
Semiconductor devices such as diode, MOS and bipolar transistor


This package contains semiconductor devices:

Most of the semiconductor devices contain a conditional heat port, which is not active by default. If it is active the loss power is calculated to be used in a thermal net. The heating variants of the semiconductor devices are provided to use the thermal port temperature in the electric calculation. That means that for a true thermal electric interaction the heating device models have to be used.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Diode Diode Simple diode
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.ZDiode ZDiode Zener diode with 3 working areas
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.PMOS PMOS Simple MOS Transistor
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.NMOS NMOS Simple MOS Transistor
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.NPN NPN Simple BJT according to Ebers-Moll
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.PNP PNP Simple BJT according to Ebers-Moll
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingDiode HeatingDiode Simple diode with heating port
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingNMOS HeatingNMOS Simple MOS Transistor with heating port
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingPMOS HeatingPMOS Simple PMOS Transistor with heating port
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingNPN HeatingNPN Simple NPN BJT according to Ebers-Moll with heating port
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingPNP HeatingPNP Simple PNP BJT according to Ebers-Moll with heating port
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.pow pow Just a helper function for x^y in order that a symbolic engine can apply some transformations more easily
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.exlin exlin Exponential function linearly continued for x > Maxexp
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor Thyristor Simple Thyristor Model
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.SimpleTriac SimpleTriac Simple triac, based on Semiconductors.Thyristor model

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Diode Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Diode

Simple diode



The simple diode is a one port. It consists of the diode itself and an parallel ohmic resistance R. The diode formula is:

  i  =  ids ( e      - 1).

If the exponent v/vt reaches the limit maxex, the diode characterisic is linearly continued to avoid overflow.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled yet. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


CurrentIds1.e-6Saturation current [A]
VoltageVt0.04Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn) [V]
RealMaxexp15Max. exponent for linear continuation
ResistanceR1.e8Parallel ohmic resistance [Ohm]
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model Diode "Simple diode"
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SIunits.Current Ids=1.e-6 "Saturation current";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.04 "Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn)";
  parameter Real Maxexp(final min=Modelica.Constants.small) = 15 
    "Max. exponent for linear continuation";
  parameter SIunits.Resistance R=1.e8 "Parallel ohmic resistance";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  i = smooth(1,(if (v/Vt > Maxexp) then Ids*(exp(Maxexp)*(1 + v/Vt - Maxexp) - 1) +
    v/R else Ids*(exp(v/Vt) - 1) + v/R));
  LossPower = v*i;
end Diode;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.ZDiode Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.ZDiode

Zener diode with 3 working areas



The simple zener diode is a one port. It consists of the diode itself and an parallel ohmic resistance R. The diode formula is:

                v/Vt                -(v+Bv)/(Nbv*Vt)
  i  =  Ids ( e      - 1) - Ibv ( e                  ).

If the exponent in one of the two branches reaches the limit Maxexp, the diode characterisic is linearly continued to avoid overflow.

The zener diode model permits (in contrast to the simple diode model) current in reverse direction if the breakdown voltage Bv (also known zener knee voltage) is exceeded.

The thermal power is calculated by i*v.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled yet. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


CurrentIds1.e-6Saturation current [A]
VoltageVt0.04Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn) [V]
RealMaxexp30Max. exponent for linear continuation
ResistanceR1.e8Parallel ohmic resistance [Ohm]
VoltageBv5.1Breakthrough voltage = Zener- or Z-voltage [V]
CurrentIbv0.7Breakthrough knee current [A]
RealNbv0.74Breakthrough emission coefficient
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model ZDiode "Zener diode with 3 working areas"
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current Ids=1.e-6 "Saturation current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.04 
    "Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn)";
  parameter Real Maxexp(final min=Modelica.Constants.small) = 30 
    "Max. exponent for linear continuation";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance R=1.e8 "Parallel ohmic resistance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Bv=5.1 
    "Breakthrough voltage = Zener- or Z-voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current Ibv=0.7 "Breakthrough knee current";
  parameter Real Nbv=0.74 "Breakthrough emission coefficient";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(

  Real maxexp=exp(Maxexp);
   i = smooth(1, if (v>Maxexp*Vt) then 
             Ids*( exp(Maxexp)*(1 + v/Vt - Maxexp)-1) + v/R else 
          if ( (v+Bv)<-Maxexp*(Nbv*Vt)) then 
             -Ids -Ibv* exp(Maxexp)*(1 - (v+Bv)/(Nbv*Vt) - Maxexp) +v/R else 
             Ids*(exp(v/Vt)-1) - Ibv*exp(-(v+Bv)/(Nbv*Vt)) + v/R);
   LossPower = v*i;
end ZDiode;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.PMOS Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.PMOS

Simple MOS Transistor



The PMOS model is a simple model of a p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor FET. It differs slightly from the device used in the SPICE simulator. For more details please care for H. Spiro.

The model does not consider capacitances. A high drain-source resistance RDS is included to avoid numerical difficulties.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled yet. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

Spiro, H.: Simulation integrierter Schaltungen. R. Oldenbourg Verlag Muenchen Wien 1990.

Some typical parameter sets are:

  W       L      Beta        Vt    K2     K5      DW       DL
  m       m      A/V^2       V     -      -       m        m
  50.e-6  8.e-6  0.0085e-3  -0.15  0.41   0.839  -3.8e-6  -4.0e-6
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.0105e-3  -1.0   0.41   0.839  -2.5e-6  -2.1e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0059e-3  -0.3   0.98   1.01    0       -3.9e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0152e-3  -0.69  0.104  1.1    -0.8e-6  -0.4e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0163e-3  -0.69  0.104  1.1    -0.8e-6  -0.4e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0182e-3  -0.69  0.086  1.06   -0.1e-6  -0.6e-6
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.0074e-3  -1.    0.4    0.59    0        0

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


LengthW20.0e-6Width [m]
LengthL6.0e-6Length [m]
TransconductanceBeta0.0105e-3Transconductance parameter [A/V2]
VoltageVt-1.0Zero bias threshold voltage [V]
RealK20.41Bulk threshold parameter
RealK50.839Reduction of pinch-off region
LengthdW-2.5e-6Narrowing of channel [m]
LengthdL-2.1e-6Shortening of channel [m]
ResistanceRDS1.e+7Drain-Source-Resistance [Ohm]
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model PMOS "Simple MOS Transistor"

  Interfaces.Pin D "Drain";
  Interfaces.Pin G "Gate";
  Interfaces.Pin S "Source";
  Interfaces.Pin B "Bulk";
  parameter SIunits.Length W=20.0e-6 "Width";
  parameter SIunits.Length L=6.0e-6 "Length";
  parameter SIunits.Transconductance Beta=0.0105e-3 
    "Transconductance parameter";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Vt=-1.0 "Zero bias threshold voltage";
  parameter Real K2=0.41 "Bulk threshold parameter";
  parameter Real K5=0.839 "Reduction of pinch-off region";
  parameter SIunits.Length dW=-2.5e-6 "Narrowing of channel";
  parameter SIunits.Length dL=-2.1e-6 "Shortening of channel";
  parameter SIunits.Resistance RDS=1.e+7 "Drain-Source-Resistance";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  Real v;
  Real uds;
  Real ubs;
  Real ugst;
  Real ud;
  Real us;
  Real id;
  Real gds;

  assert( L + dL > 0, "PMOS: Effective length must be positive");
  assert( W + dW > 0, "PMOS: Effective width  must be positive");
  gds = if (RDS < 1.e-20 and RDS > -1.e-20) then 1.e20 else 1/RDS;
  v = Beta*(W + dW)/(L + dL);
  ud = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then S.v else D.v);
  us = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then D.v else S.v);
  uds = ud - us;
  ubs = smooth(0,if (B.v < us) then 0 else B.v - us);
  ugst = (G.v - us - Vt + K2*ubs)*K5;
  id = smooth(0,if (ugst >= 0) then uds*gds else if (ugst < uds) then -v*uds*(
    ugst - uds/2) + uds*gds else -v*ugst*ugst/2 + uds*gds);
  G.i = 0;
  D.i = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then -id else id);
  S.i = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then id else -id);
  B.i = 0;
  LossPower = D.i * (D.v - S.v);
end PMOS;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.NMOS Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.NMOS

Simple MOS Transistor



The NMos model is a simple model of a n-channel metal-oxide semiconductor FET. It differs slightly from the device used in the SPICE simulator. For more details please care for H. Spiro.

