
Records for configuration parameters


This package provides records for configuration parameters.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler PartialAirHandler Configuration parameters for air handler interface class
Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.VAVMultiZone VAVMultiZone Configuration parameters for multiple-zone VAV

Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler

Configuration parameters for air handler interface class


This record provides the set of configuration parameters for the class Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Interfaces.PartialAirHandler.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).


Configurationtyp Type of system
FantypFanSup Type of supply fan
FantypFanRet Type of return fan
FantypFanRel Type of relief fan
IntegernFanSup Number of supply fans
IntegernFanRet Number of return fans
IntegernFanRel Number of relief fans
Booleanhave_souChiWat Set to true if cooling coil requires fluid ports on the source side
Booleanhave_souHeaWat Set to true if heating coil requires fluid ports on the source side
ControllertypCtl Type of controller

Modelica definition

record PartialAirHandler "Configuration parameters for air handler interface class" extends Modelica.Icons.Record; parameter Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Types.Configuration typ "Type of system"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanSup "Type of supply fan"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanRet "Type of return fan"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanRel "Type of relief fan"; parameter Integer nFanSup( start=if typFanSup==Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan.None then 0 else 1) "Number of supply fans"; parameter Integer nFanRet( start=if typFanRet==Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan.None then 0 else 1) "Number of return fans"; parameter Integer nFanRel( start=if typFanRel==Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan.None then 0 else 1) "Number of relief fans"; parameter Boolean have_souChiWat "Set to true if cooling coil requires fluid ports on the source side"; parameter Boolean have_souHeaWat "Set to true if heating coil requires fluid ports on the source side"; parameter Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Types.Controller typCtl "Type of controller"; end PartialAirHandler;

Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.VAVMultiZone Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.VAVMultiZone

Configuration parameters for multiple-zone VAV


This record provides the set of configuration parameters for the class Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.VAVMultiZone.

Extends from Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler (Configuration parameters for air handler interface class).


Configurationtyp Type of system
FantypFanSup Type of supply fan
FantypFanRet Type of return fan
FantypFanRel Type of relief fan
IntegernFanSup Number of supply fans
IntegernFanRet Number of return fans
IntegernFanRel Number of relief fans
Booleanhave_souChiWat Set to true if cooling coil requires fluid ports on the source side
Booleanhave_souHeaWat Set to true if heating coil requires fluid ports on the source side
ControllertypCtl Type of controller
CoiltypCoiHeaPre Type of heating coil in preheat position
CoiltypCoiCoo Type of cooling coil
CoiltypCoiHeaReh Type of heating coil in reheat position
ValvetypValCoiHeaPre Type of valve for heating coil in preheat position
ValvetypValCoiCoo Type of valve for cooling coil
ValvetypValCoiHeaReh Type of valve for heating coil in reheat position
OutdoorAirSectiontypSecOut Type of outdoor air section
PressureControlbuiPreCon Type of building pressure control system
VentilationStandardstdVen Ventilation standard
DampertypDamOut Outdoor air damper type
DampertypDamOutMin Minimum outdoor air damper type
DampertypDamRel Relief damper type
DampertypDamRet Return damper type

Modelica definition

record VAVMultiZone "Configuration parameters for multiple-zone VAV" extends Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Coil typCoiHeaPre "Type of heating coil in preheat position"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Coil typCoiCoo "Type of cooling coil"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Coil typCoiHeaReh "Type of heating coil in reheat position"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Valve typValCoiHeaPre "Type of valve for heating coil in preheat position"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Valve typValCoiCoo "Type of valve for cooling coil"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Valve typValCoiHeaReh "Type of valve for heating coil in reheat position"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Damper typDamOut "Outdoor air damper type"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Damper typDamOutMin "Minimum outdoor air damper type"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Damper typDamRel "Relief damper type"; parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Damper typDamRet "Return damper type"; parameter Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36.Types.OutdoorAirSection typSecOut "Type of outdoor air section"; parameter Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36.Types.PressureControl buiPreCon "Type of building pressure control system"; parameter Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36.Types.VentilationStandard stdVen "Ventilation standard"; end VAVMultiZone;