if;

next_assign_val := nextstate;
dataOut := nextstate;
end DFFSR;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRH Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRH

Edge triggered register bank with high active set and reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Clock Reset Set DataOut
* * * U U
* * U * U
* * * 1 1
* * 1 0 0
* * 1 X X
* * X X X or U
* * 0 X X or U or 1 or NC
* * X 0 X or U or 0 or NC
* X-Trns 0 0 X or U or NC
* 1-Trns 0 0 DataIn
* 0-Trns 0 0 NC
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputset 
input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputclock 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

  "Edge triggered register bank with high active set and reset"
  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tHL=0 "High->Low delay";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tLH=0 "Low->High delay";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  constant Integer ResetSetMap[9, 9]=[
             1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4];
            // Function selection by [reset, set] reading, active high;

  D.Delay.InertialDelaySensitiveVector delay(
  D.Registers.DFFSR dFFSR(
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput set;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput clock;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];
  connect(dFFSR.dataOut, delay.x);
  connect(set, dFFSR.set);
  connect(reset, dFFSR.reset);
  connect(clock, dFFSR.clock);
  connect(dataIn, dFFSR.dataIn);
  connect(delay.y, dataOut);

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRL Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRL

Edge triggered register bank with low active set and reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Clock Reset Set DataOut
* * * U U
* * U * U
* * * 0 1
* * 0 1 0
* * 0 X X
* * X X X or U
* * 1 X X or U or 1 or NC
* * X 1 X or U or 0 or NC
* X-Trns 1 1 X or U or NC
* 1-Trns 1 1 DataIn
* 0-Trns 1 1 NC
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1

Extends from Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRH (Edge triggered register bank with high active set and reset).


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputset 
input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputclock 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

  "Edge triggered register bank with low active set and reset"
  extends Digital.Registers.DFFREGSRH(final ResetSetMap=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1;
        1,4,2,7,4,4,2,7,4; 1,6,2,3,6,6,2,3,6; 1,5,2,8,5,5,2,8,5; 1,4,2,7,4,
        4,2,7,4; 1,4,2,7,4,4,2,7,4; 1,6,2,3,6,6,2,3,6; 1,5,2,8,5,5,2,8,5; 1,
           // Function selection by [reset, set] reading;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATR Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATR

Level sensitive register bank with reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table for high active reset:

DataIn Enable Reset DataOut Map
* * U U 1
* * 1 0 2
* 0 0 NC 3
* 1 0 DataIn 3
* X 0 X or U or NC 3
* U ~1 U 4
* ~U X X or U or 0 or NC 4

Truth Table for low active reset:

DataIn Enable Reset DataOut Map
* * U U 1
* * 0 0 2
* 0 1 NC 3
* 1 1 DataIn 3
* X 1 X or U or NC 3
* U ~0 U 4
* ~U X X or U or 0 or NC 4
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change


IntegerResetMap[9]{1,4,3,2,4,4,3,2,4}function selection, defaults for high active reset
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputenable 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DLATR "Level sensitive register bank with reset"

  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Integer ResetMap[9] = {1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4} 
    "function selection, defaults for high active reset";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput enable;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];

           Integer enable_flag(start=0);
            // 0: low level
            // 1: high level
            // 2: unknown
            // 3: uninitialized

           Integer reset_flag(start=1);
            // 1: output := U
            // 2: output := 0
            // 3: output := -UdataIn
            // 4: output := U-0X

          D.Interfaces.Logic nextstate[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));
          D.Interfaces.Logic next_assign_val[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));
  if enable == L.'1' or enable == L.'H' then
    enable_flag := 1;
  elseif enable == L.'0' or enable == L.'L' then
    enable_flag := 0;
  elseif enable == L.'U' then
    enable_flag := 3;
    enable_flag := 2;
  end if;

  reset_flag :=  ResetMap[reset];
  for i in 1:n loop
    if reset_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
    elseif reset_flag == 2 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
    elseif reset_flag == 3 then
      if enable_flag == 0 then
      elseif enable_flag == 3 then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
      elseif enable_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i], strength];
        if next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i],strength]
        or next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' then
        elseif dataIn[i] == L.'U' then
            nextstate[i] := L.'U';
            nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
        end if;
      end if;
    elseif reset_flag == 4 then
     if enable_flag == 3
        or (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
      elseif next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength]
        and (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L' or enable_flag == 0) then
      elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L') and enable_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] :=  T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    end if;
  end for;
  next_assign_val := nextstate;
  dataOut := nextstate;
end DLATR;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREG Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREG

Level sensitive register bank with reset active high



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Enable Reset DataOut
* * U U
* * 1 0
* 0 0 NC
* 1 0 DataIn
* X 0 X or U or NC
* U ~1 U
* ~U X X or U or 0 or NC
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputenable 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DLATREG "Level sensitive register bank with reset active high"

  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tHL=0 "High->Low delay";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tLH=0 "Low->High delay";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  constant Integer ResetMap[9] = {1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4};
      // Function selection by [reset] reading
      // 1: output := U
      // 2: output := 0
      // 3: output := -UdataIn
      // 4: output := U-0X

  D.Delay.InertialDelaySensitiveVector delay(
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput enable;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];
  D.Registers.DLATR dLATR(n=n,

  connect(dataOut, dataOut);
  connect(delay.y, dataOut);
  connect(dLATR.dataOut, delay.x);
  connect(dataIn, dLATR.dataIn);
  connect(enable, dLATR.enable);
  connect(reset, dLATR.reset);

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGL Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGL

Level sensitive register bank with reset active low



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Enable Reset DataOut
* * U U
* * 0 0
* 0 1 NC
* 1 1 DataIn
* X 1 X or U or NC
* U ~0 U
* ~U X X or U or 0 or NC
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Extends from DLATREG (Level sensitive register bank with reset active high).


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputenable 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DLATREGL "Level sensitive register bank with reset active low"

  extends DLATREG(final ResetMap = {1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4});
      // Function selection by [reset] reading
      // 1: output := U
      // 2: output := 0
      // 3: output := -UdataIn
      // 4: output := U-0X


Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATSR Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATSR

Level sensitive register bank with set and reset



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table for high active set and reset

DataIn Enable Reset Set DataOut Map
* * * U U 1
* * U ~1 U 1
* * * 1 1 2
* * 1 0 0 3
* * 1 X X 6
* U ~1 ~1 U 4,5,7,8
* ~U X X X or U 4
* ~U 0 X X or U or 1 or NC 5
* ~U X 0 X or U or 0 or NC 7
* X 0 0 X or U or NC 8
* 1 0 0 DataIn 8
* 0 0 0 NC 8

Truth Table for low active set and reset

DataIn Enable Reset Set DataOut Map
* * * U U 1
* * U ~0 U 1
* * * 0 1 2
* * 0 1 0 3
* * 0 X X 6
* U ~0 ~0 U 4,5,7,8
* ~U X X X or U 4
* ~U 1 X X or U or 1 or NC 5
* ~U X 1 X or U or 0 or NC 7
* X 1 1 X or U or NC 8
* 1 1 1 DataIn 8
* 0 1 1 NC 8
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change


IntegerResetSetMap[9, 9][1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; ...function selection by [reset, set] reading
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputset 
input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputenable 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

model DLATSR "Level sensitive register bank with set and reset"

  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Integer ResetSetMap[9, 9]=[
             1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4] 
    "function selection by [reset, set] reading";
    /* Defaults for set and reset are active high */
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput set;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput enable;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];

          Integer enable_flag(start=0);
            // 0: low level
            // 1: high level
            // 2: unknown
            // 3: uninitialized

          Integer reset_set_flag(start=1);
            // 1: output := U
            // 2: output := 1
            // 3: output := 0
            // 4: output := UX
            // 5: output := U-1X
            // 6: output := X
            // 7: output := U-0X
            // 8: output := -UdataInX

          D.Interfaces.Logic nextstate[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));
          D.Interfaces.Logic next_assign_val[n](start=fill(L.'U',n));

  if enable == L.'1' or enable == L.'H' then
    enable_flag := 1;
  elseif enable == L.'0' or enable == L.'L' then
    enable_flag := 0;
  elseif enable == L.'U' then
    enable_flag := 3;
    enable_flag := 2;
  end if;