The model does not consider capacitances. A high drain-source resistance RDS is included to avoid numerical difficulties.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled yet. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

  W       L      Beta         Vt      K2     K5       DW       DL
  m       m      A/V^2        V       -      -        m        m
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.062e-3    -4.5     0.24   0.61    -1.2e-6  -0.9e-6      depletion
  60.e-6  3.e-6  0.048e-3     0.1     0.08   0.68    -1.2e-6  -0.9e-6      enhancement
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.0625e-3   -0.8     0.21   0.78    -1.2e-6  -0.9e-6      zero
  50.e-6  8.e-6  0.0299e-3    0.24    1.144  0.7311  -5.4e-6  -4.e-6
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.041e-3     0.8     1.144  0.7311  -2.5e-6  -1.5e-6
  30.e-6  9.e-6  0.025e-3    -4.0     0.861  0.878   -3.4e-6  -1.74e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.031e-3     0.6     1.5    0.72     0       -3.9e-6
  50.e-6  6.e-6  0.0414e-3   -3.8     0.34   0.8     -1.6e-6  -2.e-6       depletion
  50.e-6  5.e-6  0.03e-3      0.37    0.23   0.86    -1.6e-6  -2.e-6       enhancement
  50.e-6  6.e-6  0.038e-3    -0.9     0.23   0.707   -1.6e-6  -2.e-6       zero
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.06776e-3   0.5409  0.065  0.71    -0.8e-6  -0.2e-6
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.06505e-3   0.6209  0.065  0.71    -0.8e-6  -0.2e-6
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.05365e-3   0.6909  0.03   0.8     -0.3e-6  -0.2e-6
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.05365e-3   0.4909  0.03   0.8     -0.3e-6  -0.2e-6
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.023e-3    -4.5     0.29   0.6      0        0           depletion
  60.e-6  3.e-6  0.022e-3     0.1     0.11   0.65     0        0           enhancement
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.038e-3    -0.8     0.33   0.6      0        0           zero
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.022e-3     0.8     1      0.66     0        0

Spiro, H.: Simulation integrierter Schaltungen. R. Oldenbourg Verlag Muenchen Wien 1990.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


LengthW20.e-6Width [m]
LengthL6.e-6Length [m]
TransconductanceBeta0.041e-3Transconductance parameter [A/V2]
VoltageVt0.8Zero bias threshold voltage [V]
RealK21.144Bulk threshold parameter
RealK50.7311Reduction of pinch-off region
LengthdW-2.5e-6narrowing of channel [m]
LengthdL-1.5e-6shortening of channel [m]
ResistanceRDS1.e+7Drain-Source-Resistance [Ohm]
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model NMOS "Simple MOS Transistor"

  Interfaces.Pin D "Drain";
  Interfaces.Pin G "Gate";
  Interfaces.Pin S "Source";
  Interfaces.Pin B "Bulk";
  parameter SIunits.Length W=20.e-6 "Width";
  parameter SIunits.Length L=6.e-6 "Length";
  parameter SIunits.Transconductance Beta=0.041e-3 "Transconductance parameter";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.8 "Zero bias threshold voltage";
  parameter Real K2=1.144 "Bulk threshold parameter";
  parameter Real K5=0.7311 "Reduction of pinch-off region";
  parameter SIunits.Length dW=-2.5e-6 "narrowing of channel";
  parameter SIunits.Length dL=-1.5e-6 "shortening of channel";
  parameter SIunits.Resistance RDS=1.e+7 "Drain-Source-Resistance";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(                    T=293.15);
  Real v;
  Real uds;
  Real ubs;
  Real ugst;
  Real ud;
  Real us;
  Real id;
  Real gds;

  assert( L + dL > 0, "NMOS: Effective length must be positive");
  assert( W + dW > 0, "NMOS: Effective width  must be positive");
  gds = if (RDS < 1.e-20 and RDS > -1.e-20) then 1.e20 else 1/RDS;
  v = Beta*(W + dW)/(L + dL);
  ud = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then S.v else D.v);
  us = if (D.v < S.v) then D.v else S.v;
  uds = ud - us;
  ubs = smooth(0,if (B.v > us) then 0 else B.v - us);
  ugst = (G.v - us - Vt + K2*ubs)*K5;
  id = smooth(0,if (ugst <= 0) then uds*gds else if (ugst > uds) then v*uds*(ugst
     - uds/2) + uds*gds else v*ugst*ugst/2 + uds*gds);
  G.i = 0;
  D.i = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then -id else id);
  S.i = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then id else -id);
  B.i = 0;
  LossPower = D.i * (D.v - S.v);
end NMOS;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.NPN Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.NPN

Simple BJT according to Ebers-Moll



This model is a simple model of a bipolar npn junction transistor according to Ebers-Moll.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled yet. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

A typical parameter set is:

  Bf  Br  Is     Vak  Tauf    Taur  Ccs   Cje     Cjc     Phie  Me   PHic   Mc     Gbc    Gbe    Vt
  -   -   A      V    s       s     F     F       F       V     -    V      -      mS     mS     V
  50  0.1 1e-16  0.02 0.12e-9 5e-9  1e-12 0.4e-12 0.5e-12 0.8   0.4  0.8    0.333  1e-15  1e-15  0.02585

Vlach, J.; Singal, K.: Computer methods for circuit analysis and design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1983 on page 317 ff.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


