The file build_multiproblem facilitates the process of building a SPARK simulator with a specialized driver function that makes use of possibly multiple problem descriptions.
build_multiproblem <mainName> <project1dir> <project2dir> ... <enter>
<mainName> is the name without extension of the file where the customized driver function is implemented. The driver file <mainName>.cpp must be located in the current working directory. Also, <project1dir> refers to the path where the problem file called <project1dir>.pr can be found. Similarly, <project2dir> refers to the path where the problem file called <project2dir>.pr can be found.
build_multiproblem nultiproblem_example1 ../room_fc ../spring <enter>
to build the simulator for the driver nultiproblem_example1.cpp that uses the problems and, located in the directories ../room_fc and ../spring, respectively.
- Warning:
- It is the user's responsibility to make sure that the required files (*.prf, *.run, *.inp) can be found in the directories indicated in the driver function. The *.map files for each problem must always be located in the current working directory, if needed. The *.xml files are copied by the command file to the current working directory from each problem directory.