
Library of hierarchical state machine components to model discrete event and reactive systems


Library StateGraph is a free Modelica package providing components to model discrete event and reactive systems in a convenient way. It is based on the JGraphChart method and takes advantage of Modelica features for the "action" language. JGraphChart is a further development of Grafcet to include elements of StateCharts that are not present in Grafcet/Sequential Function Charts. Therefore, the StateGraph library has a similar modeling power as StateCharts but avoids some deficiences of StateCharts.

For an introduction, have especially a look at:

A typical model generated with this library is shown in the next figure where on the left hand side a two-tank system with a tank controller and on the right hand side the top-level part of the tank controller as a StateGraph is shown:

The unique feature of the StateGraph library with respect to JGraphCharts, Grafcet, Sequential Function Charts, and StateCharts, is Modelica's "single assignment rule" that requires that every variable is defined by exactly one equation. This leads to a different "action" definition as in these formalisms. The advantage is that the translator can either determine a useful evaluation sequence by equation sorting or reports an error if this is not possible, e.g., because a model would lead to a non-determinism or to a dead-lock. As a side effect, this leads also to simpler and more easier to understand models and global variables are no longer needed (whereas in JGraphCharts, Grafcet, Sequential Function Charts and StateCharts global variables are nearly always needed).

The StateGraph library is currently available in a beta release. The available components will most likely not be changed for the release version. It is planned to improve the convenience of building models with the StateGraph library for the release version (this may require to introduce some additional annotations). It is planned to include the StateGraph library in the Modelica standard library. It is most useful to combine this libray with the Modelica libraries

Copyright © 1998-2009, Modelica Association and DLR

This Modelica package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer here.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library2 (Icon for library where additional icon elements shall be added).

Package Content

Modelica.StateGraph.UsersGuide UsersGuide User's Guide of StateGraph Library
Modelica.StateGraph.Examples Examples Examples to demonstrate the usage of the components of the StateGraph library
Modelica.StateGraph.Interfaces Interfaces Connectors and partial models
Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep InitialStep Initial step (= step that is active when simulation starts)
Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStepWithSignal InitialStepWithSignal Initial step (= step that is active when simulation starts). Connector 'active' is true when the step is active
Modelica.StateGraph.Step Step Ordinary step (= step that is not active when simulation starts)
Modelica.StateGraph.StepWithSignal StepWithSignal Ordinary step (= step that is not active when simulation starts). Connector 'active' is true when the step is active
Modelica.StateGraph.Transition Transition Transition where the fire condition is set by a modification of variable condition
Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal TransitionWithSignal Transition where the fire condition is set by a Boolean input signal
Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative Alternative Alternative splitting of execution path (use component between two steps)
Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel Parallel Parallel splitting of execution path (use component between two transitions)
Modelica.StateGraph.PartialCompositeStep PartialCompositeStep Superclass of a subgraph, i.e., a composite step that has internally a StateGraph
Modelica.StateGraph.StateGraphRoot StateGraphRoot Root of a StateGraph (has to be present on the highest level of a StateGraph)
Modelica.StateGraph.Temporary Temporary Components that will be provided by other libraries in the future

Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep

Initial step (= step that is active when simulation starts)



Extends from Interfaces.PartialStep (Partial step with one input and one output transition port).


IntegernIn1Number of input connections
IntegernOut1Number of output connections


Step_ininPort[nIn]Vector of step input connectors
Step_outoutPort[nOut]Vector of step output connectors

Modelica definition

block InitialStep 
  "Initial step (= step that is active when simulation starts)"

  output Boolean active 
    "= true if step is active, otherwise the step is not active";

  extends Interfaces.PartialStep;

initial equation 
  active = true;
  active = localActive;
end InitialStep;

Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStepWithSignal Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStepWithSignal

Initial step (= step that is active when simulation starts). Connector 'active' is true when the step is active



Extends from Interfaces.PartialStep (Partial step with one input and one output transition port).


IntegernIn1Number of input connections
IntegernOut1Number of output connections


Step_ininPort[nIn]Vector of step input connectors
Step_outoutPort[nOut]Vector of step output connectors
output BooleanOutputactive 

Modelica definition

block InitialStepWithSignal 
  "Initial step (= step that is active when simulation starts). Connector 'active' is true when the step is active"

  extends Interfaces.PartialStep;

  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput active;
initial equation 
  active = true;
  active = localActive;
end InitialStepWithSignal;

Modelica.StateGraph.Step Modelica.StateGraph.Step

Ordinary step (= step that is not active when simulation starts)



Extends from Interfaces.PartialStep (Partial step with one input and one output transition port).