RealBf50Forward beta
RealBr0.1Reverse beta
CurrentIs1.e-16Transport saturation current [A]
InversePotentialVak0.02Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt [1/V]
TimeTauf0.12e-9Ideal forward transit time [s]
TimeTaur5e-9Ideal reverse transit time [s]
CapacitanceCcs1e-12Collector-substrat(ground) cap. [F]
CapacitanceCje0.4e-12Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap. [F]
CapacitanceCjc0.5e-12Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap. [F]
VoltagePhie0.8Base-emitter diffusion voltage [V]
RealMe0.4Base-emitter gradation exponent
VoltagePhic0.8Base-collector diffusion voltage [V]
RealMc0.333Base-collector gradation exponent
ConductanceGbc1e-15Base-collector conductance [S]
ConductanceGbe1e-15Base-emitter conductance [S]
VoltageVt0.02585Voltage equivalent of temperature [V]
RealEMin-100if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized
RealEMax40if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model NPN "Simple BJT according to Ebers-Moll"
  parameter Real Bf=50 "Forward beta";
  parameter Real Br=0.1 "Reverse beta";
  parameter SIunits.Current Is=1.e-16 "Transport saturation current";
  parameter SIunits.InversePotential Vak=0.02 "Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt";
  parameter SIunits.Time Tauf=0.12e-9 "Ideal forward transit time";
  parameter SIunits.Time Taur=5e-9 "Ideal reverse transit time";
  parameter SIunits.Capacitance Ccs=1e-12 "Collector-substrat(ground) cap.";
  parameter SIunits.Capacitance Cje=0.4e-12 
    "Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter SIunits.Capacitance Cjc=0.5e-12 
    "Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Phie=0.8 "Base-emitter diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Me=0.4 "Base-emitter gradation exponent";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Phic=0.8 "Base-collector diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Mc=0.333 "Base-collector gradation exponent";
  parameter SIunits.Conductance Gbc=1e-15 "Base-collector conductance";
  parameter SIunits.Conductance Gbe=1e-15 "Base-emitter conductance";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.02585 "Voltage equivalent of temperature";
  parameter Real EMin=-100 "if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  parameter Real EMax=40 "if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  Real vbc;
  Real vbe;
  Real qbk;
  Real ibc;
  Real ibe;
  Real cbc;
  Real cbe;
  Real ExMin;
  Real ExMax;
  Real Capcje;
  Real Capcjc;
  function pow "Just a helper function for x^y"
    input Real x;
    input Real y;
    output Real z;
  end pow;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin C "Collector";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin B "Base";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin E "Emitter";

  ExMin = exp(EMin);
  ExMax = exp(EMax);
  vbc = B.v - C.v;
  vbe = B.v - E.v;
  qbk = 1 - vbc*Vak;

  ibc = smooth(1,if (vbc/Vt < EMin) then Is*(ExMin*(vbc/Vt - EMin + 1) - 1) + vbc*Gbc else 
          if (vbc/Vt > EMax) then Is*(ExMax*(vbc/Vt - EMax + 1) - 1) + vbc*
    Gbc else Is*(exp(vbc/Vt) - 1) + vbc*Gbc);
  ibe = smooth(1,if (vbe/Vt < EMin) then Is*(ExMin*(vbe/Vt - EMin + 1) - 1) + vbe*Gbe else 
          if (vbe/Vt > EMax) then Is*(ExMax*(vbe/Vt - EMax + 1) - 1) + vbe*
    Gbe else Is*(exp(vbe/Vt) - 1) + vbe*Gbe);
  Capcjc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/Phic > 0) then Cjc*(1 + Mc*vbc/Phic) else Cjc*pow(1 - vbc
    /Phic, -Mc)));
  Capcje = smooth(1,(if (vbe/Phie > 0) then Cje*(1 + Me*vbe/Phie) else Cje*pow(1 - vbe
    /Phie, -Me)));
  cbc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/Vt < EMin) then Taur*Is/Vt*ExMin*(vbc/Vt - EMin + 1) +
    Capcjc else if (vbc/Vt > EMax) then Taur*Is/Vt*ExMax*(vbc/Vt - EMax + 1)
     + Capcjc else Taur*Is/Vt*exp(vbc/Vt) + Capcjc));
  cbe = smooth(1,(if (vbe/Vt < EMin) then Tauf*Is/Vt*ExMin*(vbe/Vt - EMin + 1) +
    Capcje else if (vbe/Vt > EMax) then Tauf*Is/Vt*ExMax*(vbe/Vt - EMax + 1)
     + Capcje else Tauf*Is/Vt*exp(vbe/Vt) + Capcje));
  C.i = (ibe - ibc)*qbk - ibc/Br - cbc*der(vbc) + Ccs*der(C.v);
  B.i = ibe/Bf + ibc/Br + cbc*der(vbc) + cbe*der(vbe);
  E.i = -B.i - C.i + Ccs*der(C.v);

  LossPower = (C.v-E.v)*(ibe-ibc)*qbk + vbc*ibc/Br + vbe*ibe/Bf;
end NPN;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.PNP Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.PNP

Simple BJT according to Ebers-Moll



This model is a simple model of a bipolar pnp junction transistor according to Ebers-Moll.

Please note: In case of useHeatPort=true the temperature dependence of the electrical behavior is not modelled yet. The parameters are not temperature dependent.

A typical parameter set is:

  Bf  Br  Is     Vak  Tauf    Taur  Ccs   Cje     Cjc     Phie  Me   PHic   Mc     Gbc    Gbe    Vt
  -   -   A      V    s       s     F     F       F       V     -    V      -      mS     mS     V
  50  0.1 1e-16  0.02 0.12e-9 5e-9  1e-12 0.4e-12 0.5e-12 0.8   0.4  0.8    0.333  1e-15  1e-15  0.02585

Vlach, J.; Singal, K.: Computer methods for circuit analysis and design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1983 on page 317 ff.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


RealBf50Forward beta
RealBr0.1Reverse beta
CurrentIs1.e-16Transport saturation current [A]
InversePotentialVak0.02Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt [1/V]
TimeTauf0.12e-9Ideal forward transit time [s]
TimeTaur5e-9Ideal reverse transit time [s]
CapacitanceCcs1e-12Collector-substrat(ground) cap. [F]
CapacitanceCje0.4e-12Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap. [F]
CapacitanceCjc0.5e-12Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap. [F]
VoltagePhie0.8Base-emitter diffusion voltage [V]
RealMe0.4Base-emitter gradation exponent
VoltagePhic0.8Base-collector diffusion voltage [V]
RealMc0.333Base-collector gradation exponent
ConductanceGbc1e-15Base-collector conductance [S]
ConductanceGbe1e-15Base-emitter conductance [S]
VoltageVt0.02585Voltage equivalent of temperature [V]
RealEMin-100if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized
RealEMax40if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model PNP "Simple BJT according to Ebers-Moll"
  parameter Real Bf=50 "Forward beta";
  parameter Real Br=0.1 "Reverse beta";
  parameter SIunits.Current Is=1.e-16 "Transport saturation current";
  parameter SIunits.InversePotential Vak=0.02 "Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt";
  parameter SIunits.Time Tauf=0.12e-9 "Ideal forward transit time";
  parameter SIunits.Time Taur=5e-9 "Ideal reverse transit time";
  parameter SIunits.Capacitance Ccs=1e-12 "Collector-substrat(ground) cap.";
  parameter SIunits.Capacitance Cje=0.4e-12 
    "Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter SIunits.Capacitance Cjc=0.5e-12 
    "Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Phie=0.8 "Base-emitter diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Me=0.4 "Base-emitter gradation exponent";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Phic=0.8 "Base-collector diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Mc=0.333 "Base-collector gradation exponent";
  parameter SIunits.Conductance Gbc=1e-15 "Base-collector conductance";
  parameter SIunits.Conductance Gbe=1e-15 "Base-emitter conductance";
  parameter SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.02585 "Voltage equivalent of temperature";
  parameter Real EMin=-100 "if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  parameter Real EMax=40 "if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(                     T=293.15);
  Real vbc;
  Real vbe;
  Real qbk;
  Real ibc;
  Real ibe;
  Real cbc;
  Real cbe;
  Real ExMin;
  Real ExMax;
  Real Capcje;
  Real Capcjc;
  function pow "Just a helper function for x^y"
    input Real x;
    input Real y;
    output Real z;
  end pow;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin C "Collector";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin B "Base";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin E "Emitter";
  ExMin = exp(EMin);
  ExMax = exp(EMax);
  vbc = C.v - B.v;
  vbe = E.v - B.v;
  qbk = 1 - vbc*Vak;

  ibc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/Vt < EMin) then Is*(ExMin*(vbc/Vt - EMin + 1) - 1) + vbc*Gbc else 
          if (vbc/Vt > EMax) then Is*(ExMax*(vbc/Vt - EMax + 1) - 1) + vbc*
    Gbc else Is*(exp(vbc/Vt) - 1) + vbc*Gbc));

  ibe = smooth(1,(if (vbe/Vt < EMin) then Is*(ExMin*(vbe/Vt - EMin + 1) - 1) + vbe*Gbe else 
          if (vbe/Vt > EMax) then Is*(ExMax*(vbe/Vt - EMax + 1) - 1) + vbe*
    Gbe else Is*(exp(vbe/Vt) - 1) + vbe*Gbe));

