
List of possible constant values for surface azimuth


Possible constant values to define the azimuth of a surface. For example, if an exterior wall is South oriented, i.e., its outside-facing surface is towards South, use Buildings.Types.Azimuth.S.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).

Package Content

Name Description
E=-Modelica.Constants.pi/2 Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces east
N=Modelica.Constants.pi Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces north
S=0 Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces south
W=+Modelica.Constants.pi/2 Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces west

Types and constants

constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle E=-Modelica.Constants.pi/2 
  "Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces east";
constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle N=Modelica.Constants.pi 
  "Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces north";
constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle S=0 
  "Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces south";
constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle W=+Modelica.Constants.pi/2 
  "Azimuth for an exterior wall whose outer surface faces west";