IntegernIn1Number of input connections
IntegernOut1Number of output connections


Step_ininPort[nIn]Vector of step input connectors
Step_outoutPort[nOut]Vector of step output connectors

Modelica definition

block Step 
  "Ordinary step (= step that is not active when simulation starts)"

  output Boolean active 
    "= true if step is active, otherwise the step is not active";

  extends Interfaces.PartialStep;

initial equation 
  active = false;
  active = localActive;
end Step;

Modelica.StateGraph.StepWithSignal Modelica.StateGraph.StepWithSignal

Ordinary step (= step that is not active when simulation starts). Connector 'active' is true when the step is active



Extends from Interfaces.PartialStep (Partial step with one input and one output transition port).


IntegernIn1Number of input connections
IntegernOut1Number of output connections


Step_ininPort[nIn]Vector of step input connectors
Step_outoutPort[nOut]Vector of step output connectors
output BooleanOutputactive 

Modelica definition

block StepWithSignal 
  "Ordinary step (= step that is not active when simulation starts). Connector 'active' is true when the step is active"

  extends Interfaces.PartialStep;

  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput active;
initial equation 
  active = false;
  active = localActive;
end StepWithSignal;

Modelica.StateGraph.Transition Modelica.StateGraph.Transition

Transition where the fire condition is set by a modification of variable condition



Extends from Interfaces.PartialTransition (Partial transition with input and output connections).


BooleanlocalConditioncondition= true, if transition may fire
Fire condition
Booleanconditiontrue= true, if transition may fire (time varying expression)
BooleanenableTimerfalse= true, if timer is enabled
TimewaitTime0Wait time before transition fires [s]


Transition_ininPortVector of transition input connectors
Transition_outoutPortVector of transition output connectors

Modelica definition

block Transition 
  "Transition where the fire condition is set by a modification of variable condition"

  input Boolean condition=true 
    "= true, if transition may fire (time varying expression)";

  extends Interfaces.PartialTransition(final localCondition=condition);

end Transition;

Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal Modelica.StateGraph.TransitionWithSignal

Transition where the fire condition is set by a Boolean input signal



Extends from Interfaces.PartialTransition (Partial transition with input and output connections).


BooleanlocalConditioncondition= true, if transition may fire
BooleanenableTimerfalse= true, if timer is enabled
TimewaitTime0Wait time before transition fires [s]


input BooleanInputcondition 
Transition_ininPortVector of transition input connectors
Transition_outoutPortVector of transition output connectors

Modelica definition

block TransitionWithSignal 
  "Transition where the fire condition is set by a Boolean input signal"

  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput condition;

  extends Interfaces.PartialTransition(final localCondition=condition);

end TransitionWithSignal;

Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative

Alternative splitting of execution path (use component between two steps)




IntegernBranches2Number of alternative branches



Modelica definition

block Alternative 
  "Alternative splitting of execution path (use component between two steps)"

  parameter Integer nBranches(min=1)=2 "Number of alternative branches";
  Interfaces.Transition_in inPort;
  Interfaces.Transition_out outPort;
  Step_in_forAlternative join[nBranches];
  Step_out_forAlternative split[nBranches];

connector Step_in_forAlternative 
    "Input port of a step (has special icon for usage in component 'Alternative')"

  output Boolean occupied "true, if step is active";
  input Boolean set "true, if transition fires and step is activated";

end Step_in_forAlternative;

connector Step_out_forAlternative 
    "Output port of a step (has special icon for usage in component 'Alternative')"

  output Boolean available "true, if step is active";
  input Boolean reset "true, if transition fires and step is deactivated";

end Step_out_forAlternative;

  // Check connections of connectors

  assert(cardinality(inPort) == 1,
    "Connector inPort is not connected to exactly one other connector");

  assert(cardinality(outPort) == 1,
    "Connector outPort is not connected to exactly one other connector");

  for i in 1:nBranches loop

     assert(cardinality(split[i]) == 1,
       "Connector is not connected to exactly one other connector");

     assert(cardinality(join[i]) == 1,
       "Connector is not connected to exactly one other connector");

  end for;

  // Propagate flags between the connectors

  for i in 1:nBranches loop
     split[i].available = if i==1 then inPort.available else 
                                       split[i-1].available and not split[i-1].reset;

  end for;
  join.occupied = fill(outPort.occupied, nBranches);
  inPort.reset  = StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(split.reset);
  outPort.set   = StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(join.set);
end Alternative;

Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel

Parallel splitting of execution path (use component between two transitions)




IntegernBranches2Number of parallel branches that are executed in parallel



Modelica definition

block Parallel 
  "Parallel splitting of execution path (use component between two transitions)"

  parameter Integer nBranches(min=1)=2 
    "Number of parallel branches that are executed in parallel";
  Interfaces.Step_in inPort;
  Interfaces.Step_out outPort;
  Transition_in_forParallel join[nBranches];
  Transition_out_forParallel split[nBranches];

connector Transition_in_forParallel 
    "Input port of a transition (has special icon for usage in component 'Parallel')"

  input Boolean available 
      "true, if step connected to the transition input is active";
  output Boolean reset 
      "true, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated";

end Transition_in_forParallel;

connector Transition_out_forParallel 
    "Output port of a transition (has special icon for usage in component 'Parallel')"

  input Boolean occupied 
      "true, if step connected to the transition output is active";
  output Boolean set 
      "true, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active";

end Transition_out_forParallel;

