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"Methodology for Analyzing the Technical Potential for Energy Performance in the U.S. Commercial Buildings Sector With Detailed Energy Modeling." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Measurement of Components of Heat Transfer in Passive Cooling Systems." 1st International Passive & Hybrid Cooling Conference 1981.
. "Low Energy Cooling Technologies for Sub-Tropical/Warm Humid Climate Building Systems." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Linking energy-cyber-physical systems with occupancy prediction and interpretation through WiFi probe-based ensemble classification." Applied Energy 236 (2019) 55 - 69.
. "A Library of HVAC Component Models for use in Automated Diagnostics." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Key Factors - Methodology for Enhancement and Support of Building Energy Performance." Building Simulation 2009. Glasgow, Scotland, 2009.
. "Introduction to an occupant behavior motivation survey framework." (2016). LBNL-1004496.
. "The Integration of Engineering and Architecture: a Perspective on Natural Ventilation for the new San Francisco Federal Building." 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2002. LBNL-51134.
. "Incorporating machine learning with building network analysis to predict multi-building energy use." Energy and Buildings 186 (2019) 80 - 97.
. "Improving the Data Available to Simulation Programs." IBPSA Building Simulation 2005. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
. "Improving Control and Operation of a Single Duct VAV System through CCLEP." ASHRAE Transactions 115.2 (2009) 760-768.
. "Improvements on the fast fluid dynamics model for indoor airflow simulation." the 4th National Conference of IBPSA-USA (SimBuild2010) 2010: 539-546.
. "Improvements on FFD modeling by using different numerical schemes." Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B Fundamentals 58.1 (2010) 1-16.
. "Improvement of the ASHRAE Secondary HVAC Toolkit Simple Cooling Coil Model for Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Impacts of Building Geometry Modeling Methods on the Simulation Results of Urban Building Energy Models." Applied Energy 215 (2018).
. "Impact of time-splitting schemes on the accuracy of FFD simulations." the 7th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2010) 2010: 55-60.
. "Human-building interaction at work: Findings from an interdisciplinary cross-country survey in Italy." Building and Environment 132 (2018).
. "High performance computing for indoor air." 11th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2009) 2009: 244-249.
. "Heat Transfer in Passively Cooled Buildings." ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference 1980.
. "Heat Loss Rates from Wetted Tilted Surfaces." 1st International Passive and Hybrid Cooling Conference, November 6-16, 1981. . Miami Beach, FL: American Section of the International Solar Energy Society, 1981.
. "Halfway to Zero Energy in a Large Office Building." 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2006.
. "Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings." 2015. LBNL-1005070E.
. "Graph-Theoretic Methods in Simulation Using SPARK." High Performance Computing Symposium of the Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (Society for Modeling Simulation International) 2004.
. "A Fresh Look at Weather Impact on Peak Electricity Demand and Energy Use of Buildings Using 30-Year Actual Weather Data." Applied Energy 111 (2013) 333-350. LBNL-6280E.
. "Framework for Coupling Room Air Models to Heat Balance Model Load and Energy Calculations (RP-1222)." HVAC&R Research (ASHRAE) 10.2 (2004).