  Capcjc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/Phic > 0) then Cjc*(1 + Mc*vbc/Phic) else Cjc*pow(1 - vbc
    /Phic, -Mc)));
  Capcje = smooth(1,if (vbe/Phie > 0) then Cje*(1 + Me*vbe/Phie) else Cje*pow(1 - vbe
    /Phie, -Me));
  cbc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/Vt < EMin) then Taur*Is/Vt*ExMin*(vbc/Vt - EMin + 1) +
    Capcjc else if (vbc/Vt > EMax) then Taur*Is/Vt*ExMax*(vbc/Vt - EMax + 1)
     + Capcjc else Taur*Is/Vt*exp(vbc/Vt) + Capcjc));
  cbe = smooth(1,(if (vbe/Vt < EMin) then Tauf*Is/Vt*ExMin*(vbe/Vt - EMin + 1) +
    Capcje else if (vbe/Vt > EMax) then Tauf*Is/Vt*ExMax*(vbe/Vt - EMax + 1)
     + Capcje else Tauf*Is/Vt*exp(vbe/Vt) + Capcje));
  C.i = -((ibe - ibc)*qbk - ibc/Br - cbc*der(vbc) - Ccs*der(C.v));
  B.i = -(ibe/Bf + ibc/Br + cbe*der(vbe) + cbc*der(vbc));
  E.i = -B.i - C.i + Ccs*der(C.v);

  LossPower = (E.v-C.v)*(ibe-ibc)*qbk + vbc*ibc/Br + vbe*ibe/Bf;
end PNP;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingDiode Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingDiode

Simple diode with heating port



The simple diode is an electrical one port, where a heat port is added, which is defined in the Modelica.Thermal library. It consists of the diode itself and an parallel ohmic resistance R. The diode formula is:

  i  =  ids ( e        - 1).

where vt_t depends on the temperature of the heat port:
  vt_t = k*temp/q

If the exponent v/vt_t reaches the limit maxex, the diode characterisic is linearly continued to avoid overflow.
The thermal power is calculated by i*v.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n), Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


CurrentIds1.e-6Saturation current [A]
RealMaxexp15Max. exponent for linear continuation
ResistanceR1.e8Parallel ohmic resistance [Ohm]
RealEG1.11activation energy
RealN1Emission coefficient
TemperatureTNOM300.15Parameter measurement temperature [K]
RealXTI3Temperature exponent of saturation current
BooleanuseHeatPorttrue=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model HeatingDiode "Simple diode with heating port"
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current Ids=1.e-6 "Saturation current";
  /* parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.04 "Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn)"; */
  parameter Real Maxexp(final min=Modelica.Constants.small) = 15 
    "Max. exponent for linear continuation";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance R=1.e8 "Parallel ohmic resistance";
  parameter Real EG=1.11 "activation energy";
  parameter Real N=1 "Emission coefficient";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TNOM=300.15 
    "Parameter measurement temperature";
  parameter Real XTI=3 "Temperature exponent of saturation current";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(                    useHeatPort=true);

  Modelica.SIunits.Temperature vt_t "Temperature voltage";
  Modelica.SIunits.Current id "diode current";
  Real k=1.380662e-23 "Boltzmann's constant, J/K";
  Real q=1.6021892e-19 "Electron charge, As";
  Modelica.SIunits.Temperature htemp "auxiliary temperature";
  Real aux;
  Real auxp;
  Real maxexp=exp(Maxexp);
  assert( T_heatPort > 0,"temperature must be positive");
  htemp = T_heatPort;
  vt_t = k*htemp/q;

  id = exlin((v/(N*vt_t)), Maxexp) - 1;

  aux = (htemp/TNOM - 1)*EG/(N*vt_t);
  auxp = exp(aux);

  i = Ids*id*pow(htemp/TNOM, XTI/N)*auxp + v/R;

  LossPower = i*v;
end HeatingDiode;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingNMOS Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingNMOS

Simple MOS Transistor with heating port



The NMos model is a simple model of a n-channel metal-oxide semiconductor FET. It differs slightly from the device used in the SPICE simulator. For more details please care for H. Spiro.
A heating port is added for thermal electric simulation. The heating port is defined in the Modelica.Thermal library.
The model does not consider capacitances. A high drain-source resistance RDS is included to avoid numerical difficulties.

  W       L      Beta         Vt      K2     K5       DW       DL
  m       m      A/V^2        V       -      -        m        m
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.062e-3    -4.5     0.24   0.61    -1.2e-6  -0.9e-6      depletion
  60.e-6  3.e-6  0.048e-3     0.1     0.08   0.68    -1.2e-6  -0.9e-6      enhancement
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.0625e-3   -0.8     0.21   0.78    -1.2e-6  -0.9e-6      zero
  50.e-6  8.e-6  0.0299e-3    0.24    1.144  0.7311  -5.4e-6  -4.e-6
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.041e-3     0.8     1.144  0.7311  -2.5e-6  -1.5e-6
  30.e-6  9.e-6  0.025e-3    -4.0     0.861  0.878   -3.4e-6  -1.74e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.031e-3     0.6     1.5    0.72     0       -3.9e-6
  50.e-6  6.e-6  0.0414e-3   -3.8     0.34   0.8     -1.6e-6  -2.e-6       depletion
  50.e-6  5.e-6  0.03e-3      0.37    0.23   0.86    -1.6e-6  -2.e-6       enhancement
  50.e-6  6.e-6  0.038e-3    -0.9     0.23   0.707   -1.6e-6  -2.e-6       zero
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.06776e-3   0.5409  0.065  0.71    -0.8e-6  -0.2e-6
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.06505e-3   0.6209  0.065  0.71    -0.8e-6  -0.2e-6
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.05365e-3   0.6909  0.03   0.8     -0.3e-6  -0.2e-6
  20.e-6  4.e-6  0.05365e-3   0.4909  0.03   0.8     -0.3e-6  -0.2e-6
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.023e-3    -4.5     0.29   0.6      0        0           depletion
  60.e-6  3.e-6  0.022e-3     0.1     0.11   0.65     0        0           enhancement
  12.e-6  4.e-6  0.038e-3    -0.8     0.33   0.6      0        0           zero
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.022e-3     0.8     1      0.66     0        0


Spiro, H.: Simulation integrierter Schaltungen. R. Oldenbourg Verlag Muenchen Wien 1990.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


