
Prototype low pass filters with cut-off frequency of 1 rad/s (other filters are derived by transformation from these base filters)


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Internal.Filter.base.CriticalDamping CriticalDamping Return base filter coefficients of CriticalDamping filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Internal.Filter.base.Bessel Bessel Return base filter coefficients of Bessel filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Internal.Filter.base.Butterworth Butterworth Return base filter coefficients of Butterwort filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Internal.Filter.base.ChebyshevI ChebyshevI Return base filter coefficients of Chebyshev I filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)


Return base filter coefficients of CriticalDamping filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)




Integerorder Order of filter
Booleannormalizedtrue= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter


Realcr[order]Coefficients of real poles

Modelica definition

function CriticalDamping 
  "Return base filter coefficients of CriticalDamping filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)"

  input Integer order(min=1) "Order of filter";
  input Boolean normalized=true 
    "= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter";

  output Real cr[order] "Coefficients of real poles";
  Real alpha=1.0 "Frequency correction factor";
  Real alpha2 "= alpha*alpha";
  Real den1[order] 
    "[p] coefficients of denominator first order polynomials (a*p + 1)";
  Real den2[0,2] 
    "[p^2, p] coefficients of denominator second order polynomials (b*p^2 + a*p + 1)";
  Real c0[0] "Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole";
  Real c1[0] "Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole";
  if normalized then
     // alpha := sqrt(2^(1/order) - 1);
     alpha := sqrt(10^(3/10/order)-1);
     alpha := 1.0;
  end if;

  for i in 1:order loop
     den1[i] := alpha;
  end for;

  // Determine polynomials with highest power of s equal to one
    (cr,c0,c1) :=
      den1, den2);

end CriticalDamping;


Return base filter coefficients of Bessel filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)




Integerorder Order of filter
Booleannormalizedtrue= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter


Realcr[mod(order, 2)]Coefficient of real pole
Realc0[integer(order/2)]Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole
Realc1[integer(order/2)]Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole

Modelica definition

function Bessel 
  "Return base filter coefficients of Bessel filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)"

  input Integer order(min=1) "Order of filter";
  input Boolean normalized=true 
    "= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter";

  output Real cr[mod(order, 2)] "Coefficient of real pole";
  output Real c0[integer(order/2)] 
    "Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole";
  output Real c1[integer(order/2)] 
    "Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole";
  Integer n_den2=size(c0, 1);
  Real alpha=1.0 "Frequency correction factor";
  Real alpha2 "= alpha*alpha";
  Real den1[size(cr,1)] 
    "[p] coefficients of denominator first order polynomials (a*p + 1)";
  Real den2[n_den2,2] 
    "[p^2, p] coefficients of denominator second order polynomials (b*p^2 + a*p + 1)";
    (den1,den2,alpha) :=
  if not normalized then
     alpha2 := alpha*alpha;
     for i in 1:n_den2 loop
       den2[i, 1] := den2[i, 1]*alpha2;
       den2[i, 2] := den2[i, 2]*alpha;
     end for;
     if size(cr,1) == 1 then
       den1[1] := den1[1]*alpha;
     end if;
     end if;

  // Determine polynomials with highest power of s equal to one
    (cr,c0,c1) :=
      den1, den2);

end Bessel;


Return base filter coefficients of Butterwort filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)




Integerorder Order of filter
Booleannormalizedtrue= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter


Realcr[mod(order, 2)]Coefficient of real pole
Realc0[integer(order/2)]Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole
Realc1[integer(order/2)]Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole

Modelica definition

function Butterworth 
  "Return base filter coefficients of Butterwort filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)"

  input Integer order(min=1) "Order of filter";
  input Boolean normalized=true 
    "= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter";

  output Real cr[mod(order, 2)] "Coefficient of real pole";
  output Real c0[integer(order/2)] 
    "Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole";
  output Real c1[integer(order/2)] 
    "Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole";
  Integer n_den2=size(c0, 1);
  Real alpha=1.0 "Frequency correction factor";
  Real alpha2 "= alpha*alpha";
  Real den1[size(cr,1)] 
    "[p] coefficients of denominator first order polynomials (a*p + 1)";
  Real den2[n_den2,2] 
    "[p^2, p] coefficients of denominator second order polynomials (b*p^2 + a*p + 1)";
  constant Real pi=Modelica.Constants.pi;
  for i in 1:n_den2 loop
    den2[i, 1] := 1.0;
    den2[i, 2] := -2*Modelica.Math.cos(pi*(0.5 + (i - 0.5)/order));
  end for;
  if size(cr,1) == 1 then
    den1[1] := 1.0;
  end if;

