
Common types for fluid models


Package Content

HydraulicConductance Real type for hydraulic conductance
HydraulicResistance Real type for hydraulic resistance
Dynamics Enumeration to define definition of balance equations
CvTypes Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient
PortFlowDirection Enumeration to define whether flow reversal is allowed
ModelStructure Enumeration with choices for model structure in distributed pipe model

Types and constants

  type HydraulicConductance =Real (
      final quantity="HydraulicConductance",
      final unit="kg/(s.Pa)") "Real type for hydraulic conductance";

  type HydraulicResistance =Real (
      final quantity="HydraulicResistance",
      final unit="Pa.s/kg") "Real type for hydraulic resistance";

  type Dynamics = enumeration(
      "DynamicFreeInitial -- Dynamic balance, Initial guess value",
    FixedInitial "FixedInitial -- Dynamic balance, Initial value fixed",
      "SteadyStateInitial -- Dynamic balance, Steady state initial with guess value", 

    SteadyState "SteadyState -- Steady state balance, Initial guess value") 
  "Enumeration to define definition of balance equations";

  type CvTypes = enumeration(
    Av "Av (metric) flow coefficient",
    Kv "Kv (metric) flow coefficient",
    Cv "Cv (US) flow coefficient",
    OpPoint "Av defined by operating point") 
  "Enumeration to define the choice of valve flow coefficient";

  type PortFlowDirection = enumeration(
    Entering "Fluid flow is only entering",
    Leaving "Fluid flow is only leaving",
    Bidirectional "No restrictions on fluid flow (flow reversal possible)") 
  "Enumeration to define whether flow reversal is allowed";

  type ModelStructure = enumeration(
    av_vb "av_vb: port_a - volume - flow model - volume - port_b",
    a_v_b "a_v_b: port_a - flow model - volume - flow model - port_b",
    av_b "av_b: port_a - volume - flow model - port_b",
    a_vb "a_vb: port_a - flow model - volume - port_b") 
  "Enumeration with choices for model structure in distributed pipe model";

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