  reset_set_flag :=  ResetSetMap[reset, set];
  for i in 1:n loop
    if reset_set_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
    elseif reset_set_flag == 2 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'1', strength];
    elseif reset_set_flag == 3 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
    elseif reset_set_flag == 4 then
      if enable_flag == 3
        or (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    elseif reset_set_flag == 5 then
      if enable_flag == 3
        or (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
      elseif next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[L.'1', strength]
        and (dataIn[i] == L.'1' or dataIn[i] == L.'H' or enable_flag == 0) then
      elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'1' or dataIn[i] == L.'H')  and enable_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'1', strength];
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    elseif reset_set_flag == 6 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
    elseif reset_set_flag == 7 then
      if enable_flag == 3
        or (next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 1)
        or (dataIn[i] == L.'U' and enable_flag <> 0) then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
      elseif next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength]
        and (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L' or enable_flag == 0) then
      elseif (dataIn[i] == L.'0' or dataIn[i] == L.'L') and enable_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] :=  T.StrengthMap[L.'0', strength];
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
      end if;
    elseif reset_set_flag == 8 then
      if enable_flag == 0 then
      elseif enable_flag == 3 then
          nextstate[i] := L.'U';
      elseif enable_flag == 1 then
          nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i], strength];
        if next_assign_val[i] == T.StrengthMap[dataIn[i],strength]
        or next_assign_val[i] == L.'U' then
        elseif dataIn[i] == L.'U' then
            nextstate[i] := L.'U';
            nextstate[i] := T.StrengthMap[L.'X', strength];
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end for;
  next_assign_val := nextstate;
  dataOut := nextstate;

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRH Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRH

Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active high



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table:

DataIn Enable Reset Set DataOut
* * * U U
* * U ~1 U
* * * 1 1
* * 1 0 0
* * 1 X X
* U ~1 ~1 U
* ~U X X X or U
* ~U 0 X X or U or 1 or NC
* ~U X 0 X or U or 0 or NC
* X 0 0 X or U or NC
* 1 0 0 DataIn
* 0 0 0 NC
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputset 
input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputenable 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

  "Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active high"

  import D = Modelica.Electrical.Digital;
  import L = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Logic;
  import S = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Interfaces.Strength;
  import T = Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Tables;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tHL=0 "High->Low delay";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tLH=0 "Low->High delay";
  parameter D.Interfaces.Strength strength = S.'S_X01' "output strength";
  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 1 "data width";

  constant Integer ResetSetMap[9, 9]=[
             1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4;
             1,  5,  8,  2,  5,  5,  8,  2,  5;
             1,  6,  3,  2,  6,  6,  3,  2,  6;
             1,  4,  7,  2,  4,  4,  7,  2,  4];
            // Function selection by [reset, set] reading, active high;

  D.Delay.InertialDelaySensitiveVector delay(
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput set;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput reset;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput enable;
  D.Interfaces.DigitalInput dataIn[n];
  D.Interfaces.DigitalOutput dataOut[n];
  D.Registers.DLATSR dLATSR(n=n,

  connect(dataOut, dataOut);
  connect(delay.y, dataOut);
  connect(set, dLATSR.set);
  connect(reset, dLATSR.reset);
  connect(enable, dLATSR.enable);
  connect(dataIn, dLATSR.dataIn);
  connect(dLATSR.dataOut, delay.x);

Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRL Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRL

Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active low



Description in VHDL is given by

Truth Table

DataIn Enable Reset Set DataOut
* * * U U
* * U ~0 U
* * * 0 1
* * 0 1 0
* * 0 X X
* U ~0 ~0 U
* ~U X X X or U
* ~U 1 X X or U or 1 or NC
* ~U X 1 X or U or 0 or NC
* X 1 1 X or U or NC
* 1 1 1 DataIn
* 0 1 1 NC
  *  = don't care
  ~  = not equal
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Extends from Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRH (Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active high).


TimetHL0High->Low delay [s]
TimetLH0Low->High delay [s]
StrengthstrengthS.'S_X01'output strength
Integern1data width


input DigitalInputset 
input DigitalInputreset 
input DigitalInputenable 
input DigitalInputdataIn[n] 
output DigitalOutputdataOut[n] 

Modelica definition

  "Level sensitive register bank with set and reset, active low"

  extends Digital.Registers.DLATREGSRH(final ResetSetMap=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1;
        1,4,2,7,4,4,2,7,4; 1,6,2,3,5,5,2,3,6; 1,5,2,8,6,6,2,8,5; 1,4,2,7,4,
        4,2,7,4; 1,4,2,7,4,4,2,7,4; 1,6,2,3,5,5,2,3,6; 1,5,2,8,6,6,2,8,5; 1,
           // Function selection by [reset, set] reading;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:28:32 2010.