  // Check connections of connectors

  assert(cardinality(inPort) == 1,
    "Connector inPort is not connected to exactly one other connector");

  assert(cardinality(outPort) == 1,
    "Connector outPort is not connected to exactly one other connector");

  for i in 1:nBranches loop

     assert(cardinality(split[i]) == 1,
       "Connector is not connected to exactly one other connector");

     assert(cardinality(join[i]) == 1,
       "Connector is not connected to exactly one other connector");

  end for;

  // Propagate flags between the connectors
  split.set  = fill(inPort.set, nBranches);
  join.reset = fill(outPort.reset, nBranches);
  inPort.occupied   = StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(split.occupied);
  outPort.available = StateGraph.Temporary.allTrue(join.available);
end Parallel;

Modelica.StateGraph.PartialCompositeStep Modelica.StateGraph.PartialCompositeStep

Superclass of a subgraph, i.e., a composite step that has internally a StateGraph




Exception connections
IntegernSuspend1Number of suspend ports
IntegernResume1Number of resume ports



Modelica definition

partial model PartialCompositeStep 
  "Superclass of a subgraph, i.e., a composite step that has internally a StateGraph"

  parameter Integer nSuspend = 1 "Number of suspend ports";
  parameter Integer nResume = 1 "Number of resume ports";

  /* The modification of stateGraphRoot is with respect to the "inner"
     definition, i.e., it is reported to all components that are
     within the CompositeStep
  inner outer StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStepState stateGraphRoot(
                  suspend = StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(suspend.reset) or outerState.subgraphStatePort.suspend,
                  resume =  StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(resume.set) or outerState.subgraphStatePort.resume) 
    "Communication port between the CompositeStep and the steps within the CompositeStep";
  output Boolean active 
    "= true if step is active, otherwise the step is not active";
  StateGraph.Interfaces.Step_in inPort;
  StateGraph.Interfaces.Step_out outPort;
  StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStep_suspend suspend[nSuspend];
  StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStep_resume resume[nResume];

  model OuterState 
    "Block containing the port that is connected to the outer stateGraphRoot"
    Interfaces.CompositeStepStatePort_in subgraphStatePort 
      "Port connected to outer stateGraphRoot";
  end OuterState;
  OuterState outerState;

  model InnerState
    outer Interfaces.CompositeStepState stateGraphRoot;
  end InnerState;
  InnerState innerState;

  Boolean newActive "Value of active in the next iteration";
  Integer activeSteps "Number of active steps within the CompositeStep";
initial equation 

  pre(newActive) = pre(active);
  // connect to outer CompositeStep

  connect(outerState.subgraphStatePort, stateGraphRoot.subgraphStatePort);
  outerState.subgraphStatePort.activeSteps = if active then 1.0 else 0.0;

  // set active flag  of CompositeStep
  activeSteps = -integer(innerState.stateGraphRoot.subgraphStatePort.activeSteps);
  active = pre(newActive);

  /* The CompositeStep is active if
     - at least one step within the CompositeStep is active, and
     - the suspend transition does not fire, and
     - the suspend transition of a higher level CompositeStep does not fire or
     - no step within the CompositeStep is active, and
     - the resume transition fires or the resume transition of
       a higher level CompositeStep fires.
  // newActive = activeSteps > 0 and not suspend.reset or resume.set;
  newActive = activeSteps > 0 and not StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(suspend.reset) and not 
              outerState.subgraphStatePort.suspend or 
              StateGraph.Temporary.anyTrue(resume.set) or outerState.subgraphStatePort.resume;

  // Report state to suspend and resume transitions

  for i in 1:nResume loop
    resume[i].occupied = if i == 1 then active else 
                                        resume[i-1].occupied or 

  end for;

  for i in 1:nSuspend loop
     suspend[i].available = if i == 1 then active else 
                                           suspend[i-1].available and not 

  end for;

  /* Check that connections to the connectors are correct
     and set appropriate defaults if necessary

  for i in 1:nSuspend loop

  assert(cardinality(suspend[i]) <= 1,
"Connector suspend[" + String(i) + "] of the CompositeStep is connected
to more than one transition");

    if cardinality(suspend[i]) == 0 then
      suspend[i].reset = false;

    end if;

  end for;

  for i in 1:nResume loop

  assert(cardinality(resume[i]) <= 1,
"Connector resume[" + String(i) + "] of the CompositeStep is connected
to more than one transition");

    if cardinality(resume[i]) == 0 then
      resume[i].set = false;

    end if;

  end for;

