5.2. Ptolemy II

For Ptolemy II related information, we recommend to read the Ptolemy II web page and the Ptolemy II tutorial from UC Berkeley.

In Ptolemy II, different models of computations can be used to define how the different actors interact with each other. The model of computation is defined by a director that needs to be included in the Ptolemy II flow chart diagram. For the BCVTB, we typically use the Synchronous Dataflow director, which is in Ptolemy II called SDF Director. This director can be dragged into the model from the left pane shown in Figure 5.1 .

For convenience, the examples in the BCVTB expose the three parameters beginTime, timeStep and endTime. These three parameters have units of seconds and needs to correspond with the begin time, time step and end time that is used in the simulation program. The parameters used to configure the SDF Director are shown in Figure 5.2 .

Flow charts with the SDF director must not contain algebraic loops. If there is an algebraic loop, then a sample delay actor needs to be inserted. This actor can be found in the Ptolemy II actor library in (Actors->FlowControl->SequenceControl->SampleDelay). Figure 5.3 shows the use of a SampleDelay actor for delaying the output of a controller by one sampling interval.

The Simulator actor conducts the data exchange with the simulation program. There can be any number of Simulator actors in a model. The parameters of the Simulator actor are as shown in Table 5.1, “Parameters of the Simulator actor.” .


The value of the parameter workingDirectory needs to be unique. If multiple Simulator actors are used, then each Simulator actor needs to have its own working directory. Otherwise, the BCVTB stops with an error message because they would overwrite each other's files.

An example that starts EnergyPlus on Linux and Mac is shown in Figure 5.4 .

In EnergyPlus 8.3.0 and higher, a cross platform's command line interface called energyplus was added to EnergyPlus to run it from the command line. Figure 5.5 shows how the Simulator actor uses this interface to call Energyplus. The actor calls the program energyplus with a list of parameters which are required to launch and execute EnergyPlus. Details about the interface can be found at https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/blob/develop/doc/running-energyplus-from-command-line.md.

This example shows how to convert an array of strings into an array of doubles in Ptolemy II. Such a type conversion may be needed if the output of the BACnetReader actor is used by other actors. The model shown in
Figure 5.6 illustrates the type conversion and can be found in the directory bcvtb/examples/ptolemy-dataTypeConversion. The conversion was done by

  1. dragging and dropping an IterateOverArray actor from the library,
  2. dragging an ExpressionToToken actor from the library onto it (See Figure 5.7),
  3. setting the output of the IterateOverArray actor to arrayType(double) by right clicking on IterateOverArray and selecting Customize->Ports,
  4. including an additional ExpressionToToken actor to the system model where its output is connected to the IterateOverArray actor input,
  5. setting the output of the ExpressionToToken actor to arrayType(string),
  6. adding an arrayToMatrix actor to the system model and setting the output of this actor to [double].