Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).
Name | Description |
![]() | Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage rotor |
![]() | Asynchronous induction machine with slipring rotor |
number of pole pairs p | 2 | |
stator's moment of inertia | 0.29 | kg.m2 |
rotor's moment of inertia | 0.29 | kg.m2 |
nominal frequency fNominal | 50 | Hz |
nominal voltage per phase | 100 | V RMS |
nominal current per phase | 100 | A RMS |
nominal torque | 161.4 | Nm |
nominal speed | 1440.45 | rpm |
nominal mechanical output | 24.346 | kW |
efficiency | 92.7 | % |
power factor | 0.875 | |
stator resistance | 0.03 | Ohm per phase in warm condition |
rotor resistance | 0.04 | Ohm in warm condition |
stator reactance Xs | 3 | Ohm per phase |
rotor reactance Xr | 3 | Ohm |
total stray coefficient sigma | 0.0667 | |
These values give the following inductances, assuming equal stator and rotor stray inductances: |
stator stray inductance per phase | Xs * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal) | |
rotor stray inductance | Xr * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal) | |
main field inductance per phase | sqrt(Xs*Xr * (1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal) |
Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Inertia | Jr | Jr(start=0.29) | rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
Boolean | useSupport | false | enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Inertia | Js | stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] | |
Integer | p | number of pole pairs (Integer) | |
Frequency | fsNominal | nominal frequency [Hz] | |
Current | idq_ss[2] | airGapS.i_ss | stator space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A] |
Current | idq_sr[2] | airGapS.i_sr | stator space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A] |
Current | idq_rs[2] | airGapS.i_rs | rotor space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A] |
Current | idq_rr[2] | airGapS.i_rr | rotor space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A] |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |||
Resistance | Rs | warm stator resistance per phase [Ohm] | |
Inductance | Lssigma | stator stray inductance per phase [H] | |
Inductance | Lm | main field inductance [H] | |
Inductance | Lrsigma | rotor stray inductance (equivalent three phase winding) [H] | |
Resistance | Rr | warm rotor resistance (equivalent three phase winding) [Ohm] |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | |
Flange_a | support | support at which the reaction torque is acting |
PositivePlug | plug_sp | |
NegativePlug | plug_sn |
model AIM_SquirrelCage "Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage rotor" extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine( final idq_ss = airGapS.i_ss, final idq_sr = airGapS.i_sr, final idq_rs = airGapS.i_rs, final idq_rr = airGapS.i_rr);Components.AirGapS airGapS( final p=p, final m=3, final Lm=Lm); parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lm(start=3*sqrt(1 - 0.0667)/(2*pi*fsNominal)) "main field inductance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lrsigma(start=3*(1 - sqrt(1 - 0.0667))/(2*pi*fsNominal)) "rotor stray inductance (equivalent three phase winding)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rr(start=0.04) "warm rotor resistance (equivalent three phase winding)";Machines.BasicMachines.Components.SquirrelCage squirrelCageR(final Lrsigma= Lrsigma, final Rr=Rr); equationconnect(airGapS.spacePhasor_r, squirrelCageR.spacePhasor_r); connect(spacePhasorS.spacePhasor, airGapS.spacePhasor_s); connect(airGapS.support, internalSupport); connect(airGapS.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a); end AIM_SquirrelCage;
number of pole pairs p | 2 | |
stator's moment of inertia | 0.29 | kg.m2 |
rotor's moment of inertia | 0.29 | kg.m2 |
nominal frequency fNominal | 50 | Hz |
nominal voltage per phase | 100 | V RMS |
nominal current per phase | 100 | A RMS |
nominal torque | 161.4 | Nm |
nominal speed | 1440.45 | rpm |
nominal mechanical output | 24.346 | kW |
efficiency | 92.7 | % |
power factor | 0.875 | |
stator resistance | 0.03 | Ohm per phase in warm condition |
rotor resistance | 0.04 | Ohm per phase in warm condition |
stator reactance Xs | 3 | Ohm per phase |
rotor reactance Xr | 3 | Ohm per phase |
total stray coefficient sigma | 0.0667 | |
turnsRatio | 1 | effective ratio of stator and rotor current (ws*xis) / (wr*xir) |
These values give the following inductances: | ||
stator stray inductance per phase | Xs * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal) | |
rotor stray inductance | Xr * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal) | |
main field inductance per phase | sqrt(Xs*Xr * (1-sigma))/(2*pi*f) |
