
Models of asynchronous induction machines


This package contains models of asynchronous induction machines, based on space phasor theory:

These models use package SpacePhasors.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SquirrelCage AIM_SquirrelCage Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage rotor
Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SlipRing AIM_SlipRing Asynchronous induction machine with slipring rotor

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SquirrelCage Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SquirrelCage

Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage rotor



Model of a three phase asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage.
Resistance and stray inductance of stator is modeled directly in stator phases, then using space phasor transformation. Resistance and stray inductance of rotor's squirrel cage is modeled in two axis of the rotor-fixed ccordinate system. Both together connected via a stator-fixed AirGap model. Only losses in stator and rotor resistance are taken into account.
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:
number of pole pairs p 2
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
nominal frequency fNominal 50Hz
nominal voltage per phase 100V RMS
nominal current per phase 100A RMS
nominal torque 161.4Nm
nominal speed 1440.45rpm
nominal mechanical output 24.346kW
efficiency 92.7%
power factor 0.875
stator resistance 0.03Ohm per phase in warm condition
rotor resistance 0.04Ohm in warm condition
stator reactance Xs 3Ohm per phase
rotor reactance Xr 3Ohm
total stray coefficient sigma 0.0667
These values give the following inductances,
assuming equal stator and rotor stray inductances:
stator stray inductance per phase Xs * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal)
rotor stray inductance Xr * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal)
main field inductance per phase sqrt(Xs*Xr * (1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal)

Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


InertiaJrJr(start=0.29)rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
BooleanuseSupportfalseenable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
Integerp number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal nominal frequency [Hz]
Currentidq_ss[2]airGapS.i_ssstator space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A]
Currentidq_sr[2]airGapS.i_srstator space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A]
Currentidq_rs[2]airGapS.i_rsrotor space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A]
Currentidq_rr[2]airGapS.i_rrrotor space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A]
Nominal resistances and inductances
ResistanceRs warm stator resistance per phase [Ohm]
InductanceLssigma stator stray inductance per phase [H]
InductanceLm main field inductance [H]
InductanceLrsigma rotor stray inductance (equivalent three phase winding) [H]
ResistanceRr warm rotor resistance (equivalent three phase winding) [Ohm]


Flange_asupportsupport at which the reaction torque is acting

Modelica definition

model AIM_SquirrelCage 
  "Asynchronous induction machine with squirrel cage rotor"
  extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine(
    final idq_ss = airGapS.i_ss,
    final idq_sr = airGapS.i_sr,
    final idq_rs = airGapS.i_rs,
    final idq_rr = airGapS.i_rr);
  Components.AirGapS airGapS(            final p=p, final m=3, final Lm=Lm);
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lm(start=3*sqrt(1 - 0.0667)/(2*pi*fsNominal)) 
    "main field inductance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lrsigma(start=3*(1 - sqrt(1 - 0.0667))/(2*pi*fsNominal)) 
    "rotor stray inductance (equivalent three phase winding)";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rr(start=0.04) 
    "warm rotor resistance (equivalent three phase winding)";
  Machines.BasicMachines.Components.SquirrelCage squirrelCageR(final Lrsigma=
                Lrsigma, final Rr=Rr);
  connect(airGapS.spacePhasor_r, squirrelCageR.spacePhasor_r);
  connect(spacePhasorS.spacePhasor, airGapS.spacePhasor_s);
  connect(, internalSupport);
  connect(airGapS.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a);
end AIM_SquirrelCage;

Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SlipRing Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIM_SlipRing

Asynchronous induction machine with slipring rotor



Model of a three phase asynchronous induction machine with slipring rotor.
Resistance and stray inductance of stator and rotor are modeled directly in stator respectively rotor phases, then using space phasor transformation and a stator-fixed AirGap model. Only losses in stator and rotor resistance are taken into account.
Default values for machine's parameters (a realistic example) are:
number of pole pairs p 2
stator's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
rotor's moment of inertia 0.29kg.m2
nominal frequency fNominal 50Hz
nominal voltage per phase 100V RMS
nominal current per phase 100A RMS
nominal torque 161.4Nm
nominal speed 1440.45rpm
nominal mechanical output 24.346kW
efficiency 92.7%
power factor 0.875
stator resistance 0.03Ohm per phase in warm condition
rotor resistance 0.04Ohm per phase in warm condition
stator reactance Xs 3Ohm per phase
rotor reactance Xr 3Ohm per phase
total stray coefficient sigma 0.0667
turnsRatio 1effective ratio of stator and rotor current (ws*xis) / (wr*xir)
These values give the following inductances:
stator stray inductance per phase Xs * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal)
rotor stray inductance Xr * (1 - sqrt(1-sigma))/(2*pi*fNominal)
main field inductance per phase sqrt(Xs*Xr * (1-sigma))/(2*pi*f)

Parameter turnsRatio could be obtained from the following relationship at standstill with open rotor circuit at nominal voltage and nominal frequency,
using the locked-rotor voltage VR, no-load stator current I0 and powerfactor PF0:
turnsRatio * VR = Vs - (Rs + j Xs,sigma) I0

Extends from Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine (Partial model for induction machine).


