Package Streams contains functions to input and output strings to a message window or on files. Note that a string is interpreted and displayed as html text (e.g., with print(..) or error(..)) if it is enclosed with the Modelica html quotation, e.g.,
It is a quality of implementation, whether (a) all tags of html are supported or only a subset, (b) how html tags are interpreted if the output device does not allow to display formatted text.
In the table below an example call to every function is given:
Function/type | Description |
print(string) print(string,fileName) |
Print string "string" or vector of strings to message window or on file "fileName". |
stringVector = readFile(fileName) | Read complete text file and return it as a vector of strings. |
(string, endOfFile) = readLine(fileName, lineNumber) | Returns from the file the content of line lineNumber. |
lines = countLines(fileName) | Returns the number of lines in a file. |
error(string) | Print error message "string" to message window and cancel all actions |
close(fileName) | Close file if it is still open. Ignore call if file is already closed or does not exist. |
Use functions scanXXX from package Strings to parse a string.
If Real, Integer or Boolean values shall be printed or used in an error message, they have to be first converted to strings with the builtin operator String(...). Example:
if x < 0 or x > 1 then Streams.error("x (= " + String(x) + ") has to be in the range 0 .. 1"); end if;
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).
Name | Description |
![]() | Print string to terminal or file |
![]() | Read content of a file and return it in a vector of strings |
![]() | Reads a line of text from a file and returns it in a string |
![]() | Returns the number of lines in a file |
![]() | Print error message and cancel all actions |
![]() | Close file |
Streams.print(string); Streams.print(string,fileName);
Function print(..) opens automatically the given file, if it is not yet open. If the file does not exist, it is created. If the file does exist, the given string is appended to the file. If this is not desired, call "Files.remove(fileName)" before calling print ("remove(..)" is silent, if the file does not exist). The Modelica environment may close the file whenever appropriate. This can be enforced by calling Streams.close(fileName). After every call of "print(..)" a "new line" is printed automatically.
Streams.print("x = " + String(x)); Streams.print("y = " + String(y)); Streams.print("x = " + String(y), "mytestfile.txt");
Streams, Streams.error, String
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | string | "" | String to be printed |
String | fileName | "" | File where to print (empty string is the terminal) |
function print "Print string to terminal or file" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String string="" "String to be printed"; input String fileName="" "File where to print (empty string is the terminal)"; external "C" ModelicaInternal_print(string, fileName);end print;
stringVector = Streams.readFile(fileName)
Function readFile(..) opens the given file, reads the complete content, closes the file and returns the content as a vector of strings. Lines are separated by LF or CR-LF; the returned strings do not contain the line separators.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | fileName | Name of the file that shall be read |
Type | Name | Description |
String | stringVector[countLines(fileName)] | Content of file |
function readFile "Read content of a file and return it in a vector of strings" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String fileName "Name of the file that shall be read"; output String stringVector[countLines(fileName)] "Content of file"; algorithm for i in 1:size(stringVector, 1) loop stringVector[i] := readLine(fileName, i); end for; Streams.close(fileName);end readFile;
(string, endOfFile) = Streams.readLine(fileName, lineNumber)
Function readLine(..) opens the given file, reads enough of the content to get the requested line, and returns the line as a string. Lines are separated by LF or CR-LF; the returned string does not contain the line separator. The file might remain open after the call.
If lineNumber > countLines(fileName), an empty string is returned and endOfFile=true. Otherwise endOfFile=false.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | fileName | Name of the file that shall be read | |
Integer | lineNumber | Number of line to read |
Type | Name | Description |
String | string | Line of text |
Boolean | endOfFile | If true, end-of-file was reached when trying to read line |
function readLine "Reads a line of text from a file and returns it in a string" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String fileName "Name of the file that shall be read"; input Integer lineNumber(min=1) "Number of line to read"; output String string "Line of text"; output Boolean endOfFile "If true, end-of-file was reached when trying to read line"; external "C" string = ModelicaInternal_readLine(fileName,lineNumber,endOfFile);end readLine;
numberOfLines = Streams.countLines(fileName)
Function countLines(..) opens the given file, reads the complete content, closes the file and returns the number of lines. Lines are separated by LF or CR-LF.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | fileName | Name of the file that shall be read |
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | numberOfLines | Number of lines in file |
function countLines "Returns the number of lines in a file" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String fileName "Name of the file that shall be read"; output Integer numberOfLines "Number of lines in file"; external "C" numberOfLines = ModelicaInternal_countLines(fileName);end countLines;
Print the string "string" as error message and cancel all actions. Line breaks are characterized by "\n" in the string.
Streams.error("x (= " + String(x) + ")\nhas to be in the range 0 .. 1");
Streams, Streams.print, String
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | string | String to be printed to error message window |
function error "Print error message and cancel all actions" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String string "String to be printed to error message window"; external "C" ModelicaError(string);end error;
Close file if it is open. Ignore call if file is already closed or does not exist.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for a function).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
String | fileName | Name of the file that shall be closed |
function close "Close file" extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String fileName "Name of the file that shall be closed"; external "C" ModelicaStreams_closeFile(fileName);end close;