
Types, constants to define menu choices


Enumerations and data types for all types of fluids

Note: Reference enthalpy might have to be extended with enthalpy of formation.

Package Content

IndependentVariables Enumeration defining the independent variables of a medium
Init Enumeration defining initialization for fluid flow
ReferenceEnthalpy Enumeration defining the reference enthalpy of a medium
ReferenceEntropy Enumeration defining the reference entropy of a medium
pd Enumeration defining whether p or d are known for the boundary condition
Th Enumeration defining whether T or h are known as boundary condition

Types and constants

  type IndependentVariables = enumeration(
    T "Temperature",
    pT "Pressure, Temperature",
    ph "Pressure, Specific Enthalpy",
    phX "Pressure, Specific Enthalpy, Mass Fraction",
    pTX "Pressure, Temperature, Mass Fractions",
    dTX "Density, Temperature, Mass Fractions") 
  "Enumeration defining the independent variables of a medium";

  type Init = enumeration(
    NoInit "NoInit (no initialization)",
    InitialStates "InitialStates (initialize medium states)",
    SteadyState "SteadyState (initialize in steady state)",
    SteadyMass "SteadyMass (initialize density or pressure in steady state)") 
  "Enumeration defining initialization for fluid flow";

  type ReferenceEnthalpy = enumeration(
      "The enthalpy is 0 at 0 K (default), if the enthalpy of formation is excluded", 

      "The enthalpy is 0 at 25 degC, if the enthalpy of formation is excluded", 

      "The user-defined reference enthalpy is used at 293.15 K (25 degC)") 
  "Enumeration defining the reference enthalpy of a medium";

  type ReferenceEntropy = enumeration(
    ZeroAt0K "The entropy is 0 at 0 K (default)",
    ZeroAt0C "The entropy is 0 at 0 degC",
      "The user-defined reference entropy is used at 293.15 K (25 degC)") 
  "Enumeration defining the reference entropy of a medium";

  type pd = enumeration(
    default "Default (no boundary condition for p or d)",
    p_known "p_known (pressure p is known)",
    d_known "d_known (density d is known)") 
  "Enumeration defining whether p or d are known for the boundary condition";

  type Th = enumeration(
    default "Default (no boundary condition for T or h)",
    T_known "T_known (temperature T is known)",
    h_known "h_known (specific enthalpy h is known)") 
  "Enumeration defining whether T or h are known as boundary condition";

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