Parameter turnsRatio could be obtained from the following relationship
at standstill with open rotor circuit at nominal voltage and nominal frequency,
using the locked-rotor voltage VR, no-load stator current I0 and powerfactor PF0:
turnsRatio * VR = Vs - (Rs + j Xs,sigma) I0
Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Inertia | Jr | Jr(start=0.29) | rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2] |
Boolean | useSupport | false | enable / disable (=fixed stator) support |
Inertia | Js | stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2] | |
Integer | p | number of pole pairs (Integer) | |
Frequency | fsNominal | nominal frequency [Hz] | |
Current | idq_ss[2] | airGapS.i_ss | stator space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A] |
Current | idq_sr[2] | airGapS.i_sr | stator space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A] |
Current | idq_rs[2] | airGapS.i_rs | rotor space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A] |
Current | idq_rr[2] | airGapS.i_rr | rotor space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A] |
Boolean | useTurnsRatio | use turnsRatio or calculate from locked-rotor voltage? | |
Real | turnsRatio | (ws*xis) / (wr*xir) | |
Voltage | VsNominal | nominal stator voltage per phase [V] | |
Voltage | VrLockedRotor | locked-rotor voltage per phase [V] | |
Nominal resistances and inductances | |||
Resistance | Rs | warm stator resistance per phase [Ohm] | |
Inductance | Lssigma | stator stray inductance per phase [H] | |
Inductance | Lm | main field inductance [H] | |
Inductance | Lrsigma | rotor stray inductance per phase [H] | |
Resistance | Rr | warm rotor resistance per phase [Ohm] |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange | |
Flange_a | support | support at which the reaction torque is acting |
PositivePlug | plug_sp | |
NegativePlug | plug_sn | |
PositivePlug | plug_rp | |
NegativePlug | plug_rn |
model AIM_SlipRing "Asynchronous induction machine with slipring rotor" extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine( final idq_ss = airGapS.i_ss, final idq_sr = airGapS.i_sr, final idq_rs = airGapS.i_rs, final idq_rr = airGapS.i_rr);Components.AirGapS airGapS(final p=p, final m=3, final Lm=Lm); parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lm(start=3*sqrt(1 - 0.0667)/(2*pi*fsNominal)) "main field inductance"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lrsigma(start=3*(1 - sqrt(1 - 0.0667))/(2*pi*fsNominal)) "rotor stray inductance per phase"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rr(start=0.04) "warm rotor resistance per phase"; parameter Boolean useTurnsRatio(start=true) "use turnsRatio or calculate from locked-rotor voltage?"; parameter Real turnsRatio(final min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=1) "(ws*xis) / (wr*xir)"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VsNominal(start=100) "nominal stator voltage per phase"; parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VrLockedRotor(start=100*(2*pi*fsNominal*Lm)/sqrt(Rs^2+(2*pi*fsNominal*(Lm+Lssigma))^2)) "locked-rotor voltage per phase"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current i_0_r(stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) = spacePhasorR.zero.i "rotor zero-sequence current"; output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vr[m] = plug_rp.pin.v - plug_rn.pin.v "rotor instantaneous voltages"; output Modelica.SIunits.Current ir[m] = plug_rp.pin.i "rotor instantaneous currents"; protected final parameter Real internalTurnsRatio=if useTurnsRatio then turnsRatio else VsNominal/VrLockedRotor*(2*pi*fsNominal*Lm)/sqrt(Rs^2+(2*pi*fsNominal*(Lm+Lssigma))^2);public Machines.SpacePhasors.Components.SpacePhasor spacePhasorR(final turnsRatio=internalTurnsRatio); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Inductor lrsigma(final m=m, final L=fill(Lrsigma, m)); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Resistor rr( final m=m, final R=fill(Rr, m), final T_ref=fill(293.15,m), final alpha=zeros(m), final useHeatPort=false, final T=rr.T_ref); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.PositivePlug plug_rp(final m=m); Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.NegativePlug plug_rn(final m=m); equationconnect(rr.plug_n, lrsigma.plug_p); connect(rr.plug_p, plug_rp); connect(spacePhasorR.ground, spacePhasorR.zero); connect(airGapS.spacePhasor_r, spacePhasorR.spacePhasor); connect(spacePhasorS.spacePhasor, airGapS.spacePhasor_s); connect(airGapS.support, internalSupport); connect(airGapS.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a); connect(lrsigma.plug_n, spacePhasorR.plug_p); connect(spacePhasorR.plug_n, plug_rn); end AIM_SlipRing;