The components of this package should no longer be used. They are only provided for backward compatibility. It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | Obsolete block to send Real signal to bus |
![]() | Obsolete block to send Boolean signal to bus |
![]() | Obsolete block to send Integer signal to bus |
![]() | Obsolete block to receive Real signal from bus |
![]() | Obsolete block to receive Boolean signal from bus |
![]() | Obsolete block to receive Integer signal from bus |
Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Real signal to a signal in a connector. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.
It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Type | Name | Description |
output RealOutput | toBus | Output signal to be connected to bus |
input RealInput | u | Input signal to be send to bus |
block SendReal "Obsolete block to send Real signal to bus"RealOutput toBus "Output signal to be connected to bus"; RealInput u "Input signal to be send to bus"; equation toBus = u;end SendReal;
Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Boolean signal to a signal in a connector. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.
It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Type | Name | Description |
output BooleanOutput | toBus | Output signal to be connected to bus |
input BooleanInput | u | Input signal to be send to bus |
block SendBoolean "Obsolete block to send Boolean signal to bus"BooleanOutput toBus "Output signal to be connected to bus"; BooleanInput u "Input signal to be send to bus"; equation toBus = u;end SendBoolean;
Obsolete block that was previously used to connect an Integer signal to a signal in a connector. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.
It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Type | Name | Description |
output IntegerOutput | toBus | Output signal to be connected to bus |
input IntegerInput | u | Input signal to be send to bus |
block SendInteger "Obsolete block to send Integer signal to bus"IntegerOutput toBus "Output signal to be connected to bus"; IntegerInput u "Input signal to be send to bus"; equation toBus = u;end SendInteger;
Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Real signal in a connector to an input of a block. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.
It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Type | Name | Description |
input RealInput | fromBus | To be connected with signal on bus |
output RealOutput | y | Output signal to be received from bus |
block ReceiveReal "Obsolete block to receive Real signal from bus"RealInput fromBus "To be connected with signal on bus"; RealOutput y "Output signal to be received from bus"; equation y = fromBus;end ReceiveReal;
Obsolete block that was previously used to connect a Boolean signal in a connector to an input of a block. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.
It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Type | Name | Description |
input BooleanInput | fromBus | To be connected with signal on bus |
output BooleanOutput | y | Output signal to be received from bus |
block ReceiveBoolean "Obsolete block to receive Boolean signal from bus"BooleanInput fromBus "To be connected with signal on bus"; BooleanOutput y "Output signal to be received from bus"; equation y = fromBus;end ReceiveBoolean;
Obsolete block that was previously used to connect an Integer signal in a connector to an input of a block. This block is only provided for backward compatibility.
It is much more convenient and more powerful to use "expandable connectors" for signal buses, see example BusUsage.
Type | Name | Description |
input IntegerInput | fromBus | To be connected with signal on bus |
output IntegerOutput | y | Output signal to be received from bus |
block ReceiveInteger "Obsolete block to receive Integer signal from bus"IntegerInput fromBus "To be connected with signal on bus"; IntegerOutput y "Output signal to be received from bus"; equation y = fromBus;end ReceiveInteger;