Package with default sizing parameters
This package defines some constants that are either
- typical values used as default parameter values for models inside the package Buildings.Templates, or
- arbitrary values used for validation purposes only. Those are typically project-specific characteristics (e.g., chiller COP at nominal conditions) and should not be considered as generic default values.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).
Package Content
Name | Description |
TChiWatSup=7 + 273.15 | CHW supply temperature (AHRI 551/591) |
TChiWatSup_max=16 + 273.15 | Maximum CHW supply temperature (typical) |
TChiWatRet=12 + 273.15 | CHW return temperature (AHRI 551/591) |
TConWatSup=30 + 273.15 | CW supply temperature (AHRI 551/591) |
TConWatRet=35 + 273.15 | CW return temperature (AHRI 551/591) |
TOutChi=35 + 273.15 | Outdoor air temperature for air-cooled chiller (AHRI 551/591) |
TConEnt_min=13 + 273.15 | Minimum condenser entering fluid temperature (air or water) |
TConEnt_max=45 + 273.15 | Maximum condenser entering fluid temperature (air or water) |
TChiWatEcoEnt=18 + 273.15 | WSE entering CHW temperature |
TChiWatEcoLvg=11 + 273.15 | WSE leaving CHW temperature |
TConWatEcoEnt=9 + 273.15 | WSE entering CW temperature |
TConWatEcoLvg=16 + 273.15 | WSE leaving CW temperature |
TOutChiWatLck=16 + 273.15 | Outdoor air lockout temperature below which the CHW system is prevented from operating |
dTLifChi_min=5 | Minimum chiller lift at minimum load |
TOutDryCoo=TOutChi | Dry cooler entering air drybulb temperature |
TWetBulTowEnt=24 + 273.15 | CT entering air wetbulb temperature |
PFanByFloConWatTow=340 | CT fan power divided by CW mass flow rate |
mConWatFloByAirTow=1.45 | CT CW mass flow rate divided by air mass flow rate |
dpConWatFriTow=1E4 | CW flow-friction losses through open-circuit tower and piping only (without elevation head or valve) |
dpConWatStaTow=3E4 | CW elevation head (for open cooling towers only) |
dpConWatTowClo=5E4 | CW flow-friction losses through closed-circuit tower and piping only (without valve) |
mAirFloByCapChi=1E-4 | Air mass flow rate divided by capacity for air-cooled chiller |
COPChiAirCoo=2.99 | Air-cooled chiller COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C OAT) |
COPChiWatCoo=5.33 | Water-cooled chiller COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C source LWT) |
dpValIso=1E3 | Isolation or bypass valve pressure drop |
dpValBypMin=3E4 | Minimum flow bypass valve pressure drop at design minimum flow for the largest chiller |
dpValChe=1E4 | Check valve pressure drop |
dpChiWatChi=4E4 | Chiller CHW pressure drop |
dpChiWatSet_min=5*6894 | Minimum CHW differential pressure setpoint used in CHW plant reset logic |
dpChiWatRemSet_max=5E4 | Maximum CHW differential pressure setpoint remote from the CHW plant |
dpChiWatLocSet_max=15E4 | Maximum CHW differential pressure setpoint local to the CHW plant |
dpConWatChi=4E4 | Chiller CW pressure drop (water-cooled) |
dpAirChi=500 | Chiller air pressure drop across condenser (air-cooled) |
dpChiWatEco=3E4 | WSE CHW pressure drop |
dpConWatEco=3E4 | WSE CW pressure drop |
pChiWat_rel_nominal=1.0E5 | CHW system gauge pressure at design conditions |
pHeaWat_rel_nominal=2.5E5 | HHW system gauge pressure at design conditions |
dpHeaWatBoi=5E3 | Boiler HW pressure drop |
THeaWatSup=80 + 273.15 | HW supply temperature |
THeaWatConSup=65 + 273.15 | HW supply temperature for condensing boilers |
THeaWatRet=55 + 273.15 | HW return temperature |
TOutHeaWatLck=21 + 273.15 | Outdoor air lockout temperature above which the HW system is prevented from operating |
dpHeaWatSet_min=5*6894 | Minimum HW differential pressure setpoint used in HW plant reset logic |
dpHeaWatRemSet_max=5E4 | Maximum HW differential pressure setpoint remote from the HW plant |
dpHeaWatLocSet_max=15E4 | Maximum HW differential pressure setpoint local to the CHW plant |
dpHeaWatHp=3E4 | Heat pump HW pressure drop across condenser barrel |
THeaWatSupHig=60 + 273.15 | HW supply temperature - High temperature level (AHRI 551/591) |
THeaWatRetHig=50 + 273.15 | HW return temperature - High temperature level (AHRI 551/591) |
THeaWatSupMed=50 + 273.15 | HW supply temperature - Medium temperature level (AHRI 551/591) |
THeaWatRetMed=42 + 273.15 | HW return temperature - Medium temperature level (AHRI 551/591) |
THeaWatSupLow=40 + 273.15 | HW supply temperature - Low temperature level (AHRI 551/591) |