InertiaJrJr(start=0.29)rotor's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
BooleanuseSupportfalseenable / disable (=fixed stator) support
InertiaJs stator's moment of inertia [kg.m2]
Integerp number of pole pairs (Integer)
FrequencyfsNominal nominal frequency [Hz]
Currentidq_ss[2]airGapS.i_ssstator space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A]
Currentidq_sr[2]airGapS.i_srstator space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A]
Currentidq_rs[2]airGapS.i_rsrotor space phasor current / stator fixed frame [A]
Currentidq_rr[2]airGapS.i_rrrotor space phasor current / rotor fixed frame [A]
BooleanuseTurnsRatio use turnsRatio or calculate from locked-rotor voltage?
RealturnsRatio (ws*xis) / (wr*xir)
VoltageVsNominal nominal stator voltage per phase [V]
VoltageVrLockedRotor locked-rotor voltage per phase [V]
Nominal resistances and inductances
ResistanceRs warm stator resistance per phase [Ohm]
InductanceLssigma stator stray inductance per phase [H]
InductanceLm main field inductance [H]
InductanceLrsigma rotor stray inductance per phase [H]
ResistanceRr warm rotor resistance per phase [Ohm]


Flange_asupportsupport at which the reaction torque is acting

Modelica definition

model AIM_SlipRing 
  "Asynchronous induction machine with slipring rotor"
  extends Machines.Interfaces.PartialBasicInductionMachine(
    final idq_ss = airGapS.i_ss,
    final idq_sr = airGapS.i_sr,
    final idq_rs = airGapS.i_rs,
    final idq_rr = airGapS.i_rr);
  Components.AirGapS airGapS(final p=p, final m=3, final Lm=Lm);
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lm(start=3*sqrt(1 - 0.0667)/(2*pi*fsNominal)) 
    "main field inductance";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lrsigma(start=3*(1 - sqrt(1 - 0.0667))/(2*pi*fsNominal)) 
    "rotor stray inductance per phase";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rr(start=0.04) 
    "warm rotor resistance per phase";
  parameter Boolean useTurnsRatio(start=true) 
    "use turnsRatio or calculate from locked-rotor voltage?";
  parameter Real turnsRatio(final min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=1) 
    "(ws*xis) / (wr*xir)";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VsNominal(start=100) 
    "nominal stator voltage per phase";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VrLockedRotor(start=100*(2*pi*fsNominal*Lm)/sqrt(Rs^2+(2*pi*fsNominal*(Lm+Lssigma))^2)) 
    "locked-rotor voltage per phase";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Current i_0_r(stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) = 
    "rotor zero-sequence current";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vr[m] = - 
    "rotor instantaneous voltages";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Current ir[m] = 
    "rotor instantaneous currents";
  final parameter Real internalTurnsRatio=if useTurnsRatio then turnsRatio else 
  Machines.SpacePhasors.Components.SpacePhasor spacePhasorR(final turnsRatio=internalTurnsRatio);
  Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Inductor lrsigma(final m=m, final L=fill(Lrsigma, m));
  Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Basic.Resistor rr(
    final m=m,
    final R=fill(Rr, m),
    final T_ref=fill(293.15,m),
    final alpha=zeros(m),
    final useHeatPort=false,
    final T=rr.T_ref);
  Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.PositivePlug plug_rp(final m=m);
  Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Interfaces.NegativePlug plug_rn(final m=m);
  connect(rr.plug_n, lrsigma.plug_p);
  connect(rr.plug_p, plug_rp);

  connect(airGapS.spacePhasor_r, spacePhasorR.spacePhasor);
  connect(spacePhasorS.spacePhasor, airGapS.spacePhasor_s);
  connect(, internalSupport);

  connect(airGapS.flange, inertiaRotor.flange_a);
  connect(lrsigma.plug_n, spacePhasorR.plug_p);
  connect(spacePhasorR.plug_n, plug_rn);
end AIM_SlipRing;

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