  /* Transformation of filter transfer function with "new(p) = alpha*p"
     in order that the filter transfer function has an amplitude of
     -3 db at the cutoff frequency
    if normalized then
      alpha := Internal.normalizationFactor(den1, den2);
      alpha2 := alpha*alpha;
      for i in 1:n_den2 loop
        den2[i, 1] := den2[i, 1]*alpha2;
        den2[i, 2] := den2[i, 2]*alpha;
      end for;
      if size(cr,1) == 1 then
        den1[1] := den1[1]*alpha;
      end if;
    end if;

  // Determine polynomials with highest power of s equal to one
    (cr,c0,c1) :=
      den1, den2);

end Butterworth;


Return base filter coefficients of Chebyshev I filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)




Integerorder Order of filter
RealA_ripple0.5Pass band ripple in [dB]
Booleannormalizedtrue= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter


Realcr[mod(order, 2)]Coefficient of real pole
Realc0[integer(order/2)]Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole
Realc1[integer(order/2)]Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole

Modelica definition

function ChebyshevI 
  "Return base filter coefficients of Chebyshev I filter (= low pass filter with w_cut = 1 rad/s)"
    import Modelica.Math.*;

  input Integer order(min=1) "Order of filter";
  input Real A_ripple = 0.5 "Pass band ripple in [dB]";
  input Boolean normalized=true 
    "= true, if amplitude at f_cut = -3db, otherwise unmodified filter";

  output Real cr[mod(order, 2)] "Coefficient of real pole";
  output Real c0[integer(order/2)] 
    "Coefficients of s^0 term if conjugate complex pole";
  output Real c1[integer(order/2)] 
    "Coefficients of s^1 term if conjugate complex pole";
  Real epsilon;
  Real fac;
  Integer n_den2=size(c0, 1);
  Real alpha=1.0 "Frequency correction factor";
  Real alpha2 "= alpha*alpha";
  Real den1[size(cr,1)] 
    "[p] coefficients of denominator first order polynomials (a*p + 1)";
  Real den2[n_den2,2] 
    "[p^2, p] coefficients of denominator second order polynomials (b*p^2 + a*p + 1)";
  constant Real pi=Modelica.Constants.pi;
    epsilon := sqrt(10^(A_ripple/10) - 1);
    fac := asinh(1/epsilon)/order;

    if size(cr,1) == 0 then
       for i in 1:n_den2 loop
          den2[i,1] :=1/(cosh(fac)^2 - cos((2*i - 1)*pi/(2*order))^2);
          den2[i,2] :=2*den2[i, 1]*sinh(fac)*cos((2*i - 1)*pi/(2*order));
       end for;
       den1[1] := 1/sinh(fac);
       for i in 1:n_den2 loop
          den2[i,1] :=1/(cosh(fac)^2 - cos(i*pi/order)^2);
          den2[i,2] :=2*den2[i, 1]*sinh(fac)*cos(i*pi/order);
       end for;
    end if;

    /* Transformation of filter transfer function with "new(p) = alpha*p"
       in order that the filter transfer function has an amplitude of
       -3 db at the cutoff frequency
    if normalized then
      alpha :=
        den1, den2);
      alpha2 := alpha*alpha;
      for i in 1:n_den2 loop
        den2[i, 1] := den2[i, 1]*alpha2;
        den2[i, 2] := den2[i, 2]*alpha;
      end for;
      if size(cr,1) == 1 then
        den1[1] := den1[1]*alpha;
      end if;
    end if;

  // Determine polynomials with highest power of s equal to one
    (cr,c0,c1) :=
      den1, den2);

end ChebyshevI;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:27:36 2010.