LengthW20.e-6Width [m]
LengthL6.e-6Length [m]
TransconductanceBeta0.041e-3Transconductance parameter [A/V2]
VoltageVt0.8Zero bias threshold voltage [V]
RealK21.144Bulk threshold parameter
RealK50.7311Reduction of pinch-off region
LengthdW-2.5e-6narrowing of channel [m]
LengthdL-1.5e-6shortening of channel [m]
ResistanceRDS1.e+7Drain-Source-Resistance [Ohm]
TemperatureTnom300.15Parameter measurement temperature [K]
Realkvt-6.96e-3fitting parameter for Vt
Realkk26.0e-4fitting parameter for K22
BooleanuseHeatPorttrue=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model HeatingNMOS "Simple MOS Transistor with heating port"

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin D "Drain";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin G "Gate";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin S "Source";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin B "Bulk";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length W=20.e-6 "Width";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L=6.e-6 "Length";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Transconductance Beta=0.041e-3 
    "Transconductance parameter";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.8 "Zero bias threshold voltage";
  parameter Real K2=1.144 "Bulk threshold parameter";
  parameter Real K5=0.7311 "Reduction of pinch-off region";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length dW=-2.5e-6 "narrowing of channel";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length dL=-1.5e-6 "shortening of channel";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance RDS=1.e+7 "Drain-Source-Resistance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tnom=300.15 
    "Parameter measurement temperature";
  parameter Real kvt=-6.96e-3 "fitting parameter for Vt";
  parameter Real kk2=6.0e-4 "fitting parameter for K22";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  Real v;
  Real uds;
  Real ubs;
  Real ugst;
  Real ud;
  Real us;
  Real id;
  Real gds;
  Real beta_t;
  Real vt_t;
  Real k2_t;
  assert(L + dL > 0, "Heating NMOS: Effective length must be positive");
  assert(W + dW > 0, "Heating NMOS: Effective width  must be positive");
  assert(T_heatPort > 0,"Heating NMOS: Temperature must be positive");
  gds = if (RDS < 1.e-20 and RDS > -1.e-20) then 1.e20 else 1/RDS;
  v = beta_t*(W + dW)/(L + dL);
  ud = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then S.v else D.v);
  us = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then D.v else S.v);
  uds = ud - us;
  ubs = smooth(0,if (B.v > us) then 0 else B.v - us);
  ugst = (G.v - us - vt_t + k2_t*ubs)*K5;
  id = smooth(0,if (ugst <= 0) then uds*gds else if (ugst > uds) then v*uds*(
    ugst - uds/2) + uds*gds else v*ugst*ugst/2 + uds*gds);

  beta_t = Beta*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), -1.5);
  vt_t = Vt*(1 + (T_heatPort - Tnom)*kvt);
  k2_t = K2*(1 + (T_heatPort - Tnom)*kk2);

  G.i = 0;
  D.i = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then -id else id);
  S.i = smooth(0,if (D.v < S.v) then id else -id);
  B.i = 0;
  LossPower = D.i*(D.v - S.v);
end HeatingNMOS;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingPMOS Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingPMOS

Simple PMOS Transistor with heating port



The PMOS model is a simple model of a p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor FET. It differs slightly from the device used in the SPICE simulator. For more details please care for H. Spiro.
A heating port is added for thermal electric simulation. The heating port is defined in the Modelica.Thermal library.
The model does not consider capacitances. A high drain-source resistance RDS is included to avoid numerical difficulties.

Spiro, H.: Simulation integrierter Schaltungen. R. Oldenbourg Verlag Muenchen Wien 1990.

Some typical parameter sets are:

  W       L      Beta        Vt    K2     K5      DW       DL
  m       m      A/V^2       V     -      -       m        m
  50.e-6  8.e-6  0.0085e-3  -0.15  0.41   0.839  -3.8e-6  -4.0e-6
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.0105e-3  -1.0   0.41   0.839  -2.5e-6  -2.1e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0059e-3  -0.3   0.98   1.01    0       -3.9e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0152e-3  -0.69  0.104  1.1    -0.8e-6  -0.4e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0163e-3  -0.69  0.104  1.1    -0.8e-6  -0.4e-6
  30.e-6  5.e-6  0.0182e-3  -0.69  0.086  1.06   -0.1e-6  -0.6e-6
  20.e-6  6.e-6  0.0074e-3  -1.    0.4    0.59    0        0

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


LengthW20.0e-6Width [m]
LengthL6.0e-6Length [m]
TransconductanceBeta0.0105e-3Transconductance parameter [A/V2]
VoltageVt-1.0Zero bias threshold voltage [V]
RealK20.41Bulk threshold parameter
RealK50.839Reduction of pinch-off region
LengthdW-2.5e-6Narrowing of channel [m]
LengthdL-2.1e-6Shortening of channel [m]
ResistanceRDS1.e+7Drain-Source-Resistance [Ohm]
TemperatureTnom300.15Parameter measurement temperature [K]
Realkvt-2.9e-3fitting parameter for Vt
Realkk26.2e-4fitting parameter for Kk2
BooleanuseHeatPorttrue=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model HeatingPMOS "Simple PMOS Transistor with heating port"

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin D "Drain";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin G "Gate";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin S "Source";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin B "Bulk";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length W=20.0e-6 "Width";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L=6.0e-6 "Length";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Transconductance Beta=0.0105e-3 
    "Transconductance parameter";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Vt=-1.0 "Zero bias threshold voltage";
  parameter Real K2=0.41 "Bulk threshold parameter";
  parameter Real K5=0.839 "Reduction of pinch-off region";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length dW=-2.5e-6 "Narrowing of channel";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length dL=-2.1e-6 "Shortening of channel";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance RDS=1.e+7 "Drain-Source-Resistance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tnom=300.15 
    "Parameter measurement temperature";
  parameter Real kvt=-2.9e-3 "fitting parameter for Vt";
  parameter Real kk2=6.2e-4 "fitting parameter for Kk2";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  Real v;
  Real uds;
  Real ubs;
  Real ugst;
  Real ud;
  Real us;
  Real id;
  Real gds;
  Real beta_t;
  Real vt_t;
  Real k2_t;
  assert(L + dL > 0, "HeatingPMOS: Effective length must be positive");
  assert(W + dW > 0, "HeatingPMOS: Effective width  must be positive");
  assert( T_heatPort > 0,"HeatingPMOS: Temperature must be positive");
  gds = if (RDS < 1.e-20 and RDS > -1.e-20) then 1.e20 else 1/RDS;
  v = beta_t*(W + dW)/(L + dL);
  ud = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then S.v else D.v);
  us = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then D.v else S.v);
  uds = ud - us;
  ubs = smooth(0,if (B.v < us) then 0 else B.v - us);
  ugst = (G.v - us - vt_t + k2_t*ubs)*K5;
  id = smooth(0,if (ugst >= 0) then uds*gds else if (ugst < uds) then -v*uds*(
    ugst - uds/2) + uds*gds else -v*ugst*ugst/2 + uds*gds);

  beta_t = Beta*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), -1.5);
  vt_t = Vt*(1 + (T_heatPort - Tnom)*kvt);
  k2_t = K2*(1 + (T_heatPort - Tnom)*kk2);

  G.i = 0;
  D.i = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then -id else id);
  S.i = smooth(0,if (D.v > S.v) then id else -id);
  B.i = 0;
  LossPower = D.i*(D.v - S.v);
end HeatingPMOS;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingNPN Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingNPN

Simple NPN BJT according to Ebers-Moll with heating port



This model is a simple model of a bipolar npn junction transistor according to Ebers-Moll.
A heating port is added for thermal electric simulation. The heating port is defined in the Modelica.Thermal library.
A typical parameter set is (the parameter Vt is no longer used):

  Bf  Br  Is     Vak  Tauf    Taur  Ccs   Cje     Cjc     Phie  Me   PHic   Mc     Gbc    Gbe
  -   -   A      V    s       s     F     F       F       V     -    V      -      mS     mS
  50  0.1 1e-16  0.02 0.12e-9 5e-9  1e-12 0.4e-12 0.5e-12 0.8   0.4  0.8    0.333  1e-15  1e-15


Vlach, J.; Singal, K.: Computer methods for circuit analysis and design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1983 on page 317 ff.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


RealBf50Forward beta
RealBr0.1Reverse beta
CurrentIs1.e-16Transport saturation current [A]
InversePotentialVak0.02Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt [1/V]
TimeTauf0.12e-9Ideal forward transit time [s]
TimeTaur5e-9Ideal reverse transit time [s]
CapacitanceCcs1e-12Collector-substrat(ground) cap. [F]
CapacitanceCje0.4e-12Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap. [F]
CapacitanceCjc0.5e-12Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap. [F]
VoltagePhie0.8Base-emitter diffusion voltage [V]
RealMe0.4Base-emitter gradation exponent
VoltagePhic0.8Base-collector diffusion voltage [V]
RealMc0.333Base-collector gradation exponent
ConductanceGbc1e-15Base-collector conductance [S]
ConductanceGbe1e-15Base-emitter conductance [S]
RealEMin-100if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized
RealEMax40if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized
TemperatureTnom300.15Parameter measurement temperature [K]
RealXTI3Temperature exponent for effect on Is
RealXTB0Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent
RealEG1.11Energy gap for temperature effect on Is
RealNF1.0Forward current emission coefficient
RealNR1.0Reverse current emission coefficient
RealK1.3806226e-23Boltzmann's constant
Realq1.6021918e-19Elementary electronic charge
BooleanuseHeatPorttrue=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model HeatingNPN 
  "Simple NPN BJT according to Ebers-Moll with heating port"
  parameter Real Bf=50 "Forward beta";
  parameter Real Br=0.1 "Reverse beta";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current Is=1.e-16 "Transport saturation current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.InversePotential Vak=0.02 
    "Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tauf=0.12e-9 "Ideal forward transit time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Taur=5e-9 "Ideal reverse transit time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance Ccs=1e-12 
    "Collector-substrat(ground) cap.";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance Cje=0.4e-12 
    "Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance Cjc=0.5e-12 
    "Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Phie=0.8 "Base-emitter diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Me=0.4 "Base-emitter gradation exponent";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Phic=0.8 
    "Base-collector diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Mc=0.333 "Base-collector gradation exponent";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Conductance Gbc=1e-15 "Base-collector conductance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Conductance Gbe=1e-15 "Base-emitter conductance";
  parameter Real EMin=-100 "if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  parameter Real EMax=40 "if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tnom=300.15 
    "Parameter measurement temperature";
  parameter Real XTI=3 "Temperature exponent for effect on Is";
  parameter Real XTB=0 "Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent";
  parameter Real EG=1.11 "Energy gap for temperature effect on Is";
  parameter Real NF=1.0 "Forward current emission coefficient";
  parameter Real NR=1.0 "Reverse current emission coefficient";
  parameter Real K=1.3806226e-23 "Boltzmann's constant";
  parameter Real q=1.6021918e-19 "Elementary electronic charge";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  Real vbc;
  Real vbe;
  Real qbk;
  Real ibc;
  Real ibe;
  Real cbc;
  Real cbe;
  Real ExMin;
  Real ExMax;
  Real Capcje;
  Real Capcjc;
  Real is_t;
  Real br_t;
  Real bf_t;
  Real vt_t;
  Real hexp;
  Real htempexp;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin C "Collector";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin B "Base";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin E "Emitter";
  assert( T_heatPort > 0,"temperature must be positive");
  ExMin = exp(EMin);
  ExMax = exp(EMax);
  vbc = B.v - C.v;
  vbe = B.v - E.v;
  qbk = 1 - vbc*Vak;

  hexp = (T_heatPort/Tnom - 1)*EG/vt_t;
  htempexp = smooth(1,if (hexp < EMin) then ExMin*(hexp - EMin + 1) else if (
    hexp > EMax) then ExMax*(hexp - EMax + 1) else exp(hexp));

  is_t = Is*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), XTI)*htempexp;
  br_t = Br*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), XTB);
  bf_t = Bf*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), XTB);
  vt_t = (K/q)*T_heatPort;

  ibc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/(NR*vt_t) < EMin) then is_t*(ExMin*(vbc/(NR*vt_t) -
    EMin + 1) - 1) + vbc*Gbc else if (vbc/(NR*vt_t) > EMax) then is_t*(
    ExMax*(vbc/(NR*vt_t) - EMax + 1) - 1) + vbc*Gbc else is_t*(exp(vbc/
    (NR*vt_t)) - 1) + vbc*Gbc));
  ibe = smooth(1,(if (vbe/(NF*vt_t) < EMin) then is_t*(ExMin*(vbe/(NF*vt_t) -
    EMin + 1) - 1) + vbe*Gbe else if (vbe/(NF*vt_t) > EMax) then is_t*(
    ExMax*(vbe/(NF*vt_t) - EMax + 1) - 1) + vbe*Gbe else is_t*(exp(vbe/
    (NF*vt_t)) - 1) + vbe*Gbe));
  Capcjc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/Phic > 0) then Cjc*(1 + Mc*vbc/Phic) else Cjc*pow(1
     - vbc/Phic, -Mc)));
  Capcje = smooth(1,(if (vbe/Phie > 0) then Cje*(1 + Me*vbe/Phie) else Cje*pow(1
     - vbe/Phie, -Me)));
  cbc = smooth(1,(if (vbc/(NR*vt_t) < EMin) then Taur*is_t/(NR*vt_t)*ExMin*(vbc/(
    NR*vt_t) - EMin + 1) + Capcjc else if (vbc/(NR*vt_t) > EMax) then 
    Taur*is_t/(NR*vt_t)*ExMax*(vbc/(NR*vt_t) - EMax + 1) + Capcjc else 
    Taur*is_t/(NR*vt_t)*exp(vbc/(NR*vt_t)) + Capcjc));
  cbe = smooth(1,(if (vbe/(NF*vt_t) < EMin) then Tauf*is_t/(NF*vt_t)*ExMin*(vbe/(
    NF*vt_t) - EMin + 1) + Capcje else if (vbe/(NF*vt_t) > EMax) then 
    Tauf*is_t/(NF*vt_t)*ExMax*(vbe/(NF*vt_t) - EMax + 1) + Capcje else 
    Tauf*is_t/(NF*vt_t)*exp(vbe/(NF*vt_t)) + Capcje));
  C.i = (ibe - ibc)*qbk - ibc/br_t - cbc*der(vbc) + Ccs*der(C.v);
  B.i = ibe/bf_t + ibc/br_t + cbc*der(vbc) + cbe*der(vbe);
  E.i = -B.i - C.i + Ccs*der(C.v);

  LossPower = (vbc*ibc/br_t + vbe*ibe/bf_t + (ibe - ibc)*qbk*(C.v - E.v));
end HeatingNPN;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingPNP Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.HeatingPNP

Simple PNP BJT according to Ebers-Moll with heating port



This model is a simple model of a bipolar pnp junction transistor according to Ebers-Moll.
A heating port is added for thermal electric simulation. The heating port is defined in the Modelica.Thermal library.
A typical parameter set is (the parameter Vt is no longer used):

  Bf  Br  Is     Vak  Tauf    Taur  Ccs   Cje     Cjc     Phie  Me   PHic   Mc     Gbc    Gbe
  -   -   A      V    s       s     F     F       F       V     -    V      -      mS     mS
  50  0.1 1e-16  0.02 0.12e-9 5e-9  1e-12 0.4e-12 0.5e-12 0.8   0.4  0.8    0.333  1e-15  1e-15


Vlach, J.; Singal, K.: Computer methods for circuit analysis and design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1983 on page 317 ff.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network).


