Building Controls Virtual Test Bed
getBCVTBLibName.m File Reference

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id gov: (strcmp(deblank(getenv('BCVTB_OS')),'windows') bcvtb)


function r

Function Documentation

id gov: ( strcmp(deblank(getenv('BCVTB_OS')),'windows')  bcvtb)

Variable Documentation

else r
Initial value:
= getBCVTBLibName()
% GETBCVTBLIBNAME - Gets the name of the BCVTB library
% This function returns the name of the BCVTB library
function[retVal, flaRea, simTimRea, dblValRea]

Definition at line 1 of file getBCVTBLibName.m.

Referenced by getsockethost(), adInterfaceMCC.util.ADInterfaceMCCDeviceManager::toString(), and bacnet.util.BACnetDeviceManager::toString().