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SPARK Build Process and Problem Driver API File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
component.h [code]Declaration of the SPARK::TComponent class
ctrls.h [code]Header file for the definition of the SPARK::TRuntimeControls class
exceptions.h [code]Declaration of the generic exception classes used in the SPARK solver
exitcode.h [code]Definition of the exit codes returned by the SPARK solver
inverse.h [code]Declaration of the SPARK::TInverse class
object.h [code]Declaration of the SPARK::TObject class
prefs.h [code]Header file for the definition of the classes SPARK::TGlobalSettings, SPARK::TComponentSettings and SPARK::TPreferenceSettings
problem.h [code]Declaration of the classes SPARK::TProblem and SPARK::TProblem::TState
sparkapi.h [code]Header file defining the functions required to manage the SPARK problems in a driver function
sparkmacro.h [code]Header file defining the preprocessor macros required to build a static SPARK problem from the *.cpp file describing the problem topology
types.h [code]Declaration of the type enums describing the various entities in a SPARK problem

Generated on 5 Nov 2003 for VisualSPARK 2.01