RealBf50Forward beta
RealBr0.1Reverse beta
CurrentIs1.e-16Transport saturation current [A]
InversePotentialVak0.02Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt [1/V]
TimeTauf0.12e-9Ideal forward transit time [s]
TimeTaur5e-9Ideal reverse transit time [s]
CapacitanceCcs1e-12Collector-substrat(ground) cap. [F]
CapacitanceCje0.4e-12Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap. [F]
CapacitanceCjc0.5e-12Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap. [F]
VoltagePhie0.8Base-emitter diffusion voltage [V]
RealMe0.4Base-emitter gradation exponent
VoltagePhic0.8Base-collector diffusion voltage [V]
RealMc0.333Base-collector gradation exponent
ConductanceGbc1e-15Base-collector conductance [S]
ConductanceGbe1e-15Base-emitter conductance [S]
RealEMin-100if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized
RealEMax40if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized
TemperatureTnom300.15Parameter measurement temperature [K]
RealXTI3Temperature exponent for effect on Is
RealXTB0Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent
RealEG1.11Energy gap for temperature effect on Is
RealNF1.0Forward current emission coefficient
RealNR1.0Reverse current emission coefficient
RealK1.3806226e-23Boltzmann's constant
Realq1.6021918e-19Elementary electronic charge
BooleanuseHeatPorttrue=true, if HeatPort is enabled
TemperatureT293.15Fixed device temperature if useHeatPort = false [K]



Modelica definition

model HeatingPNP 
  "Simple PNP BJT according to Ebers-Moll with heating port"
  parameter Real Bf=50 "Forward beta";
  parameter Real Br=0.1 "Reverse beta";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current Is=1.e-16 "Transport saturation current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.InversePotential Vak=0.02 
    "Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tauf=0.12e-9 "Ideal forward transit time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Taur=5e-9 "Ideal reverse transit time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance Ccs=1e-12 
    "Collector-substrat(ground) cap.";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance Cje=0.4e-12 
    "Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance Cjc=0.5e-12 
    "Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap.";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Phie=0.8 "Base-emitter diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Me=0.4 "Base-emitter gradation exponent";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Phic=0.8 
    "Base-collector diffusion voltage";
  parameter Real Mc=0.333 "Base-collector gradation exponent";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Conductance Gbc=1e-15 "Base-collector conductance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Conductance Gbe=1e-15 "Base-emitter conductance";
  parameter Real EMin=-100 "if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  parameter Real EMax=40 "if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tnom=300.15 
    "Parameter measurement temperature";
  parameter Real XTI=3 "Temperature exponent for effect on Is";
  parameter Real XTB=0 "Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent";
  parameter Real EG=1.11 "Energy gap for temperature effect on Is";
  parameter Real NF=1.0 "Forward current emission coefficient";
  parameter Real NR=1.0 "Reverse current emission coefficient";
  parameter Real K=1.3806226e-23 "Boltzmann's constant";
  parameter Real q=1.6021918e-19 "Elementary electronic charge";
  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(
  Real vcb;
  Real veb;
  Real qbk;
  Real icb;
  Real ieb;
  Real ccb;
  Real ceb;
  Real ExMin;
  Real ExMax;
  Real Capcje;
  Real Capcjc;
  Real is_t;
  Real br_t;
  Real bf_t;
  Real vt_t;
  Real hexp;
  Real htempexp;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin C "Collector";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin B "Base";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin E "Emitter";
  assert( T_heatPort > 0,"temperature must be positive");
  ExMin = exp(EMin);
  ExMax = exp(EMax);
  vcb = C.v - B.v;
  veb = E.v - B.v;
  qbk = 1 - vcb*Vak;

  hexp = (T_heatPort/Tnom - 1)*EG/vt_t;
  htempexp = smooth(1,if (hexp < EMin) then ExMin*(hexp - EMin + 1) else if (
    hexp > EMax) then ExMax*(hexp - EMax + 1) else exp(hexp));

  is_t = Is*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), XTI)*htempexp;
  br_t = Br*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), XTB);
  bf_t = Bf*pow((T_heatPort/Tnom), XTB);
  vt_t = (K/q)*T_heatPort;

  icb = smooth(1,(if (vcb/(NR*vt_t) < EMin) then is_t*(ExMin*(vcb/(NR*vt_t) -
    EMin + 1) - 1) + vcb*Gbc else if (vcb/(NR*vt_t) > EMax) then is_t*(
    ExMax*(vcb/(NR*vt_t) - EMax + 1) - 1) + vcb*Gbc else is_t*(exp(vcb/
    (NR*vt_t)) - 1) + vcb*Gbc));

  ieb = smooth(1,(if (veb/(NF*vt_t) < EMin) then is_t*(ExMin*(veb/(NF*vt_t) -
    EMin + 1) - 1) + veb*Gbe else if (veb/(NF*vt_t) > EMax) then is_t*(
    ExMax*(veb/(NF*vt_t) - EMax + 1) - 1) + veb*Gbe else is_t*(exp(veb/
    (NF*vt_t)) - 1) + veb*Gbe));

  Capcjc = smooth(1,(if (vcb/Phic > 0) then Cjc*(1 + Mc*vcb/Phic) else Cjc*pow(1
     - vcb/Phic, -Mc)));
  Capcje = smooth(1,(if (veb/Phie > 0) then Cje*(1 + Me*veb/Phie) else Cje*pow(1
     - veb/Phie, -Me)));
  ccb = smooth(1,(if (vcb/(NR*vt_t) < EMin) then Taur*is_t/(NR*vt_t)*ExMin*(vcb/(
    NR*vt_t) - EMin + 1) + Capcjc else if (vcb/(NR*vt_t) > EMax) then 
    Taur*is_t/(NR*vt_t)*ExMax*(vcb/(NR*vt_t) - EMax + 1) + Capcjc else 
    Taur*is_t/(NR*vt_t)*exp(vcb/(NR*vt_t)) + Capcjc));
  ceb = smooth(1,(if (veb/(NF*vt_t) < EMin) then Tauf*is_t/(NF*vt_t)*ExMin*(veb/(
    NF*vt_t) - EMin + 1) + Capcje else if (veb/(NF*vt_t) > EMax) then 
    Tauf*is_t/(NF*vt_t)*ExMax*(veb/(NF*vt_t) - EMax + 1) + Capcje else 
    Tauf*is_t/(NF*vt_t)*exp(veb/(NF*vt_t)) + Capcje));
  C.i = icb/br_t + ccb*der(vcb) + Ccs*der(C.v) + (icb - ieb)*qbk;
  B.i = -ieb/bf_t - icb/br_t - ceb*der(veb) - ccb*der(vcb);
  E.i = -B.i - C.i + Ccs*der(C.v);

