Name | Description |
HydraulicConductance | Real type for hydraulic conductance |
HydraulicResistance | Real type for hydraulic resistance |
Dynamics | Enumeration to define definition of balance equations |
CvTypes | Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient |
PortFlowDirection | Enumeration to define whether flow reversal is allowed |
ModelStructure | Enumeration with choices for model structure in distributed pipe model |
type HydraulicConductance =Real ( final quantity="HydraulicConductance", final unit="kg/(s.Pa)") "Real type for hydraulic conductance";
type HydraulicResistance =Real ( final quantity="HydraulicResistance", final unit="Pa.s/kg") "Real type for hydraulic resistance";
type Dynamics = enumeration( DynamicFreeInitial "DynamicFreeInitial -- Dynamic balance, Initial guess value", FixedInitial "FixedInitial -- Dynamic balance, Initial value fixed", SteadyStateInitial "SteadyStateInitial -- Dynamic balance, Steady state initial with guess value", SteadyState "SteadyState -- Steady state balance, Initial guess value") "Enumeration to define definition of balance equations";
type CvTypes = enumeration( Av "Av (metric) flow coefficient", Kv "Kv (metric) flow coefficient", Cv "Cv (US) flow coefficient", OpPoint "Av defined by operating point") "Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient";
type PortFlowDirection = enumeration( Entering "Fluid flow is only entering", Leaving "Fluid flow is only leaving", Bidirectional "No restrictions on fluid flow (flow reversal possible)") "Enumeration to define whether flow reversal is allowed";
type ModelStructure = enumeration( av_vb "av_vb: port_a - volume - flow model - volume - port_b", a_v_b "a_v_b: port_a - flow model - volume - flow model - port_b", av_b "av_b: port_a - volume - flow model - port_b", a_vb "a_vb: port_a - flow model - volume - port_b") "Enumeration with choices for model structure in distributed pipe model";