THeaWatRetLow=35 + 273.15 | HW return temperature - Low temperature level (AHRI 551/591) |
TOutHpCoo=TOutChi | Outdoor air temperature for air-to-water heat pump rating - Cooling (AHRI 551/591) |
TOutHpHeaHig=8 + 273.15 | Outdoor air temperature for air-to-water heat pump rating - High heating (AHRI 551/591) |
TOutHpHeaLow=-8 + 273.15 | Outdoor air temperature for air-to-water heat pump rating - Low heating (AHRI 551/591) |
TSouHpCoo=30 + 273.15 | Source fluid entering temperature for water-to-water heat pump rating - Cooling (AHRI 551/591) |
TSouHpHea=12 + 273.15 | Source fluid entering temperature for water-to-water heat pump rating - Heating (AHRI 551/591) |
COPHpAwHea=1.75 | Air-to-water heat pump heating COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 50 °C HWST, -8 °C OAT) |
COPHpAwCoo=2.84 | Air-to-water heat pump cooling COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C OAT) |
COPHpWwHea=3.61 | Water(brine)-to-water heat pump heating COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 50 °C HWST, 7 °C source LWT) |
COPHpWwCoo=5.07 | Water(brine)-to-water heat pump cooling COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C source LWT) |
Types and constants
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TChiWatSup=7 + 273.15 "CHW supply temperature (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TChiWatSup_max=16 + 273.15 "Maximum CHW supply temperature (typical)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TChiWatRet=12 + 273.15 "CHW return temperature (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TConWatSup=30 + 273.15 "CW supply temperature (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TConWatRet=35 + 273.15 "CW return temperature (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutChi=35 + 273.15 "Outdoor air temperature for air-cooled chiller (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TConEnt_min=13 + 273.15 "Minimum condenser entering fluid temperature (air or water)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TConEnt_max=45 + 273.15 "Maximum condenser entering fluid temperature (air or water)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TChiWatEcoEnt=18 + 273.15 "WSE entering CHW temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TChiWatEcoLvg=11 + 273.15 "WSE leaving CHW temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TConWatEcoEnt=9 + 273.15 "WSE entering CW temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TConWatEcoLvg=16 + 273.15 "WSE leaving CW temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutChiWatLck=16 + 273.15 "Outdoor air lockout temperature below which the CHW system is prevented from operating";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.TemperatureDifference dTLifChi_min=5 "Minimum chiller lift at minimum load";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutDryCoo=TOutChi "Dry cooler entering air drybulb temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TWetBulTowEnt=24 + 273.15 "CT entering air wetbulb temperature";
constant Real PFanByFloConWatTow( unit="W/(kg/s)")=340 "CT fan power divided by CW mass flow rate";
constant Real mConWatFloByAirTow( unit="1")=1.45 "CT CW mass flow rate divided by air mass flow rate";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpConWatFriTow=1E4 "CW flow-friction losses through open-circuit tower and piping only (without elevation head or valve)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpConWatStaTow=3E4 "CW elevation head (for open cooling towers only)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpConWatTowClo=5E4 "CW flow-friction losses through closed-circuit tower and piping only (without valve)";
constant Real mAirFloByCapChi( unit="(kg/s)/W")=1E-4 "Air mass flow rate divided by capacity for air-cooled chiller";
constant Real COPChiAirCoo( unit="1")=2.99 "Air-cooled chiller COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C OAT)";
