Validation models for aquifer thermal energy storage
This package contains validation models for the classes in Buildings.Fluid.Geothermal.Aquifer.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).
Package Content
Name | Description |
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Test model for aquifer thermal energy storage with multiple wells |
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Test model for aquifer thermal energy storage in comparison with other geothermal simulators |
Test model for aquifer thermal energy storage with multiple wells
Example that verifies the scalability of Buildings.Fluid.Geothermal.Aquifer.MultiWell when multiple wells are used.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).
Modelica definition
Test model for aquifer thermal energy storage in comparison with other geothermal simulators
This validation case simulates an idealized operation of an aquifer thermal storage system. Results are compared with simulations from a test suite developed by Mindel et al. (2021). This test suite comprises a set of cases to assess the thermo-hydraulic modelling capabilities of various geothermal simulators.
The comparison was carried out with respect to the test case called TC2 - well-test comparison. The main goal of TC2 is to compare aquifer temperatures under a typical operation of an ATES system consisting of injection, falloff, drawdown, and build-up. The injection phase represents the charging period, while the drawdown phase represents the discharge period. Intermediate phases of falloff and build-up represent periods of storage or inactivity. The overall operational period is one year, and the sequence of the different phases is the following:
- Injection: Water is pumped at Q = 0.001 m3 s-1 and Tinj = 120C for 120 days.
- Falloff: Well is shut-in, Q = 0 m3 s-1 for 60 days.
- Drawdown: Water is pumped at Q = -0.001 m3 s-1 for 120 days.
- Build-up phase: Well is shut-in, at Q = 0 m3 s-1 for 65.25.
Julian E. Mindel, Peter Alt-Epping, Antoine Armandine Les Landes, Stijn Beernink, Daniel T. Birdsell, Martin Bloemendal, Virginie Hamm, Simon Lopez, Charles Maragna, Carsten M. Nielsen, Sebastia Olivella, Marc Perreaux, Maarten W. Saaltink, Martin O. Saar, Daniela Van den Heuvel, Ruben Vidal, Thomas Driesner, Benchmark study of simulators for thermo-hydraulic modelling of low enthalpy geothermal processes, Geothermics, Volume 96, 2021, 102130, ISSN 0375-6505,
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).
Modelica definition
Well model
Type | Name | Default | Description |
replaceable package Medium | PartialMedium | Medium in the component | |
Height | h | 10 | Aquifer thickness [m] |
Length | d | 4800 | Distance between wells [m] |
Height | length | 200 | Length of one well, used to compute pressure drop [m] |
Real | nPai | 1 | Number of paired wells |
Template | aquDat | Buildings.Fluid.Geothermal.A... | Aquifer thermal properties |
Subsurface | |||
Integer | nVol | 50 | Number of control volumes used in discretization |
Radius | rWB | 0.1 | Wellbore radius [m] |
Radius | rMax | d/2 | Domain radius [m] |
Real | griFac | 1.15 | Grid factor for spacing |
Temperature | TCol_start | 283.15 | Initial temperature of cold well [K] |
Temperature | THot_start | 303.15 | Initial temperature of warm well [K] |
Properties of ground | |||
Temperature | TGroCol | 273.15 | Undisturbed ground temperature (cold well) [K] |
Temperature | TGroHot | 303.15 | Undisturbed ground temperature (warm well) [K] |
Hydraulic circuit | |||
MassFlowRate | m_flow_nominal | 0.1 | Nominal mass flow rate [kg/s] |
PressureDifference | dpAquifer_nominal | m_flow_nominal/nPai*Modelica... | Pressure drop at nominal mass flow rate in the aquifer [Pa] |
PressureDifference | dpExt_nominal | 0 | Pressure drop at nominal mass flow rate in the above-surface system (used to size the head of the well pump) [Pa] |
Type | Name | Description |
replaceable package Medium | Medium in the component | |
input RealInput | u | Pump control input (-1: extract from hot well, +1: extract from cold well, 0: off) [1] |
output RealOutput | PTot | Total power consumed by all circulation pumps in the wells [W] |
FluidPort_a | port_Col | Fluid connector |
FluidPort_a | port_Hot | Fluid connector |