  LossPower = (vcb*icb/br_t + veb*ieb/bf_t + (icb - ieb)*qbk*(C.v- E.v));
end HeatingPNP;


Just a helper function for x^y in order that a symbolic engine can apply some transformations more easily





Modelica definition

function pow 
  "Just a helper function for x^y in order that a symbolic engine can apply some transformations more easily"

  input Real x;
  input Real y;
  output Real z;
  z := x^y;
end pow;


Exponential function linearly continued for x > Maxexp





Modelica definition

function exlin 
  "Exponential function linearly continued for x > Maxexp"

  input Real x;
  input Real Maxexp;
  output Real z;
  z := if x > Maxexp then exp(Maxexp)*(1 + x - Maxexp) else exp(x);
end exlin;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor

Simple Thyristor Model



This is a simple thyristor model with three pins: Anode, Cathode and Gate. There are three operating modes:conducting, blocking and reverse breakthrough.
As long as the thyristor is in blocking mode it behaves like a linear resistance Roff=VDRM^2/(VTM*IH). But if the voltage between anode and cathode exceeds VDRM or a positive gate current flows for a sufficient time the mode changes to conducting mode. The model stays in conducting mode until the anode current falls below the holding current IH. There is no way to switch off the thyristor via the gate. If the voltage between anode and cathode is negative, the model represents a diode (parameters Vt, Nbv) with reverse breakthrough voltage VRRM.

The dV/dt switch on is not taken into account in this model. The gate circuit is not influenced by the main circuit.


VoltageVDRM100Forward breakthrough voltage [V]
VoltageVRRM100Reverse breakthrough voltage [V]
CurrentIDRM0.1Saturation current [A]
VoltageVTM1.7Conducting voltage [V]
CurrentIH6e-3Holding current [A]
CurrentITM25Conducting current [A]
VoltageVGT0.7Gate trigger voltage [V]
CurrentIGT5e-3Gate trigger current [A]
TimeTON1e-6Switch on time [s]
TimeTOFF15e-6Switch off time [s]
VoltageVt0.04Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn) [V]
RealNbv0.74Reverse Breakthrough emission coefficient



Modelica definition

model Thyristor "Simple Thyristor Model"
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VDRM(final min=0) = 100 
    "Forward breakthrough voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VRRM(final min=0) = 100 
    "Reverse breakthrough voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IDRM=0.1 "Saturation current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VTM= 1.7 "Conducting voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IH=6e-3 "Holding current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current ITM= 25 "Conducting current";

  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VGT= 0.7 "Gate trigger voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IGT= 5e-3 "Gate trigger current";

  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time TON = 1e-6 "Switch on time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time TOFF = 15e-6 "Switch off time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.04 
    "Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn)";
  parameter Real Nbv=0.74 "Reverse Breakthrough emission coefficient";

  Real iGK "gate current";
  Real vGK "voltage between gate and cathode";
  Real vAK "voltage between anode and cathode";
  Real vControl(start=0);
  Real vContot;
  Real vConmain;

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin Anode;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin Cathode;
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin Gate;

  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Von=5;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Voff= 1.5;
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Ron=(VTM-0.7)/ITM 
    "Forward conducting mode resistance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Roff=(VDRM^2)/VTM/IH 
    "Blocking mode resistance";

  //Kirchhoff's equations

  // Gate and Control voltage
  iGK = Gate.i;
  vGK = smooth(0,(if vGK < 0.65 then VGT/IGT*iGK else 
  vContot = vConmain + smooth(0, if iGK < 0.95 * IGT then 0 else if iGK < 0.95*IGT + 1e-3 then 10000*(iGK-0.95*IGT)*vAK else 10* vAK);
  der(vControl)= (vContot - vControl) / (if (vContot - vControl) > 0 then 1.87*TON else 0.638*TOFF);

  // Anode-Cathode characteristics
  Anode.i= smooth(1, if vAK < -VRRM then -VRRM/Roff*exp(-(vAK+VRRM)/(Nbv*Vt)) else 
         if vControl<Voff then vAK/Roff else 
         if vControl<Von then vAK/(sqrt(Ron*Roff)*(Ron/Roff)^((3*((2*vControl-Von-Voff)/(2*(Von-Voff)))-4*((2*vControl-Von-Voff)/(2*(Von-Voff)))^3)/2)) else 

  // holding effect and forward breakthrough
  vConmain = (if Anode.i>IH or vAK>VDRM then Von else 0);

end Thyristor;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.SimpleTriac Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.SimpleTriac

Simple triac, based on Semiconductors.Thyristor model



This is a simple TRIAC model based on the extended thyristor model Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor.
Two thyristors are contrarily connected in parallel, whereas each transistor is connected with a diode.
Further information regarding the electrical component TRIAC can be detected in documentation of the ideal TRIAC model.
As an additional information: this model is based on the Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor.

Attention: The model seems to be very sensitive with respect to the choice of some parameters (e.g., VDRM, VRRM). This is caused by the thyristor model. Further investigations are necessary.


VoltageVDRM100Forward breakthrough voltage [V]
VoltageVRRM100Reverse breakthrough voltage [V]
CurrentIDRM0.1Saturation current [A]
VoltageVTM1.7Conducting voltage [V]
CurrentIH6e-3Holding current [A]
CurrentITM25Conducting current [A]
VoltageVGT0.7Gate trigger voltage [V]
CurrentIGT5e-3Gate trigger current [A]
TimeTON1e-6Switch on time [s]
TimeTOFF15e-6Switch off time [s]
VoltageVt0.04Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn) [V]
RealNbv0.74Reverse Breakthrough emission coefficient



Modelica definition

model SimpleTriac 
  "Simple triac, based on Semiconductors.Thyristor model"

  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VDRM(final min=0) = 100 
    "Forward breakthrough voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VRRM(final min=0) = 100 
    "Reverse breakthrough voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IDRM=0.1 "Saturation current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VTM= 1.7 "Conducting voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IH=6e-3 "Holding current";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current ITM= 25 "Conducting current";

  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VGT= 0.7 "Gate trigger voltage";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IGT= 5e-3 "Gate trigger current";

  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time TON = 1e-6 "Switch on time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time TOFF = 15e-6 "Switch off time";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage Vt=0.04 
    "Voltage equivalent of temperature (kT/qn)";
  parameter Real Nbv=0.74 "Reverse Breakthrough emission coefficient";

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin n "Cathode";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin p "Anode";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin g "Gate";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor thyristor(VDRM=VDRM, VRRM=VRRM);
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Thyristor thyristor1(VDRM=VDRM, VRRM=VRRM);

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealDiode idealDiode(Vknee=0);
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealDiode idealDiode1(Vknee=0);
  connect(thyristor.Anode, n);
  connect(thyristor1.Anode, p);
  connect(thyristor1.Anode, thyristor.Cathode);
  connect(thyristor1.Cathode, thyristor.Anode);
  connect(thyristor.Gate, idealDiode.n);
  connect(idealDiode.p, g);
  connect(idealDiode1.n, thyristor1.Gate);
  connect(idealDiode1.p, g);
end SimpleTriac;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:28:10 2010.