  /* Zero sized connectors are not yet fully supported in
     Dymola. This requires to set the dimension of the connector
     to 1, if it should have a dimension of zero. This requires
     to set the connector variables to a default value in this case

  if cardinality(inPort) < 2 then
    inPort.occupied = false;
    inPort.set = false;

  end if;

  if cardinality(outPort) < 2 then
    outPort.available = false;
    outPort.reset = false;

  end if;

  // Check inPort/outPort connections

  assert(cardinality(inPort) <= 2,
"Connector inPort of the CompositeStep has more than 2 connections.
It should have only one connection from the outside to the
inPort and one connection to a step inside the CompositeStep.");

  assert(cardinality(outPort) <= 2,
"Connector outPort of the CompositeStep has more than 2 connections.
It should have only one connection from the outPort to the
outside to the CompositeStep and one connection from a step
inside the CompositeStep to the outPort connector.");

end PartialCompositeStep;

Modelica.StateGraph.StateGraphRoot Modelica.StateGraph.StateGraphRoot

Root of a StateGraph (has to be present on the highest level of a StateGraph)


On the highest level of a StateGraph, an instance of StateGraphRoot has to be present. If it is not within in a model, it is automatically included by a Modelica translator due to an appropriate annotation. Practically, this means that it need not be present in a StateGraph model.

The StateGraphRoot object is needed, since all Step objects have an "outer" reference to communicate with the "nearest" CompositeStep (which inherits from PartialCompositeStep), especially to abort a CompositeStep via the "suspend" port. Even if no "CompositeStep" is present, on highest level a corresponding "inner" definition is needed and is provided by the StateGraphRoot object.

Extends from StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStepState (Communication channel between CompositeSteps and steps in the CompositeStep).



Modelica definition

model StateGraphRoot 
  "Root of a StateGraph (has to be present on the highest level of a StateGraph)"

  extends StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStepState;
  output Integer activeSteps "Number of active steps within the stategraph";

  activeSteps = -integer(subgraphStatePort.activeSteps);
end StateGraphRoot;

Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative.Step_in_forAlternative Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative.Step_in_forAlternative

Input port of a step (has special icon for usage in component 'Alternative')



output Booleanoccupiedtrue, if step is active
input Booleansettrue, if transition fires and step is activated

Modelica definition

connector Step_in_forAlternative 
  "Input port of a step (has special icon for usage in component 'Alternative')"

  output Boolean occupied "true, if step is active";
  input Boolean set "true, if transition fires and step is activated";

end Step_in_forAlternative;

Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative.Step_out_forAlternative Modelica.StateGraph.Alternative.Step_out_forAlternative

Output port of a step (has special icon for usage in component 'Alternative')



output Booleanavailabletrue, if step is active
input Booleanresettrue, if transition fires and step is deactivated

Modelica definition

connector Step_out_forAlternative 
  "Output port of a step (has special icon for usage in component 'Alternative')"

  output Boolean available "true, if step is active";
  input Boolean reset "true, if transition fires and step is deactivated";

end Step_out_forAlternative;

Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel.Transition_in_forParallel Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel.Transition_in_forParallel

Input port of a transition (has special icon for usage in component 'Parallel')



input Booleanavailabletrue, if step connected to the transition input is active
output Booleanresettrue, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated

Modelica definition

connector Transition_in_forParallel 
  "Input port of a transition (has special icon for usage in component 'Parallel')"

  input Boolean available 
    "true, if step connected to the transition input is active";
  output Boolean reset 
    "true, if transition fires and the step connected to the transition input is deactivated";

end Transition_in_forParallel;

Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel.Transition_out_forParallel Modelica.StateGraph.Parallel.Transition_out_forParallel

Output port of a transition (has special icon for usage in component 'Parallel')



input Booleanoccupiedtrue, if step connected to the transition output is active
output Booleansettrue, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active

Modelica definition

connector Transition_out_forParallel 
  "Output port of a transition (has special icon for usage in component 'Parallel')"

  input Boolean occupied 
    "true, if step connected to the transition output is active";
  output Boolean set 
    "true, if transition fires and step connected to the transition output becomes active";

end Transition_out_forParallel;


Block containing the port that is connected to the outer stateGraphRoot


CompositeStepStatePort_insubgraphStatePortPort connected to outer stateGraphRoot

Modelica definition

model OuterState 
  "Block containing the port that is connected to the outer stateGraphRoot"
  Interfaces.CompositeStepStatePort_in subgraphStatePort 
    "Port connected to outer stateGraphRoot";
end OuterState;


Modelica definition

model InnerState
  outer Interfaces.CompositeStepState stateGraphRoot;
end InnerState;

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