
This package contains new types used within the Electrical package


This package contains type definitions.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Electrical.Types.CableMode CableMode Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized
Buildings.Electrical.Types.CharacteristicReactance CharacteristicReactance Reactance per unit length
Buildings.Electrical.Types.CharacteristicResistance CharacteristicResistance Resistance per unit length
Buildings.Electrical.Types.InitMode InitMode Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model
Buildings.Electrical.Types.Load Load Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load.
Buildings.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection LoadConnection Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems
Buildings.Electrical.Types.PerUnit PerUnit Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value
Buildings.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel VoltageLevel Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level

Types and constants

  type CableMode = enumeration(
      automatic "Select automatically the size of the cable",
      commercial "Select the cable from a list of commercial options")
    "Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized";
  type CharacteristicReactance =  Real (final quantity="Reactance per meter",  final unit="Ohm/m")
    "Reactance per unit length";
  type CharacteristicResistance = Real (final quantity="Resistance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m")
    "Resistance per unit length";
  type InitMode = enumeration(
      zero_current "Assume i=0 during homotopy initialization",
      linearized "Uses linear model during homotopy initialization")
    "Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model";
  type Load = enumeration(
      FixedZ_steady_state "Fixed Z, steady-state",
      FixedZ_dynamic "Fixed Z, dynamic",
      VariableZ_P_input "Variable Z, P input",
      VariableZ_y_input "Variable Z, y input")
    "Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load.";
  type LoadConnection = enumeration(
      wye_to_wyeg "Wye to wye grounded",
      wye_to_delta "Wye to delta")
    "Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems";
  type PerUnit = Real (final quantity="Per unit", final unit="1", min=0)
    "Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value";
  type VoltageLevel = enumeration(
      Low "Low voltage",
      Medium "Medium voltage",
      High "High voltage") "Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level";


Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized


This type is used to indicate in which mode the cable model works. In automatic mode the cable is automatically sized using basic information like nominal voltage and power, in commercial mode the user can select among a list of commercially available cables.

Modelica definition

type CableMode = enumeration( automatic "Select automatically the size of the cable", commercial "Select the cable from a list of commercial options") "Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized";


Reactance per unit length


This type defines the reactance per unit length. It is typically used to describe physical properties of line cables.

Extends from Real.


 quantity"Reactance per meter"

Modelica definition

type CharacteristicReactance = Real (final quantity="Reactance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m") "Reactance per unit length";


Resistance per unit length


This type defines the resistance per unit length and it typically used to describe physical properties of the line cables.

Extends from Real.


 quantity"Resistance per meter"

Modelica definition

type CharacteristicResistance = Real (final quantity="Resistance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m") "Resistance per unit length";


Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model


This type is used to indicate how a model should be initialized.

Modelica definition

type InitMode = enumeration( zero_current "Assume i=0 during homotopy initialization", linearized "Uses linear model during homotopy initialization") "Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model";


Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load.


This type indicates in which mode the load model operates.

Modelica definition

type Load = enumeration( FixedZ_steady_state "Fixed Z, steady-state", FixedZ_dynamic "Fixed Z, dynamic", VariableZ_P_input "Variable Z, P input", VariableZ_y_input "Variable Z, y input") "Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load.";


Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems


This type is used to describe different types of connections that can be used in unbalanced three phase systems.

Modelica definition

type LoadConnection = enumeration( wye_to_wyeg "Wye to wye grounded", wye_to_delta "Wye to delta") "Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems";


Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value


This type is used to declare whether an electric quantity such as voltage is expressed in SI units or in per units (i.e., the value divided by its nominal value).

Extends from Real.


 quantity"Per unit"

Modelica definition

type PerUnit = Real (final quantity="Per unit", final unit="1", min=0) "Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value";


Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level


This type is used to define which type of voltage level is used. This is typically used for computing or selecting the line cables.

Modelica definition

type VoltageLevel = enumeration( Low "Low voltage", Medium "Medium voltage", High "High voltage") "Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level";