constant Real COPChiWatCoo( unit="1")=5.33 "Water-cooled chiller COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C source LWT)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpValIso=1E3 "Isolation or bypass valve pressure drop";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpValBypMin=3E4 "Minimum flow bypass valve pressure drop at design minimum flow for the largest chiller";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpValChe=1E4 "Check valve pressure drop";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpChiWatChi=4E4 "Chiller CHW pressure drop";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpChiWatSet_min=5 * 6894 "Minimum CHW differential pressure setpoint used in CHW plant reset logic";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpChiWatRemSet_max=5E4 "Maximum CHW differential pressure setpoint remote from the CHW plant";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpChiWatLocSet_max=15E4 "Maximum CHW differential pressure setpoint local to the CHW plant";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpConWatChi=4E4 "Chiller CW pressure drop (water-cooled)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpAirChi=500 "Chiller air pressure drop across condenser (air-cooled)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpChiWatEco=3E4 "WSE CHW pressure drop";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpConWatEco=3E4 "WSE CW pressure drop";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference pChiWat_rel_nominal=1.0E5 "CHW system gauge pressure at design conditions";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference pHeaWat_rel_nominal=2.5E5 "HHW system gauge pressure at design conditions";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpHeaWatBoi=5E3 "Boiler HW pressure drop";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatSup=80 + 273.15 "HW supply temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatConSup=65 + 273.15 "HW supply temperature for condensing boilers";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatRet=55 + 273.15 "HW return temperature";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutHeaWatLck=21 + 273.15 "Outdoor air lockout temperature above which the HW system is prevented from operating";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpHeaWatSet_min=5 * 6894 "Minimum HW differential pressure setpoint used in HW plant reset logic";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpHeaWatRemSet_max=5E4 "Maximum HW differential pressure setpoint remote from the HW plant";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpHeaWatLocSet_max=15E4 "Maximum HW differential pressure setpoint local to the CHW plant";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.PressureDifference dpHeaWatHp=3E4 "Heat pump HW pressure drop across condenser barrel";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatSupHig=60 + 273.15 "HW supply temperature - High temperature level (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatRetHig=50 + 273.15 "HW return temperature - High temperature level (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatSupMed=50 + 273.15 "HW supply temperature - Medium temperature level (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatRetMed=42 + 273.15 "HW return temperature - Medium temperature level (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatSupLow=40 + 273.15 "HW supply temperature - Low temperature level (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature THeaWatRetLow=35 + 273.15 "HW return temperature - Low temperature level (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutHpCoo=TOutChi "Outdoor air temperature for air-to-water heat pump rating - Cooling (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutHpHeaHig=8 + 273.15 "Outdoor air temperature for air-to-water heat pump rating - High heating (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TOutHpHeaLow=-8 + 273.15 "Outdoor air temperature for air-to-water heat pump rating - Low heating (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TSouHpCoo=30 + 273.15 "Source fluid entering temperature for water-to-water heat pump rating - Cooling (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TSouHpHea=12 + 273.15 "Source fluid entering temperature for water-to-water heat pump rating - Heating (AHRI 551/591)";
constant Real COPHpAwHea( unit="1")=1.75 "Air-to-water heat pump heating COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 50 °C HWST, -8 °C OAT)";
constant Real COPHpAwCoo( unit="1")=2.84 "Air-to-water heat pump cooling COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C OAT)";
constant Real COPHpWwHea( unit="1")=3.61 "Water(brine)-to-water heat pump heating COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 50 °C HWST, 7 °C source LWT)";
constant Real COPHpWwCoo( unit="1")=5.07 "Water(brine)-to-water heat pump cooling COP (ASHRAE 90.1 2022 at 7 °C CHWST, 35 °C source LWT)";