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Parrish, Kristen, Reshma Singh, and Szu-Cheng Chien. "The Role of International Partnerships in Delivering Low- Energy Building Design: A Case Study of the Singapore Scientific Planning Process." Sustainable Cities and Society 14.1 (2014).
Clark, Gene, Fred M Loxsom, Philip Haves, and Earl S Doderer. "Results of Validated Simulations of Roof Pond Residences." 8th National Passive Solar Conference 1983.
Jain, Rajeev, Xuan Luo, Gökhan Sever, Tianzhen Hong, and Charlie Catlett. "Representation and evolution of urban weather boundary conditions in downtown Chicago." Journal of Building Performance Simulation (2018) 1 - 14.
Zuo, Wangda, Mingang Jin, and Qingyan Chen. "Reduction of numerical viscosity in FFD model." Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6.2 (2012) 234-247.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Real time or faster-than-real-time simulation of airflow in buildings." Indoor Air 19.1 (2009) 33-44.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Real time airflow simulation in buildings." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 459-466.
Conway, Robin G, Philip Haves, Philipp P Kronberg, David Stannard, Jacques P Vallée, and John FC Wardle. "The Radio Polarization of Quasars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 168 (1974) 137-162.
Haves, Philip, and Robin G Conway. "The Orientation of the Magnetic Field in Radio Sources." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975) 53P-56P.
Hong, Tianzhen, Simona D'Oca, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, William JN Turner, Yixing Chen, and Stefano P Corgnati. "An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part II: Implementation of the DNAS framework using an XML schema." Building and Environment 94.1 (2015) 196-205. LBNL-1004501.
Hong, Tianzhen, Simona D'Oca, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, William JN Turner, Yixing Chen, and Stefano P Corgnati. "An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part II: Implementation of the DNAS framework using an XML schema." Building and Environment 94.1 (2015) 196-205. LBNL-1004501.
Hong, Tianzhen, Yixing Chen, Zsofia Belafi, and Simona D'Oca. Occupant behavior models: A critical review of implementation and representation approaches in building performance simulation programs. 2017.
Wang, Wei, Jiayu Chen, Tianzhen Hong, and Na Zhu. "Occupancy prediction through Markov based feedback recurrent neural network (M-FRNN) algorithm with WiFi probe technology." Building and Environment 138 (2018) 160 - 170.
Wang, Wei, Jiayu Chen, and Tianzhen Hong. "Occupancy prediction through machine learning and data fusion of environmental sensing and Wi-Fi sensing in buildings." Automation in Construction 94 (2018) 233 - 243.
