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SPARK::Problem::StaticBuild Namespace Reference

Definition of the functions used to load a statically-built SPARK problem. More...


void ParseCommandLine (unsigned argc, char **argv, char *&runFileName, char *&prfFileName) throw (SPARK::XInitialization)
 Parses up to argc command-line arguments in argv[] to produce the names of the files with extensions "*.run" and "*.prf" as needed to run a statically-built problem.

void ShowCommandLineUsage (std::ostream &os)
 Writes command-line usage of stand-alone SPARK engine for a statically-built problem to output stream os.

bool Load (const char *pbName)
 Loads the statically-built problem named "pbName".

Detailed Description

Definition of the functions used to load a statically-built SPARK problem.

These API functions are used to implement the driver function of the stand-alone SPARK engine.

Function Documentation

void ParseCommandLine unsigned  argc,
char **  argv,
char *&  runFileName,
char *&  prfFileName
throw (SPARK::XInitialization)

Parses up to argc command-line arguments in argv[] to produce the names of the files with extensions "*.run" and "*.prf" as needed to run a statically-built problem.

This function is used to extract the names of the *.run and *.prf files at the command line as required by a statically-built simulator, i.e. a simulator that does not need the *.xml file to load the problem description as it is compiled and linked along the driver function.

No memory is allocated for the 2 strings passed in the argument list. Upon returning from this function, the char*& are pointing to the entries in argv[] that contain the corresponding file names with the correct extensions.
argc first argument of the main() function declared in the "main.cpp" file
argv second argument of the main() function declared in the "main.cpp" file
runFileName points to argv[] with name of the file with extension "*.run"
prfFileName points to argv[] with name of the file with extension "*.prf"
SPARK::XInitialization Thrown if more than one *.run or *.prf file is detected at the command-line.

void ShowCommandLineUsage std::ostream &  os  ) 

Writes command-line usage of stand-alone SPARK engine for a statically-built problem to output stream os.

os output stream where to write the command-line usage

bool Load const char *  pbName  ) 

Loads the statically-built problem named "pbName".

By statically-built problem, we refer to a problem whose definition is compiled from the corresponding "problem.cpp" file and linked along with the solver library and driver function.

True if operation was successful, false otherwise.
pbName the unique name for this instance of the problem
If the problem was loaded successfully, then the SPARK::TProblem instance is stored in the global problem repository with its name for later retrieval through a call to SPARK::Problem::Get().

Generated on 5 Nov 2003 for VisualSPARK 2.01